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Interesting Flash facts and Rants on Flash-Hate


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So when Flash was first introduced into the fandom he was met with complete hatred and scorn, why? Because he ended up being Twi’s love interest, so everyone started treating him like the cancer of the fandom that needed to die a horrible death because he’s “bland”, “cliche”, a "waifu stealer" and “has no character”.


Well if one re-watches the movie, it can be argued that Flash DOES have several character traits that make for an interesting personality, and this topic is for bringing them to light!


Let’s begin shall we? Flash…


…presumably taught Sunset how to play guitar considering no one else getting close to her during her bully phase.


Flash has a sense of justice as he went to clear Twilight’s name when Sunset framed her. And considering that he used to be Sunset’s boyfriend, that means he memorized and knows exactly how she operates.


He also dumped Sunset despite everyone in the school being afraid of her so he clearly wasn’t afraid of a bully or at the very least knows how to spot a bad influence.


However he also tried to at least start over with her later as friends, showing that he doesn’t hold grudges.


Didn’t seem to care about peer pressure considering the way he danced with Twilight.


Was mature enough to moves on from his relationship with Twilight due to the complications of it.


He’s a gentleman, a bit of a music nerd and a clutz.


He has a few character flaws like him not being able to cook (if Friendship Games is any indication), and having a bit of an ego when it comes to his music (Banner Day is a good example of that) to the point of naming the band after himself (Flash Drive)… not unlike Rainbow Dash.


He’s apparently good friends with Sandlewood, Micro Chips, Lyra, and Bonbon, or at least on good enough terms to be partnered up with them.


Was considered smart/talented/athletic enough to be picked for the Friendship Games.


If he’s a Royal Guard in the pony world, that could be carried over to his human counterpart in the form of him wanting to be a police officer.


Does he just put on a serious front when on duty, or play music as a hobby while off-duty?


There also has been a colt named Popfly (or First Base, depending on who you ask)with a similar mane and coat color who’s been seen in a few episodes




Could he be Flash’s younger brother? We’ve given Derpy a daughter on the same bases so why not?


Keep in mind, a good chunk of those facts are taken from the movies themselves, the only ones that are in head-canon territory are the Police Officer & little brother ideas. It may not be much, but we’ve done a lot more with much less.


Granted, those last part are speculation at best but you get what I’m saying, these are several facts about his character that can be used to make him interesting, all simply because I explored ALL possibilities for his character, not just the ones I WANTED to.


Let me ask you Flash-haters this:


Why is it we can make a Derpy’s animation error and her saying "muffins" and make her a clutz who’s obsessed over the food…


…make Lyra a human-obsessed conspiracy theorist based on how she sits…


…take a DJ with a two-second cameo and make her a party animal who’s dating that one mare from the Gala episode…


…make Berry Punch an alcoholic based on her drinking directly from a punch bowl…


…make Scootaloo an orphan simply because we don’t see her parents and Rainbow Dash a lesbian with a cider addiction…


…and yet giving one character some interesting personality traits based on his scenes in the movies is somehow impossible? Even if the writers didn’t do much for him, that doesn’t make him a lost cause that no good can come out of.


As Bronies we’ve been nitpicking small aspects of several characters and giving them their own personalities since the show started, so to whine about Flash being bland is not only lazy, but also hypocritical. Heck we add aspects and traits to main characters like Rainbow Dash, Luna, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Everyone assumes that Scoots is an orphan, Sweetie Belle is Button Mash’s special somepony, Luna is a binge gamer, and Rainbow Dash is a lesbian with a cider addiction. If we can nitpick and speculate about various characters in the franchise and give them their own personality or add onto their character then Flash is no exception. Him being "bland" is just a petty excuse used by lazy hypocrites who are too stubborn to be imaginative when it comes to this character.


"Oh but he's a walking "nice guy" cliche that's not even interesting!"


Cliche does not define one's entire personality, heck the mane six are all walking cliches when you think about it. Discounting a personality trait or event just because it’s cliche is just another sign of laziness.


Oh, and one last thing that proves that Flash-haters are all just a bunch of hypocrites:


If Flash had been introduced as a female, no one would've CARED, if anything they'd be singing a different tune and shipping them like everyone else because "OMG GIRL-ON-GIRL IS SO HAWT!!"


Bottom-Line: Flash-hate is pointless, hypocritical, and just plain STUPID.


So, what are your thoughts? Any ideas, facts, or aspects that can be used to make him interesting?

  • Brohoof 13
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Does being completely apathetic to his existence count as "hate"? Honestly, I don't get the hate outside of the whole "waifu killer" angle, but... Eh, just because he's interested in somepony or somebody doesn't mean a thing to the shippers.


He seems like a nice enough guy to me, but I barely pay attention to him. This is primarily because I haven't seen EG. Had I, I could make a more informed decision on his character traits. As it stands, he seems ok. I could get along with him. I like music, so I could see myself talking music with him. Heck, we might turn each other onto some things that we hadn't listened to up until then.


My thoughts on him are that he was an interesting idea, but one that a certain portion of the fandom didn't approve of. I personally don't care. Any personal fantasies are just that, personal fantasies. That hardly requires any sort of canonicity with the show.


As I said, personally I'm apathetic to his existence. I don't think he's a detriment to the show somehow, nor do I hold the opposite opinion that he is integral to the show. He exists, just like anypony/anybody and deserves to exist and advance as a character in his own right. Who knows, maybe he will become a better character, maybe a fan or cult favorite?


No one can tell with these things, after all. I say live and let live.


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Thank you!

About freaking time someone put in the same kind of effort the fandom does with background props that contribute literally nothing to the show whatsoever and used it on the most overhated character in the fandom.

  • Brohoof 2


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While I can agree with you that the people loudest in their hatred for Flash Sentry do need to take a chill pill, I still think that he needs some serious work.


The whole "walking nice guy cliche" you mentioned isn't something the fandom foisted on him.  He has all of these attractive traits (Sweet, attentive, sensitive, musically talented, handsome(?), tall, and not only can he drive, but he drives an absolutely sick ride, implying that he's well-off) and no flaws to speak of.  Sure, one could say that he's socially awkward, but when has that come off as a flaw?  Flaws only work if they cause a detriment to a character, and if anything, it only works to make him more attractive.


He has no serious flaws that make him interesting as a character, and just comes off as a flat and lazily designed cardboard-cutout whose only purpose is to serve as a love interest.

Edited by Hazard Time

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You... make points. I hated Flash and thought he was a trashy character until today.

https://mlpforums.com/topic/158860-emerald-stars-crazy-adventure/- My Fanfic, featuring my OC Emerald Star and his Stand, Grey Justice. The Mane Six also get Stands in this fic, so if you like awesome fights, Stands, and epicness, check it out!

NOW ON AO3! - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8505844

MLP:O/C - Order/Chaos, an original MLP Fighting Game featuring Original Characters! Apply within! https://mlpforums.com/topic/159347-mlp-oc-orderchaos-mlp-fighting-game-with-a-cast-of-ocs/?p=4726269#entry4726269

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While I can agree with you that the people loudest in their hatred for Flash Sentry do need to take a chill pill, I still think that he needs some serious work.


The whole "walking nice guy cliche" you mentioned isn't something the fandom foisted on him. He has all of these attractive traits (Sweet, attentive, sensitive, musically talented, handsome(?), tall, and not only can he drive, but he drives an absolutely sick ride, implying that he's well-off) and no flaws to speak of. Sure, one could say that he's socially awkward, but when has that come off as a flaw? Flaws only work if they cause a detriment to a character, and if anything, it only works to make him more attractive.


He has no serious flaws that make him interesting as a character, and just comes off as a flat and lazily designed cardboard-cutout whose only purpose is to serve as a love interest.

But like I said, we've done a lot with very little in the past, so why stop now? Those minor flaws I mentioned can be played for laughs if done right.


While I’m not expecting everyone to love him, but acting like he’s Satan himself and hating him for the "crime" of not having much development or so much as looking at Twilight is completely pointless. That kind of hate is better directed towards Blueblood, Spoiled Rich, pre-reformation Diamond Tiara, Gladmane and Svengallop, characters that have actually DONE SOMETHING to wartent such hatred. Flash? He exists.


You see where I'm going with this. Heck, characters like Trixie and Diamond Tiara developed into better characters even when some people outright despised them, Flash is no exception.


The steal a quote from Overwatch: "Don’t see something for what it is, see it for what it could be."

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I don't truly hate Flash Sentry; he isn't worthy of my hate.  You'd have to be a pretty disgusting individual for me to really hate you, and Flash doesn't measure up.  I am, however, tired of hearing about the fucker.  Is the fandom highly critical towards Flash Sentry?  Yes.  But is the fandom ALSO highly critical towards far more prominent, developed, or important cast members?  YES.  Which is why I don't quite understand the continuing focus on such a relatively minor character like Flesh Pantry.


It's fine if you like the guy.  Hell, it's fine if you love the guy; maybe you really do see something in him that others don't.  And you're obviously free to spend your time building and devoting huge text walls to him if you so wish.  But I'm not interested in reading those text walls, and any topic addressing fandom hypocrisy potentially has about eight hundred other, arguably better points of discussion out there.

Edited by Ziggy + Angel + Rain

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Technically, Flash Sentry is a completely undeveloped and useless character. If we're talking about Brad, however, then it's a different story.

Enter the Forest...

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I don't truly hate Flash Sentry; he isn't worthy of my hate. You'd have to be a pretty disgusting individual for me to really hate you, and Flash doesn't measure up. I am, however, tired of hearing about the fucker. Is the fandom highly critical towards Flash Sentry? Yes. But is the fandom ALSO highly critical towards far more prominent, developed, or important cast members? YES. Which is why I don't quite understand the continuing focus on such a relatively minor character like Flesh Pantry.


It's fine if you like the guy. Hell, it's fine if you love the guy; maybe you really do see something in him that others don't. And you're obviously free to spend your time building and devoting huge text walls to him if you so wish. But I'm not interested in reading those text walls, and any topic addressing fandom hypocrisy potentially has about eight hundred other, arguably better points of discussion out there.

....then why did you bother replying in the first place?


I don't mind if you're indifferent to him, but going out of your way to say you don't feel like reading walks of text is kinda pointless if you've already read it.

Technically, Flash Sentry is a completely undeveloped and useless character. If we're talking about Brad, however, then it's a different story.

Dude, either provide a LEGIT argument or don't comment at all.


Exactly how does THAT stop us from just GIVING him a personality? We’ve given other BG/side/supporting characters their own character and personalities with even less than that, and yet somehow Flash is an impossible character to do the same for?




A small characteristic could be pointed out over the course of each and every one of these movies with just a bit of looking, so the complaint that he’s "bland" is both irrelevant and hypocritical.


Also, have common decency/intelligence to use his actual name, that whole "Brad" joke is old as dirt.

  • Brohoof 1
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Dude, either provide a LEGIT argument or don't comment at all. Exactly how does THAT stop us from just GIVING him a personality? We’ve given other BG/side/supporting characters their own character and personalities with even less than that, and yet somehow Flash is an impossible character to do the same for? BULL. A small characteristic could be pointed out over the course of each and every one of these movies with just a bit of looking, so the complaint that he’s "bland" is both irrelevant and hypocritical. Also, have common decency/intelligence to use his actual name, that whole "Brad" joke is old as dirt.


Hey, now. No need to go yelling at the senior forum member for injecting some comedy. This isn't the debate pit, after all. I reserve the right to contribute to this discussion by lightening the mood and making a joke. 

Enter the Forest...

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Hey, now. No need to go yelling at the senior forum member for injecting some comedy. This isn't the debate pit, after all. I reserve the right to contribute to this discussion by lightening the mood and making a joke.

Sorry for the outburst, it's just when it comes to Flash I seriously just seriously can't get over how unjustifiably hated he is. It grinds my gears. If DT was fixed even though she basically insulted a handicapped pony, then Flash isn’t a lost cause.


Even the blankest of canvases can be made into something magnificent if we take the time to do so. Heck many people outright hated the idea of bringing back MLP because of G3…


...and now look at what MLP has become.

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While the fandom has right to take issue with his character (or lack thereof) we also have to realize, that the writers didn't have much choice in that matter. Katrina Hadley, assistant director of EQG, said that there was just not enough time to give Flash any character development, If they would, they could, but they had to really rush that first movie out there. 


So don't blame the Flash character. The way he is are for reasons beyond anypony's control. In hindsight, it's kind of sad. What the Flash character really could've been. 

  • Brohoof 2

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While the fandom has right to take issue with his character (or lack thereof) we also have to realize, that the writers didn't have much choice in that matter. Katrina Hadley, assistant director of EQG, said that there was just not enough time to give Flash any character development, If they would, they could, but they had to really rush that first movie out there. 


So don't blame the Flash character. The way he is are for reasons beyond anypony's control. In hindsight, it's kind of sad. What the Flash character really could've been. 


With this, I can sympathize. I'm a writer, and being given a flat deadline with no wiggle room to work out even an In Character roleplay post involving essential NPCs is a pain in the neck! How do we make them interesting if we're not given time to give them some finer personality details first?


Flash is, from what I've seen, a disappointment and a FRI (Forced Romantic Interest) for Twilight in the first two movies (again, I haven't seen them, so I'm going off the few clips I've seen from the EG series). It's the disappointment of Twi's first crush being a Gary Stu that really seems to eat at people, I think.


HOWEVER: Think of it this way... when we get our first crush, we tend to idolize them, to think that they are indeed just... perfect. Oh god, nowadays the word makes me retch, but... as kids, love interests were seen as these ideals. I kinda think Flash, purposely or not, reflects that.

  • Brohoof 1


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....then why did you bother replying in the first place?

Same reason I post practically anything on the internet: I felt like it.




I don't mind if you're indifferent to him, but going out of your way to say you don't feel like reading walks of text is kinda pointless if you've already read it.

I didn't read it; that was kind of my point.  A few sentences in and a quick skim thereafter told me that you went to all this trouble dredging up a tired old argument (that I only ever hear about when someone is mounting a defense against an attack that isn't even occurring), and you went the text-bombardment route.  Just because you typed a lot of stuff doesn't mean your opinions about something have become irrefutable fact.  And you probably lost any supposed "Flash haters" the moment you called them all "stupid"; I did notice that part.




Sorry for the outburst, it's just when it comes to Flash I seriously just seriously can't get over how unjustifiably hated he is. It grinds my gears.

Why do you care?  I'd genuinely like to know.  Give me your most sincere and succinct response.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Same reason I post practically anything on the internet: I felt like it.


I didn't read it; that was kind of my point. A few sentences in and a quick skim thereafter told me that you went to all this trouble dredging up a tired old argument (that I only ever hear about when someone is mounting a defense against an attack that isn't even occurring), and you went the text-bombardment route. Just because you typed a lot of stuff doesn't mean your opinions about something have become irrefutable fact. And you probably lost any supposed "Flash haters" the moment you called them all "stupid"; I did notice that part.


Why do you care? I'd genuinely like to know. Give me your most sincere and succinct response.

I care because I like Flash, I care because he has just as much potential as any "fanon-fueled BG ponies" to be made interesting. I can point out SEVERAL BG/side-ponies who had a few lines and/or screentime (before the 100th episode): Thunderlane, Cloud Chaser, Bulk Biceps, Bonbon, Carrot Top, Colgate, Caramel… just to name a few. And they were simply given more appearances throughout the series, WE gave them that development, hence why the 100th episode was made.


The problem is that Flash-haters can’t be bothered to acknowledge it because it’s easier just to hate him and use the same old "he's bland" excuse. They treat his character like he’s a main character who is taking up tons of screen time despite it’s the opposite of that, they act like it’s okay for BG ponies to get special treatment but not Flash even though he is not presented as a main character, why should he be hated so much and not be allowed to be given any characteristics or traits but the BG ponies get a free pass with the same restraints? He’s a supporting character at best and a BG character at worst.


And for the record, I wouldn't do with me calling them stupid, I was calling their reasonsfor hating him stupid and hypocritical.

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Does being completely apathetic to his existence count as "hate"? Honestly, I don't get the hate outside of the whole "waifu killer" angle, but... Eh, just because he's interested in somepony or somebody doesn't mean a thing to the shippers.


He seems like a nice enough guy to me, but I barely pay attention to him. This is primarily because I haven't seen EG. Had I, I could make a more informed decision on his character traits. As it stands, he seems ok. I could get along with him. I like music, so I could see myself talking music with him. Heck, we might turn each other onto some things that we hadn't listened to up until then.


My thoughts on him are that he was an interesting idea, but one that a certain portion of the fandom didn't approve of. I personally don't care. Any personal fantasies are just that, personal fantasies. That hardly requires any sort of canonicity with the show.


As I said, personally I'm apathetic to his existence. I don't think he's a detriment to the show somehow, nor do I hold the opposite opinion that he is integral to the show. He exists, just like anypony/anybody and deserves to exist and advance as a character in his own right. Who knows, maybe he will become a better character, maybe a fan or cult favorite?


No one can tell with these things, after all. I say live and let live.

Most of the reasons you've pinpointed out are exactly the reason these "facts" of why Flashy is worst human are bullshit..... then again, they made me actually like him ironically :lol: 


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And for the record, I wouldn't do with me calling them stupid, I was calling their reasonsfor hating him stupid and hypocritical.

Sounds a bit like hair-splitting, but fair enough.




I care because I like Flash

What the fandom thinks of Flash isn't relevant to how you feel about him; you neither have to justify liking him nor build him up in the eyes of others.  To me, it looks as though you constructed an argument on top of an emotional foundation and then behaved, in subsequent posts, as though it were bulletproof.  But I assume you were looking for validation rather than debate (as people are wont to do).




he has just as much potential as any "fanon-fueled BG ponies" to be made interesting

I thought you already found him interesting.  Isn't that enough?




They treat his character like he’s a main character who is taking up tons of screen time

But, in order for him to receive further development, he'll take up more screen time as a consequence.  Would that, then, render the complaints valid?  What if that further development isn't well-received?  Hell, what if YOU don't like that further development?  You can't change everyone's minds and opinions, and, even if you could, there's no guarantee that Flash will get the care and attention you think he deserves.  I'm not personally invested enough in the guy to even want to see that development; he just didn't make a good enough first impression.


But that's me, and my impression of him shouldn't matter to you.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Sounds a bit like hair-splitting, but fair enough.


What the fandom thinks of Flash isn't relevant to how you feel about him; you neither have to justify liking him nor build him up in the eyes of others. To me, it looks as though you constructed an argument on top of an emotional foundation and then behaved, in subsequent posts, as though it were bulletproof. But I assume you were looking for validation rather than debate (as people are wont to do).


I thought you already found him interesting. Isn't that enough?


But, in order for him to receive further development, he'll take up more screen time as a consequence. Would that, then, render the complaints valid? What if that further development isn't well-received? Hell, what if YOU don't like that further development? You can't change everyone's minds and opinions, and, even if you could, there's no guarantee that Flash will get the care and attention you think he deserves. I'm not personally invested enough in the guy to even want to see that development; he just didn't make a good enough first impression.


But that's me, and my impression of him shouldn't matter to you.

I'm not just trying to "build him up in the eyes of others" I'm just pointing out that with everything we've done as a fandom giving him a personality shouldn't be impossible and simply dismissing him as worthless is hypocritical.


Tell me, Who was it that made the "Celestia is a troll" meme a thing? And did the "Derpy is a clutz who loves muffins" characterization come before or after the 100th episode? And did the producers make that a thing? It was us Bronies! I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again, we’ve been taking small personality traits and basing entire characters are around them, so how is the scenario any different? Flash is still a supporting character that can be made interesting, for example; he’s a royal guard in the ponyverse, so why can’t that be paralleled by him aspiring to be a police officer?


And I repeat, most of facts and speculations that were brought up are from actual parts of the movies and shorts. While the speculative aspects were from parallels to his pony-self as well as a certain character with a similar design. I don’t recall that being a problem for when Derpy was given a daughter based on the fact that their mane and coat matched.


I have no problem with people who are indifferent to him, I know that I can't make everyone spontaneously you like him, but I can at the very least put up a better defense as to why he's not a horrible character.


Bottom line: Flash DOES have personality that can be used, and he DOES have a few character traits and flaws, and those CAN be used to give hr more depth as a character, even if it’s only a little, the little can go a long way.

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Legend of Everfree did give Flash some of that much needed character development he had been lacking in the previous movies, but it isn't going to be enough to make people change their perception of his very existence. Now, I've liked Flash Sentry from the beginning and I was right to have done so since he has slowly been changing from what the fandom have dubbed him as, to becoming a character who is trying his best to have some kind of impact.


He does need some more development, but what he received in Legend of Everfree is a step in the right direction. His best moments in that movie were arguably with Sunset where the two of them were by themselves. Sure, Sunset had the better lines and Flash merely played off of them, but we got to see a side of him that has never really been talked about all that much. He understands that he had to move on from Twilight knowing that would never happen, and it took him the entire movie to come to terms with it. Perhaps in the specials, Flash could contribute in a way that involves saving at least one person.

  • Brohoof 3


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Legend of Everfree did give Flash some of that much needed character development he had been lacking in the previous movies, but it isn't going to be enough to make people change their perception of his very existence. Now, I've liked Flash Sentry from the beginning and I was right to have done so since he has slowly been changing from what the fandom have dubbed him as, to becoming a character who is trying his best to have some kind of impact.


He does need some more development, but what he received in Legend of Everfree is a step in the right direction. His best moments in that movie were arguably with Sunset where the two of them were by themselves. Sure, Sunset had the better lines and Flash merely played off of them, but we got to see a side of him that has never really been talked about all that much. He understands that he had to move on from Twilight knowing that would never happen, and it took him the entire movie to come to terms with it. Perhaps in the specials, Flash could contribute in a way that involves saving at least one person.

A nice chance of space since being largely put on the sidelines since Rainbow Rocks right :dash:? Not to mention his pony counterpart has been absent since Twilight Kingdom in S4 :huh:. I still not expecting much from him, as I still don't expect the writers to develop him though  

  • Brohoof 1


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A nice chance of space since being largely put on the sidelines since Rainbow Rocks right :dash:? Not to mention his pony counterpart has been absent since Twilight Kingdom in S4 :huh:. I still not expecting much from him, as I still don't expect the writers to develop him though  


He might not get as much development as the principle cast but it's better than nothing, right?

  • Brohoof 2


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He might not get as much development as the principle cast but it's better than nothing, right?

True, and Legend of the Everfree felt better rather than being subtly screwed by the writers like in Friendship Games

  • Brohoof 2


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True, and Legend of the Everfree felt better rather than being subtly screwed by the writers like in Friendship Games


In Friendship Games, if you blinked, you would miss him as he only appeared in two minor scenes and one line of dialogue during the pep rally. I'd say that was Flash's lowest point in the four movies.

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