ImpctR 155 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 What can I say.. for a single episode in the middle of the season this ep is AWESOME ! For me this episode is the best of Season 6 so far, I would only put Stranger Than Fiction as comparable but maybe this was better, some things I liked much more at least, so equal or slightly better, I give it 5/5. Good job Mike Vogel and the new writers (if new), excellent job I would say. What made it that great: I was around and episodes like the Return of Harmony made me start watching MLP even more but since I find big relation in the episodes The Canterlot Wedding - Queen Chrysalis, Changelings and a game I do, this made me like MLP even more, Chrysalis is from my most fave villains and I liked the last 2 eps of Season 2 from my most fave. Which is why it was also very cool to see them again in The Cutie Re-Mark (end of Season 5). An episode with a Changeling? I didn't instantly mark it as fave, as it could still have turned into nothing that special but some things made it that nice for me: [x] Starlight Glimmer present at more important events or Crystal Empire meeting the royal members, not to say encounter with a Changeling [x] Snow world with fairy snow caves (A thing I like about fantasy landscapes even more) [x] Changeling and Queen Chrysalis cameo (again in that scene I think this is the referred game, or relates a lot to it) I've never been a nitpicker about small things but I think even that was well presented. We saw reference to the previous episode with Spike (the Crystalling), his clear development further (what some complain about), him being still .. Spike on moments which is more natural - he doesn't suddenly turn into Super Spike, the Mistaken-less if some expect that. The end lesson was also good, pacing also fine imo. Sunburst, I was never too eager whether he is present or not, good to see he is more than 1-time pony. The changeling itself almost cute - t hey look cool, good design and now look more detailed, I always saw them before as nothing more than Bats! I liked the back-story from A Canterlot Wedding! A nice joke with Spike there also funny disguise by the changeling, then the song was alright because it was not filling time, it was an explanation of Spike for his actions. A changeling is here ??? Fire up your blades... no .. horns, ponies! Very nice, actually better than other eps cause of that! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odd Ball 231 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 (edited) I just realized that Cadance and Shining Armor allowing Throax/Crystal Hoof, somepony they never met, see their baby daughter was rather idiotic of them to do. Edited August 20, 2016 by Odd Ball 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smitty1038 53 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 (edited) I really loved this episode. Man, this has been a great season so far, especially for Spike. Can we all just agree that this has been the best season for Spike? Now if we can continue this great track record Spike has had going this season and onto future seasons, that would be great. I'm expecting to see some clopfics featuring Spike and Thorax. Now if only we could get an epizode involving Spike and Sweetie Belle, and another episode involving Spike and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon or the CMC, that would be great! By the way, that moment when Twilight said, "Spike, I am so proud of you", best moment between her and Spike since their moment together at the door in "The Crystal Empire, Part 2." If I had anything to complain about, it's that the song in this wpisode wasn't all that great, could've been better. Also, I don't think Starlight and Sunburst were used well here. As one user already said, there was no reason to include them in this episode other than to spout exposition, which literally could have been delivered by Cadence or Shining Armor. And am I the only one that didn't much care for Throax's pony form? Is it just me or did his design come off as him looking Jewish? Or am I being anti-Semetical? Edited August 21, 2016 by Smitty1038 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
That Guy with the CMB 5,873 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 (edited) Thought it was pretty good, and that song had an Elton John-feel. I feel like it could have been better, but I don't know how. Maybe it just seemed a little like not much was happening. Edited August 20, 2016 by Eazyfries Romans 10:9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tao 8,027 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 It was nice to have the changlings brought back, got some insight on the HIVE a bit and how they get born and the only Queen this whole cartoon has makes a good showing in no voice. We got some good deep moments with Throax and Spike was just a little star in also showing he has grown up a bit. Also Glimmer is welcomed and we need more of her... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
weesh 690 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 i really hope we get more sunburst than this. I find this episode encouraging. proves they still care about him... but this did not satisfy on that front. Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gernia 691 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I was at the library this morning and came home as fast as I could, frequently breaking the speed limit, just to watch it on my tv. Overall it was a very nice episode. I loved that spike sang, and the premise of the whole episode was pretty original to the show. My only little issue with it is that after Spike sang, everyone else just basically changed their minds and was all like "yeah the changeling's all right". It seemed rather unnatural that you don't have at least a few that are still skeptical of Thorax, but whatever. I think the good part of this is that this can open up new little stories because I don't believe this is the last we'll see of Thorax, and maybe even the changelings and Queen Chrysalis. 3 Signature by Kyoshi Hymenoptera is the most superior order of insects. | I'm the best Street Fighter player ever... in my hometown. Rosalina's #1 fanboy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweet Palette 246 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I really enjoyed it! I had a feeling there would be an episode like this ever since "Slice of Life." I was glad to see Sunburst again and look forward to seeing more of Thorax and where they take things from here. Also how about Spikes songs? I think this is my favorite song of the whole season! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LHfunk 422 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 Now Thorax is officially my second favorite character. Also, I thought his voice sounded familiar, so I looked up the actor (Kyle Rideout) and it turns out he was in Legends of Tomorrow for like, one episode. He's also in a supernatural episode that I haven't reached yet. Anyway, the episode was great, I especially loved that after Spike's song, everyone still had the same expression as when it started. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonny Music 3,444 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 Woah, now that was the most suspenseful episode in the show that I have seen in a while. I rather liked it a lot. Props to Hasbro Studios and DHX for this amazing episode. 1 My Profile LinkedIn Profile Main YouTube Channel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lambdadelta 1,462 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 (edited) The song is kinda unnecessary, like Flutter Brutter, the best part of the song is Starlight remember her mistake, she and Twilight are the only 2 pony can understand this situation, not Shining or Cadance and other. The ending is rushed, why are they so easily convinced? This changeling didnt do anything to prove his decency :/. I just hope Starlight will stand up for Spike, she is a former villain afterall , but her attitude during the song is good, i guess i cant complaint... 9 out of 10, -1 for rushed ending, i need more racism... Imagine a Space Marine can somehow make friend with a Tyranid and his chapter somehow didnt execute him for heresy... Edited August 21, 2016 by Lambdadelta Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 Didn't think Spike episodes could get better than Gauntlet of Fire... and, well, this one is almost as good. Awesome awesome episode, Thorax seems like a pretty cool guy and it's interesting to see this show explore something along the lines of racism(speciesism?). Spike gets a pretty cool song too I guess. Plus, the show finally acknowledges Changelings again! Though, where the rest of them actually are remains to be seen unfortunately, so terribly underexplored... episode gets a pretty great/amazing with a side of hungry for moar changelings like they're hungry for love plz. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lambdadelta 1,462 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 And the song at the end…good golly, it's so good. How can you didnt mention Starlight attitude change during near the end of the song ? That is a nice touch for Starlight, everypony gave her a chance after everything she has done, and she should do the same for this changeling, too bad, only Twilight has the authority to speak up for Spike. Everypony is too easily convinced, dont you think. This little bug didnt do anything to prove his decency and they befriend him without any hestitate at all . Racism cant be solved by one song, or just in the short amount of time . 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ruthborn 55 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 (edited) Definitely now in my top five. For good story (except for the end where suddenly everyone fully trusts Thorax (even Shining who seemed to have a deep seated distrust of them (for good reason)), but its on a time limit so what can ya do), good characterisation, good moral and very real for the most part. Extra points for being relevant to what happens IRL (be it a Jock befriending a Nerd, a Hetero befriending a Homo, or the whole racial/religious issues going on at the moment (eg Islam)). Extremely well done. Also Shining no longer has his "Beach Bum/Surfer" sound. Yey! Edited August 21, 2016 by Ruthborn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valeska 184 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 Does anyone else agree that it as about time Spike be given wings? For heaven's sake, he has nearly fallen to his death numerous times now. LOL! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brainstorm 4,112 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 This episode was cool, it improves Spike's heroism, and it shows that we can find friends even among enemies. We just have to be careful. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
weesh 690 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 Does anyone else agree that it as about time Spike be given wings? For heaven's sake, he has nearly fallen to his death numerous times now. LOL! a character having a physical flaw is actually more interesting than them not having it though. I'm ok with further delay on the wings. Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunny Fox 5,952 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 An interesting episode... I wonder if that was the same changeling at Matilda and Cranky's wedding? I thought the song was a little unnecessary, but it did give Spike his first solo song, and it was sung nicely. Apart from that, not much was going on. The whole "Spike didn't stand up for his friend" bit was pretty superfluous, it was resolved too quickly and just felt like forcing the conflict. Starlight's presence was also underutilized somewhat, but I guess it did at least give her a chance to speak and be seen. All in all, nothing terribly great or terribly bad here. At least Spike was treated respectfully. 4 Happy minion of The Fabulous One! Signature by Midnightive Check out my blog! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Truffles 2,033 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 (edited) One thing I really liked about the song was Starlight's demeanor. It was subtle, but as the song when one you could see her feeling fluctuate from pure anger to concern and even regret. The episode didn't have to say it; it just hit home for her. I had to go back and watch the song again - you're right! It's actually brilliant how they did this. Seeing this is one of the things that has lessened my criticism that the ending was too rushed. Also Spike doesn't smile at the end of his song - he fully expects to get scolded (or worse) for trying to convince everypony. Mind you, I still would have liked to have seen more drama at the end, but it's okay for me now. I kinda wish they would have expended on how Spike's reputation as hero would have been destroyed because of Throax, like having his fans see Crystal Hoofs as Throax and turn away from Spike. My worry about doing that is the episode would slide into "Princess Spike" / "Cart Before the Ponies" territory and make all the ponies come off as petty and vindictive. Spike's a hero twice over and they suddenly hate him because he tries to explain to them that not all changelings are bad? That seems shallow and out-of-character for the crystal ponies, especially after they were practically throwing themselves at him earlier in the day. I feel like the negativity shown was just about the right amount, the only thing that might have been better would have been to have had more than the song convince them. Spike seems to be gaining fans this season. I wish Hasbro would notice and give us more high-quality Spike merch. I love the GoH figures of him and will have them in my hands in Sept, but some more figures and plushes would be a welcome addition to adorn my room! =) Speaking of GoH, kind of ironic Spike is fighting Chrysalis in that one bit of merch. They should add a Thorax and Ember figure to that package! =D Does anybody know if Cathy Weseluck sang the song for spike or was there another person who did his vocals? She did indeed sing for Spike, as she has in all of his brief singing appearances! Thorax is oh-my-Luna adorable and such a fantastic character in his own right. He's the best character introduced this season. I'm torn, I really am. Although the season has been a mixed bag in many instances, I do think we have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to new characters. My top three would be Thorax here, Sunburst, and Ember. And frankly, I can't decide which one of them I like the most! You can see how much he wants to be accepted, but he feels ostracized because he doesn't enjoy what Chrysalis did, and no pony accepted him because of who he is. For Spike to be the one to bridge the gap is an excellent idea in itself and helps bridge it. Indeed! When Thorax was feeling hopeless over ever fitting in, I personally wanted a bit of dialogue where Spike explains being a dragon among ponies isn't as easy as it seems, and then explain what's hard about it. Maybe that's spoon-feeding the context to the audience, but I dunno. I guess for me, I already spend (probably) too much time thinking about all the problems Spike faces fitting in, so I'm already primed and I personally didn't need it, but I was thinking it might make the story stronger if he did? As it is, the only time he's really disliked being among ponies is in "Dragon Quest," and the only reason he came back was they made his own kind ridiculously unpalatable to him. =/ His reasons were very believable. When he failed to stand up for Thorax, he felt obscenely guilty and wanted to make things right. Agreed. The guilt over what he had done is what drove him to go looking for him. There wasn't anything else needed to motivate him. Think about it, he was willing to sacrifice his reputation at The Crystal Empire over standing up for someone of a race that nearly took over Canterlot. I would put this on par with what he was willing to sacrifice for the ponies of Equestria in "Gauntlet of Fire". Aside from the danger of getting seriously hurt in the trial, he initially thought he'd have to stay behind to be the Dragon Lord (and Twilight even pointed that out). He'd probably be miserable and lonely away from everyone and everything he ever knew. And the song at the end…good golly, it's so good. I like it more and more every time a hear it. It's definitely getting transferred and put on my music device playlist! It's not just my favorite episode this season. It may be the best of season six so far. Well done! It's definitely my fave episode of the season. It has the same quality of humor of "The Saddle Row Review" and had all of the poignancy that my favorite MLP episodes include. I suppose it is important to use Spike as a plug to show some involvement with teenage characters as it seems there was almost none to none at all teenage ponies so far or just none to my knowledge. Though these ponies could be possibly teenage ponies. I have to say they look like teenagers as well. I think it's true the show is trying to show more adolescent characters (kind of surprising it's taking this long since that has been a large part of the audience since the fandom emerged). Before, you pretty much had foals, adults in their 20's and the a few really old ponies like Granny Smith. Curious point. Personally, I couldn't quite gauge what age he was supposed to be. I'm assuming from the size relative to others that he might be a teen as a pony? We have no idea about changeling lifespans though. The birthing scene could have been 1000 years ago for all we know. :awuh: That's true about their lifespans. All we really know is he's two years or so older than he was in the flashback to the Canterlot invasion! Curiously, I rewatched "Canterlot Wedding" last night to bone up for this episode, and all of the changelings there had evil voices. XD the song would of had a stronger impact if Spike mentioned himself as a dragon that is not a pony and that dragons too are dangerous and frightening but Spike has shown that not all dragons are like that and the same can be applied to Changelings. And with Spike as a hero I would have wanted to see some kind of inner struggle in the beginning where he has to choose between being famous or doing what he felt was right and then when he sides with Thorax he begins his physical struggle of being pelted with rotten fruits by the townsfolk as he's placed under custody going from hero to zero but becoming a real hero and understanding that value. Totally agree on the song including some dragon-phobia as part of the lyrics! I'm sure there are ponies around even more frightened of them than Fluttershy is - ponies that are even afraid of baby dragons (or simply don't know the difference between an adult vs. a baby - a dragon is a dragon to them). As for someone as young as Spike getting pelted with nasty fruit.. I'm not sure that would be too good. I could see half the fandom (well, at least the Spike fans) raising their ire and shouting at the screen that the Crystal Empire can go screw themselves. XD Even if Spike is 16, I'm not sure pelting a 16 year old with rotting fruit would go over very good, and it only gets worse if the audience thinks he's 13 or 10. Oh, thank goodness it's Spike! For a second there we thought you were Carrot Top; man, that guy is the worst, not funny at all!" LOL, Carrot Top came to mind as well when I saw this disguise! . you do realize you can't use that as a test for ANYPONY ELSE right? LOL, I tend to agree, though I think it was meant just for Twilight (not sure why they wouldn't think Spike and Starlight couldn't be changelings if Twilight wasn't). In any case, it was a nice ref to the scene of Cadence doing the same thing back in "Canterlot Wedding". =) Spike's vocals are hardly something to write home about, his voice alone ensures that, but that lends to the simple, quiet beauty of the song. Gee, I actually liked Spike's vocals. XD I don't know if they're autotuning or not, but every note came out so smooth, it was a delight to the ears. And finally, the quiet nature of the song and Spike's impassioned pleas hammered away that this was coming from a very real, desperate, sincere place for him as a character. I'd sure like to know who did the choreography and direction for the visuals in that song. They were amazing! (I'll let slide the mystery spotlight controlled by Derpy. XD ) Spike's acting was top-notch here and like you, I really felt for him while he was singing. He was putting it all on the line and the outcome wasn't certain to him. I also kind of wanted Cadance rather than Twilight to be the first pony to listen to Spike and reach out to Thorax; I didn't mind that Twilight did and it made sense since she's both a sister and mother to him and also the Princess of Friendship, but I thought there might have been an added element of weight to it seeing the pony who most suffered because of the Changelings last time around (and probably has some trauma from that ordeal still considering she was abducted and held hostage, essentially) being the first to forgive them and try to make peace with at least this one, but again, it worked out just fine. While I think from a logical standpoint Twilight made the most sense to step forward for the reasons you present, I can't decide whether Cadence or Starlight would be better runners-up in that regard. You're right that Cadence stepping forward would have a big impact on the message because of her history with the changelings (though one could argue Twilight pretty much feels the same). But then we have Starlight who does have the evil past - during the song as was mentioned above she started feeling guilty hearing Spike's words, so her stepping forward would have worked well, too. Speaking of Cadence, I finally forgive her for how poorly she treated Spike in "Princess Spike". He didn't get a lot of time to interact with her in "The Crystalling" even though she seemed better there, but in this episode it's clear she cares about him and that whole thing with the conference in "PS" was a fluke of bad writing. =P Edited August 21, 2016 by Truffles 1 Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 Now that's what I'm f*ckin talkin about! After a string of disappointing, problematic episodes, this is the magic I've waiting for, and it was definitely worth the wait. I'm super excited. Loved it. Loved it! Since literally right after Canterlot Wedding, one of the many items on my wishlist has been either A.) We meet a changeling who's good, OR B.) They develop Chrysalis to be not entirely bad. Note that I'm not in favor of a Chrysalis reform, but just making her complex, perhaps like Magneto in that she believes she's good, and there are times where we sympathize with her cause. Anyway, I think the former was a better choice. I'm so pleased. Thrilled, actually. The changelings always had so much potential for development, and this needed to be done. I think the episode was executed very well. Not much to say. It was just awesome. I always wish that Spike could be just a liiiiittle more mature, but at least he got it in the end. And he didn't get butchered like Princess Spike. One thing that always bothers me is why characters don't just tell others what's going on in a clear, direct manner. "Hey, Cadance, I just met the changeling, and it turns out that he's not a threat to us. He explained that all he's ever wanted is a friend, and though he was part of the Canterlot attack, he felt that he couldn't take love by force anymore. As a result, he's starving at the moment, but he also explained that he would be able to get the sustenance he needs without hurting anyone, that he could survive on love freely given, if only others were willing to try being his friend. What do you think?" But nooooo. Why doesn't anyone ever do that?! This isn't at all specific to FIM. This is a TV trend since the dawn of time. I guess if characters actually explained things, the episode would be over at the start of the second act. Anyway, still loved it. I want more. Wish it was longer. I think it's great that they finally gave Spike a solo song. He deserves it. Poor guy hasn't even had a cameo line in a group song! The best he's gotten was Cloudsdale's "national anthem" at the games. For being Twilight's friend longer than anyone else, he shouldn't be musically sidelined, so this was long overdue. That said, I don't think he turned out to be a good singer at all. I'm so glad that Turbulence Cardioid wasn't in the spotlight much. Gawd, that thing is disgusting! Just like baby humans, the baby ponies are wretched looking! Why did they have to make her so weird and creepy? Did they do that on purpose, to be like baby humans? The only thing that slightly bothers me is that business with the changeling at Cranky & Mathilda's wedding. Now, I loved that little guy, but here's what is bothering me: they let him sit there at the wedding. He was undisguised, just sitting there, as a changeling, plain as day. So....does anyone else see the problem? The ponies must have determined that he wasn't a threat. They must have let him in, or at least let him stay, freely and knowingly. So, it seems like the The Times They Have A Changelinged...Already....Last Season. And Cadance and Armor were even there, too! So why were they all so flabbergasted at the idea of a good changeling? Why was Armor so vehemently opposed to the very notion? If the show's rating was bumped up one, he probably would have said, "The only good changeling is a dead changeling." So....the hell, man? I reconcile this by assuming that the wedding dude was more of a throwaway sight gag and not really canon....I guess. Many people debate whether Slice of Life even is canon, which I say it is. I guess some folks treat it like a Treehouse of Horror. But I believe that Cranky and Mathilda are still married, so checkmate. So then...I don't know about the changeling. Just sweep that one under the rug with a few other discordant odd and ends. ANYWAY, back to topic, even though that one thing seems to be a continuity error of sorts, I absolutely loved this episode, and I'm ecstatic that they finally developed the changelings more. And as a bonus, we have many headcanons (including yours truly) confirmed by the reveal of the changelings having and insectoid hive, and reproducing as such. AWESOME! 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
takai 1,060 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 Another solid episode for Spike! Season 6 is really treating him well. I think this episode had a really wonderful message about acceptance. The song was ok. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hazy Skies 1,010 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 (edited) This has to be.. my absolute favorite episode of season 6! So awesome and heart warming Lovely story and great character and backstory.. ^-^ I like Thorax, he has quite the nice side to such a mean looking character.. Show's there is a heart beneath.. what I can only imagine are.. scales?But it's a real happy and sweet episode.. I can't stop smiling A look into the whole "hive" thing was interesting to say the least.. very creepy and awesome.. The eggs look really cool, with swirling patterns and stuff.. There's one part i can't help but tease, a lyric in Spike's song ♪ No two snowflakes ever match their desiiiggggnnnn.. ♫...You know, apart from, these 4, these 3, these 3, those 2.. ... But yeah, an amazing episode! I absolutely loved it! ... If I ended up finally making my Changeling OC (that i did think of ages ago) no-one will believe me if i said i already thought of him before this episode.. First there was the Batpony OCs.. Now there's going to be a swarm of changeling OCs, i can see it Edited August 21, 2016 by AURAequine 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FizzyGreen 909 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 (edited) Yeah, you know, it was a pretty awesome episode. I generally enjoy all crystal empire episodes and so did i enjoy this one. At first the way, Thorax behaved, seemed a little too obvious to me but now thinking about how such a changeling would behave after going though so much it does seem kind of logical. The whole plot was a good idea, i liked it. And thorax was wooooo-we! Cute So, it was a pretty good episode i enjoyed the feels, alot. But can i say i can't imagine it better? No. I feel like the end was a little rushed. It still seems odd, ONE changeling just being friendly while the rest are evil. I would've liked a little more arguing for thorax. What i mean is, that it should've been harder to convince everypony. Then Spike would have said alot for thorax, like, he saved him, his story, the fact, that he is scared of everyone here, and all good facts for Thorax but out of denial they still aren't convinced. And then Spike brings that song and then, just like in the episode, Twilight is like "Spike is right." and everypony is like "Yeah." and everypony is happy. But, i guess there wasn't much time for that left, so, i suppose it's the best they could've done. Therefore, 5/5 And i enjoyed the song, while i didn't expect Spike ever to sing, it was a little awkward, but still almost made me cry. It was amazing. I would've liked more hugs. I would've loved to see Spike hug Thorax. That would've been soo AWWWW Edited August 21, 2016 by FizzyGreen 3 "You are right Starlight, you are more talented in magic than me. But talent doesn't mean, that you are privileged to have more power. It's the heart! All you need, to have power, is a heart!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VengefulStrudel 1,495 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 I really enjoyed this episode! I love how much Spike's character has progressed over time, and Thorax was very likable, I just wanted to give him a hug and tell him everything will be fine. It's very nice to see Spike finally get some love - 2 of my fave episodes this season are Spike ones! (The other being Gauntlet of Fire, of course) Some other things I liked about it: - Of course Spike has a Rarity plushie. - More lore on Changelings! I also liked that they have a Changeling Kingdom and not a Changeling Hivemind. I much preferred the headcanon that Changelings have a nation, as opposed to being just a mindless swarm like the Zerg or Tyranids. (PS: Little Thorax was just an adorable little grub!) - Spike's solo song. I also liked how Starlight went from angry to empathizing with Thorax as the song went on. I was hoping she and Thorax would at least chat a bit, since they have some things in common, but ah well. - I really liked Spike's interaction with the guards. Actually, I liked the guards by themselves, like the part where Shining said Changelings are no joke, and they just scooted away. - Some more minor things: the "mirror" gag, Thorax having blue magic (instead of the usual green), Flurry Heart still being adorable, and Thorax's name. It just sounds cool to me. x) 3 Check out my art thread for some cute ponies, cookies and boops. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FizzyGreen 909 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 By the way, what is the sorcery with this thread? Why are there ponies casually chatting at the beginning of the thread? "You are right Starlight, you are more talented in magic than me. But talent doesn't mean, that you are privileged to have more power. It's the heart! All you need, to have power, is a heart!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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