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Finding your next best friend

Swick (ded)

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Name: Antidaeophobia/Nova/Sami
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Style: Punk/my hair IS usually pink and white.
State: Iowa/South Eastern Iowa
Likes: Crafts and Art. I'm a professional artist and knitter. Writing scifi/romance. People that don't walk to fast for me (4' 10"). Trees and nature.
 Music: All sorts of music; punk, rock, power metal, folk, etc
 Movies: Action movies. Horror. 50's B Scifi, V for Vendetta, Stranger Than Fiction, District 9, Alien
 TV: Doctor Who, Star Trek (original and TNG), Sherlock, Adventure Time, Bullshit!, MLP, Futurama, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Vicious. BBC in general.
Books: Scifi, Adventure, Feminism. I read just about anything, I love books!
Dislikes: self righteous know-it-alls. Judgmental twats. Immature assholes. Disrespectful jerks. People that make me carry the conversation all by myself. People that interrupt me when I'm speaking. People that talk over me. Poor listening skills. I'm not really into video games. Romantic movies. New Star Trek. Bars or places that are loud and crowded. People that feel the need to obsessively talk all the time, or assume I'm mad because I'm quiet. I can just be quiet and in someones company and I'll be happy. People that judge me for how I dress, my gender, or being disabled.
Hobbies: Lots of creative endeavors; writing, knitting, painting, drawing, etc. Reading. Nature walks. Adventures. 
Other Info: 
My element of harmony is Loyalty. I'm a great best friend, and great fun to be around as long as you treat me with the same respect I give you. I'm always willing to try new things. I'm very progressive and accepting of different people and ideas, but I don't tolerate stupid real well. I enjoy doing activities like art fairs, museums, day trips; generally getting out of the house. I can also hang out though and talk. 


This probably a waste of time :/


Age: 19


Gender: Male


State: Iowa



1. Music: Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, U2, Sonic Youth, Radiohead, REM, Foo Fighters, Coldplay, Smashing Pumpkins, Live

2. Video Games: Basically anything not Sport or Racing

3. Movies: Adventure, War, Sci Fi, Documentaries

4. TV Shows: Sherlock, Adventure Time, MLP, Wilfred, DCAU, Regular Show

5. Books: Adventure, Sci Fi, Post Apocalyptic, Fantasy

6. The Great Outdoors

7. Nostalgia Critic

8. Ponies

9. Geology and Anthropology

10. Weapons

11. Arizona Southern Sweet Tea


Dislikes: Stuff


Hobbies: Listening to Music, watching TV shows and Movies, Thinking about things....., Archery, Staring at the Sky, Camping, Drawing..both traditional and vector, Video games 


Other Info: Confused Religious Beliefs, Heterosexual if that's important :/


Yay, Another Iowan. Nice selection of interests. 

Edited by Antidaeophobia
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Name: I go by Roman most of the time (not real name of course, but it's what I go by)


Age: 34


Gender: Male


State: Idaho


Likes: Animation of all kinds, Tabletop gaming (roleplaying and board), and videogaming.  I love watching/playing these kinds of                  games with anyone who enjoys them as well.  The more the merrier.


 Music: Only recently started opening myself to more stuff.  Right now I'm enjoying a bit of Jpop, chip-tunes, and general soundtrack             music.  Favorite band currently is The Megas


 Movies: A lot of animated features as well as comedies.  Loved the Lego movie most currently (I'm a little behind on current stuff).                 The Marvel movies are also doing a pretty good job right now.


 TV: Police procedurals (Law and Order type shows), Futurama, Regular Show, MLP (apparently), various other smart animated              shows.


Books: Fantasy and Sci-Fi books.  Favorite books are the Hitchhiker Guide and Discworld series.


Dislikes:  Conflict and confrontational folks.  Intolerance.  Green peppers


Hobbies: Reading, gaming, drawing, and sharing a good time with others.


Other Info: I wish people would be nicer to each other.  Be cool people.

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Name: I said it in a thread somewhere, find it m80s (lel)


Location: Quebec, Canada


Languages: French and English


age: 17 (18 on June 9th)


Likes: Extreme Metal Music (Thrash/Death/Black Metal), Technical Metal Music (Progressive/Power/Speed Metal) and Underated Metal bands. Also, gaming, video editing, digital art and MLP


Dislikes or things don't appeal to me: Anime, Furry, Pop/House/Rap/Dubstep/Metalcore/Deathcore music, Elitism, ignorance, judgmental people, generalizers, extreme complainers, roleplaying...


TV: MLP and sometimes Sports.


Former name(s): ExperimentalMLPguy, ObliveonBr0ny, ObliveonRapt0rBr0ny, ObliveonVortex

 Angelus Corruptus (My OC) My PMVs and YTPs channel 100+ Underrated Metal Bands in 100+ Days (Blog)


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Likes: MLP, Television, gaming, animating, music, tech, people, hanging out, having fun, cars, guns, Youtube, RoosterTeeth, Markiplier.

You like Markimoo? You are officially my best friend!

Name: Medley Chaos (I'm not going to mention my first name because I despise it)


Age: 13, I was born October 31, 2001


Gender: Female


Country: USA, Indiana



  • Musicals
  • Theatre
  • Opera
  • Museums
  • Libraries
  • Art/Sketches/Drawing
  • Books
  • Music, can't say on what genre I like, cause I can't decide
  • Vast, immense words  
  • Markiplier (Youtuber)
  • Game Grumps (Youtuber, just started watching them so don't ask me about them)
  • DisneyFanactic2364 (Youtuber)
  • Gravity Falls
  • Invader Zim(! Oh my Celestia, I love this show, I really wish it was still on!)
  • WordGirl (it's a kid show on PBS)
  • Littlest Pet Shop (though I'm really behind on episodes)
  • Dan V.S.
  • Hey Arnold! (I just watch the Helga eps)
  • Video Games; The Sims 3, FNAF (then again, who doesn't?), Outlast, The Last Of Us, The Walking Dead, Alien: Isolation, Sly Cooper, Skate 3, The Evil Within and a lot more I can't list.
  • Daredevil (A Netflix Original)
  • Anime/Manga, still working on becoming a anime nerd, only have completed one series, working on finishing three; Vampire Knight, Yamada's First and ugh, I'm blanking on the name but it has incest involved.
  • Non-cartoon shows I like; Forever, Castle and I do watch NCIS and CSI: NY now and then.
  • LGBT (you love who you love, through if you hold a grudge because somepony won't have your wedding, than I am not gonna side with you, they have rights too)
  • Ponies & Rainbows (duh!)
  • Rain & Wind
  • Winter & Fall
  • The internet
  • Google!
  • The Sims 3!
  • Fox News (some things they say on there is so true it's funny)
  • History
  • Grammar/English
  • Immortals/Vampires/Other Supernatural Beings
  • Movies & TV
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation (still trying to get into it)


Dislikes: Bad grammar, Summer, potheads/druggies/junkies, racists, hypocrites, spiders (but I love you Spider-Man!), Microsoft, Internet Explorer, greedy ponies, snobby ponies, business men who think they're better than any pony else, uneducated ponies whom can't speak proper grammar, bad story plots, girls whom can't grasp the meaning of chastity, dirty cops, terrorists, morons/idiots/fools/pinheads (need I go on?)


Hobbies: Writing, reading, baking, singing, voice acting/acting, gaming, sleeping, swimming, talking/debating, sewing (though it's usually just mending), drawing/sketching, cursing, joking, searching the web, reading a thesaurus or dictionary


Other Info: I love words, and learning, I'm a gothic redhead with anger issues and a mindless mind. I feel like crap after every (in-person) social interaction I have (mostly because nopony gets me or my jokes) and every bad moment in the day seems to plague my mind throughout the week and into insanity. I'm mentally unstable and really self-conscious, so if you fancy talking to a mental patient, feel free to PM me.


If you didn't agree with some of my things or whatever, it doesn't matter to me, I couldn't care less, love and tolerance. And I think that’s about it.

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Name: Malcolm Greer

Age: 14

Location: Las Pegasus

Hobbies: make remixes of musics and podcast stuff and acting and reading

Interests: mostly just general Pop Culture stuff and Doctor who (I have a lot of posters and comics of it) and MLP, Game of thrones, Penny Dreadful and Anime! also like comedy and horror movies

Dislikes: Rude and mean peps ( of course) and weird looking food (ex. Japanese food)

Edited by MLG4Ever

*Boops You Nose!*

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Name: Jónas Rafnar Jónasson (JonasDarkmane)


Age: 18


Gender: Male :)


Country: Iceland B)


Likes: Video games, books, history, Puck <3, basketball, politics, RPing, drawing :yay:


Dislikes: Homophobes, fakers, unnecessarily mean people, bullies >_>


Hobbies: Reading history, playing basketball, playing games, drawing, talking with people :D


Other Info: I am just another user, nothing special about me :adorkable:, no one wants to be my friend anyway, but I am ok with that :icwudt:. If you are actually interested, you can PM if you want, I am always open for a PM. Not that I am expecting one since I am probably not a likeable person ;).







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Name: Kyubiki Tenchu/Brian


Age: 22


Gender: Male


State: New Jersey


Likes: Video games, anime, manga, MLP, fanfiction, music 


Dislikes: Spiders, bullies, rude people, being talked over by others, being put down for what you love, being told what you can or can't do or what you can and can't learn


Hobbies: Playing video games, watching anime, reading manga and fanfiction, chatting/hanging out with friends


Other Info: I'm usually shy and quiet but I open up when we get to know each other, pm me if you want to chat.

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Name: Brannan Claxton


Age: 14


Gender: Male


Country: USA


Likes: Video Games, Books, MLP (duh), Writing, Voice Acting, Soccer


Dislikes: Anyone who does their job badly, IRL bronies who are ridiculously annoying about it


Hobbies: Surfing the web, Playing soccer, reading


Other Info: Feel free to PM me, I love to talk to people

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Name: Pffsh you don't need to know


Age: 15


Gender: Male


State: New South Wales


Likes: Video games, anime, manga, animation, programming, MLP obviously, fanfiction (but only if it is excellent), writing, some music genres I won't go into


Dislikes: Anti-bronies, people that are ignorant to something but don't want to take any advice because they don't think so, bad fanfiction, awful grammar (if you are going to speak English speak it correctly! ;_; ), hardcore religious people that shove their religions down other people's throats, people that constantly need attention, people that are always so serious, people that can't handle a joke, annoying, stupid bronies that only help the stereotype, and internet explorer (it doesn't even deserve uppercase letters). I know I dislike more things but I can't remember!


Hobbies: Watching anime, reading manga, playing video games, programming, doing animation (although I haven't being doing it much lately), watching youtube videos (mainly Let's Plays, short animations, or really weird funny stuff), joking around with people, occasionally writing.


Other info:


As a warning, I sugarcoat myself on these forums. I might act the same way but one of my favourite types of humour is shock humour and dark humour. Of course, I like other stuff, but those are just my favourites. I make jokes you might not agree with, but if I find out you don't agree with them, I'll stop making them around you, of course! I have a kind of cynical view of the world, but it's not like I just talk about that 24/7. I only talk about it if the topic comes up.


As a personality type, well, the way I act in social situations is kind of immature and 'playful'. As a one on one though, I'm usually much more mature unless we're both in a silly mood :3.

I'm pretty chilled out usually, and it'll take a while to get me angry. I try my best to be nice to everyone, unless I hate them, in which case I won't try. At all. So if I'm being nice to you, I don't hate you :P.


Contrary to what you might think from reading above, I do like 'real talk' with people, but I hate it when it is 100% serious. I never like acting 100% serious. I'm pretty much always casual about things, and if I'm doing a 'real talk', I tend to slip in a few jokes every now and then. So if you like having proper 'real talks', I'm happy to do that, as long as we don't become really boring businesspeople or something.




Again, I've gone too far with my description, goddammit. I tend to just start writing and never stop. I'm sorry you had to read through all that nonsense.

Edited by HailTrixie
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| Original Sig > sig-33119.sig-33119.vg0NNm0.png| Join CTaM! |

She, the magnificent Trixie,

A mare among mares!

She, paragon of ponies,

With wand and with rope!

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Name: Melon(Forums)/Xavier(irl)


Age: 13


Gender: Unsure


Country: Idiotic 'murica


Likes:MLP, Pokemon, Doctor Who, Philosiphy, Anime, Computer Programming


Dislikes:Arrogance, Trap/Rap Music, Idiotic/Narrow minded people


Hobbies:Rasberry Pi, Gaming, Music


Other Info:Bisexual, Have Anxiety

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Name: MLPFanatic34 aka Lindsey


Age: 24


Gender: Female


Country: USA


Likes: Video games, watching TV and movies, bike riding, yoga, reading, hanging out with friends, and surfing the internet


Dislikes: mean people, getting into arguments, failing, feeing ill


Hobbies: coloring, playing video games, watching TV and movies, bike riding, reading, yoga.

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Name: VinylWubs Aka Shianne (Yes very weird name)\


Age: 18


Gender: Female


Country: New Zealand


Likes: Llamas, Dancing, Drawing, Roleplaying, Reading, Swimming, Cook, Play the piano and guitar, Sing and Travelling


Dislikes: Getting bullied, Being scared, getting yelled at, Very loud shouting, getting hurt


Hobbies: Netball, Dancing, Cooking, Hockey, Sleeping


Others: Very sensitive, Taken and!! In love with llamas

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Okay i supose this is gonna be fun to type!



Hi my name is Tony, mostly known as Balareth, Marquis or the guy that is using the blue mare in the Ask a pony section


my age well, probably am one of the old bronies here, am 24 years old, my bday is 14/2/1991


my gender.... well am a male


my country of origin... well i dunno if should i type it here... am from México


my likings? well i do enjoy making animations, play old videogames, and making draws, there's no much to say about me, lets say i do enjoy watchign youtube, make experiments, chat and help people if they are DBL (Depressed/bored/lonely)


my dislikes, oh my! I dont like liars, trolls, people that break promises, hypocrites, liver, onions, animal cruelty, violence in general


Hobbies animating, currently am in a big project... is a secret, after all Swirl is Love Swirls is life


Others: im immune to feel DBL (depressed, bored and lonely) try me if you wish




now i must say something before my post is read and eventually forgot, i dont have any proof to tell you am a special guy because i am as much as the rest of the people, if you wish to PM you will receive my help in anything, opinion, life advise, am your servant to whoever who is reading this, are you bored? indifferent? well, how bout if you pm me and see what happens? who knows maybe i can be that missing piece you been looking for, maybe i can be a living diary of your activites or maybe i can be the person that you can yell and listen carefully, i can see that you think i can sound ridiculous or trying to get attention, well am not, am not forcing you to read this whole thing, is up to you if you wish to PM me or not.


People are lonely, people needs a good friend to tell their secrets with all confidence and ill confess mine, and i have some secrets that can change your life i can assure you, are you open minded person? ill be more than pleased to share all my knowledge and ideas to you at the same time ill be anxious to hear your story, are you a closed minded person? ill respect your ideas and manners and i even try to suport you in every way i can.


so why dont give me a try and PM just saying hello? what you have to lose? if you want to find a person where you can yell, insult, cheer, help, laugh, love, worship, care or any other thing, ill be here offering my services and ready when you are to start a journey that may give you a lot.

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Thought I would do a repost! Still looking for my female bff :)

oh, I'm 26 now and dating my best friend. he's awesome :)





Name: call me Nova
Age: 25
Gender: female
Country: USA
Harry Potter
Star Wars
Italian food
Coca Cola
Cats, mine in particular
My dog
Cooking shows
The color pink
Quirky humor
Rock and pop music (not justin beiber or Miley Cyrus or anything like them)
Animal abuse
Most Seafood
Horror movies
Bad hygiene
Writers block

Looking for female friends around my age. Don't have anything against guys, my closest friend is a guy, it's just I've lost touch with most of my female friends over the years as we moved away from each other, and I miss having a close female friend.
So, if you think we would get along, shoot me a PM. Would love to hear from you!

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Okay i supose this is gonna be fun to type!



Hi my name is Tony, mostly known as Balareth, Marquis or the guy that is using the blue mare in the Ask a pony section


my age well, probably am one of the old bronies here, am 24 years old, my bday is 14/2/1991


my gender.... well am a male


my country of origin... well i dunno if should i type it here... am from México


my likings? well i do enjoy making animations, play old videogames, and making draws, there's no much to say about me, lets say i do enjoy watchign youtube, make experiments, chat and help people if they are DBL (Depressed/bored/lonely)


my dislikes, oh my! I dont like liars, trolls, people that break promises, hypocrites, liver, onions, animal cruelty, violence in general


Hobbies animating, currently am in a big project... is a secret, after all Swirl is Love Swirls is life


Others: im immune to feel DBL (depressed, bored and lonely) try me if you wish




now i must say something before my post is read and eventually forgot, i dont have any proof to tell you am a special guy because i am as much as the rest of the people, if you wish to PM you will receive my help in anything, opinion, life advise, am your servant to whoever who is reading this, are you bored? indifferent? well, how bout if you pm me and see what happens? who knows maybe i can be that missing piece you been looking for, maybe i can be a living diary of your activites or maybe i can be the person that you can yell and listen carefully, i can see that you think i can sound ridiculous or trying to get attention, well am not, am not forcing you to read this whole thing, is up to you if you wish to PM me or not.


People are lonely, people needs a good friend to tell their secrets with all confidence and ill confess mine, and i have some secrets that can change your life i can assure you, are you open minded person? ill be more than pleased to share all my knowledge and ideas to you at the same time ill be anxious to hear your story, are you a closed minded person? ill respect your ideas and manners and i even try to suport you in every way i can.


so why dont give me a try and PM just saying hello? what you have to lose? if you want to find a person where you can yell, insult, cheer, help, laugh, love, worship, care or any other thing, ill be here offering my services and ready when you are to start a journey that may give you a lot.


Thought I would do a repost! Still looking for my female bff :)

oh, I'm 26 now and dating my best friend. he's awesome :)


Name: VinylWubs Aka Shianne (Yes very weird name)\


Age: 18


Gender: Female


Country: New Zealand


Likes: Llamas, Dancing, Drawing, Roleplaying, Reading, Swimming, Cook, Play the piano and guitar, Sing and Travelling


Dislikes: Getting bullied, Being scared, getting yelled at, Very loud shouting, getting hurt


Hobbies: Netball, Dancing, Cooking, Hockey, Sleeping


Others: Very sensitive, Taken and!! In love with llamas


Name: MLPFanatic34 aka Lindsey


Age: 24


Gender: Female


Country: USA


Likes: Video games, watching TV and movies, bike riding, yoga, reading, hanging out with friends, and surfing the internet


Dislikes: mean people, getting into arguments, failing, feeing ill


Hobbies: coloring, playing video games, watching TV and movies, bike riding, reading, yoga.


Name: Melon(Forums)/Xavier(irl)


Age: 13


Gender: Unsure


Country: Idiotic 'murica


Likes:MLP, Pokemon, Doctor Who, Philosiphy, Anime, Computer Programming


Dislikes:Arrogance, Trap/Rap Music, Idiotic/Narrow minded people


Hobbies:Rasberry Pi, Gaming, Music


Other Info:Bisexual, Have Anxiety


Name: Pffsh you don't need to know


Age: 15


Gender: Male


State: New South Wales


Likes: Video games, anime, manga, animation, programming, MLP obviously, fanfiction (but only if it is excellent), writing, some music genres I won't go into


Dislikes: Anti-bronies, people that are ignorant to something but don't want to take any advice because they don't think so, bad fanfiction, awful grammar (if you are going to speak English speak it correctly! ;_; ), hardcore religious people that shove their religions down other people's throats, people that constantly need attention, people that are always so serious, people that can't handle a joke, annoying, stupid bronies that only help the stereotype, and internet explorer (it doesn't even deserve uppercase letters). I know I dislike more things but I can't remember!


Hobbies: Watching anime, reading manga, playing video games, programming, doing animation (although I haven't being doing it much lately), watching youtube videos (mainly Let's Plays, short animations, or really weird funny stuff), joking around with people, occasionally writing.


Other info:


As a warning, I sugarcoat myself on these forums. I might act the same way but one of my favourite types of humour is shock humour and dark humour. Of course, I like other stuff, but those are just my favourites. I make jokes you might not agree with, but if I find out you don't agree with them, I'll stop making them around you, of course! I have a kind of cynical view of the world, but it's not like I just talk about that 24/7. I only talk about it if the topic comes up.


As a personality type, well, the way I act in social situations is kind of immature and 'playful'. As a one on one though, I'm usually much more mature unless we're both in a silly mood :3.

I'm pretty chilled out usually, and it'll take a while to get me angry. I try my best to be nice to everyone, unless I hate them, in which case I won't try. At all. So if I'm being nice to you, I don't hate you :P.


Contrary to what you might think from reading above, I do like 'real talk' with people, but I hate it when it is 100% serious. I never like acting 100% serious. I'm pretty much always casual about things, and if I'm doing a 'real talk', I tend to slip in a few jokes every now and then. So if you like having proper 'real talks', I'm happy to do that, as long as we don't become really boring businesspeople or something.




Again, I've gone too far with my description, goddammit. I tend to just start writing and never stop. I'm sorry you had to read through all that nonsense.



Name: Kyubiki Tenchu/Brian


Age: 22


Gender: Male


State: New Jersey


Likes: Video games, anime, manga, MLP, fanfiction, music 


Dislikes: Spiders, bullies, rude people, being talked over by others, being put down for what you love, being told what you can or can't do or what you can and can't learn


Hobbies: Playing video games, watching anime, reading manga and fanfiction, chatting/hanging out with friends


Other Info: I'm usually shy and quiet but I open up when we get to know each other, pm me if you want to chat.




Name: Brannan Claxton


Age: 14


Gender: Male


Country: USA


Likes: Video Games, Books, MLP (duh), Writing, Voice Acting, Soccer


Dislikes: Anyone who does their job badly, IRL bronies who are ridiculously annoying about it


Hobbies: Surfing the web, Playing soccer, reading


Other Info: Feel free to PM me, I love to talk to people



Name: Malcolm Greer

Age: 14

Location: Las Pegasus

Hobbies: make remixes of musics and podcast stuff and acting and reading

Interests: mostly just general Pop Culture stuff



Name: Antidaeophobia/Nova/Sami
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Style: Punk/my hair IS usually pink and white.
State: Iowa/South Eastern Iowa
Likes: Crafts and Art. I'm a professional artist and knitter. Writing scifi/romance. People that don't walk to fast for me (4' 10"). Trees and nature.
 Music: All sorts of music; punk, rock, power metal, folk, etc
 Movies: Action movies. Horror. 50's B Scifi, V for Vendetta, Stranger Than Fiction, District 9, Alien
 TV: Doctor Who, Star Trek (original and TNG), Sherlock, Adventure Time, Bullshit!, MLP, Futurama, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Vicious. BBC in general.
Books: Scifi, Adventure, Feminism. I read just about anything, I love books!
Dislikes: self righteous know-it-alls. Judgmental twats. Immature assholes. Disrespectful jerks. People that make me carry the conversation all by myself. People that interrupt me when I'm speaking. People that talk over me. Poor listening skills. I'm not really into video games. Romantic movies. New Star Trek. Bars or places that are loud and crowded. People that feel the need to obsessively talk all the time, or assume I'm mad because I'm quiet. I can just be quiet and in someones company and I'll be happy. People that judge me for how I dress, my gender, or being disabled.
Hobbies: Lots of creative endeavors; writing, knitting, painting, drawing, etc. Reading. Nature walks. Adventures. 
Other Info: 
My element of harmony is Loyalty. I'm a great best friend, and great fun to be around as long as you treat me with the same respect I give you. I'm always willing to try new things. I'm very progressive and accepting of different people and ideas, but I don't tolerate stupid real well. I enjoy doing activities like art fairs, museums, day trips; generally getting out of the house. I can also hang out though and talk. 

Yay, Another Iowan. Nice selection of interests. 


Good luck to you all and I hope you all find your very best friends :fluttershy:

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Name: Nah I'm not telling XD








Likes:Star Wars,watching a'lot of youtube video's XD


Dislikes:Mean and rude people,loud scary noises,getting yelled at


Hobbies: Drawing,some videogames...........guess that's it :huh:


Other info:I am really shy when talking to people,rather it will be in real life or in the forums :rarity:

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Name: Nah I'm not telling XD








Likes:Star Wars,watching a'lot of youtube video's XD


Dislikes:Mean and rude people,loud scary noises,getting yelled at


Hobbies: Drawing,some videogames...........guess that's it :huh:


Other info:I am really shy when talking to people,rather it will be in real life or in the forums :rarity:

I would love chatting with you :grin2:, although, I am going to sleep now, if you want you can send me a PM ;)

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Okie Dokie why not


Name: Dylan


Age: 20


Gender: Male


Country: United states


Likes: Video games, Cooking, MLP, Exercise, Movies, Anime, Talking with friends.


Dislikes:Self centered people, People who only look out for themselves, and of course unfriendly people


Hobbies:basically the same as my likes


Other Info: Originally from Minnesota, living in California right now, i am married, have been for a little over a year now, and i am looking for some new pals to play games with in the little time i have off of work.  I can be a very supportive person and i like to have fun. If you want to chit chat let me know im almost always on the forums when im not at work. Talk to ya later!


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Name: Soprano (I don't disclose my real name)

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Nationality: Australian (Melbourne, Victoria)

  • Cryptology (My favourite hobby)
  • Mathematics
  • MLP (Sort of implied, no?)
  • RP'ing MLP
  • Programming
  • Minecraft, Half Life.
  • Politics
  • Dark humour.
  • Japan / Japanese (studying Japanese at the moment)


  • America (Not Americans, just the country itself.)
  • Homophobes / Sexists / Ageists
  • Fashion
  • Exercise


  • Cryptology (I do this most of the day, every day.)
  • Minecraft
  • Programming
  • Roleplaying MLP (Mostly HiM)
  • Messing around

Other Info:

  • My Skype is the same as my username. I prefer talking over Skype.
  • I am an asexual athiest.
  • I have Asperger's (a form of autism)
  • I get very antisocial. Be patient with me.



  • Brohoof 1


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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Name: Liv


Age: 13


Gender: Female


Country: England 


Likes: Music, art, ponies, foxes, birds, Fanta and fun


Dislikes: Most people that exist. XD


Hobbies: Drawing, talking to mah homies


Other info: I'm not normal. XD






be my friend

  • Brohoof 2
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Name: Elias


Age: 15


Gender: Male


Country: Sweden


Likes: Gaming, Lemons, Making friends, MLP, Animation, Art, Anime.


Dislikes: Centipedes, Spiders... I don't really know anymore :P


Hobbies: Drawing, PC Gaming (Minecraft, GTA V, Skyrim etc.), Animation/ Movies.


Other Info: I'm a pretty positive out going person overall so I'll pretty much accept anyone as a friend :)

I own a Minecraft server to, I noticed there are quite a few Minecraft players here so tell me if you want to join :)

I belive my name is PonyShiro on skype and eliasranden on steam, Feel free to add me :)



I'd very much like a few friends who are not Swedish, Swedish people tend to not be very intresting... :P

Edited by Lemon Stripe
  • Brohoof 1


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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I would love chatting with you :grin2:, although, I am going to sleep now, if you want you can send me a PM ;)

I don't think that would happen anytime soon tho :adorkable:  :adorkable: I'm not great at starting conversations anyway :rarity:  :sunny:




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