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Name: Lauren


Age: 13


Gender: Female


State: Queensland


Likes: Pokemon, Community, Seinfeld, Luna, Scootaloo, Imagine Dragons, Simpsons, Pokemon, photography, drama, writing, drawing, Pokemon, music, hugs, heavy rain, reading, The Hunger Games, The Jerk, Pokemon, Audrey Hepburn, houses in the mountains, the beach, Pokemon, wildlife, Theatre Sports, funny guys...

Did I mention Pokemon?


Dislikes: Bossy people, trolls, bullies, directioners, hunting, eggs, Summer (in Australia, trust me, it's bad) Oh yeah, and the Big Bang Theory. Awful.


Hobbies: Photography, writing poems and short stories, drawing, drama, swimming, basketball, playing Pokemon, Archery, talking to you forum folk and instagraming. :yay:


Other Info: Christian, straight, and very awkward. :lol:

Edited by ~Harmonic Dreams~
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Name: Lizandra


Age: 14


Gender: Female


Country: Brazil img-1925272-1-KUbAnTY.png


Likes: Chocolate, Video Games, MY LITTLE PONY Yay!, and make friends


Dislikes: My brother img-1925272-2-vsTALhM.png


Hobbies: Drawing, Listen to music (Dubstep my favourite) and play Second Life


Other Info: I'm very shy, and sometimes i don't know what to say, But sometimes i'm very crazy img-1925272-3-derpy_emoticon2.png 


So that's it, don't know what I said img-1925272-4-img-387689-1-5e7kmu.png



Hey, you have the same Rainbow Dash avatar that I use on skype. Random I know, but I just find that funny. :P


Also, Lizandra is an awesome name. xD

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Hey, you have the same Rainbow Dash avatar that I use on skype. Random I know, but I just find that funny. tongue.png


Also, Lizandra is an awesome name. xD

My name was inspired in an actress, and I do not know why, because I always think my name is a bit strange vsTALhM.png 

By the way, thanks for the compliment derpy_emoticon1.png 

If you want to know who I'm talking about, here's a picture of it

lisandra-souto-e-capa-da-shape-de-abril-His name is Lisandra Souto xJpg51C.png 

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Totally not a support main.



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Well why not

Name Reaper/Scott


Age i just dont like revealing


Gender male


State NY


Likes, playing ps3, working with my hands , chatting with my friends , owning in CoD and Scootaloo


Dislikes mainly hateful people


Hobbies well basicaly the same things as my likes along with going to the gym


Other info not realy much to know, I'm an extremly open person, if you ask I will basicaly tell you and I love chatting with any of my friends

Yeah not as much here as other's but you 're all my friends already

Edited by DaReaper


^^ avatar and sig by me

Want a Reaper made Sig?Go here http://mlpforums.com/topic/75308-sigs-i-made-to-share-with-everyone/?p=1907748

Voted best Scootaloo fan

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Name: Niall


Age: 16 (17 next month =w=)


Gender: Male


Country: Northern Ireland


Likes: Making friends, MLP (duh), anime, drawing, music, writing, reading, video games


Dislikes: Haters, Trolls, close-minded people


Hobbies: Writing, drawing, skateboarding, some other stuff I can't think of :P


Other Info: Uh... I dunno, if yah got any questions don't be afraid to ask!

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Well, here goes....


Name: Daniel "Danny" Smith



Age: 17



Gender: Male 



Country: England



Religion: Agnostic



Likes: Pink Floyd (a lot). So, listening to classic rock and metal in general. Videos games like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Zelda, Mario, Etc. I like chicken (Yum). MLP, of course. My favourite pony is Rainbow Dash and I love cheese. I also like watching YTPs.



Dislikes: Justin Bieber (Who Doesn't?), Rap and Dubstep, Marmalade, American Sitcoms and bad breath.



Hobbies: Like I said, I love video games. I also like surfing the internet and creating ideas for original characters.

Edited by NineStrike
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Randell Vanstane


23 years old




Kingman AZ, USA



MLP, Xbox 360 games, music, Men, horror movies.



Mean people.



Work, playing my Xbox, smoking pot and getting drunk...

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"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Name: aceassasin/John


Age: 15


Gender: Male


Country: USA


State: Colorado


Likes: Classic Literature, writing(I suck at art and music so yeah.), Classic Rock, Some Rap, Programming, Science, and of course Ponies.


Dislikes: Ignorant people, 'Merica, art(I never really enjoyed it), the current state of the World.


Hobbies: Writing, building plastic models or model rockets.  


Other Info:  I'm not the most social person IRL, but I always enjoy meeting new people with similar interests. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Jason


Age: 18


Gender: Male


State: Arizona


Likes: Gundam, Pokémon, Digimon, animals (especially cats), writing, biology, anatomy, I absolutely love mac 'n cheese, Xbox, Yu-Gi-Oh, Magic the Gathering, hydras, drawing (even though I'm really bad), and music.


Dislikes: Every Call of Duty after Black Ops, dogs that bark way too much, and the way the world is now.


Hobbies: writing, playing video games, and building model kits.


Other Info: I'm an incredibly straight forward person that won't abandon my beliefs. I only have 7 friends, because I like to keep my circle small, but I'm trying to expand and get to know all sorts of interesting people.


Ask me something if you want to know anything else.

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Name: Write Worthy/ Zoe/ Batman


Age: 15


Gender: Female


State: Ohio


Likes: Batman, anime, manga, video games, books, poems, art, Bravest Warriors, MLP, music, movies (just not RomComs and chick-flicks)


Dislikes: Annoying people, Bane from The Dark Knight Rises (He's not right man), Christian Bale (sorry), and skinny jeans


Hobbies: drawing, writing, reading, watching stuff, being Batman xD, playing video games, and listening to music (mainly metal and rock, but I like other stuff too)


Other Info: day dreams a lot. Is usually socially awkward unless I'm comfortable around you.

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Name: Brandon


Gender: Male


Country: United States of America (That will change once I get older.)


Likes: Technology, ponies, grammar, potatoes, soup, having fun, doing my hobbies, my family, and the bearsharktopus master race.


Dislikes: If I had to list all of them, I'd be writing a list the size of a novel.


Hobbies: Gaming, browsing the web, listening to music, and sitting on my ass doing nothing.


Other Info: check my profile

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Name: John Pavlick


Age: 23


Gender: Male


Country: The United States (Connecticut)


Likes: Philosophy, Adventure Stories, Comics, Board Games, Humanism, Pop MusicEpic Orchestral Music, Christianity


Dislikes: My own personal flaws, Hypocrisy and Close-mindedness


Hobbies: Writing books, drawing, spending time with friends and family, and generally keeping busy.


Other Info: I have Asperger Syndrome and am more introverted than I'd like to be. Even on this forum it takes willpower to talk to friends without being embarrassed about it, but I've gotten better over the years. I enjoy being calm and easy-going. My greatest strength is being open-minded to the beliefs and oppinions of other people. Twilight Sparkle is my favorite pony



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Name:  Noah/ North Aura


Age: 12


Gender: Male


Country: 'murica 


Likes: Ponies, Internet, Xbox, Swimming, Rock music, guitar, etc.



Dislikes: Stereotypical white girls, Anti-bronies, offensive people 


Hobbies: Guitar,Swimming, being lazy


Other Info:

I am weird.


Sweet Sig by Lunia

Avatar Image by PegasisterJayfeather

CM By Scilight Paitanibu 

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Name: Omar


Age: 15


Gender: Male


Country: Egypt


1- Gaming.
2- Ponies.
3- Chatting.
4- Open minded people.
5- Family Guy.
6- Comedy shows.
7- Youtubing.
8- Photoshoping stuff.
9- Vectoring stuff.
10- Reading about different cultures.

11- Reading about modern history


1- Closed minded people.
2- Selfish people.
3- Capitalism.

4- More stuff that I do not feel like mentioning it.



Reading about history, Gaming, Photoshopping, Vectoring stuff and chatting.

Other Info:

Ask me in PM or in Skype if you wish. :P

  • Brohoof 1

'ey b0ss

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Name: Pixie Doodle (Tabz)


Age: 19


Gender: Female


Country: UK


Likes: Music, Art, Video games


Dislikes: Abstract Art, Peas, Any form of prejudice.


Hobbies: Drawing, playing games, roller derby, skateboarding


Other Info: Passionate about art and a draw pretty much everyday. Anything else I suppose you can ask about :P

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Name: Micheal "Discordian" Jett


Age: 23


Gender: Male


Country: US


Likes: Video games, particularly RPGs. Music, particularly metal of the power and melodic death variety. Also a huge fan of webcomics. There are few people who have read as many as I have. tongue.png


Dislikes: There isn't much that I actually dislike besides certain food items. The closest I get to dislike of anything is apathy.


Hobbies: Wait, I just answered that one. xD


Other Info: I'm an asshole. Be prepared for that. I'm also a demotivated and immature doink who won't amount to much of anything in life. No worries, no baggage or angst here! Just statin' the facts.


Chances of finding a new best friend: 1/3000


Hooray for being difficult to deal with. laugh.png

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Name: Philip/NightOwl 


Age: 23


Gender: Male


Country: Ireland 




- Playing the Piano ( My biggest passion right now ) 

- Video Games 

- Computers ( love to upgrade and maintain them as a hobby ) 

- Music ( favourite genres are Post rock and classical though I listen to mostly everything :) )

- Ponies 

- Astronomy

- Golf




- Close minded people 


Other: PM me if you wish to know more :).

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Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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Age: 32


Location: Proud American working in Canada


Likes: money, guns, free market, video games, books, cartoons


Dislikes: communists, progressives, socialists, other stupid people, and bad grammar.

  • Brohoof 2

This is my new signature.

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Name: Stealth/Salad/SF/A name that starts with 'D'


Age: 13


Gender: A GENDER


Country:  America


Likes: Sleeping, books, MLP


Dislikes: Social interaction, most of the human population, school


Hobbies: Reading, Writing Poems, Gaming


Other Info: I'm insane. Not social.


Hah! Other side has nothing to say!


I can comment on how anti-social you are, and how you'll be forever alone.


Touche, Other side. Touche.


"Soon, all your bases will belong to me!"

"Insanity... Delightful, isn't it!"

I have a twin.... Called Insanity... Who isn't as delightful as it says it is.

SALAD TAKEOVER, PINKIE PIE STYLE! And I am more delightful than Logic! At least I make people go to happy farms.

You don't know what a happy farm is, do you?

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Name: Josh


Age: 30( turning 31 on the 15th of Dec)


Location: New Jersey




- littlest pet shop ( just the 2012 version)


- friendship is magic


- Big Bang theory


- watching baseball


- buying new pony shirts


- animals


- watching all kinds of animated shows/ movies


- horror movies


-comedy flicks


- Facebook/twitter etc.


- watching WWE


- New York Yankees


- LA dodgers






- the word " yolo"though I do like saying swag.(please don't hate me)


- Justin bieber


- twilight( and I don't mean " twilight sparkle" the only thing that "sparkles" in this are the vampires ;)) " insert rim shot here"


- cocky people


- people who can't respect another persons sexual orientation


- people who make fun of another persons sexual orientation


- politicians


- winter ( with a very strong passion)





- bowling with friends


- going to new places


- hanging with friends


- making all my friends laugh


- watching movies


Other info: not really anything to say

Facebook: Josh B.

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Name: ACE


Gender: male


Likes: much thing

  • High Voltage research
  • Tesla coils
  • Electronic
  • Fixing things
  • Vacuum tube vintage amplificators
  • Weapons
  • War
  • Music (classical, rock, metal, blues, jazz)
  • Hospitals
  • Helping people both in medical way(i'm a paramedic) both with theyr request like "build me this guitar effect pls"
  • Everything that explode
  • Fire
  • AIrcrafts
  • Paradropping (when i was in the army)
  • Paragliding (sometimes i still do this)
  • Science
  • Radiations (have you ever been at Pripyat? it's a nice place to go)
  • Tanks
  • my Alps
  • flying
  • racing with my car in the night


  • communists
  • communists
  • communists
  • politicans
  • Facebook
Edited by Doc. Volt


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Name: Michael C.


Age: 22


Gender: Male


Country: United States


Likes: Music/ anime/ MLP/video games


Dislikes: People with inflated ego's/haters/the sun/bees/wasps....I think ill just stop there


Hobbies: Honestly not much unless gaming is a hobby or watching way to much anime.


Other Info: Im kinda anti social at first but I do eventually warm up to people.

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Name: Michael Martin


Age: 16


Gender: Male 


Country: USA


Likes: People, thinking, open-minded people, long discussions, happy people, enthusiastic people, quiet people, all kinds of people, ponies, writing, any kind of music (As long as it's good) 


Dislikes: Anime, close-minded, ignorance, hatred, fighting, harming other people


Hobbies: Writing, thinking, occasionally playing video games (Not that much anymore), watching MLP, taking long walks, and working on my MLP wargame somewhat akin to Warhammer 40k.


Other Info: I really want someone new to talk too because I can't get enough people to talk to. So PM and send me a friend and all that stuff if you want to talk. Prepare for long discussions though.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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