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Not all Furries are Bad


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I saw a thread sort of hating on furries here and I just have to come to the defense being one. Not all furries are deranged people bent on one thing or weird fetishes. A lot of people just like anthro animals an like to have OC anthro animals. I have one main fursona and two others and I like the fandom and am there for the less freaky, weird elements and I would say the good majority of the fandom is. However, TV shows and press latch onto the disruptive, weird, scary elements of a fandom and run with it. For example, bronies have been shown in media as creepy dudes who um really like (in a bad way) ponies. That's really a small element of MLP fandom that because of the Internet takes on a life of it's own and the media will latch onto it making those who are decent, fun-loving people ashamed to admit they are a fan or in a fandom. Furry is a fandom, not a lifestyle similar to cosplay.

Most are decent individuals who just like to take on a role like an actor. I admit there are some scary and off kilter people out there, but you find that in any fandom or non mainstream hobbies. The Pegasister and Brony community got painted as nutty because they disagreed with the decision on Derpy Hooves being revoiced. The majority was civilized debate, but there were some that too it way over the edge. The ones that took it to the extreme got the attention. Food for thought

Edited by GoldenGumdrop
  • Brohoof 6

  Proud Pegasister and Dog Mom!



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Heyya I consider myself a furry too but hey what to do, the media and some people always like to see the bad stuff about people and they would do really full on research too just for that. But despite all that there's always the good people in there and everywhere, just not shown or such. And probs most people hating just like to follow hate trains. Plus usually the hate groups get more attention then the good ones too. 

  • Brohoof 2



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16 minutes ago, GoldenGumdrop said:

I saw a thread sort of hating on furries here



I hope you aren't referring to my thread Q.Q I didn't mean to "hate on furries". I was just asking a question to those of us who aren't quite furries but also find ourselves developing an amorous affinity for certain animated anthropomorphic characters >.<

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Just now, K.Rool Addict said:



I hope you aren't referring to my thread Q.Q I didn't mean to "hate on furries". I was just asking a question to those of us who aren't quite furries but also find ourselves developing an amorous affinity for certain animated anthropomorphic characters >.<

Oh no! Lol sorry you thought that. It was a post comparing the pony fandom from the beginning to now and someone was saying they were a furry but that most furry were weird sexual degenerates or something and I was like "Now, now we're not all that bad!"

  Proud Pegasister and Dog Mom!



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25 minutes ago, GoldenGumdrop said:

I saw a thread sort of hating on furries here and I just have to come to the defense being one. Not all furries are deranged people bent on one thing or weird fetishes.

well first off having "weird fetishes" doesn't warrant hate in of itself so regardless there should be no problem.


This is the type of thing I hear all too often and it's the wrong mindset to have. Like, for example, if you try to say "not all bronies are bad" because you're talking about the ones who don't clop, you're alienating a portion of people similar to you to appeal to strangers who might hate you for what you like regardless. You don't have to associate yourself with people who go down that route, but you don't need to act high and mighty like you're morally superior and therefore present furries or whoever as better and more acceptable to people aren't furries.


  • Brohoof 3

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Just now, GoldenGumdrop said:

Oh no! Lol sorry you thought that. It was a post comparing the pony fandom from the beginning to now and someone was saying they were a furry but that most furry were weird sexual degenerates or something and I was like "Now, now we're not all that bad!"


Lmao I think I may have said something very similar to that too xDD


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7 minutes ago, GoldenGumdrop said:

"Now, now we're not all that bad!"

This is true! I know a lot of furries out-side of the forums who are furries and they depies the way furries are depicted, these people are very passionate about being furries as well but are not super vocal about it unless asked about it. I don't understand why people always assume the overall portion of a group by a minority.

  • Brohoof 2


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So I've done furry online in sims like Secondlife and role play forums,   and yah it has its dark corners much as ANY FANDOM has!  Thing is

sadly, people tend to hit on all the bad!  Furry-dom has a TON of normal nice people who just like anthro animals,   i mean: why be human? Given everything else you cam or think of being?  Furries have been around a long time and the net only let come out more in the start with chat rooms and etc and online sims!  What I love is the highly creative side of the furry-dom in what I find in online comics and writing!   Both the Brony and the Furry have a lot of creative people/


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it's like anything else, people are weird and they like weird stuff

I'm a pretty big fan of the furry side of things myself

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Just because it makes someone feel bad, does not mean it is bad (correlation =/= causation, but suggests the possibility of causation). That's a common mistake due to association and its related to psychological conditioning. Like, someone is allergic to peanuts, it doesn't mean peanuts are evil, it means you are terribly sensitive to peanuts. If it caused harm, that's not because its inherently harmful, its because you are prone to getting harmed from it. Might as well ban the sun because pale people get skin cancer from it and sunburns.

All things that interact with the world exert a force. All things that exert a force have an opposite and equal force. Ergo, nothing immaterial exists [because where would the opposite force be without material as a medium?]. Ergo god doesn't exist immaterially. Also if the universe were infinite itd take infinite time for a god to make it. If it were finite it'd be subject to entropy. Which means an eternal god can't exist.


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Wait, there is a hate thread on MLPF? I thought staff would of shut down something like that?


I use to hate furries, but as time went on I began to wonder... "why do I hate them again? Is it because they're suppose to rival our fandom?" I realized how stupid that was, and realized a lot of the rumors about them are about as ridiculous as the rumors the brotherhood gives us. Furies, and Bronies have a lot more in common than you realizes, really the only difference is our personas... Though Furry OCs are cuter.

  • Brohoof 1


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21 minutes ago, Snowflake Frostflame said:

Wait, there is a hate thread on MLPF? I thought staff would of shut down something like that?

There isn't and it would be shut down if it was targeted flame bait. The only time there is an issue related to Furries and Bronies is when someone tries to promote the idea that all Bronies are Furries by default. Not only does that message bring out the few (and it is a minority) people that believe Furries are gross - it has the effect of pissing off people who are otherwise indifferent or even supportive of Furries. 

But no, in general most non-furries on MLPF are either supportive or simply don't give that fandom much thought since it isn't in their sphere of interest. 

You'll have the occasional saber rattler, but they are certainly not a majority here. Me? Like most fandoms I find Furries facinating, and I know more than a handful and am friends with a few. 

  • Brohoof 1



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I think it's borderline hypocritical to hate on furries if you are a brony, or someone who gets off to cartoon horses. It may not be the same thing, but you still need a good look in the mirror and then come visit planet earth if you are here to hate on other fandoms.

  • Brohoof 2


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I group furries and Ponies together because of personal pref. (and I'm sure you can guess why). Likewise. --- There are good/bad furries. Attitude is what sends the message. 

  • Brohoof 2

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Well, obviously not all furries are bad. You have to be a real cretin to automatically generalize people based on internet reputation. 

I personally know some furries, some of them are decent people, and some are a bit less than that. It all depends on the individual.

Live and let live I guess, right? 

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I actually met a few Furries at a Brony meetup a few years ago. They were very nice and polite both IN and OUT of Fursuit. Getting a picture taken with them was no different than getting a picture taken with a costumed character at Disneyland: Heartwarming AND Awesome!

  • Brohoof 2


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I used to think that Furries were just as creepy as Bronies, but now that I overcame my hatred for Bronies there's no reason for me to express my hatred for Furries as well so, its all good :). Really sucks when minorities within the respective fandoms ruin humanity's sanity on a daily basis. Especially when some of the minorities start shoving/expressing down their beastial sexual fantasies like its some hot stuff. They make me sick if they dare to shove/express it down on those who don't share their... artistic tastes (unfortunately, some minorities within these fandoms are like this and are the biggest loudmouths).

Edited by ZethaPonderer
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I have no problem with furries. It's just a fandom of animal characters from what I know of it, and I think that's cool. No matter what, there are always going to be people into certain fandoms for certain reasons. Some are more publicly appropriate than others. It's unfortunate that the majority of exposure these groups get in the media is the sensational, often inappropriate, stuff that sells newspapers rather than an accurate portrayal of the fandom as a whole. But that's the world we live in. 

Bronies and countless other fan groups face the same dilemma. Centering on one just one aspect of any of them is an effort to see what one wants and little else. A little common sense will go a long way when rendering any opinion. The furry fandom is a good and perfectly wholesome thing, like the majority of so many others like it, and I'm completely onboard with it. 

Edited by Dreambiscuit
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I consider myself a diet furry (furry light? casual furry?). I grew up watching Disney's robin hood (you know the one) and have enjoyed the depiction of anthropomorphic creatures in media, though I hadn't even heard of the term furry until I got into the brony fandom. As long as the internet exists, there will be people who absolutely love or absolutely hate something, and I think here on MLP forums there will be many allies to the furry community. 

TLDR Haters gonna hate

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 6 months later...

Huh? What the fuck? What is this?

Almost all my experiences with furries have been great why are people hating on them? It's not the fandoms fault that some idiot is a furry, aswell. That is the person then.

I see great personalities in that fandom and i love them. I am not a furry myself but i love interacting with them, most of them are nice. 

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I agree, theyre not bad. Fandoms have their dark corners. Hello deviantart but they are very good people. Im 100% sure their activities are sfw, if not expensive. ($3000, jesus tapdancing christ) 

as for the media slander, Yellow Journalism has been around for centuries, and i dont see that trend dying any time soon. I can go on and on about the list of people/games the media has slandered. Just dont take what they say with word of heart. 

  • Brohoof 2


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I might not be a furry but I will say that not all furries are bad. I don't like generalizing people all because of a few bad apples.

This is a prime example of "don't judge a book by its cover." If you judge a fandom (or any group of people) or whatnot because of a few bad apples, you'll get the wrong idea of how those people truly are and they could be the nicest group of people  you'll ever know.

  • Brohoof 2


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Honestly, most furries are not bad at all, and in fact are somewhat amicable. Yellow Journalism is at work here as it is for bronies and people with political views not accepted by the limited political establishment (I know that from experience).

  • Brohoof 1
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Of course they aren't all 'bad', I think it's probably just easier to notice and remember the ones that behave in ways that one might find bad. It's best to observe and get to know a fandom yourself before expecting the worst.

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