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Overwatch General Discussion Thread!

Moon Macaron

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So! Overwatch has recently reached its one year anniversary so I thought about starting a general thread to see if the community is up for talking about it, as a huge fan of Overwatch myself. 

To start with, heres a few questions for everyone! Id love to meet more people on here who enjoy the game as much as I do!

PC or Console?:
Main Offense hero:
Main Defense hero:
Main Tank hero:
Main Support hero:
Current Rank & Level:

PC or Console?: Console
Main Offense hero: Sombra/Tracer
Main Defense hero: Junkrat/Widowmaker
Main Tank hero: Dva
Main Support hero: Symmetra/Lucio
Current Rank & Level: Gold - 200

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PC or Console?: Xbox
Main Offense hero: Mercy
Main Defense hero: Mercy
Main Tank hero: Mercy
Main Support hero: Guess who Mercy!!!
Current Rank & Level: Gold barely, level 163

Can more players please play support I'm getting tired of doing it

Edited by Maple Bat
I dislike people now.
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My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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PC or Console?: PS4

Main Offense hero: Not really any, but Sombra's a lot of fun

Main Defense hero: Junkrat

Main Tank hero: Roadhog or D.Va

Main Support hero: Mercy, maybe also Symmetra in the future

Current Rank & Level: Bronze - 45


It's worth pointing out that I'm also pretty new to the game. I've been playing since about a week before Uprising started. Once I get a better computer, I might switch over to PC if I can keep my progress. It's a pain to use a controller to aim, especially in the more hectic matches.

  • Brohoof 1


PSN: WokeSmeed53

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Just now, WokeSmeed said:

PC or Console?: PS4

Main Offense hero: Not really any, but Sombra's a lot of fun

Main Defense hero: Junkrat

Main Tank hero: Roadhog or D.Va

Main Support hero: Mercy, maybe also Symmetra in the future

Current Rank & Level: Bronze - 45


It's worth pointing out that I'm also pretty new to the game. I've been playing since about a week before Uprising started. Once I get a better computer, I might switch over to PC if I can keep my progress. It's a pain to use a controller to aim, especially in the more hectic matches.

I thought that way too but its just a butt ton of practice. Like, for a long while I never thought I was going to be able to play Widowmaker, sniper classes always being something I absolutely sucked at from my Splatoon days, but I'm somewhat decent with her now! 

I recommend messing with the sensitivity settings! 

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PC or Console: PC

Main Offense: Pharah/McCree (if my aim is on point that day)

Main Defense: Junkrat

Main Tank: Reinhardt/D.va

Main Support: Mercy <3

Current Level & Rank: 216 & Platinum 2900'ish SR


These are some of my favorite characters, although I rarely ever play any other role other than Support: my favorite role in most of the online games I play. I'm a very proud Mercy main, and I can often make-do with Lucio or Ana as well~

Edited by driz
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Main Offense: Soldier 76

Main Defense: Junkrat

Main Tank: Roadhog

Main Support: Zenyatta

Current level and rank: 41 Silver 1800 or so SR

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Main Offense: Tracer

Defense: Mei

Tank: D.Va

Support: Lucio/Mercy

Rank: 200, Bronze, 1458 SR

I started playing Overwatch during the free weekend in November, and then I got it for Christmas and I've been addicted to it ever since. Kind of considering starting to play Competitive more especially when Season 5 rolls around.

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Offense: Tracer

Defense: Mei

Tank: D.Va (or Rein depending of my mood)

Support: Ana

Level 109, Silver with 1550SR. Although this is subject to change due to new season :v


Honestly, I didn't expect to like this game. I don't tend to like shooters, but after giving it a shot courtesy of my brother, I can call it one of my favourite games so far. I just love it!

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Main Offensive hero: Soldier 76

Main Defensive hero: Junkrat

Main Tank hero: D.V/Roadhog

Main Support hero: Lucio/Zenyatta

Current Rank: Gold with 1957 SR and Level 181

I remember trying out the online demo before the official release of the game. It was pretty cool and interesting to play. I bought the game on launch day and had a lot of fun. I'm looking to try out new characters to work on. Characters such as: Mei, Reaper, Mercy, Ana, Bastion and Pharah are a few examples. I'm looking to be more diverse in characters when season 5 starts. 

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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PC or Console?
Console, Xbox One to be exact.

Main Offense hero

Main Defense hero

Main Tank hero

Main Support hero

Current Rank & Level
Bronze - 127

Overwatch is the first competitive online game I've enjoyed enough to play, however it took me awhile to get it because I was so nervous about playing it and NOT enjoying it. Before my first non-AI session... I had a panic attack. I still can't believe I got that anxious for that to happen. Now I'm somewhat decent, often fluctuating between Ana & D.Va to defend and attack when nessecary. I do stray into other characters depending on the map and objective at hand. I don't do Seasons, because I know I will be eaten alive... so I'll just stick to Quick Play and Arcade for the moment.

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1 hour ago, Dynamo Pad said:

Main Offensive hero: Soldier 76

Main Defensive hero: Junkrat

Main Tank hero: D.V/Roadhog

Main Support hero: Lucio/Zenyatta

Current Rank: Gold with 1957 SR and Level 181

I remember trying out the online demo before the official release of the game. It was pretty cool and interesting to play. I bought the game on launch day and had a lot of fun. I'm looking to try out new characters to work on. Characters such as: Mei, Reaper, Mercy, Ana, Bastion and Pharah are a few examples. I'm looking to be more diverse in characters when season 5 starts. 

Best of luck with trying out new heroes! I'm doing the same with Tracer recently. If you ever want someone to play with feel free to toss me over a request!

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Just now, Widowmaker said:

Best of luck with trying out new heroes! I'm doing the same with Tracer recently. If you ever want someone to play with feel free to toss me over a request!

Thank you and good luck to you as well. Tracer seems pretty cool and tricky to use, in my opinion. I think that would be pretty awesome. I'll try and send a friend request soon. Do you play Overwatch on the PS4?

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2 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:

Thank you and good luck to you as well. Tracer seems pretty cool and tricky to use, in my opinion. I think that would be pretty awesome. I'll try and send a friend request soon. Do you play Overwatch on the PS4?

PS4, psn is cinnamonteacup

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1 hour ago, Vocal Analyst said:

Overwatch is the first competitive online game I've enjoyed enough to play, however it took me awhile to get it because I was so nervous about playing it and NOT enjoying it. Before my first non-AI session... I had a panic attack. I still can't believe I got that anxious for that to happen. Now I'm somewhat decent, often fluctuating between Ana & D.Va to defend and attack when nessecary. I do stray into other characters depending on the map and objective at hand. I don't do Seasons, because I know I will be eaten alive... so I'll just stick to Quick Play and Arcade for the moment.

I know how you feel. I tend to get really nervous when starting in a new competitive game, and even to this day, I sometimes still have anxiety attacks when playing ranked matches. Especially when I have to fill in with another role I don't have much experience on...


Ugh... :(

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On 5/30/2017 at 7:13 PM, driz said:

Especially when I have to fill in with another role I don't have much experience on...

Just play Hanzo.

With how much I see him on teams he must be truly great at filling all roles :please:

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  • 10 months later...

Platform: PC

Offense Main: I typically go for Reaper or Soldier first. Currently trying to learn how to play Genji and Sombra as well.

Defense Main: I don't play this role very often, but when I do I usually go Junkrat (or Torb). Currently trying to get better at Mei and Hanzo.

Tank Main: I can play all of the tanks currently in the game, but my go-to is D.Va. My runners-up are Orisa and Rein.

Support Main: I also can play all supports. My go-tos are Ana, Brigitte, and Moira.

Level: 61. Unranked, cuz I don't really plan on joining the living hell that is Competitive anyways.


I've been playing a crapton of Retribution lately and recently beat Expert mode. Now all that's left is to beat Legendary... eventually.


gonna take you out

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been about a year since I've last posted in this topic. A lot has happened with new characters, character reworks and many more. Now that we have season 10, I feel that I should update on who I play and what my goal is for the new season.

Main Offensive hero: Soldier 76, Reaper

Main Defensive hero: Bastion

Main Tank hero: D.Va, Roadhog, Zarya

Main Support hero: Moira, Zenyatta

Current Rank: Silver with 1984 SR and level 312

I've mostly been playing support role recently. I remember trying out Moira and I loved how she played in matches. I've picked up Zenyatta, but I'm not really the best with him, to be honest. I'm going to try and practice with him more this season, so hopefully I'll make some good progress. Other characters that I want to work on are: Reaper, Bastion, Sombra, Symmetra and Genji. I'm really hoping to improve this season and I'm really looking forward to what season 10 and onward has to offer. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Platform: PC

Offense Main: Pharah

Defense Main: Torbjorn

Tank Main: D.Va

Support Main: Lucio/Zenyatta


I greatly enjoy this game but the friends I used to play it with have gotten burned out over it.  Drop me a PM if you are looking for somebody to play with.

Edited by Twilight Dirac
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Platform: Xbox one; though will consider moving to PC if I can keep my skins.

Offense main: Reaper; His shotguns make him an ideal tank buster when played right.

Defense main: Bastion; I hardly ever play defense but when I do I enjoy playing as Bastion for his self heals and high dps.

Tank main: Roadhog/Winston; I spend most of my time as the tank, something about being a juggernaut defending my allies feels right at home. Anyways Roadhog for when I'm feeling aggressive for his high damage output, self heals, and interrupts. And Winston for when I'm feeling cautious, his shield mixed with his tesla cannon are a great combination and when used in offense with his jump pack he can easily harass the entire enemy team and live.

Support main: Mercy; Before Overwatch I played a lot of TF2 and Mercy is essentially the Medic just with more abilities. When I play as her I don't just stick with one person I'm always on the move ensuring everyone is at least at 80% health. I've received 10/12 votes once while playing her in payload, and have a pretty awesome clip of me saving the day as her in 3v3. 


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