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Who is the best Brony reviewer or analyst?


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With so many out there to choose from, everypony's going to have somepony different as their favourite or favourites. So which is yours.

For me, it's Silver Quill with Commander Firebrand in second. The Mysterious Mr Enter may have gotten me into this fandom, but it's those two who got me to stay with the comedy and effort that they put into their videos.

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Yep, I perfectly agree with you. Firebrand and Silver Quill make perfectly good arguments and mix it with decent humor. Always entertainin' to watch one of their videos. Though, there are some that also make it up there for me. For example:


-Ink Rose


-Dr. Wolf


And, I've forgotten the rest. Darn my memory!

Edited by Sansley
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Yep, I perfectly agree with you. Firebrand and Silver Quill make perfectly good arguments and mix it with decent humor. Always entertainin' to watch one of their videos. Though, there are some that also make it up there for me. For example:


-Ink Rose


-Dr. Wolf


And, I've forgotten the rest. Darn my memory!

I was tempted to make a poll, but then I realised just how many Brony reviewers and analysts are out there, I'd probably end up missing some off which would not make some ponies happy and even then, the poll would be huge.

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There's probably a website somewhere that lists them. Go do some searching and see what you find. 



Here you go. A list containing a bunch of them.




And just incase he's not on that list, Emerald Bolt is an MLP Analyst and reviewer, incase you actually decide to make the poll :catface:

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The only ones I bother watching now are Silver Quill and Joshscorcher. And even then the latter is because I've been following him since long before he started doing Pony.


I liked Joshscorcher before it was cool *puts on snobby hipster glasses*

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Though he generally doesn't post Pony content anymore, I found Tommy Oliver to be the best of the lot by far in terms of straight up analysis. Dr. Wolf and Josh Scorcher have likable personalities and put out solid content, but they generally don't raise any points I find thought provoking.


And then there's Antony C. I often find myself disagreeing with his opinions, but in terms of sheer entertainment value his videos are without peer. He's incredibly charismatic and has a very unique sense of humor that shines through in everything he puts out.

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Meh, I don't have a preference. Sometimes I watch Silver Quill when I have nothing better to do. I used to watch Dr Wolf and the AnY Pony like crazy, back before I was a Brony.


I only followed the AnY Pony because his video on Fallout Equestria was the final straw that lead to me reading it. A lot of Dr Wolf's videos just made me realize, "Holy crap, I didn't think of that," (also, I was shocked to discover that he's not a real doctor. He genuinely had me convinced).

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Tommy Oliver was my favorite, but when he stereotyped and scapegoated the fandom and then admitted to swindling the fandom, he stopped earning my respect, and he doesn't deserve any of the false praise these days.


Today, my favorite analysts are the following:

  1. Dr. Wolf: Very likable and approachable. He may not always say much, but his optimism is always welcoming, even when I don't agree with him.
  2. Digibro: He doesn't do pony analysis anymore, and his T'sK one is sour due to feeling very tired, but unlike T_O, he didn't burn any bridges. He's a great guy to talk to and is a knowledgeable analyst.
  3. Canned Cream: You don't see him mentioned a lot around here. He's as pure an analyst as there is on YT, and he explains his thoughts in concrete detail.
  4. CloudCookooCountry: He doesn't do it much, but when he does, it's usually negative. But that's not because he dislikes the show. Far from it. He's an excellent analyst who dissects the problems in episodes very well.
  5. To go with two of my friends here, @Nuke87654 and @Wind Chaser. Both explain their positions very clearly, and they're not afraid to go against the grain if they believe they have the knowledge to express it.
Edited by Dark Qiviut
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I was onto Tommy Oliver and Digibro initially. I still follow Tommy Oliver, as he still does occasional pony videos, and I've taken interest in his new Rebel Pixels channel, where he gives creative advice and product reviews to independent producers (and also admitted in one stream that he does have second thoughts about the time he "quit" the fandom).


Currently, I've swayed more towards Silver Quill, Dr Wolf, and Tyandaga. Dr Wolf's calm, clearly stated tone is a welcome change from the frantic and frank tone the rest of the community trends towards. Silver Quill's reviews are entertaining in their use of humor and very well thought-out with their points. Tyandaga does a great job mixing reviewing with the social and creative aspects of the fandom. All three of them have unique styles and personalities, and I like that they can make apparent the fun they're having while doing it. I would also recommend giving Thelooneyturtle a view as well, as his reviews are well-structured. Canned Cream has a very minimal and structured style of presentation, but touches on some very good topics in a fitting manner.


As @Dark Qiviut mentioned, we have quite the community of reviewers and analysts on this site as well, including him, myself, @C.B@Nuke87654@Cleverclover, @Sunny Fox, among many others (feel free to reply with a more thorough list). Most of us don't do video, and we don't have the viewership or popularity the YouTubers do, but for many of us, that's all right. @LZRD WZRD and @Lightning Bliss are two from this site that made the jump to YouTube and I very much recommend checking them out, both there and here.

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I've always loved watching SilverQuill's videos. His reviews are both funny and informative (which is very difficult to accomplish in my opinion) and I don't mind them coming out months after the initial airing of said episode.


Some others that I watch as well:

  • The Stupid Private
  • Toon Critic Y2K
  • Dr. Wolf
  • ILoveKimPossibleALot
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My absolute favorite would have to be Drowning in Horseshoes...who recently changed his channel name and doesn't do pony reviews anymore :( But I also really like Tommy Oliver and TBBBAP :3

Well DIH did the reviews mostly for comedy but he really does like the show. His channel is called manchild Inc now but I encourage people to check out his "reviews". Right now I only watch KP and LilyPeet. Kp for comedy and LilyPeet for comedy and discussion but I don't watch for reviews since I come up with my own. :)

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Honestly, i'm not a big fan of any MLP reviewer.

There is a reviewer, however, that I will watch every now and again. I can't for the life of me remember his name, though...


He is male and his pony OC is a red unicorn and has a wooden mask as a cutie mark.

He also participates in the Bronies React series often.



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Depends on what you are going for


Comedic Reviewers: 

-Antony C: Dude doesn't post very often, we are talking about a couple times a year; But when he does post its GLORIOUS. Top Tier Comedy in the comedy! 

-Silver Quill : He takes his time with his reviews but he's much more frequent than Antony C. His style of humor is pretty solid and I enjoy hearing his thoughts on episodes. Great guy.

-ILoveKimpossibleAlot : Most frequent poster out of the three, and is much less "in depth" than them either. Her delivery is a bit off, but her reference humor is pretty good


Angry Reviewers: 

Drowning In Horseshoes: Let me make something pretty clear with this guy. He HATES bronies. Like, REALLY hates them. However he LOVES MLP and his videos analysing the show were some of the most inspired stuff you can find. If you want to see an Anti Brony with a better grasp on the show than most actual bronies check him out. 

Josh Scorcher: He does the traditional AVGN/Nostalgia Critic style reviews. If you've seen Nostalgia critic you can pretty much get his format. He's branched off from that style since its inception, but he still has a ton of similarities. Thats not a bad thing per say, he works it pretty well and has some pretty interesting points to make. 

Lilly Peet: Very much a Contrarian when it comes to the typical stances on pony related topics. Can be very funny and is known for her Glass of Water rants.

Mad Munchkin:  Usually known for her disgruntled delivery and her cast of side characters like "Mary Sue" ,she's pretty entertaining 


Chill Reviewers: 

Heroic Reviews and Obabble Scribbler: Heroic reviews are a Podcast style review show hosted on ObabScribblers channel with a LOT of people from the Fanfic reading community. They possibly have some of the best breakdowns on episodes and fics alike because there are so many people in a typical review brainstorming all their points right there. Very long vids but very good. Obabble Scribbler is the same but it usually features just Scribbler and a Guest like in a Radio show. 

Doctor Wolf: Very laid back guy that is best known for his "moment with doctor wolf" series. He's quite possibly the calmest reviewer on this list. Very intelligent

Ink Rose : Her massive fanbase speaks for itself. She's really popular. 

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Honestly, I don't really care for reviewers and analysts. I go by the notion that "sometimes a cigar's just a cigar" and a lot of analysts look too deep into things.


That said for the purpose of the thread, if I had to choose someone I feel to be the best, it'd be Dr. Wolf easily. His voice is calm, I like his simple presentation, and he does raise a few great points here and there. Even then I don't go out of my way to watch him, I just do if I need something to listen to and I'm not in a music mood. He's also rather humble which I greatly appreciate, since some critics seem to forget where they come from. 


Also, not a fan of Mr. Enter here. I feel like he either goes for the low hanging fruit for his atrocities or is overly nitpicky as of late, despite the fact that he called out other MLP reviewers for their nitpickiness in one of his season finale reviews. He's grown a massive ego and seems to, again, pick apart episodes for the most arbitrary reasons or taking things too seriously. But in the end that's just my silly opinion. 

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Honestly, I don't really care for reviewers and analysts. I go by the notion that "sometimes a cigar's just a cigar" and a lot of analysts look too deep into things.

Most of the time, I watch reviewers like Silver Quill to be entertained rather than actual critical thought on the show, his opinion on something could be the same but if his comedy and timing wasn't the same then I wouldn't be subscribed to his channel.

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