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S06:E07 - Newbie Dash



257 users have voted

  1. 1. Thoughts on Newbie Dash?

    • Best. Episode. EVER!
    • It was pretty great!
    • It needed to be about 20% cooler.
    • I would have preferred a 22 minute nap.
    • Worst. Episode. EVER!

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Okay, does clipping mean something different for Pegasi? Because clipped wings renders birds flightless.


I assume he probably did have a busted wing for awhile, but not permanently.


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Okay, does clipping mean something different for Pegasi? Because clipped wings renders birds flightless.

Words have multiple meanings? :)

  • Brohoof 1



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Okay, does clipping mean something different for Pegasi? Because clipped wings renders birds flightless.


yes, it can also mean "strike with a glancing blow.", so rather than landing nicely, he hit it a little bit.

Edited by weesh
  • Brohoof 4

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so, it has come to pass, and Rainbow Dash has finally achieved her life-long dream. she is a wonderbolt!




yeah, that wasn't really a strong moment at the beginning of the episode. for six seasons, we have been following rd's story, and spitfire just tells her "by the way" that she just achieved her life goal. what the heck? I mean, it was cute to see rd smiling over that, but that wasn't the goosebump-moment I wanted it to be. not the goosebump-moment Rainbow Dash deserved.


here's what would've been better in my opinion: spitfire tells rd that someone from the wonderbolts got sick. therefore, rd needs to fill in her position, and spitfire tells her that rd, if she does a good job, will become a complete wonderbolt after the show. that way, the sentence "Duh! Because I'm a Wonderbolt!" at the end would've had a much greater impact.


while it was fun to see rd "changing" her personality in order to fit in, these moments made me feel physical pain, and I just looked away from the screen. it just doesn't quite fit someone as narcisstic as rainbow dash to imitate other persons. the rainbow dash I know wouldn't have tried to change her personality, but to show her best side and be acknowledged for who she is.


while I see what the point of the "nickname"-thing was, I couldn't quite relate to that scenario. it sure was completely in-character for rainbow dash to try to impress others, and I don't see any flaws on how this idea was executed. really, I don't. but I am just not a "person of pride". I don't mind nicknames or teasing at work (my nickname is "Failmaster", after all), and therefore just couldn't relate to that situation. made me hard to cheer for rainbow dash.


well, what can I say. that was a classic "new guy"-episode which didn't manage to create a conflict that really got me investigated. I'm kinda angry at this episode because it completely wasted the "Rainbow Dash is a Wonderbolt!"-moment. that could (and should) have been a much stronger moment.

  • Brohoof 4


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I missed most of the prologue because of dumb stream lag, but man that was a good episode. Rainbow Dash finally achieved her dream, but this episode shows that not everything is as good as you expect it to be. It makes sense to me that Dash would struggle so much after being called such a terrible nickname, especially since it triggered bad childhood memories. There's also a lot of pressure put on her to be great, but it's nice to see that she wasn't the only Wonderbolt with a bad first day.


I also loved all the Scootaloo stuff, no surprise there. It's great to see their friendship develop. The ending was also amazing, it really seemed like Dash learned a very important lesson and even matured a little bit. It wasn't the funniest episode, but it had a few pretty good jokes. Most of it was cringe humor, which I don't have a problem with honestly. :P


Overall, I loved this episode. Thumbs up to Dave Rapp, the person who wrote this episode and had little writing experience doing so. I was a bit skeptical to see a new writer at first, but it was definitely a decent episode from him.

  • Brohoof 7



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My opinion on this episode is similar to my oponion on Brotherhooves Social. It's got an alright beginning, a not so good middle and great ending. Basically, it's all over the palce in quality. I like how they're continuing the arc of Rainbow Dash being a Wonderbolt and I liked that she made it and I liked the ending. However, getting to there required you to dig through many moments of cringe. Too many times in this episode, Rainbow Dash just holds the idiot ball. What did she think imitating her friends would do? Are they Wonderbolts? No, so what would acting like them do in this case?


So like... 5/10 maybe.

  • Brohoof 4



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Well that was... something...


I don't think Dash was out of character, given the circumstances. She doesn't cope well with anxiety or bad situations out of her control. Her Impulsiveness seems to go up and thinking ahead seems to go out the window for her. Good examples are the Tank episode, Mysterious Mare Do Well, Sonic Rainboom, and Testing 1,2,3. If you think about it- Flight Camp 2.0 IN THE WONDERBOLTS is probably one of the worst things that could happen in RD's mind.


This episode also reinforces my idea on why she moved to Ponyville also. To help keep her ego inflated and probably because Fluttershy was there too.


The imitation scenes probably sounded better on paper though...

All in all I thought the episode was OK. I still found it less cringy than the terrible CMC song from that one older episode. :confused:
Edited by Cirrus.



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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Okay, I want to be a bit more specific on why I did not like this episode. usually, I am one to try and see as many positives as I can within an episode, usually i will love an episode that is hated by the majority, but this time is different. 


First off, this is THE episode where rainbow Dash becomes a Wonderbolt and this is what she gets? She gets treated like trash by all of them? Seriously? Oh, but then the quick ending somehow made that okay because 'reasons'. Then, there were other completely nonsensical moments like her impersonating the others. That part was embarrassing because it made no sense. What exactly would her being like the others accomplish again? It could have been cute, but instead it was undoubtedly awkward and served no purpose. 


Rainbow Dash doesn't seem like much of a leader in the group as I would have hoped. Instead, we have the team that treated her badly and she is all fine with that and will go on with them. I wanted her to be a Wonderbolt, but I wanted her to make them be a bit different, since all we have seen them do is be assholes lately. Then there was the whole stunt she did at the end. Just...why? SHE CAN DO RAINBOOMS. Why the hell would she need to go insane like that?


We got the PERFECT episode for the CMC's getting their Cutie Marks, they didn't have to be stupid, or incompetent or insulted by their own idols or something to get across the message and then, we get this. 


I just cannot like this episode. I seriously hope my tone changes upon a second viewing but it is doubtful. This actually has me feeling down now. 

  • Brohoof 12


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I thought the episode was pretty good. My only gripe so far is the re-using of the nickname Rainbow Crash. I was expecting a new nickname. I also spotted Coco Crusoe sitting in the stands of the Wonderbolts show. 3 out 5 from me.

Edited by Captain Doubloon


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I missed most of the prologue because of dumb stream lag, but man that was a good episode. Rainbow Dash finally achieved her dream, but this episode shows that not everything is as good as you expect it to be. It makes sense to me that Dash would struggle so much after being called such a terrible nickname, especially since it triggered bad childhood memories. There's also a lot of pressure put on her to be great, but it's nice to see that she wasn't the only Wonderbolt with a bad first day.


I also loved all the Scootaloo stuff, no surprise there. It's great to see their friendship develop. The ending was also amazing, it really seemed like Dash learned a very important lesson and even matured a little bit. It wasn't the funniest episode, but it had a few pretty good jokes. Most of it was cringe humor, which I don't have a problem with honestly. :P


Overall, I loved this episode. Thumbs up to Dave Rapp, the person who wrote this episode and had little writing experience doing so. I was a bit skeptical to see a new writer at first, but it was definitely a decent episode from him.

I personally loved the little touch they added by including Scoots in the opening scene to be there when Dash finally gets the call to be a Wonderbolt.

  • Brohoof 2



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Well the episode was not terrible per say, but it had it's moments that did not help.

Right off the bat, we get the Wonderbolts acting in cringeworthy way just to have a laugh at dash.

I just felt that this episode tried to develop Dash in some ways, but it failed somehow to make it look like good developpement.

And it all started just because Dash wanted to avoid some flyers as right after she landed into the trash.

But, the ending did the best it could to explain why did of all this happened.

Also, the moment where she impersonated was cringy but gave me the laughs i'd say.

And I'm still happy for Rainbow Dash being a Wonderbolt even if the episode did not go as well as I would.


TL;DR: A meh episode, as a lot of things looked cringy, like the wonderbolts poking at dash, but gotta give credit to the end and some of the cringe-worthy humour.

Rating: 5 or 6/10

  • Brohoof 4


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In my opinion, perhaps the most disappointing episode of the entire series. Contradicts many of the lessons taught thus far. I'm going to keep my spirits up for the next one. As for this...ugh. How easy it is for people to throw morals and ethics out the window because they want to fit in and "not rock the boat." Well, I'm going to give a stick because what the Wonderbolts did was wrong and it's not right because "that's just what happens." Nobody can justify it. Institutionalized bullying is not magically okay just as individual bullying is not. It has real world consequences outside of contrived scripts.  :fiery:


This episode disappointed me because it tried to justify it and even (perhaps unknowingly) encourages the person being bullied to stay quiet about it. This is serious stuff and it's wrong. Really think about it. If it had been only one of the Wonderbolts who had done the bullying then they would have been the episode's villain character. And yes it's a thing that bullies often think what they are doing is endearing or helps the other person "toughen up." I don't have a problem being the only one to stand up against bullying if everyone else turns the other way because I've personally gone through this sort of thing and know where it can lead. The consequences of this are serious and real people in real life get hurt because of this mentality. And no, none of it was necessary to teach Rainbow about being a team member instead of a showboater. We practically have an entire series behind us that shows how to be a good team and it's not through bully tactics.  :wat:

  • Brohoof 6


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First off, this is THE episode where rainbow Dash becomes a Wonderbolt and this is what she gets? She gets treated like trash by all of them? Seriously? Oh, but then the quick ending somehow made that okay because 'reasons'. 


if you treat everyone like shit, it becomes ok!  

  • Brohoof 2

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Just started watching the imitation scene.




A good idea on paper doesn't mean it's good in practice.

  • Brohoof 9

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Rainbow Dash doesn't seem like much of a leader in the group as I would have hoped. Instead, we have the team that treated her badly and she is all fine with that and will go on with them. I wanted her to be a Wonderbolt, but I wanted her to make them be a bit different, since all we have seen them do is be assholes lately. Then there was the whole stunt she did at the end. Just...why? SHE CAN DO RAINBOOMS. Why the hell would she need to go insane like that?

Serious question, why would you expect a newbie to join and become a leader just like that. No matter how good you are that just does not happen in the military or air force. Also they were hardly mean to her they came up with a nickname that they did not know hurt her feelings, i am sure if she would have just said why that name bothers her they would have stopped. After all that is kind of what friends do specifically in camps and military stuff like that. 


I agree the ep was not that great, but not for the reasons you stated there. It was more of just an okay ep, with some really cringe moments spiced in hehe.

  • Brohoof 4

Credit to Kiki


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I really don't understand why these moron writers keep using dash for cringe comedy. The second act of this episode was every single shade of terribad. My entire reaction to that second act is as follows. 


Is this joke? I have seen joke... This is not joke... It's out of character *glares*


The only episode to make me cringe harder than this was Flight to the Finish but at least this episode on the whole was better than that trash.


I didn't like how The Wonderbolts just seemed to call Rainbow Dash Rainbow Crash. With no knowledge of why they were doing that until the very end it just seemed cruel and unfair to Dashie. I don't know, like maybe a hint would be nice like. "Wow, nice dive into that trash can Rainbow! Maybe we should call you Rainbow Crash!" Also the Rainbow Crash joke is overdone.


The third act was probably the best act but was still hard to watch especially that slapstick at the end. 


This episode was not good, final rating 6/10 


I love this line of logic. "Ok so we got this idea for an episode where Rainbow becomes a Wonderbolt, you know only her lifelong dream. We have to have a good writer tackle this episode so who do we choose? Hey I know, lets have this new writer who doesn't even have a twitter account or a writing history to speak of and have him write this extremely important milestone.


I don't hate this episode but it's mediocre and for a milestone that is a cardinal sin. This episode should be lower but I cant give it anything below 6 I don't know why. I'm going to guess I liked how things were RAPPed (I'm so sorry) up at the end.


I may need to watch it again but for now 6/10 

Edited by Zantetsuken
  • Brohoof 3
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I going to be honest, I didn't care for this episode at all. In fact, this might be the lowest point of Season 6 so far.


All that training and buildup and Rainbow makes a complete fool out of herself to the point where it becomes so cringeworthy and it didn't help that the whole "Rainbow Crash" bit got old fast.


Yes, it was her first day as an official Wonderbolt, and yes people do make mistakes on their first day, but she's better than this and has shown to be so.


The episode did have 2 strengths though, Ashleigh Ball's nailed it in her performance and how the episode addressed Rainbow's flaw and the support the Wonderbolts gave in regards to help her overcome it. At least finally Rainbow achieves her ultimate dream of becoming a Wonderbolt.


But other than that, it was a pretty meh episode for me.

  • Brohoof 2
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That was alright. Cringe comedy isn't for everyone, but it isn't automatically bad. The morale could've been delivered better.


And please, don't go shout at the writers and tell them how bad and terrible and awful the episode was. Be respectful.

Edited by Professional Horse
  • Brohoof 1

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Serious question, why would you expect a newbie to join and become a leader just like that. No matter how good you are that just does not happen in the military or air force. Also they were hardly mean to her they came up with a nickname that they did not know hurt her feelings, i am sure if she would have just said why that name bothers her they would have stopped. After all that is kind of what friends do specifically in camps and military stuff like that. 


I agree the ep was not that great, but not for the reasons you stated there. It was more of just an okay ep, with some really cringe moments spiced in hehe.

Not a literal leader in that sense. What I meant was an influence, I guess I worded it badly. The Wonderbolts are clearly a group of arrogant hot heads who don't have much respect for others, something that Rainbow kinda started out as, but she was supposed to GROW as a character. Instead of maybe influencing the group to be more humble themselves, instead they treat her horribly and the episode basically says "Yeah, that's perfectly okay to do." And Rainbow is essentially made out as this huge fool. It was painful to witness, especially since this was THE episode for her. I was so excited to see it and it has been pretty much destroyed.

  • Brohoof 1


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I feel this episode is going to have a lot of complaints about out of character moments, but quite honestly I thought everyone was really in character (except for when Dash went literally out of character..)


I like how Rainbow asks Scootaloo for her support, and the moment at the end. Even with the nickname the Wonderbolts weren't actually all that jerky. It's part the course for military to be stuck with an embarrassing nickname, but they're still blabbering to recognize each other. Spitfire was definitely at the top of her game this time around.


And now I want to know what Spitfire's nickname was. :P

  • Brohoof 2


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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I feel this episode is going to have a lot of complaints about out of character moments, but quite honestly I thought everyone was really in character (except for when Dash went literally out of character..)


I like how Rainbow asks Scootaloo for her support, and the moment at the end. Even with the nickname the Wonderbolts weren't actually all that jerky. It's part the course for military to be stuck with an embarrassing nickname, but they're still blabbering to recognize each other. Spitfire was definitely at the top of her game this time around.


And now I want to know what Spitfire's nickname was. :P

Josh Haber's tweets about the nickname were funny. Fake contests are best contests.

Just started watching the imitation scene.




A good idea on paper doesn't mean it's good in practice.

To be fair, the audience responded favorably when they had Ball do it last season. File this under the whole 'more is better' mentality I suppose.

  • Brohoof 1



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Josh Haber's tweets about the nickname were funny. Fake contests are best contests.

I'll admit. When Josh Haber was first introduced (I don't remember how long ago that was), I wasn't a huge fan. But he's definitely earned most improved writer for me. I'm beginning to really love his episodes and him in general.


SPONTANEOUS THOUGHT! So, now that Rainbow is so closely tied with the Wonderbolts now.. does that mean they may show up to help her take care of a threat to Equestria at some point. I know it's a running gag for them to be useless at saving the world, but with Rainbow at their side this could change the game.


Just imagine, the Mane Six, Starlight, the princesses, dragons, griffons, and the Wonderbolts teaming up!


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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