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movies/tv Nintendo Making Its Way Into The Film Indrusty! Your Thoughts?


Nintendo Films!  

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  1. 1. Nintendo Films! Yay or Nay?

    • I think this is a wonderful idea!
    • This isn't going to go anywhere..

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Well my fellow Nintendo Fans. It would seem we'll be seeing our favorite Italian plumber on the big screen in the near future.


Nintendo President, Tatsumi Kimishima, stated in an interview with the Asashi Shimbun newspaper, that Nintendo plans on going into films next. He claims that they plan on using the part of the earnings they've received from their partnership with the Seattle Mariners baseball team. Kimishima  stated that unlike their past history with films. *CoughSuperMarioBros.Cough* they plan to be directly invested into their movie projects. Also he's hinted at talks with Hollywood studio companies but are also looking beyond on Hollywood.


I for one have high hopes for this. I believe Nintendo has the right idea going into film. They've had some wonderful animation in their videos game such as Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus and Smash Brothers. I'm personally looking forward to this.

So.. What are your thoughts? Is this a good idea? Could these Nintendo movies actually be a big hit? Or perhaps turn out to be a big bust?





Edited by Silver Staff
  • Brohoof 4


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After seeing some of there shorts I have some hope for this, Nintendo is usually capable of writing good, charming stories(despite disasters like Other M and Starfox Command), just as long as they have some control on these projects

Edited by Megas
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After seeing some of there shorts I have some pretty hope for this, Nintendo is usually capable of writing good, charming stories(despite disasters like Other M and Starfox Command), just as long as they have some control on these projects


In fact, someone reportedly actually wanted to adapt Super Paper Mario into a movie.


That being said, Count Bleck should sound like Jamieson Price, and Dimentio should sound like Quinton Flynn.

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Forgive me for not having as much faith, but considering the far from excellent track record in later times, I'm not as sure they can pull it off :unsure:  

  • Brohoof 1


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Fire Emblem would make an amazing movie, and so would Kid Icarus. Star Fox has a ton of potential and maybe they can make a villain bigger and stronger than Andross for that. 


In other words... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqrm6pOQsgQ

Edited by C. Thunder Dash
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I believe a Super Mario movie would work better than what the other one was like in the past. What I would really love to see is a Live Action Metroid movie, or would that be too similar to Alien?

  • Brohoof 1
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I might be a negative nancy on this topic but I think this is a really bad idea. For one, Nintendo is not exactly good at telling really engaging stories. It is the gameplay that keeps their games afloat mostly and with a movie, there is no gameplay at all. Secondly, this feels like Nintendo biting off more than they can chew. Movies cost a lot of money, we all know this, but now with the Wii U being a failure and the NX being a huge mystery, Nintendo needs to have focus and this just shows me that they don't have that.


This doesn't instill confidence in me for the company. Unless they are jumping into movies to try and make up for losses with the Wii U, but even then, that isn't them improving their gaming department.

  • Brohoof 4


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I believe a Super Mario movie would work better than what the other one was like in the past. What I would really love to see is a Live Action Metroid movie, or would that be too similar to Alien?

I said the same thing about a live-action Metroid film to my sibling the other day! I for one would find that really cool! x3




I might be a negative nancy on this topic but I think this is a really bad idea. For one, Nintendo is not exactly good at telling really engaging stories. It is the gameplay that keeps their games afloat mostly and with a movie, there is no gameplay at all. Secondly, this feels like Nintendo biting off more than they can chew. Movies cost a lot of money, we all know this, but now with the Wii U being a failure and the NX being a huge mystery, Nintendo needs to have focus and this just shows me that they don't have that.


This doesn't instill confidence in me for the company. Unless they are jumping into movies to try and make up for losses with the Wii U, but even then, that isn't them improving their gaming department.

I can see why you can see this as a bad idea, since Nintendo in its current years haven't made a real "huge success". The idea of Nintendo going into films can be quite worrisome for a couple of reasons, one being, and I think we can all agree.. that a lot of video game based films haven't been all that successful such as; Hitman 47, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, Ratchet and Clank, Street Fighter, etc..


But on the other hand, there are some games where it felt like Nintendo just grabbed you and kept you engaged into the story. Like Super Paper Mario, for example. I'd say I enjoyed the story more than actual game. It was extremely touching and I was always excited to be finishing a chapter to see another part of the story unfold in the cutscene.


Though, what you say is true. Nintendo does have a better time telling the story through an actual game. That being said.. this is no video game. I'm sure we've all played a movie video game title and we can agree that the game didn't capture the same feeling as the movie. The movie told the story better. If Nintendo could do the same thing, give us a on-the-edge-of-your-seat-story and not at all based off any past video game plots, I think they can pull it off.


I'm sure they'll be working with many different script writers, animators but will be there to make sure the movie has the charm and feeling that the games give us. The money they're using doesn't sound like it's coming from their game profits at all. It sounds like to me, (And it could just be me.) that this Seattle Marines money was always put aside for something like this. I don't think any of the profits made from Seattle Marines was ever put into game budgets nor was profit ever taken for game profits.


I feel like Nintendo is really trying to make a change here. With the upcoming NX and these films I feel if they play their cards right better things will come to them.


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WARNING: The following opinion may appear negative. It also may appear as hate, but I assure you I am a Nintendo fan, and I am approaching the situation objectively rather than just blindly assuming Nintendo is unable to make mistakes.



I think this is a terrible idea. Video game movies generally do notoriously bad and usually have reviewers ready to critically pan them from the get-go. That's not to say I wouldn't like some "good" video game movies, but right now the truth is: Nintendo is hurting. The Wii U cost them over $5 billion in assets leaving them sitting at around $12 billion. Compare this to Sony and Microsoft who are sitting at around $150 billion and $175 billion respectively.


Why is this relevant? Nintendo is in a position where they need revenue DESPERATELY. They need profits that are more "certain" rather than ones that are "maybes". Nintendo needs to be banking on things that are less chancy than this right now. Films on video games are super risky moves and right now Nintendo can't afford to gamble and lose.


Right now just isn't the best time for a video game movie by them.

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Nooo....videogame movies tend to suck.


Animes would be the way to go. With Western cartoons being the crapfests they are these days, we're not gonna get anything as fun and campy as Super Mario Bros. Super Show or Kirby: Right Back At Ya! again.


The Pokemon movies and cartoons are gorgeous and sometimes pull at your heartstrings but are way too predictable and formulaic.

Edited by Leave a Whisper
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Could it at last . . . . be time?





And to all you negative nancies, bollocks to you all! 


"Oh it won't work because it didn't work before!" Times have changed! The film landscape is rife with source reverent adaptations of comic books and yes even video games if Ratchet and Clank and Warcraft are any indicators. Adaptations don't have to be ashamed of their origins anymore and the characters and games being adapted now have years of internal lore and cultural clout they simply did not have in ages past.


There has never been a better time for Nintendo to make film adaptations of their work!

Edited by Steel Accord
  • Brohoof 1
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Could it at last . . . . be time?





And to all you negative nancies, bollocks to you all! 


"Oh it won't work because it didn't work before!" Times have changed! The film landscape is rife with source reverent adaptations of comic books and yes even video games if Ratchet and Clank and Warcraft are any indicators. Adaptations don't have to be ashamed of their origins anymore and the characters and games being adapted now have years of internal lore and cultural clout they simply did not have in ages past.


There has never been a better time for Nintendo to make film adaptations of their work!


It's not about being a negative Nancy it's about looking at the numbers. Video game movies tend to perform poorly because games are built around being able to play. When you remove that element it makes it difficult to tell the story without completely changing it. That and let's be blunt: a lot of critics still have a stigma against video games to where they will low score it regardless of the quality.


Ratchet and Clank BOMBED and that was the movie expected to be "good". Warcraft is not out yet, but we'll see. Honestly now is not a good time for Nintendo to do this because they DESPERATELY need best sellers to get back in the green, so betting on something that has proven to generally not pay out in the past is a terrible idea.

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It's not about being a negative Nancy it's about looking at the numbers. Video game movies tend to perform poorly because games are built around being able to play. When you remove that element it makes it difficult to tell the story without completely changing it. That and let's be blunt: a lot of critics still have a stigma against video games to where they will low score it regardless of the quality.


Ratchet and Clank BOMBED and that was the movie expected to be "good". Warcraft is not out yet, but we'll see. Honestly now is not a good time for Nintendo to do this because they DESPERATELY need best sellers to get back in the green, so betting on something that has proven to generally not pay out in the past is a terrible idea.


Making an adaptation of anything is tricky but they've made adaptations of all mediums. The "interactive vs. non-interactive" gets brought up ad nauseum and it is an issue of the specific adaptation but it's ludicrous to say "that makes video game movies impossible to do right." It's a matter of knowing what to adapt and what to leave out.


The critical landscape is changing under our noses, the old guard film critics are going out and the new critics who are familiar and receptive to things like the lore of comic books and video games are rising to replace them.


I'll grant you that Nintendo probably needs to get better footing before it can safely experiment with a new medium but I'm still adamant in my belief that good movies can be made out of their various properties. I mean they have done it, at least once.




Granted that's an adaptation of the show, but the show was in turn an adaptation of the games, and Spell of the Unknown taken purely of its own merits is actually a pretty damn good movie. 


With all that in mind, is it really beyond reason to say that Metroid wouldn't strike a nerve as a kind of new millennium Alien with Samus as the new Ripley? Or see Pikmin pull a Planet of the Apes reveal for a new generation that the cutesy alien world you've been viewing your captain and his new pals scuttle across is your own backyard centuries after we're all gone?

Edited by Steel Accord
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If Nintendo are worried that they have too much money then I'm quite happy to sell them some magic beans.


As has been said previously, films made from computer games have a long history of being absolutely terrible, with maybe one or two exceptions.  They generally lack substance, have weak characters and storylines and rely on nothing more than their name to entice people into the cinema.  They would maybe work better if they tried to make the film for fans of the game, but as that market is usually too small they try to widen the appeal to a broader audience, and in doing so they lose whatever aspect of the game that their feverish minds thought would make a good film.

  • Brohoof 1


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Making an adaptation of anything is tricky but they've made adaptations of all mediums. The "interactive vs. non-interactive" gets brought up ad nauseum and it is an issue of the specific adaptation but it's ludicrous to say "that makes video game movies impossible to do right." It's a matter of knowing what to adapt and what to leave out.


The critical landscape is changing under our noses, the old guard film critics are going out and the new critics who are familiar and receptive to things like the lore of comic books and video games are rising to replace them.


I'll grant you that Nintendo probably needs to get better footing before it can safely experiment with a new medium but I'm still adamant in my belief that good movies can be made out of their various properties. I mean they have done it, at least once.




Granted that's an adaptation of the show, but the show was in turn an adaptation of the games, and Spell of the Unknown taken purely of its own merits is actually a pretty damn good movie. 


With all that in mind, is it really beyond reason to say that Metroid wouldn't strike a nerve as a kind of new millennium Alien with Samus as the new Ripley? Or see Pikmin pull a Planet of the Apes reveal for a new generation that the cutesy alien world you've been viewing your captain and his new pals scuttle across is your own backyard centuries after we're all gone?


I'm not saying it couldn't be done right, but it's a very risky move when you already have so little cash.

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I'm not saying it couldn't be done right, but it's a very risky move when you already have so little cash.


In that, we agree. I'm in support of the notion, but they need to get some game sales back before they can turn out a quality movie. When making a film, while it's not the final factor, money talks. (Especially if it's effects heavy fantasy/sci-fi which pretty much covers ALL of their shit.)

@@Concerned Bystander,


See above where I address some of what you bring up. 

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Whatever they do I just hope they take it seriously. Most companies that don't start off as movie studios think they can just dust off a few old properties and breath life back into them by buying the lowest bid talent, running them through the cliche mill and tossing it off to the theaters. It still takes real talent and instincts, especially for a fledgling studio, to make a good movie no matter how good the original property is. If they have the wisdom to leave the art to the artists and keep the suits out of it, they might have a chance at something worthwhile. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Well my fellow Nintendo Fans. It would seem we'll be seeing our favorite Italian plumber on the big screen in the near future.


Nintendo President, Tatsumi Kimishima, stated in an interview with the Asashi Shimbun newspaper, that Nintendo plans on going into films next. He claims that they plan on using the part of the earnings they've received from their partnership with the Seattle Mariners baseball team. Kimishima  stated that unlike their past history with films. *CoughSuperMarioBros.Cough* they plan to be directly invested into their movie projects. Also he's hinted at talks with Hollywood studio companies but are also looking beyond on Hollywood.


I for one have high hopes for this. I believe Nintendo has the right idea going into film. They've had some wonderful animation in their videos game such as Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus and Smash Brothers. I'm personally looking forward to this.

So.. What are your thoughts? Is this a good idea? Could these Nintendo movies actually be a big hit? Or perhaps turn out to be a big bust?

Now that would be really interesting to see. Best of luck to Nintendo for trying something different! I wonder what they would do to complete with this?


  • Brohoof 2

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Mario the Movie

Zelda the Movie

Pikmin the Movie

Starfox the Movie

Kirby the Movie

Punch Out the Movie

Nintendogs the Movie

Donkey Kong the Movie

Fire Emblem the Movie

Kid Icarus the Movie

Duck Hunt the Movie

Metroid the Movie

F-Zero the Movie

Animal Crossing the Movie

Pokémon the Movie

R.O.B. the Movie

Wii Fit the Movie

Splatoon the Movie


This is what we'll get. It's nice that we're getting Nintendo movies, but I'm sure some won't be important.

  • Brohoof 1

Pennutoh has a gun

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I don't think it would be a good financial decision for them, and I doubt that the movies would turn out that well.

For example, the Super Mario series has a quite generic storyline that wouldn't be very adaptable to a movie setting. The gameplay is what makes that series good. Other series like The Legend of Zelda have better storylines, but I still think it would be a risky thing for Nintendo to take on.


@@gamecubeguy214, a Nintendogs movie? That sure would be something! :muffins:

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It COULD work but Nintendo's track record with films hasn't been great. 



....yeah, that was a thing. 


Just make them actual brothers this time, not father and son (wut?) and their last name shouldn't be Mario (again, wut?) Just make the bloody thing animated.

Edited by Kayleigh

- Kayleigh

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