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fandom q+a Ward Jenkins Q&A


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@@wardomatic, thank you for the very detailed response to my first question, that's very cool to hear!  Very interesting to learn that the audio recordings are completed before any storyboarding or animating, since I know it varies from show-to-show (and if I recall correctly, I'm pretty sure that B:TAS did it the same way... oh yeah, if it's not apparent already, I'm a major Bat-fanatic, that show was my childhood!  :derp:)


Alright, let's see, what to ask next?  This next one's more related to writing, but I imagine anyone who works on the show probably cares about this to some extent: is there any aspect of the lore/world-building/mythos in Equestria that you particularly like, and is it still surprising to you how rich it is for this particular show given the nature of it, the very fact that we normally wouldn't see this type of detail or even potential for exploring this history and mythos for this setting in a show like this?


Also, another sillier question: not counting Twilight (since she is, after all, your best pony  :P), who is your favorite princess?  :comeatus:  :sunbutt:  :love:

  • Brohoof 4


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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What do you like most about being a storyboard artist?


I love getting the script and while reading it, imagining it in my head, how all the characters will react, how all the shots will look, layout, settings, etc. It's like going into a foggy room with a small light and trying to find your way through the room - eventually you'll find your way, but it may take a while, but you have fun while doing it. :)


Muffins or cupcakes? Which one?  :ph34r:


Cupcakes. I love me some cupcakes. 

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Who do you think is the hardest pony to draw?

If you had to storyboard one of the previous episodes, which one would you pick? 


Favorite holiday and why?

  • Brohoof 1


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Hello Ward. I've got a simple question for you. What inspired you to become a storyboard artist?

  • Brohoof 2

Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist!


3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810


(The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.)

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Hay Mr. Jenkins. I'm currently going to school for graphic design. However I'd ultimately I'd like to do most of my work in illustration and/or as a concept artist.


That said, any encouraging words or tips for anyone planning a progress down this career path?

Anything you wish someone had told you when you had started out perhaps?



Hi Ward. There are many art lovers in this forums, many of whom aspire to become storyboard artists, illustrators etc. Based on your experience, what advice would you give them?


I'll put these two questions together since there's a similarity to them.


I love being an artist. It's fun, exhilarating, fulfilling - but it's also difficult, and doesn't come easy. So, I want to be honest here and not sugarcoat what it's like being an artist nowadays. It's great to create, and work on cool stuff, but there's also a LOT of downfalls, a lot of work, a lot of crap that you have to go through to make it. And even though I've been able to work on a lot of cool projects, at a lot of cool studios, there's still times where I'm not sure if I'm going to pay rent. Just the real deal these days - I mean, I don't want to be a downer, but it's something to think about! 


Being an artist is the best thing - i love it! And with the right amount of talent, technique and timing - you can make it in any industry. Also, it helps to have a positive outlook. Art directors, directors, supervisors, etc. take notice if someone has a negative attitude - it can really affect the production and nobody wants to be around that sort of person. If you have a positive mindset, you really can go far. Sounds like a poster or bumper sticker, but it's true. I think that's really helped me in my career - trying to stay positive throughout all the good times and bad times. If it wasn't for my family during when I was let go from Laika, I don't know what I would've done. But they believed in me and it helped me get through a bad patch - and eventually was able to get a great job opportunity illustrating a book for Simon & Schuster. It was perfect timing. 


My wish for all you up and coming artists: keep drawing. That's the most important thing I could ever say to you. Keep drawing and keep drawing. Draw everyday. Draw at night. Draw when your tired. Make it as your second nature. The more you draw, the better you'll be. Keep drawing and keep a positive attitude about everything. Even when you have low points - like rejection letters, or the like. Those will happen. You can't expect to not receive any bad news - just expect it and when it happens, do your best to respond in the best way you can, and then keep going. That's how you pay your dues! Just keep at it and things will happen. 

Would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?

Geez, difficult question because ducks can be pretty ornery! Even if it was one horse sized one! I'll fight the 100 duck sized horses. Might take a while, but it'll be worth it.


Hi Mr Jenkins! What other interests do you have besides cartoons and animation?


I love collecting old vintage ephemera, children's books, and various midcentury (1940s-60s) items. I also love coffee. And running (well, trying to get back into it). :) 

  • Brohoof 8
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Hullo Mr. Ward, Do you or anypony at the studio call Derpy Derpy, or do you guys call her by other names?

  • Brohoof 2

Avatar by me, I'm finally okay at drawing x3

If you like helping peeps, you should check out GoG! [ clicking the picture takes you there :P


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Hi, Mr. Ward!

What's your favorite part about what you do?

  • Brohoof 1

This is your average, everyday annoying signature.

Are you seriously reading this?


Wow. I didn't think you'd actually waste enough time to get to the fourth line.

Or the fifth, for that matter. What, am I interesting or something?

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Mr. Jenkins, is the process of storyboarding similar to doing a rough draft of a children's book? Does it change how you think about composition knowing that what you make is eventually going to be animated vs being a static image/illustration in a book? Are there any limitations that you noticed when doing storyboarding vs illustrations for books?

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I think the mane thing on everypony's mind here is the following

1. Whats up with Starlight Glimmer?(Second biggest ques

2. Starswirl the breaded

3. Elements of harmony origins

4.Equestrian History beyond Canterlot Ponyville & the Crystal Empire

5. WILL SUNSET SHIMMER COME HOME?!(My personal biggest question)


Cant wait for season 6...Bring it on! But till then...






Well, I wish I could answer all these questions here, but unfortunately I cannot. Sorry! I have restrictions on mentioning anything that could reveal any future storylines or developments for the show. 


As for the elements of harmony design and Equestria history - good questions! Not sure if I'm the one to answer them, though. Again, sorry about that. 

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Hello Mr. Jenkins!!


So a couple of things


First off, what is your favorite art on the show that you are able to work with? Whether it be the characters or the background, or houses or anything really.


Secondly what do you think of Bob Ross? Or who was your inspiration to start doing art?

  • Brohoof 2
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Hey there, Ward! Do you have any tips for someone who wants to become a storyboard artist? :)


Eeyup... this signature was made by: @Sparkle Speed

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hey ward, one more question, why have you accepted this work? and what are your expectation? also what do you think will be the reaction of the community will be when the first episode will be out?


Great question - I accepted this job because 1) I needed the work, but mostly 2) I really wanted to work on the show! I've always enjoyed MLP and how engaging the show series has been for the past several seasons, and so I was elated to find that I was awarded the job back in April!


My expectations are that I really hope that everyone enjoys the season overall, and especially the ones that I boarded (I storyboarded four and will let everyone know when those episodes air).


I'm hoping that the MLP community will embrace and enjoy the next season! I had a lot of fun working on the show and I can tell that the directors and other artists really enjoy it as well. That enjoyment comes through in all of our hard work! 

Alright, too curious not to ask a third question when I read this one. What was that test like?


I'm not sure how much I can say about this, but you're basically given some script (most likely some extra scene that was cut from an episode, I guess) and then you just do it! Almost like tossing you in the water and seeing if you'll swim or not. :)

  • Brohoof 6
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Ward, any deadline panic stories you would like to share? How important would you say organization and time management are for a storyboard artist? Also, how many revisions do you tend to go through in general before your piece of the pie is approved. 

  • Brohoof 5



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It's a pleasure to share some words with you Mr. Jenkins, thank you for giving us the chance.


Do you have any specific advice to share with animation first-timers? Any priorities that should be taken into account before adventuring in the field?


And how does it feel to witness the successful completion of a project/episode/etc?


Thank you once again for giving us this opportunity.

Edited by Shadow Beam
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I got a few: Will Starlight Glimmer play a prominent role?


Will her friend (what's his name... :fluttershy: ) from her flashback return?

What race/gender will Shining Armor and Cadence's foal be?


What are your personal interests?


Favorite pony?


And...how are you? :adorkable:


Sorry, but the first couple are spoiler-y questions! I really wish I could answer them, but unfortunately I cannot. 


I love collecting old vintage books and ephemera and hanging out with my family. Love going to the movies and watching various shows at night with my wife and family. :) 


I've answered my favorite pony from before: Twilight. See previous comment from earlier about why! :) 


I'm good! And you? 

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I'm good! And you?

Great! It's not everyday I get to ask questions of someone who helps make my favorite show.

Which brings me to another question: What's your fav show? If MLP then besides MLP.

Favorite musical instrument?

Fav food?

Whaddya want for Hearth's Warming Eve?


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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I love collecting old vintage books and ephemera and hanging out with my family.    



Also ... I now have a mental image with a bookshelf of yours featuring children's illustrated books like these. 



  • Brohoof 3



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Mr Jenkins! \o/


1) Do you have any beard growing tips?

2) When you do work for DHX, did you actually have to move and go to their studio, or could you do most of the work from home?


1. Ha! Yes - use coconut oil to soften it and make it grow faster. ;) 

2. No, I was able to work remotely from my workspace in Atlanta. We did video conference calls for certain meetings and would also keep in touch with each other via messaging. I worked closely with the other storyboard artist with whom I was working with on a particular episode. Worked out pretty well. 


Good afternoon Mr. Jenkins!


What excites you the most about being part of the season 6 artist squad? :catface:


It was great to work with other very creative and talented artists. It was also great to do work that I know will be (hopefully) enjoyed by fans later on! It just stinks that I have to wait until next year until anyone else sees the work/episodes I worked on. It's also exciting to be involved with a show that has such a great and strong following! A little intimidating, but I know that you guys are all good to go. ;)

Hey ward would you consider yourself a brony or something of the sorts?


Well, I've always said that once I started working on the show, I was a "brony by proxy." ;) 


Hi there I got question what do you think of this fandom and cons?


I'm fascinated by the fandom and also I thoroughly enjoy it - there's some amazing and wonderfully talented people here and I love to see that. Always. Anything that makes people this excited about a tv show has got to be a good thing. Keep it up!

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I know you haven't answered my second question yet, but I just have to ask this since I am such a big Batman: The Animated Series fan.  Since you're primarily trained as a 2D artist, what do you think the 90s meant for animation in general, be it state-side or foreign, and what was it like as a growing/aspiring artist and animator to watch the 90s animation era unfold in film and television?  What do you think was lost when that era came to an end with the advent of CGI and quicker computer animation? (I should note that I am not a visual artist in any sense of the word whatsoever and may not have all of these facts straight since I'm not close to the industry, this is largely based on my own personal perceptions of the directions animation has taken through the 90s and 00s).


What's it also been like getting to see 2D animation, especially in formats such as MLP's own Flash 8, make a rebound in recent years after the initial dominance that CGI appears to have had in so much animation in film and television after studios figured out how to make cheap CGI productions?  Is it heartening to see that 2D is still very much alive and has a very bright future ahead of it, despite the obvious differences between how it is produced now and was before?

  • Brohoof 2


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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hmm, question, what do you think it the best ship (dun dun dun) this is kind of a joke but if you had to pick


Hmm, thankfully I know what shipping is - but honestly, I really don't know. Opposites always attract, right? Any 2 characters that seem to be on the opposite sides of whatever would probably make the most interesting ship. ;) 


If you watched previous episodes before, do you have a favourite or a you like me, enjoying all episodes?^^


The first season starts off pretty strong and I really enjoyed getting into the characters right off the bat. To be honest, I haven't had the chance to watch EVERY single episode (shocking, I know!) - but the ones where there's a great deal of story arc, like Twilight becoming an alicorn, or Starlight Glimmer's town with cutie mark-less ponies were always the more fascinating ones to watch for me. 


Hey there Ward!


Did you guys plan on secretly putting Starlight Glimmer in the background of some Season 5 episodes or was it a last minute thing?


I did not work on season 5, but I'm pretty sure that they put her in there on purpose - you're talking about that last 2-part episode for S5, right? 

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Ward, since you seem to read several childrens books, have you ever read the famous german children book "struwwelpeter"?

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Okay so, sorry to be cramming a ton of questions but I promise them to be legitimate.

1. What episode have made you the most emotional (cry)? Do you enjoy those kind of episodes?

2. What episode have made you the happiest (smile with glee)? Do you prefer these kind of episodes over the prior, or do you like the sad ones more? (I ask this because I'm a sucker for episodes that tear me up, though I still love all kinds emotions I get from the show)

3. What pony do you feel is closest to your own personality? Or, do you rather see yourself as a mix of 2 or 3? 

4. I know it was a long time ago but... What was your opinion on:


(Such politics, hehe)

5. What's your favorite sister pairing? (This one always gets me, since I'm an AJ fan, but truth is, I like RD and Scoots pairing most)

6. What side of a tree does moss grow? (Trick question)

7. Lastly, is Twilight growing and/or will she grow taller?  :P 

~ Miles

  • Brohoof 4



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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I'm a first year Illustration student, and I was wondering if you'd have any words of wisdom for someone hoping to get into the industry?


I'd actually love to design toys for Hasbro!

  • Brohoof 1

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