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For those that have seen it, who from DB/Z do you think as comparable to Tirek?


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Who from Dragon Ball/Z do you think fully powered Tirek is comparable to? I would personally not put him past Piccolo Daimao/King Piccolo from DB. I don't see him being even Raditz tier.

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I would probably say fairly close to around Vegeta when he first arrived on earth.

So do I, as Twi and Tirek could blow mountains and blast huge beams, but I doubt they go to super saiyan levels 

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Who from Dragon Ball/Z do you think fully powered Tirek is comparable to? I would personally not put him past Piccolo Daimao/King Piccolo from DB. I don't see him being even Raditz tier.

Comparable how? If you mean in a fight:

>Strong enough to scare the crap out of beings who casually move the sun and moon

>Strong enough to absorb the power of a being who also scares the crap out of beings who casually move the sun and moon

>Strong enough to go toe to toe with someone who absorbed both of those beings magical power, while still having their own (possibly equally as strong abilities) and another (also potentially as strong) being's magical power inside of them.

So, considering you didn't include Super, Tirek wipes the list of DBZ villains, by himself.

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Compared to high tier characters like Frieza, he isn't even a quarter of a speck. The old King Piccolo is more of his range of power. 

Comparable how? If you mean in a fight:

>Strong enough to scare the crap out of beings who casually move the sun and moon

>Strong enough to absorb the power of a being who also scares the crap out of beings who casually move the sun and moon

>Strong enough to go toe to toe with someone who absorbed both of those beings magical power, while still having their own (possibly equally as strong abilities) and another (also potentially as strong) being's magical power inside of them.

So, considering you didn't include Super, Tirek wipes the list of DBZ villains, by himself.


Moving the sun/moon isn't that great of a feat when you break it down. They already float in space, and the sun couldn't possibly be the size of ours. Moving something the size of a billion Earths would effectively make Celestia invincible, and the show doesn't reflect that at all. 


Hell, even master Roshi destroyed the moon.

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Comparing a show with action, fights and explosions, to a show with colorful ponies, magic and slice of life stories.


seems legit. :P

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Moving the sun/moon isn't that great of a feat when you break it down.

Hell, even master Roshi destroyed the moon.

 In comparison to other works of fiction like Marvel or DC, it's nothing. For Dragonball Z, comfortably god tier. Relative scaling.


They already float in space 


Floating around in space doesn't suddenly make everything weightless, and means nothing when you're actually hauling the sun around using your own energy. To do so, Celestia needs to have as much energy to move the sun as it would take to actually move the sun's energy; Newton's third law, and all.


the sun couldn't possibly be the size of ours.

Planets are: Twilight owns a telescope, which would be pretty pointless if there was nothing up there but points in the sky. The stars are: Discord went to go have a party up there for quite some time, which, see above. So's the moon: Perspective from the moon in the show and comics show that it's the same size relative to our earth. And of course, I have evidence for all of this, available on request, but I also have a message from a writer stating that the sun is the same size as ours,  so...


 Moving something the size of a billion Earths would effectively make Celestia invincible, and the show doesn't reflect that at all. 


Plotholes. Same reason why:
> None of the unicorns/ alicorns couldn stop winter from descending on the Crystal Empire (The Crystalling), when just Rarity was able to alter the weather to the skyline in seconds (Magical Mystery Cure), and Luna did it subconsciously (Luna Eclipsed)
>Twilight, despite being one of the most magically proficient ponies in the world, and an alicorn, somehow couldn't beat Starlight, whose magical talents only involve years practicing just one spell (The Cutie Re-mark).
>Twilight's network of useful spells (ala transmorgification, Want it-Need it, etc.) all seem to disappear whenever trouble appears, along with the sonic Rainboom, Pinkie's bizarre speed and strength, etc.
>Discord doesn't just snap his fingers and defeat every threat that the M6 have
>Celestia and Luna lost to the same vines that were sheared by a thick window, the M6 defeated easily, etc. (Princess Twilight Sparkle)
Writer's aren't really all that interested in examining pony physics or power scaling, it seems; doesn't mean we get to ignore the most relevant and consistent feats. If anything, that mean she should stick to those harder, since they happen to be some of the few things the writer's won't alter on a whim. Celestia moves the sun, Luna moves the moon; there's no argument there. :P
Edited by Fractured
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>Strong enough to go toe to toe with someone who absorbed both of those beings magical power, while still having their own (possibly equally as strong abilities) and another (also potentially as strong) being's magical power inside of them.

So, considering you didn't include Super, Tirek wipes the list of DBZ villains, by himself.

Tirek would've been thoroughly wrecked by numerous DBZ villains.  In MLP, being able to move the sun and moon doesn't necessarily translate into either fighting prowess or power; it's magic.  Very situational magic, at that.  Short of actually wielding the sun and moon / slamming the damn things into Tirek's ugly face, I don't think it's even relevant.  Besides: Celestia and Luna were both defeated / likely overpowered by plants.  PLANTS.  Does that mean that said plants were nearly as powerful as Tirek?


Even Vegeta - prior to his arrival on Earth and well before Super Saiyan was even a possibility for the prince - was able to casually destroy an entire planet with a ki attack that didn't so much as make the guy sweat.  "This planet is dumb."  *Destroys planet.*  That was pure destructive power; no physics-ignoring, rule-breaking magic involved.  The guy literally formed his own energy into a beam that reduced a planet to nothing more than space dust.  Could Tirek do that?


Besides (again): Who says Twi was going all out?  It's MLP; she wasn't going to straight-up vaporize a centaur.  That and she'd only just gained / started to adjust to her increased magical powers (once more: sun and moon-manipulation weren't utilized in the fight).  Tirek wouldn't stand a chance against a Vegeta-and-later DBZ villain that was actually out to kill his butt.


Tirek is a punk.  Even non-villain Krillin's Destructo Disc could potentially slice right through him.  Tirek might be able to take some potent magic on the chin, but that doesn't guarantee his survival in a ki battle.  And I think a good chunk of DBZ villains could just punch his head off.

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In MLP, being able to move the sun and moon doesn't necessarily translate into either fighting prowess or power; it's magic.


It's energy. And just like everything that involves reactions to energy, or energy exchanges, these things can be judged, and judged well; whether it's MLP magic, or ki, or reiatsu, cosmic energy...


And in this event, I say MLP magic, which is distinguishable from other magic in that the users actually take the energy from their own bodies in use for these spells. No wands, no potions, they don't pull it from the air; they are the direct conduits for their own magical processes, meaning any energy that is used for spells can be attributed to them. Twilight picks up an Ursa, or freezes an army, she's actually picking up an Ursa, or freezing an army, with her own energy. And in the case of the celestial sisters, the same thing applies. Just on a much larger scale.

Celestia and Luna were both defeated / likely overpowered by plants.  PLANTS.  Does that mean that said plants were nearly as powerful as Tirek?

PLANTS as strong as Tirek? No. That's pretty ridiculous. But, by the same token, PLANTS as strong as Celestia and Luna, when we've seen what even the most bare minimum unicorns are capable of? What Twilight knew in season one being under Celestia's tuttelage, at the school that she personally founded. We saw Applejack slice through a vine much thicker than the one that grabbed Celestia; are we assuming that she's somehow weaker than Applejack? This one scene in particular not only doesn't make sense when you take it at face value, it actually proves my point; judging Celestia by lowball feats like the one above isn't an accurate way to judge her. You have to use her most consistent feats. Which is raising the sun and moon for a thousand years.


 That was pure destructive power; no physics-ignoring, rule-breaking magic involved.

Fun fact: despite a high majority of fights between all of these planet busters (and serious fights, I might add) occuring on Earth itself, the Earth itself in DBZ has only been destroyed a total of... once. (twice, if you count super). Other than that, it's mostly been just islands or mountain ranges being blown to shreds, which in itself ignores the law of proper energy exchange rates (where is the rest of it going?). And you could come up with an excuse to how it's compact energy, or they're holding back to try to conserve the planet (which goes against a high majority of the villains characters, but you could), but then you'd be on my level. Purely combative/ destructive feats are not always how you judge a characters abilities, nor is it always the best.


Besides (again): Who says Twi was going all out? 

Sort of irrelevant here, and pretty much contradicts everything about Twilight's Kingdom for various reasons, but a relevant image:


Of all of the times Twilight has put on a "i'm going to be holding back now" face... this is not one of them.

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Comparable how? If you mean in a fight:

>Strong enough to scare the crap out of beings who casually move the sun and moon

>Strong enough to absorb the power of a being who also scares the crap out of beings who casually move the sun and moon

>Strong enough to go toe to toe with someone who absorbed both of those beings magical power, while still having their own (possibly equally as strong abilities) and another (also potentially as strong) being's magical power inside of them.

So, considering you didn't include Super, Tirek wipes the list of DBZ villains, by himself.

There isn't any alignment to Celestia and Luna's telekinetic magic and moving celestial bodies. Celestia and Luna hasn't been shown to been able to move anything as large as the sun and moon in comparison in short moving the sun and moon is based on a different type of magic.

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  • 2 months later...

I know it's an old topic, but DB is my love... and no, Tirek is barely close to Master Roshi, this old dude destroys the Moon and moves at super sonic speed (read the fight against Krillin in the early manga, you'll see); Tirek doesn't stand a chance

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd say Vegeta on his first arrival to Earth. But honestly, giving the ridiculous power escalation of DBZ I have no real clue what amounts to anything in that universe. Vegeta did destroy a planet easily before coming to Earth, but later Frieza doing it was treated a real show of power. I have no idea what's supposed to be impressive in that universe.

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Tirek wouldn't be much in the Dragon Ball universe. There is some magic around Dragon Ball but in very small amounts so he won't have anything to really absorb. Now Discord he's a completely different story. 

I feel sorry for Vegeta if Discord decides to have a little fun with him.

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I would probably compare Tirek to Majin Buu. When Twilight and Tirek were fighting, they were pretty much on equal terms in strength. It also took Twilight and the other using Rainbow power to defeat Tirek. It reminds me of when Goku took on the different forms of Majin Buu, especially Kid Buu. They were pretty equal in power and it took a spirit bomb to defeat Majin Buu once and for all. 

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