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That is one of the worst moves you can make with a reboot of a franchise. You don't sign a star actor/actress from the original film and than suddenly bring him/her back in the reboot that is not his original role, let alone a villain. It would be the equivalent of me doing an Alien reboot and asking Sigourney Weaver if she would like to play the villain while someone else takes her original spot in the reboot film.


It clashes badly with the nostalgia folks are going to be hit watching this film, but also it just feels like a note of disrespect to the actor himself.

Edited by Nuke87654
  • Brohoof 1
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I foresee a major bomb with this movie.  Nothing about it looks remotely good.  Not awful neither, but it's clear the movie has been ghost-directed by Sony way too much in the same vain as The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was.  It doesn't help in the case for Ghostbusters that it is also a reboot/remake that NO ONE wanted and how it looks comparable to remakes of RoboCop and Total Recall.  


Final nail in the coffin?  Sony wants to set up a vast universe for Ghostbusters.  All signs point this movie towards being a poor cash grab.

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So this is still a thing here huh? Well I saw the new trailer and somehow it looks even better! Spoilers below! ^_^


Nah I'm just kidding it looks like total shit. The forced jokes, bad effects and total double standard of empowering women while objectifying Chris Hemsworth's character just shows me how little thought went into this abomination.


  • Brohoof 2

The truth is always rough.
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Before Sony takes it down in their damage control crusade, here's a good 2 part vid that shows off production problems and all the crap and stuff Sony is doing just to stop the film from bleeding any worse than it is.


Also, to @@Gestum, here's a post showing many of Feig's tweets http://www.pajiba.com/web_culture/director-paul-feig-goes-off-on-the-ghostbusters-haters-on-twitter.php. The guy would be best buds with Josh Trank.

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I'm confused, didn't you say that he used the misogyny card against valid criticism? So where's the valid criticism?


Look into the quote where it states 'You've been ranting at me and my cast for months with misogyny and insults.'


Considering how epic his meltdown is, it can be chalked up as part of him being under extreme duress and fear for his career after how seemingly bad the Ghostbuster's reboot production is and how malicious Sony has been with it's creation and process.

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I'm confused, didn't you say that he used the misogyny card against valid criticism? So where's the valid criticism?

It was used in a tweet I posted, also if you look at his compilation of Tweets there, you will see the tweet in question. If you look at the reply the person who tweeted him originally stated they had no problem with a female Ghostbuster cast.




The criticism was that the film is basically a handjob to feminists and nothing more. He goes on later in his Twitter to insult the quality of the film and saying that Paul Fieg did nothing to try and reach out to the original fans, instead he shit on them with a low quality film and when called out on it, he shits on them some more and calls them irrelevant insults such as misogynistic.


The more I look at Paul Fieg's Twitter, the more obvious it becomes this movie is a feminist cash grab. He has been posting a lot about International Women's day and Equality for Women, which is all good stuff, but I can't help but feel it's a bit suspicious that it is happening right around when his Ghostbusters film is the talk of the news, and right after he was caught calling his fans misogynists for not liking his film.


Honestly, watching Paul Fieg's Twitter is like watching a slow motion train wreck. He is responding to hate and criticism the same way a 12 year old does. "LUL FECK U. FECK DA HATORZ."


Has no one told him that it's unprofessional to even bother responding to legitimate hate and starting flame wars with people on Twitter? If you know your movie is good, let it come out and let people decide for themselves. Every other Twitter post responding to someone by Paul Fieg is either him stroking his ego by praising his few supporters, or screaming "FUCK YOU" at someone who is criticizing him. Legitimate criticism or not, it's totally not a good idea to respond like that, it just makes you look equally childish.

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A good director never goes full insane on social media.


It's what I see every time. Failed content creators always go on the crazy bandwagon or become complete SJWs.


And those censoring the opposition to the reboot version should bow their heads in shame :baconmane:. What's next, destroying the original version and acting like it was never released?

Edited by Limeblossom
  • Brohoof 1

Japan, where Yo-Kai Watch's second movie has more success than The Force Awakens :umad:

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I must say that the double standers people have when it comes to this film is more than a little silly. For example, what is difference between saying that everyone who likes the movie is a SJW and saying that all that doesn't like it are sexist? 

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Look there are valid criticisms of the trailer. I did not find it funny. But talking about SJWs just looks bad to me. When you talk like that it just makes me think you are bitter at women and hate social justice. That is from a lot of experience I have with people who say the same things and are undeniably misogynistic. That or you don't actually know anything about social justice and just want to join the latest hate craze. I know you'll all probably jump to say #noteveryone, but how am I supposed to tell the difference when you all spout the same points?


Please, if you want to convince people to not like the film then point out legitimate problems and not the SJW boogeyman. Otherwise, you are just alienating people that might otherwise agree.

  • Brohoof 2
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Looks stupid, I don't like the fact that they put women in the roles and I did not ask for a remake. Not gonna watch.


I just want to forget about ever hearing about this film after watching that trailer.


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Seems to me that they finally slammed the last nail in the coffin of this franchise.


R.I.P Ghostbusters.

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If this isn't enough, I heard they're in the works for an all women reboot of Ocean's 11.



Like most things, I feel like there are tons of good original stories out there, that don't need to be rebooted with gimmicks. And stories that can be an all woman cast...I love female driven stories (uhmmm....hello? My Little Pony), so I don't see why the gimmick is needed. The only answer as everyone is saying: ghostbusters -- it's a cash grab.


Let's get a cash grab for the nostalgia fans, plus the groups that will see the movie for the sole reason that it it's the genderswap version.


Of course I'm the nostalgia fan that will see ghostbusters, regardless. I just hope hope hope that the Ocean's 11 is good...because I love that movie so much too. 

  • Brohoof 1


Courtesy of @Sparklefan1234

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If this isn't enough, I heard they're in the works for an all women reboot of Ocean's 11.



Like most things, I feel like there are tons of good original stories out there, that don't need to be rebooted with gimmicks. And stories that can be an all woman cast...I love female driven stories (uhmmm....hello? My Little Pony), so I don't see why the gimmick is needed. The only answer as everyone is saying: ghostbusters -- it's a cash grab.


Let's get a cash grab for the nostalgia fans, plus the groups that will see the movie for the sole reason that it it's the genderswap version.


Of course I'm the nostalgia fan that will see ghostbusters, regardless. I just hope hope hope that the Ocean's 11 is good...because I love that movie so much too. 


I don't mind an all female cast or I wouldn't be a MLP fan, but my issue with essentially rebooting older franchises with female casts just feels patronizing because apparently an all female cast can only work in movies if it's a reboot of a franchise that's currently in comatose? It's like telling women that 'you can have our old toys we're no longer using. Have fun with them and don't mind the old creaky joints and rusted aesthetics.' Not to mention, that you're immediately going against older fans who may take offense at an old movie they enjoyed being rebooted to something that's nothing like they remember and hate it as a result.


Still an old toy can still be useful and played with. If this film is done right, has an interesting cast of female actresses, and stays faithful to the original Ocean's eleven movie, than I can see it being a success.

  • Brohoof 3
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I don't care if they girls or guys it looks funny so I want to see it

I guess I am the only person who watched the trailer and thought that the movie looked like it was going to be good.

I think it will be good too

  • Brohoof 1

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Look there are valid criticisms of the trailer. I did not find it funny. But talking about SJWs just looks bad to me. When you talk like that it just makes me think you are bitter at women and hate social justice.


Except the director himself brings the topic up as well, so clearly he wants it to be about those issues. Anyone who thinks people are bitter at women for not wanting to shoehorn women into a movie without any thought about the quality is ignorant.




That is from a lot of experience I have with people who say the same things and are undeniably misogynistic. That or you don't actually know anything about social justice and just want to join the latest hate craze. I know you'll all probably jump to say #noteveryone, but how am I supposed to tell the difference when you all spout the same points?


Generalizing, the same crap that social justice warriors get mad about, and here you are doing it. Because if you actually listen to our points, it's PRETTY clear that we're not basing them on sexism. Listen to my points:


  • I am OKAY with a female cast.
  • I am NOT okay with making the cast female ONLY to make them female and giving no care to the quality of the film.

How is it difficult to understand the difference between this and: "I don't want a female cast because females suck". They are two easily different things that are able to be identified quickly and easily if one listens. How are you supposed to tell the difference? Read and ask questions, don't just assume and claim everyone is making the same points when they are not. No one here has said "I don't want women in this movie at all because I don't like women." Not a single person here is against this film just because the cast is female, they are against the quality of the film and shoehorning women into it without a care about anything else. They are against the director bitching out fans and playing the sexism card to avoid any and all criticism.


Pay attention and stop generalizing and you'll easily see that. I'm sorry if I am coming off as rude, but it's incredibly rude to come in here, generalize us without properly reading what our complaints are and then throw us into the same category as woman-haters and just say "I can't tell the difference!" That's the SAME logic as people saying they can't tell the difference between feminists and feminazis. I am positive you wouldn't like it if people said that about you, so please be kind and not imply it about other people.




Please, if you want to convince people to not like the film then point out legitimate problems and not the SJW boogeyman. Otherwise, you are just alienating people that might otherwise agree.


People already have. Have you been reading the thread?


  • Poor quality humor/writing.
  • Fairly inexperience team making the film.
  • Poor music track.
  • Bad trailer.

Those are just the icing on the cake.


Also if you are defending this film because of feminism, I feel it's necessary that we talk about Amy Pascal. In fact, I am surprised it hasn't come up yet. Who is Amy Pascal? Well she's a producer for Sony Pictures who is the producer of this film, and why is that relevant? Well back in 2014 there was a hack by a group called the Guardians of Peace on Sony's computer systems and some information about Pascal was revealed through it.


For starters she made a racist comment about how the president would enjoy films about slavery and the pre-civil rights era. She admitted the comments were inappropriate and backpedaled saying they are not a "reflection" of who she is. Pascal later revealed that she assisted and allowed Sony's gender pay gap to continue for years. She was fully aware of a gender pay gap that Sony was enforcing and did nothing to actively stop it and even encouraged it. Her response to it was literally saying "What women have to do is not work for less money... People should know what they're worth and say no." Which essentially is saying it's their fault for not knowing they were being paid less and Pascal is saying she had no responsibility to do anything about it, or put a stop to it, considering she was in a position of power.


Pascal was the one who controlled pay by the way, so she had the power to do something about it, but chose to do nothing. This film is clearly Pascal attempting to brush that under the rug and don the flag of feminism in hopes that people will forget her blatant sexism and racism.




So a confirmed sexist and racist can produce this movie and no doubt pay the female cast well under what she would have paid male cast members (because let's face it, she isn't sorry about what she did, so why should she change. And considering pay information is "confidential" there is no way for the cast to know they are being paid less), but the moment someone points out that the quality of the film is non-existent and the only thought that went into it was making a female cast they are sexist and have no right to criticize.


I find it amazing that feminists are defending this film considering the person who is producing it is a known sexist, but they will insist that people who hate the film just hate it because women without fully reading their complaints. Let's just get this out of the way: youtube comments are not a good representation of anyone of any group, ever. If Youtube comments made up the majority thought process of groups then all feminists are feminazis, all gamers are racists, all bronies are rabid fans who attack anyone who criticizes the show.


So if you are going to say that the comments on the trailer are a representation of the sexism, then you may want to try looking elsewhere because youtube comments are always the worst of the worst and do not make up a majority of people. Remember there are millions who will see the film and only thousands who commented. That's not even 1%. Plus the most vile comments end up appearing more (thus more people reply to them) because controversy creates attention.


Remember a lot of youtube comments are left by children. Ignorant children who don't know much better. Half the comments I get that are flipping me shit are from people between ages 12-15. I can't really hold children as accountable (though still partially accountable) as I can adults. Children do not think about consequences.


Also most people who like things generally have little to say about them. It's just how humans are. When we like something we have little to add beyond "I like it", so a lot don't comment. But when people have a complaint they like to rant. There is an old saying: "Man created language to satisfy his ever growing need to complain about something." Hell even now you're complaining about people complaining! Let's be honest: complaining is fun! It's more fun to be pissed off because it makes you think more and gives you reason to say something. We ALL do it. We as humans like to be challenged, it's built into our brains. We like to think, our mind thirsts for knowledge, and debate and disputes are the breeding ground for research and new ideas.


So yes, you are going to see negative more than positive for that reason because negative gains attention. Positive usually adds little to he discussion beyond "I like thing". Yes, sometimes it can be more diverse than that, but the truth is that a lot of people aren't interested enough to tell why they like something over why they dislike something. Disliking something is more interesting to many people, it's just how humans are. So that all being said: youtube comments are not a good representation.


Paul Fieg and his cast are the ones who made this about feminism when they played the sexist card when they fell under criticism. When they used "Girl power" to advertise, and when he told older fans to fuck themselves because they didn't like the direction he was taking the film.


Honestly, his defense of feminism and such is all null and void to me when he went through Pascal to make the film anyways. He went through a known sexist and is giving her more money. In my mind, that makes his whole attempt to turn this into a feminist issue null and void. He is putting money into the pocket of someone who is known to pay women less than men solely for being women instead of holding out and going to someone else. To me that proves this whole "feminism" front is a facade that he is putting on in hopes that it will sell the film to social justice warriors, because it's obvious he doesn't REALLY give a crap about feminism, if he did, he wouldn't have gone through Pascal.


And before anyone says she is just trying to "atone" for her past, keep in mind: she did not retroactively go back and pay any of the women who worked under her more money, only a few have gotten more, and they had to file lawsuits to get said money. If she truly was sorry she'd have stepped down or paid her cast what they rightfully deserved. Hell this entire film using a female cast could just be because Pascal is cheap and unwilling to pay men to do it because they are "more expensive". Hell, this is further evidenced by the cast of the film being relatively low key stars. I mean after all, we all know what a big name actress that everyone knows would charge. No way that Emma Stone costs the same as any of these girls.


When you consider Pascal, and you consider all the evidence, this could easily just be a huge facade to fool feminists into thinking this is a film "For them" so they pay to see it, when in reality it's more than likely just using feminism as a shield from criticism.


Watch after it comes out and bombs in reviews people will blame it on sexism even if the reviews never even mention that the cast is female.

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Really sad. I hope Sony Pictures will regret the decision.


I actually view this as further proof that Sony is really scared for their vision of a shared cinematic universe of the Ghostbuster's franchise and perhaps even acknowledge that it's dead. This coincides with the apparent damage control they're doing with Paul Feig's ghostbuster's film.

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Really sad. I hope Sony Pictures will regret the decision.


My thoughts are either:


  1. This is some PR crap to cover up the fact that Paul Feig probably sealed some kind of deal that prevented them from making anything else.
  2. The overwhelming negative feedback from the first reveal of Paul Feig's film (because people were criticizing it long before the trailer) made Sony just ax anything else because they knew it wouldn't be successful.
  3. The Russo Brothers backed down after seeing Paul Feig's efforts because they knew trying to make a Ghostbusters film after Paul Fieg's abomination would be too risky because people would already have a sour taste in their mouth.
  4. Paul Fieg and/or Sony are against the idea of someone else doing it better. More than likely Paul Feig is afraid someone else will do the franchise more justice and cancel any other chance he has at getting another movie deal with Sony so he forced them into some kind of exclusive contract.

I mean it's possible that Russo brothers just decided to focus on Captain America, but it seems possible to suspect that this is just some PR crap that they had to say because of some crap non-disclosure agreement so they had to bullcrap an explanation.


It's really sad to see that basically we are stifling creativity in that Paul Feig is the only one making a film and a crap one at that, but we won't give a chance to people who probably would have cared more. I just don't like the fact that for such a big name film they chose the worst possible people to do it and when it flops they will go "well I guess people don't want Ghostbusters movies" instead of realizing that people want quality films.


Also on Feig's Twitter: Tons of pro-feminism stuff. I think it's more or less confirmed that Paul Fieg is advertising this solely on feminism

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I think a lot of what the SJWs, Feig, and Sony are playing at is that "You don't like this movie, and you don't like the cast being in this movie, therefore you're a sexist and a misogynist" which is completely missing the point of the criticism. A lot of people like Ghostbusters, and a lot of people like Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, Kristen Wiig and Channing Tatum. However, just because you like an actor, and just because you like a franchise doesn't mean you have to like a movie in a franchise or like the actor being in it. Case in point: A lot of people enjoy the first two Terminator movies, and a lot of people like Arnold Schwarzenegger. However, a lot of people didn't like Terminator Genysis, and question why Arnold did the movie. Feig is doing the same thing Trank did with the Fantastic 4 reboot: "You're a X because you didn't like my shitty movie." 

  • Brohoof 1


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0/10 it's bad cuz no bill murray 


real talk tho,

I think the whole accusation of SJWs saying 'if you dont like it youre sexist' is blown out of proportion. I have yet to see one of those comments in the trailer comments. The hate for it is far more overwhelming. It's a little bit over the top I think, but from the trailer it does look kinda bad, at least to me. But people saying crap like "DIS IS GUNNA RUIEN DA FURST MOVIEEEEE" are overreacting. 

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IF I may add. Now that I really think about it. With this movie coming out, Ghostbusters 2 is not going to be the worst movie anymore. And that's something I'm happy for.


Now... I never tried Ecto Cooler when it was around. But I want to try it now with every ghostbusters fan saying how good it is. If they bring back Ecto Cooler. I think that is something we should be thankful for.


Not the movie of course. :okiedokielokie:

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