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spoiler Rumored G5 and other Stuff.


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1 hour ago, CypherHoof said:

I think it will be like when Star Trek: the next generation launched. I believe there are STILL trekkers that pretend tOS is "the only series" :)

Well, there is a slight difference in this case, in that, at least as of what's planned now, G5 is a reboot, starting over from scratch, it and G4 aren't canon to each other. That might change in the future, but right now they're basically two different things. If G4 fans don't like G5, it'll be super easy to ignore if it stays that way, because they aren't connected in the same universe.

 Still though, you're right there will be loyalists who only enjoy G4, which is fine of course, but a lot of them probably won't even give G5 a fair chance, and will get hostile and aggressive with their opinions. But that happens with basically every big change in this fandom. A whole new generation might take it to an even bigger extreme though. I'm super attached to G4 as it is, so I could see myself struggling to enjoy G5 just for that sentimentality, but I won't get mad at anyone else for liking it, that's silly.

  • Brohoof 7

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So, the guy who leaked all this stuff also leaked

-the rest of season 7

-the movie

-Season 7 episode titles and synopses a while back

Here is the thing, if I recall right he actually made up some of the synopses to try and get a rise out of people, who is to say the G5 thing is any different.

  • Brohoof 1


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12 minutes ago, Superplay64 said:

I just thought of a minor possibility...

What if the season 8 episodes were the only things that were actually leaked, and everything else was just fabricated as a massive troll (the season 8 episodes being in there to make it seem legit)?  I mean, this whole 'leak' was released on 4-Chan, and we all know how toxic the ponies on that site usually are...

Just a thought. (If someone wants to explore this idea then by all means go ahead)

We have gotten a ton of "leaked" episode lists in the past that turned out to be fake. And 4chan is filled with some of the worst scum on the internet (even though we can thank it for getting this fandom off the ground). But something tells me it's just wishful thinking, because I'm pretty sure I read in one of the r/MyLittlePony subreddit threads about the leaks that a bunch of people were insisting it all came from the same source as leaks that occurred earlier this year. So it's likely that all of this is legit. The catch is that the timeline for the future of the franchise could be subject to change, and G5 doesn't seem to be set in stone. It's in the very early stages of development.

  • Brohoof 4


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3 minutes ago, Ryanmahaffe said:

Here is the thing, if I recall right he actually made up some of the synopses to try and get a rise out of ponies, who is to say the G5 thing is any different.

Well that's what I was implying in my previous post, that the season 8 leaks were legit, but everything else was fabricated as a troll.

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6 minutes ago, BasementSparkle said:

Well, there is a slight difference in this case, in that, at least as of what's planned now, G5 is a reboot, starting over from scratch, it and G4 aren't canon to each other. That might change in the future, but right now they're basically two different things. If G4 fans don't like G5, it'll be super easy to ignore if it stays that way, because they aren't connected in the same universe.

 Still though, you're right there will be loyalists who only enjoy G4, which is fine of course, but a lot of them probably won't even give G5 a fair chance, and will get hostile and aggressive with their opinions. But that happens with basically every big change in this fandom. A whole new generation might take it to an even bigger extreme though. I'm super attached to G4 as it is, so I could see myself struggling to enjoy G5 just for that sentimentality, but I won't get mad at anyone else for liking it, that's silly.


In case you're wondering...


No, I'm not going to be one of those "hostile and aggressive"-types; I'll probably be too busy doing this:



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1 minute ago, Prospekt said:

We have gotten a ton of "leaked" episode lists in the past that turned out to be fake. And 4chan is filled with some of the worst scum on the internet (even though we can thank it for getting this fandom off the ground). 

You're right about 4chan. They go about insulting people. They even use autism as an insult.

  • Brohoof 1
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1 hour ago, Superplay64 said:

I just thought of a minor possibility...

What if the season 8 episodes were the only things that were actually leaked, and everything else was just fabricated as a massive troll (the season 8 episodes being in there to make it seem legit)?  I mean, this whole 'leak' was released on 4-Chan, and we all know how toxic the ponies on that site usually are...

Just a thought. (If someone wants to explore this idea then by all means go ahead)

That's rather unlikely, everything leaked from a single source 

2 hours ago, CypherHoof said:

I think it will be like when Star Trek: the next generation launched. I believe there are STILL trekkers that pretend tOS is "the only series" :)

It's great something creates so much passion, but it cames with the drawback of such fans.

PD: silly me, I've included myself on the bronies continuing with G5 while I don't even know if it'll be good :D



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1 hour ago, Steve Piranha said:

That's rather unlikely, everything leaked from a single source 

What I'm saying, is that official leaks and false leaks could have been mixed in together by the leaker/hacker, as to make it seem that all of it was official, but some of it in reality might be fake.

  • Brohoof 2

Do you want to see more of Twilight and her friends after Season 9? Then consider helping Friendship is More Than Magic, the unofficial FiM successor!

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32 minutes ago, Superplay64 said:

What I'm saying, is that official leaks and false leaks could have been mixed in together by the leaker/hacker, as to make it seem that all of it was official, but some of it in reality might be fake.

That may be possible considering some of it's previous have been false. Still, I'd rather assume these are all real for the time being, as wishful thinking is potentially one of the most harmful things around 


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On 12/16/2017 at 7:57 PM, A.V. said:

Surely, Hasbro would know better than to go back to G3-esque.

I know this was a couple days ago that you posted this, but if we’re talking about the same image, where the heck did you get Gen 3 from? They look nothing like G3.

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@Steve Piranha Yes, it is very possible that it is true, and the depression that it might be true did shoot through me yesterday.  However, it has been a great thing, and maybe if I can get my show-style fan-episode series up and going in the next two years, that can be a sort of unofficial continuation of FiM (G4).

  • Brohoof 3

Do you want to see more of Twilight and her friends after Season 9? Then consider helping Friendship is More Than Magic, the unofficial FiM successor!

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1 hour ago, Superplay64 said:

Yes, it is very possible that it is true, and the depression that it might be true did shoot through me yesterday.  However, it has been a great thing, and maybe if I can get my show-style fan-episode series up and going in the next two years, that can be a sort of unofficial continuation of FiM (G4).

This'd be terrific!  I know the fandom has cranked out some amazing stuff, and I know that, if we had the resources, the collaboration, and put our minds to it, we could easily create a continuation that's as good as the canon series, or even better!

To be honest, I'm struggling with some anxiety about the series ending, too, for the same reasons as others I've read on this thread:  I love these ponies.  I love these characters, not just as characters, but on a deeper level, which...well, when I put it that way, kind of sounds freaky, but it's probably the reason why we're all anxious about it.  I expect the writers are feeling the same way; these characters are lovable and probably designed at their core to be loved, and it's hard to believe the writers don't feel the same way.

I could wax philosophical about how every story has an ending, and the mane six have had a lot of happy endings for them, so it might just be time...but...let's face it:  it's possible to do/to wish for/to act upon the things that you know are wise, but still feel depressed about it.

  • Brohoof 4


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22 minutes ago, HereComesTom said:

This'd be terrific!  I know the fandom has cranked out some amazing stuff, and I know that, if we had the resources, the collaboration, and put our minds to it, we could easily create a continuation that's as good as the canon series, or even better!


That's the thing...it's all one big if.  If we had the skills, if we had the resources, if we had the will...I mean, I know I alone could script over two more seasons of pony, but I couldn't possibly storyboard, animate, and edit it quick enough to keep interest, and could never do the voice acting without it sounding like an abridged series.  Only two to three people have even given me an actual application that I was able to say "yes you're on the crew" or "sorry, but I'll keep you in mind".

It would be amazing if this fandom became the first to create new media in the same fashion as the original media it formed around, in an effort to keep the original media's story alive, but that dream would likely be extremely hard to achieve, I can only hope that one day, I can make this possible.  But for now, it seems that we'll just have to prepare for the possible end to Friendship is Magic.

(Oh hay, I'm cupcake now!)

Edited by Superplay64
  • Brohoof 1

Do you want to see more of Twilight and her friends after Season 9? Then consider helping Friendship is More Than Magic, the unofficial FiM successor!

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41 minutes ago, HereComesTom said:

This'd be terrific!  I know the fandom has cranked out some amazing stuff, and I know that, if we had the resources, the collaboration, and put our minds to it, we could easily create a continuation that's as good as the canon series, or even better!

To be honest, I'm struggling with some anxiety about the series ending, too, for the same reasons as others I've read on this thread:  I love these ponies.  I love these characters, not just as characters, but on a deeper level, which...well, when I put it that way, kind of sounds freaky, but it's probably the reason why we're all anxious about it.  I expect the writers are feeling the same way; these characters are lovable and probably designed at their core to be loved, and it's hard to believe the writers don't feel the same way.

I could wax philosophical about how every story has an ending, and the mane six have had a lot of happy endings for them, so it might just be time...but...let's face it:  it's possible to do/to wish for/to act upon the things that you know are wise, but still feel depressed about it.

Yeah, I understand. I accepted the fact that FiM may be ending in a mere two years, but I still feel sad about it, as I love these ponies in a very deep and personal level as well. It's like saying a final goodbye to friends you've are so close with and shared so much :adorkable:

  • Brohoof 5


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8 hours ago, BasementSparkle said:

Still though, you're right there will be loyalists who only enjoy G4, which is fine of course, but a lot of them probably won't even give G5 a fair chance, and will get hostile and aggressive with their opinions.

Considering there are already a few who think G4 ended after Lauren left or after Twilight became an alicorn, G5 being on the outs with some won't surprise me a bit.

(Though it also might be an opportunity to bring those folks who now hate G4 back into the fold with a generation switch.)

  • Brohoof 4

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On December 19, 2017 at 1:29 PM, Superplay64 said:

I just thought of a minor possibility...

What if the season 8 episodes were the only things that were actually leaked, and everything else was just fabricated as a massive troll (the season 8 episodes being in there to make it seem legit)?  I mean, this whole 'leak' was released on 4-Chan, and we all know how toxic the ponies on that site usually are...

Just a thought. (If someone wants to explore this idea then by all means go ahead)

This is what I'm starting to think myself.

To be honest, after looking over the leaks, I'm not buying the g5 stuff.

Sure, the season 8 leaks certainly do SEEM legit, but that doesn't mean everything else is.

Of course, until hasbro comes out and says something, we shouldn't make any assumptions.

  • Brohoof 2


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3 hours ago, Rhythm Red said:

This is what I'm starting to think myself.

To be honest, after looking over the leaks, I'm not buying the g5 stuff.

Sure, the season 8 leaks certainly do SEEM legit, but that doesn't mean everything else is.

Of course, until hasbro comes out and says something, we shouldn't make any assumptions.

Well, you know what's factually as well? Everything else seem legit as well, but due to the time-frame involved, doesn't mean they will be happening as planned. I'm sure we'll get G5 soon, but just because they expect to start in 2020, doesn't mean it will happen at that date. I'm not scared of G5 taking over poneh, I'm just scared that we will end G4 without a second toon boom harmony movie :( 


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Just now, Steve Piranha said:

Well, you know what's factually as well? Everything else seem legit as well, but due to the time-frame involved, doesn't mean they will be happening as planned. I'm sure we'll get G5 soon, but just because they expect to start in 2020, doesn't mean it will happen at that date. I'm not scared of G5 taking over poneh, I'm just scared that we will end G4 without a second toon boom harmony movie :( 

I'm terrified of g5. Sure, I'll give it a shot, but it's not the same MLP that I know and love.


MLP Forums' own PUNK ROCK pony!

Alternative rock, pop punk, punk rock, and a lil’ bit of emo. ;) 

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11 hours ago, Rhythm Red said:

I'm terrified of g5. Sure, I'll give it a shot, but it's not the same MLP that I know and love.

I don't care myself if G4 ends. I just want to see whatever we'll get out of the way anyways, and after a lot of thinking upon seeing what we're getting in S8, I decided that everypony should be happy enough with what they'll respectively get by now, Equestria Girls included, full episodes with others or not.

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On 19/12/2017 at 11:52 AM, A.V. said:

Not because I don't like him (the opposite, in fact), but because that would mean overriding his arc in the comics (again, one of my favorites).

Yeah, I'd rather they adapt into the show. That arc went deep and featured one of the best reformations ever, considering that Sombra had to pivot from his "absolute destiny". Not to mention the palpable beauty of Radiant Hope's devotion to her friend.

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53 minutes ago, heavens-champion said:

If there is a G5, will they have Sunset Shimmer?

Most likely. Many of FiM characters are reused ponies from older generation, and Sunny is no exception. And with her popularity, she will make an appearance in one way or another in G5 


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