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S06:E14 - The Cart Before The Ponies

Ashen Pathfinder

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    • Oh Celestia, that was just so meh...
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As bad as their characterizations were, other episodes characterized them much worse.

Do you think Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash should've been punished for what they did in this episode?

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Do you think Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash should've been punished for what they did in this episode?

Nah. The crash and being called out for their idiocy are punishment enough.

  • Brohoof 7

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  1. The design of the course was a focal point of the climax. It's a double-figure-eight with an intersection in the center. Everyone crashed in the intersection.
  2. Being a "children's cartoon" (more specifically a family cartoon) is no grounds for not thinking about the conflict ahead. If this episode was a pure comedy with no sense of stakes or danger, then you can bend the logic more.


    For examples, this classic Bugs Bunny cartoon decades ago disregarded dozens of real-world rules in baseball, but it's a pure comedy with no thorough sense of stakes. The gags worked brilliantly.

I can see why it's a poor decision, but I just don't think it's a major issue, personally. It doesn't change a whole lot about the episode's main themes or conflicts. You're not really giving me a reason beyond breaking your immersion - although, that is an entirely fair enough point even if I don't agree. 

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I rather enjoyed this. The scenario in this episode was very relatable.

How the moral in this episode was relatable is because of the times when the older folk just need to let the younger generations do what they believe is best (which usually does improve on the old thoughts, but sometimes doesn't depending on how wise those decisions were to begin with).


  • Brohoof 3
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I don't like how Applejack has been written this season so far, First, she was written as dumb in Applejack's Day Off, and in this episode, she insisted on tradition without considering Apple Bloom's feelings, even guilt-tripping her.

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Sweet Celestia now I'm already two episodes behind. Need to catch up! :-o


the end of the hiatus caught me off guard too

  • Brohoof 1

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I predicted where this story was going within the first three minutes, saw the Mane 6 acting so much like soccer moms that I expected a Pez Easter Egg incident a few minutes after that, and was taking YouTube breaks throughout the episode. Crusaders episodes generally aren't the best, but they aren't the worst either, and this episode trends as absolutely average by all of those standards. There's really not much special about it and I see it getting lost in the rotation save for the carts probably showing up in fanart and the Derpy cameo making the community rounds.


The best things about this episode were seeing Cheerilee in a cheerleader outfit and Scootaloo almost turning her cart into something worthy of being called a Super Chicken. Otherwise it was harmless, but didn't really accomplish anything all that new. Just another entry. "Canterlot Boutique" is a similar plot done on a much better scale.

Edited by Wind Chaser
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At least this episode didn't feature the return of overprotective Applejack like I feared.


Instead, we got a thoughtless AJ, who apparently doesn't give a buck about literally bucking the spoiler Apple Bloom spent time working on and possibly damaging her sister's contribution to the racer. That scene actually made me angry at her, especially with the smug look on her face when she did it.  :okiedokieloki:


Unfortunately, that's just as bad as overprotective AJ. And this time she brought Rainbow and Rarity along for the ride, all of them totally thoughtless and uncaring to the CMC. I sort of bought into their motivations for being that way, but I just can't believe they would ignore their siblings (and proxy sibling) so heartlessly.


Also what I don't understand is why is this all of a sudden happening now? If this is an annual event, they should have had many opportunities to win the prizes they desired. They would have been better off stating "This is so exciting - Ponyville has reinstated the derby for the first time in over a decade" or something like that instead of saying it's an annual event.


Curious that even though Snips entered, Snails didn't. I was hoping to see his parent, also. It makes me think that Snails is too old to enter these competitions (he's got an adolescent voice, after all) and that would explain why Spike and Twilight couldn't enter, since Spike is probably too old as well.



The only things I liked about the episode are:

  1. Derpy is apparently Rarity's long-time nemesis. (lol)
  2. The song wasn't too bad.
  3. They remembered Rainbow Dash grew up in Cloudsdale and not Ponyville.
  4. Cheerilee got some significant time to shine.
  5. The show has finally shown and canonized Snip's dad(?) for us, and he's apparently a barber. (Makes sense.)

So I guess on balance I'll give this episode a "meh." It still found a place as the worst of the S6 episodes so far for me, however.

  • Brohoof 7

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I think the episode's moral was a good one- don't assume older people always know best, don't get carried away if you're trying to help someone, and keep in mind what they want (especially since it's their project)- but the way the climax was set up kinda dampened the effect of that moral. The crash that occurred wasn't particularly because of Rarity, Rainbow Dash, or Applejack's behavior- personally, I think whoever designed that awful track is to blame (https://trixiebooru.org/1218758). :P I kinda compare the situation to that in "Princess Spike", where the moral didn't quite match up with what caused the disaster in the end.


I think it would've been more effective if the CMC had been more vocal about their concerns earlier on in the episode, or if they had done something else like Scootaloo choosing to ride in Rarity's cart, Sweetie choosing to ride in Applejack's, or Apple Bloom choosing to ride in Rainbow's. But yeah, the biggest problem is that the massive crash wasn't so much about what the three big sisters did, and I felt they could have addressed it better.

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I really like this ep. Pure fun, really "season 4" like. Characters act all over the place but that just for comedic purpose and dont need to to take it too seriously.

This ep just remind me some old school episode that I love, you guys can call me bias or anything, but I having fun when watching this, 8.5/10.

P/s. By a way, this ep insults Scootaloo, what the fuck, Ed? Even you make fun of her disabilities, Diamond Tiara and you are the worst... Damn, Scoot, put that chicken head down, falcon is better...

Edited by Lambdadelta
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I wish this episode could have been a full out Wacky Races parody, it also could have had Pinkie Pie and Spike commenting on the race like they did in Fall Weather Friends.

  • Brohoof 3
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Well, I have to say that while I was entertained and that I enjoyed the episode well enough, it was not one of the better ones out there. While I won’t says that Rarity, Dash, and AJ were OOC, their mannerisms bugged me a bit. They, Rarity especially, should’ve seen past their own ambitions and realized this was for their sisters. However, I will also say that people are complicated individuals, so shifts in character I can understand. Also, the episode was somewhat predictable, and lacking overall tension.


However I will say that the CMC are spectacular, the lone song was VERY fun & catchy, and the moral was excellent. The race itself was also fun to watch and I enjoyed the references to things like Speed Racer and Wacky Races. I also have to give major love to cheerleader Cheerilee. She was...eye-catching; to say the lest. x3


But yeah, while the episode was somewhat underwhelming compared to “Stranger Than Fan Fiction,” it was still overall enjoyable. It lacked some substance and had annoying characterization, but the ending saved it. I would give it a 6/10.

  • Brohoof 7

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I thought that was an enjoyable episode. The only thing that bugged me was how Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash seemed rather ignorant and unwilling to listen to their sisters, up until the end. Not what I would've expected from 'em.


It was nice to see Derpy though, especially winning the first place for most creative as a filly, I had to pause and rewind to see that again. xD Scootaloo's chicken-cart made me chuckle too~


Also, Cheerilee as a cheerleader was just too cute. <3 It's nice to see her be cheerful and silly. :D Hopefully we'll see her again in the future!





Did they just make a bucking Wacky Races reference?

Brohoof if you know what the buck I'm talking about!



Hah, that went over my head, nice catch! I was hoping they'd do a Wacky Races reference. :D I actually wouldn't have minded if the entire episode was more like Wacky Races, but ah well. :P

  • Brohoof 1

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Great episode from yesterday! :D The best part is the ending part with the Cutie Mark Crusaders race and compete with their racers, also Apple Bloom's going fast than other racers including her CMC and school pony friends is my best reaction!  :)


Also the song in this episode, it's good, well not really after the song ends with they crash into each other.

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Eh this episode was ok. I enjoyed it but it is another crusaders episode and I don't care for the crusaders. Plus Rarity, Dash, and AJ are my bottom three of the mane 6 so it was just everybody I don't particularly like. But I do like episodes that stay in ponyville where there's no friendship problem superhero bat signal calling them off to some far off place, so I liked it for that.

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... It was 'aight.


It was one of those frustratingly predictable episodes.



I felt like the were directing us towards switching partners.

Did you know that they'd end up changing the attitudes of the mane 3 rather than doing a Chinese fire drill?

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I felt like the were directing us towards switching partners.

Did you know that they'd end up changing the attitudes of the mane 3 rather than doing a Chinese fire drill?

I considered that idea for about a second, but as the episode went on, I realized that wasn't what they were going to do. 


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I really liked it. I liked seeing Diamond Tiara and Sweetie Belle talking in the background. I found Snips and Snails funny in this, and I found the fact that Scootaloo's cart is a giant chicken funny. (Or was that a phoenix?) You'll notice that Randolph is Diamond Tiara's partner. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that Sweetie Belle's parents aren't shown. I mean, from a storytelling standpoint, I can understand why they went with Rarity since she and Sweetie Belle are extremely close. But it's like the writers act as if their parents don't exist at this point, much like Scootaloo and Apple Bloom's parents. This would've been a great opportunity to get some more insight into Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles. We've seen them in the background a couple of times, but we haven't heard them speak a line since "Sisterhooves Social." I'm really dying for a Rarity/Sweetie Belle episode with their parents.


I think that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon coukd'ce been used more here. Not sure how, but maybe Tiara coukd'ce had a relapse and the CMC have to talk her out of it. Or maybe Tiara and Spoon get into an accident and the CMC help them.


The other thing I didn't like was the design of the course. That design choice is just an accident waiting to happen. (And it did!) Instead of having the course zig-zag like crazy, why not have the course go around and throughout Ponyville? That would've been a great opportunity to see more of the town and its landmarks.


I did like how the CMC wanted to do different things, so the writers didn't make it too predictable in that regard. I also liked seeing Rainbow Dash cheering Scoots on at the end, which leads to a funny moment. And Sweetie Belle has gotten quite proficient with her magic lately, though I imagine since levitation is one of the basic spells a unicorn can learn, it's probably not that hard to pull off. However, it does sadden me also, as it makes mw realize that these fillies are growing up, which I don't like.


Also, another thing, is it just me or did the melody for "Giddyup Derby Racers" sound familiar? I could be mistaken, but it sounded exactly like the music used for a PBS Kids Go promo.

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I enjoyed this episode. It had a slice-of-life feeling to it. The episode itself may not have been that special, but it was entertaining with a lot of interesting shots and camera angles, particularly during the race. The episode showed that adults don't always know best and I liked the ending and lesson.


It was a nice touch how Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack all had their own reasons why they got so caught up in winning the race in their respective category. Rarity's motivation/flashback was hilarious.

Edited by JH24
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