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gaming Gaming weird positions?


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Does anyone else end up in a really weird position while gaming? Whether it just feels more comfortable, or helps them game better, or is some subconscious thing that they have no idea what it is, I almost always end up bringing my knees up to my chest and hunching over them when playing any higher concentration game. Unfortunately, the moment I realize I'm doing it, it becomes very uncomfortable and I need to stop. Then I put my knees down and it feels unnatural again.

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Thats what I do! I always bring my knees up and rest my chin on the for some reason. I never find it uncomfortable though.


A freind I had once used to stand up whenether things got exciting on a game. I dont know why but I use to find that really annoying...

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Hmm... If I've been really, really bored I usually end up with my arse on one chair, my back resting againt the corner between backrest and armrest, one leg on my table the other one resting on another chair and my other armrest.

I'm not sure you'll be able to imagine this... It's a really weird way of sitting were I don't get a lot of blood to the brain, so it doesn't help me at all, but it's a bit comfy.

I am however always dizzy when I stand up after that.

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Depends on the game... Mostly I don't do anything too far out of the ordinary, but when I'm playing Super Smash Bros against someone I get really competitive and kinda move around all over the place lol

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I usually sit with both legs and feet in my chair (so they're under my or slightly in front of me while i sit on one foot. That's how i'm sitting now, actually). Sometimes i'll take the foot that's not under me and put it on my desk, but usually that doesn't last long.

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I've always been more of a PC-gamer, and when using a PC, it's hard to play in strange positions ^_^! When watching TV or movies, I can get into really strange positions, especially if I've been watching for more than an hour :)

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Xbox, I'm laying on my tummy on my bed, computer(laptop) I'm laying on my bed as well.

Throw me ina room with a Wii and I will be subconsciously running around looking like an idiot while still being effective.

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I bring my left ankle under me and sit on it. I cant do it with my right leg for some reason. And after i get done gaming my foot is like nerveically (Its a word, look it up) Dead.

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I often bring my knees up too, it gets awkward since I'm on an office chair and I have no control over it spinning. I also use a beanbag chair sometimes, I just sort of flop over it on my tummy with my knees on the floor behind it.


I usually manuever WITH the characters/objects in tight situations. I have no idea why, but it's funny when friends are around :)


Heehee, I do this too! Mostly dodging things, I do really exaggerated sways when an arrow or bullet passes close.

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I usually either sit with my legs all criss-crossed or in my gaming chair (I got a gaming chair WOO!!!)


But that's only with console games. When we're talking PC, I'm usually all slouched in the computer chair and I usually end up half-laying on it. Yeah, it's terrible for my back. I should stop. :P

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i don't really know how i sit :P

but i would say i kinda sits like L (from the manga)


Tried doing this. It was painful.


Pics or it didn't happen btw.







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