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How do you rank the Equestria Girls Films?


Rank the EQG movies from best to worst  

43 users have voted

  1. 1. Best movie?

    • Equestria Girls
    • Rainbow Rocks
    • Friendship Games
  2. 2. 2nd best movie?

    • Equestria Girls
    • Rainbow Rocks
    • Friendship Games
  3. 3. Worst movie?

    • Equestria Girls
    • Rainbow Rocks
    • Friendship Games

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Hi everyone,


With the 4th EQG movie coming out this Fall, I thought it would be fun to get all of your opinions on how you rank the first 3 films. I'm very curious to see how you rank each movie and to hear your reasoning behind it. 


Here is my personal ranking of the movies:

  1. Rainbow Rocks
  2. Friendship Games
  3. Equestria Girls

I don't think it should surprise anyone that I put EG at the bottom. It has all of the generic high school movie tropes that make it an unpleasant experience to watch. To this day, I have yet to meet someone who says that their favorite EQG film was the 1st one (feel free to prove me wrong though  :lol:). 


The more interesting ranking is between the 2nd and 3rd movie though. This seems to be highly divisive within the fandom. With FIM, more fans tend to rank Season 4 and 5 higher than Seasons 1-3, but it isn't so clear cut with the films. RR and FG both have their strengths and weaknesses, but it all comes down to personal preference. Sure my suspension of disbelief was tested more in FG than RR, but I felt that the dialogue in RR was too mean-spirited for my liking. 

  • The constant Sunset Shimmer abuse got old really fast. But i'm proud of my girl for taking it in stride and brushing it off like a true role model  :D.
  • I love Rainbow Dash (she is my favorite character in the entire series after all :wub:). But even I couldn't turn a blind eye to the way that she was treating her friends (especially Fluttershy since they get along so well in the Pony world). Her ego was just too much for the film to handle and it pains me to say that I did not enjoy her presence in the movie (which hurts to say as a loyal RD fanboy  :().

FG definitely handles the dialogue between characters much better than RR does. Of course it doesn't excuse the numerous plot-holes that are brought up though (who in their right mind blackmails a student and gets away with it without any repercussions)? This will forever baffle me  :comeatus:. 


The 1 thing that secures RR's position over FG's is the music. I will gladly take Let's have a battle, Under our Spell, Shine like Rainbows, and Friendship through the Ages over any of the songs from FG :derp:.  I have all 3 soundtracks and constantly go back and listen to the RR tunes over FG since it left such a great impression on me.


Sound off below because i'm curious to hear your thoughts ^_^.  



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My order is the same as yours, OP: Rainbow Rocks, Friendship Games, and EQG1.


But I hold none of them in high regards.


RR is bad, but has many decent moments.


Friendship Games has WAY too many writing problems, and at least two moments made me really angry.


EQG1 is the worst film of the trilogy and worse in both writing quality and overall quality than Rainbow Falls. It holds both the worst scene in the entire show (VP Luna interrogating Twilight) and the moment that completely killed the spinoff (Sunset's whole personality reset by the Elements of Harmony).

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Well this is my ranking.

1.RR(the songs were amazing, the Dazzlings were ho-er I mean interesting and competent villains with well-written personalities that worked well off another, Sunset Shimmer's arc of redemption was pretty good and it made her very likeable to me. I also like how Trixie got more of a spotlight, and her scenes were enjoyable to me. The Rainboom's conflict to me was an interesting plot point, and it showed how things were not all fun and games with them. The final fight scene was enjoyable and pretty good).

2. Please forgive me for this but for me the 2nd best is Equestria Girls(I liked the songs and for me they were really enjoyable. It was entertaining to see Twilight trying to fit into the human world. I kind of enjoyed the cliche highschool aspects of the film as for they were so bad it good(like shadow the hedgehog) and placing the mane six in them was also entertaining for me.).

3. FG(I did like the movie, but I thought Sci-Twi and Principal Cinch got too much screen time when it could've been given to the Shadowbolts(which is a shame as they had interesting personality concepts which could've been developed better.) The songs were good but not as enjoyable to me as the first one. The ending was anti-climactic and a rehash of the first one. I also thought that the alternate ending(Sci-Twi stays at Crystal Prep) would've been much better and they should've included the sub-plot of Sunset Shimmer being homesick.

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1. Rainbow Rocks - DAZZLINGS



oh and the songs.


Ya know, it was a bit difficult to rank the last 2 because both should be on third place. But whatever.


2. Friendship Games - It's just stupid how Sci Twi was absorbing everyone's magics and they were all like "ermaghewd wut hppened" when she was clearly the one who absorbed the magic (for example, the moment with applejack and sci twi) and, in my opinion, Cinch should be a Humanized Chrysallis instead of a whole new character that will problably be a Alicorn on Equestria bc she is a principal (although Chrysalis might appear on the fourth movie) oh, and the Shadowbolts (its not like Nightmare Moon already took that team name nope it was pure creativity), as most already said, had interesenting personalities and should get more screen time. Also look its cliche screen that appeared on the first movie on this movie at the end yeeey.


3. Equestria Girls - Sunset and Flesh Flash. Dear god, both were so cliche that they even were a pair. Sunset was the classic popular girl that everyone hates while Flash was the perfect guy with guitar that is the main character's main intereset. Ok, honestly, I like how this movie gave origin to all with humans and Canterlot Academies, but there's still some flaws. Although I personally don't HATE WITH PURE PASSION Sunset and Flash, I actually like the ideia of one of the Mane 6 FINALLY getting a love interest, but Flash is a bit too perfect, and Sunset is too cliche.

Edited by Flinp


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My order's the same as yours. I loved Rainbow Rocks, and was pleasantly surprised by how Sunset Shimmer turned from my least liked character to one of my most liked ones, heh. The seconds were great and the villains were awesome too, loved their personalities. :D


I liked Friendship Games too, less than Rainbow Rocks, but more than the first movie. It was rather annoying how everyone was rather ignorant - like Twilight not getting what she's doing, even after the 4th or 5th time she's absorbing magic or no one noticing the giant vine tentacle things. Also, I found the principal to be a really bland a boring villain. Still enjoyed the movie, though.

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I honestly don't prefer any over the others. They're all just fluff to me. But when it comes to the writing, I would rank them in the order of...


1. Rainbow Rocks

2. Friendship Games

3. Equestria Girls


All of them had little things that didn't add up in my head. And in all three, the anti-climaxes left me thinking, "That's it?"


So I try not to get myself in a bunch over them. They make nice time-killers if I'm tired and/or bored.

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I think they are all passable, but Rainbow Rocks is my favorite and surprisingly I felt Friendship Games was the weakest. However I went into these films with realistic expectations I guess. I wanted just a popcorn flick and that's what I got, so I can't complain. Some people went in expecting way too much for movies that were a step above being direct to TV films with low budgets.

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Rainbow Rocks is the only one really worth my time. I accept the original for being (barely) well-liked enough to get a sequel, and Friendship Games has some good songs but precious little else to enjoy. I enjoyed the redemption arc for Sunset Shimmer as presented in RR, but the rest really is less than average.

  • Brohoof 1

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Rainbow Rocks at the top, because it's actually half-way decent. I think we can all agree on that.


Then the original below it. The original is a big, dumb, bad movie. In fact, it's so bad it's good. It's become something of a meme. Making fun of it has become a national sport for bronies, and anything that brings that much joy much be the true spirit of christmas, or some shit.


Then Friendship Games at the very bottom, because it was just dull. I couldn't even watch it all in one sitting, I had to take a break because I was so bored. Unlike the original, FG's badness only makes it lame and boring. I couldn't laugh at its ridiculousness like I could the first, I could only sit and wait for it to end.

  • Brohoof 1

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Rainbow rocks is the only good one. The other two are massive clusterfucks of horribleness.

I was really let down by FG because I had hoped that, after RR being decent, that EQG was just a fluke and the EQG movies would be good from then on. Boy was I ever wrong; FG was even worse than EQG.

Its just a rushed jumble of half aborted plotlines that clearly were from an earlier time and idea for what the movie should have been about but that they couldn't cut out due to the rush and not having enough time (The shadowbolts and honestly the entire sports plot just goes nowhere, with the rivalry aspect clearly being intended to be a bigger part of the movie but then being aborted in favor of focusing on twilight).



Honestly, the fact that we have 2 stinkers and one good movie kind of makes me have zero hope for the next movie being anything but horrible.


Rainbow Rocks at the top, because it's actually half-way decent. I think we can all agree on that.


Then the original below it. The original is a big, dumb, bad movie. In fact, it's so bad it's good. It's become something of a meme. Making fun of it has become a national sport for bronies, and anything that brings that much joy much be the true spirit of christmas, or some shit.


Then Friendship Games at the very bottom, because it was just dull. I couldn't even watch it all in one sitting, I had to take a break because I was so bored. Unlike the original, FG's badness only makes it lame and boring. I couldn't laugh at its ridiculousness like I could the first, I could only sit and wait for it to end.


  • Brohoof 1
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I love the RR and FG songs the most. Really disliked EG. It left a bad taste in my mouth but thankfully the other two movies washed that away. I can't wait for the new one, I hope it's amazing!! ^_^

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1) Friendship Games 6/10

2) Rainbow Rocks 5/10

3) Equestria Girls 3/10


None of them is really good though.


- EqG had many cliches and was very cringeworthy.


- RR was even more cringeworthy in the first 30 min, I seriously wanted to stop watching but didnt because ppl said its good.

it did get much better after that, although it was still nothing special and the ending was awful (just like in all of them).


- FG was pretty decent overall... It had the least amount of cringeworthy moments so i could just sit and have an OK experience without wanting to close the browser every 5 minutes.

Edited by Twily
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Rainbow Rocks

Friendship games

Equestria Girls.


Now, it was a hard choice between FG and EQ for second place, because I actually sort of preferred EQ over it due to some of the stupidity in FG (giant plant monster destroying the field? Nah let's just sit here and continue cheering and continue the games even though lives were put in danger). The only thing that makes me like FG more is the music, for it was much better than that in EQ and for me that sorta makes up for it.

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1) Rainbow Rocks

2) Equestria Girls

3) Friendship Games


Yeah, for whatever reason I jist enjoy 1 over 3. Rainbow Rocks is my absolute favorite of the group. Of course pretty soon we'll have to rerank with


Eg4: Legend Of The Everfree


Eg5: Detective Rarity And The Case Of The Canterlot High Culprit.....

.......whaaat? I could dream right?


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Friendship Games is my favorite, since I personally like the story better, Princess Twilight isn't shoehorned in and there's a big lack of cringe-worthy awkwardness compared to the other films. Rainbow Rocks comes in close second for the music, the Dazzlings begin interesting villains and for confirming Sunset's redemption and making her one of my new favorite characters.


I haven't seen the original all the way through, but what I've seen and heard is more than enough for me to know I wouldn't like it.

Edited by PoisonClaw

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Rainbow Rocks is at the top. The development Sunset got, the songs, and the final confrontation made this into a really enjoyable movie. It also gave me a new favorite ship because of that kitchen scene.


Friendship Games is on second place for me because it makes the magic a bit more logical (coming out when they display their elements instead of merely playing music) and because Sunset develops further, though it does make me worry if the next one will even still contain pony Twilight in it, now that CHS has SciTwi.


Equestria Girls takes the last place because it was cliche after cliche, and the main characters displayed staggering levels of stupidity by not simply talking to each other and relying only on texts and mails. Also Sunset was a terrible villain in it.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 weeks later...

FG is first because it entertained me more with the different things that happened. RR is second because it didn't have as many different events as FG. EQG is last for obvious reasons (those reasons being it was pretty terrible). FG and RR were pretty good, but the entire EQG franchise isn't all that good. It's entertaining though.

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I had to go the standout, 2-3-1.


EqG2 managed to surprise from what seemed like a contrived premise at first. It had the start of a character arc for Sunset Shimmer and the appearance of some of the best villains in the franchise, who managed to pose a legitimate threat and had one among their ranks that was unconventionally entertaining (Sonata Dusk).


EqG3 at least built upon the redemption arc for Sunset and brought it full-circle by giving her a student of her own, but the plot progression felt very familiar from the first movie and it was guilty of missing opportunities to make the villains more entertaining than the flat, boring ones we got.


I don't really have anything new to say about the first one that anyone hasn't already said.


Overall, the EqG movies aren't nearly on par with the series. But, as long as they stay separate from the series and don't divert time and resources from it, the existence of the EqG franchise is overall harmless to FiM.

Edited by Wind Chaser
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Rainbow Rocks is easily the best in the series. Friendship Games and the original EQG were tied for me, but I went with FG as my number 2.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just nobody at all...

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Rainbow Rocks was really good for an EQG movie, but I hate the concept of humanized ponies in a high school setting. The music was awesome, though. XD


I enjoyed the movie, but honestly would rather just have more pony movies. If I had my choice, EQG would end and be replaced by a Daring Do series. :P


I have not seen the third movie yet–I only watched 1/3 of it, but I have a feeling it is better than the first movie. So I voted Friendship Games on the second.

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i think all of them were good tbh. also i would rank them in order: EQ, EQRR, and EQFG. Also, stop being salty with equestria girls.

I inhale dank memes, and i intend to make a dank signature soon. I also have shyabetes btw. 

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Truth be told, though I voted for the first movie as my worst, I actually still like it a lot, though once Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games came around, and we had Sunset's reformation and the introduction of Dean Cadance to make up for Princess Cadance appearing in the first movie with no human counterpart as of yet, I really like all three movies.


Also, depending on how I feel about the upcoming fourth movie, I might like that movie a lot as well. I just have to wait and see before I jump to any conclusions.

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