Brobot 1,436 July 21, 2018 Share July 21, 2018 Most teachers are great, but some are unbelievably bad whats your worst experience with a teacher? beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cash In 22,518 July 21, 2018 Share July 21, 2018 My Science teacher in Grade 8. I know all teachers have kids that they like and hate, but they at least try to be subtle. This woman though? Nah, she made it very apparent if she hated you. 1 At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jedishy 3,549 July 21, 2018 Share July 21, 2018 It has to be my HS math teachers. They would never work with me to help me understand the one subject that I struggled with. Basically, I was made to feel I was just not trying hard enough and that it ought to be easy. Which has really put me off of math. 1 May the Friendship be with you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Br O N Y 382 July 21, 2018 Share July 21, 2018 Luckly, I don't have much experience with bad teachers, most of me high school teachers were pretty cool, some of them even were amazing. Occasionally, there were some incompitent ones who couldn't teach properly, but they didn't make me feel bad. Probably the teacher who bothered me the most was my last english teacher. She was really strict, which I don't mind, since I felt like I needed more challenging english lessons anyway so that I don't get bored. But whenever you forgot something or did something wrong, she would just talk you down and make you feel super bad. But the worst thing was that when you meet her, she expects you to greet her, but she just doesn't greet back. She also often gives of this really unnerving vibe, like I was actually somewhat scared of her. However, some things are my fault tho, like I often didn't do my homework. So overall, she wasn't too bad, at least I had tests that would challenge me a bit, and not totally bore me. Bromine Oxygen Nitrogen Yttrium Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Here No Longer 5,277 July 21, 2018 Share July 21, 2018 There were a few that bothered me at times. Though my freshman English teacher forced me out of class for twenty minutes because she never believed it when I told her that I, quite literally, NEVER RECEIVED an assignment I was supposed to turn in EVEN THOUGH I WAS IN CLASS THAT DAY. I rummaged through my backpack trying to find something I knew I didn't have for the entire time. I was about to have a fit when that happened. Though aside from that there were no real issues (aside from her extreme strictness on turning in papers on time even if you weren't even there that day). Then there were the ones that were just totally uninvolved in the class. My history teachers were BAD about that. Just write a page or two of notes and do a worksheet. Every day. I learned LITERALLY nothing, and so did everyone else. Oh and it showed. Everyone in the entire class (no not just the ones there that period, either) except for me and a couple more people FAILED the History STAAR in 10th grade. I actually did well of course but I knew a lot of the answers for other reasons. Though part of this was likely because every history teacher in the whole school except for 2 were HEAVILY involved in athletics, it still didn't excuse the failure of teaching people the actual subject matter. I also had an issue with my Algebra I, teacher that almost everyone else liked. Let's just say that I was apparently TOO SMART for her and it made me nearly FAIL Algebra. Just because I and most other people on this planet can do Algebra easier WITHOUT Common Core, and it's just way too hard to accept that some people can multiply IN THEIR HEAD. I got problems WRONG when I did that, and I even got CALLED OUT one time for f***ing doing that. I honestly don't know how everyone else liked her and thought that she was nice, unless she just hated smart kids. For teaching for forty years (which is ironic considering her particularly s***y way of teaching Algebra), she clearly had very little idea what she was actually doing. Though maybe she ended up with Dementia or something, I really don't know. My opinions have changed on the matter of who's the worst. I think it can be told that at the moment I think my Algebra I teacher was the worst. I used to think of my English I teacher when I thought of teachers that I was dissatisfied with, but my opinion of her changed as I realized it was just over one little incident, and not literally every time I did an assignment, and a couple of times practicing on the board. I probably sound more infuriated by their jobs than I really was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kevin Tang 2,427 July 21, 2018 Share July 21, 2018 That troller art teacher at 8th grade and the boring teacher at 4th grade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brony Number 42 10,073 July 21, 2018 Share July 21, 2018 A crazy math teacher I had 2 times in college. He wrote sentences on the board and left blanks that we were supposed to fill in. One time the thing we were supposed to fill in was a period. Then he would talk about stuff that had nothing to do with the book. The worst was early on. We had a quiz with multiple choice. The instructions said select the correct answer. There was a question where it was like A was correct, B was correct, and D said "both A and B." A reasonable human would select D, which is what everyone in class picked. The instructions did not say that you might select multiple options, but he said we should have selected A, B, and D. The fact that he changed the wording of later tests is an admission that he was not clear. I understand he was trying to teach a strict mathematical way of thinking, but he was a dick about it. People would tell other students to rearrange their classes to avoid him. I had him twice because I hate life and I'm stupid. 1 This is my new signature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ziltoid the Omniscient 286 July 21, 2018 Share July 21, 2018 My first grade teacher was a fat ugly old lady who when she had 'yard duty' on recess would sit. on. the. drinking. fountain. We had to warn the new kids not to drink from it cause it'd taste like butt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starry Moon 51 July 21, 2018 Share July 21, 2018 Most of my teachers were pretty nice up until I got into Military school. I dropped out of high school around roughly a month of 10th grade, to go to Military school. Technically it was an adult (GED) school, but Military based. With uniforms, sergeants, dorms, PT (physical training), and harsh punishments for bad behavior. My English teacher, I disliked most. He wasn't too bad, but he would punish someone over small things. When someone would misbehave, you would be punished with "DP." I can't recall as to whether or not that's the correct acronym or not. The severity of DP was based on what you did. The punishment for DP is constantly exercising. I spent an hour and a half with DP. My English teacher reported me to DP because while I was in class, on a laptop, I was suppose to be using a certain site for answering English based questions. Questions that would help me with the GED practice tests, along with the actually GED tests. But while I was doing my work, I was also on Google Images, looking at pictures of reindeer (I'm weird, lol). It helps me learn if I get distracted every now and then. I can't constantly focus on one thing, it pressures me. I honestly think my punishment was far from reasonable, if I am wording that correctly. But other than him, all my other teachers were cool. I had 2 teachers that would hand out candy if you did well (Science and Geography), one that would let you listen to music if you we were working on laptops (Math), and in Gym you could do lots of things (basket ball, dodge ball, softball, watch tv, pool table, air hockey, etc). ^^ But regardless, I barely did any work while there. I actually failed 3, almost 4, grades in school, before Military school. I also never studied. But I passed all 4 GED practice tests the first time, along with all 4 GED tests. Although, they lowered the passing score by 5 points, so I met the minimum on either 2 or 3 of the tests. ^^; ⍣ ~ Starry Moon ★ 21 ★ Non-Binary ★ Alicorn ★ Single ~ ⍣ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twisted Cyclone 🚓 6,261 July 21, 2018 Share July 21, 2018 I didn't like my kindergarten teacher. Most of that year, I was never able to enjoy recess because she'd punish me over the pettiest of stuff. She even told me that I was a demon child too..... Country and Rock fan | Car fan (especially police cars) | Weather Pony | YouTube | Twitter | DeviantART Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty_Cat 376 July 21, 2018 Share July 21, 2018 Despite the fact Im going into 9th grade, Most of my teachers were pretty awsome! A couple of them I made into my enimies because of what I thought, but Im over that now. However, there are 2 teachers that kinda got on my nerves, and it wasn’t 100% their fault, it was mostly the other students’ faults. I dont remember whether I had him for 6th grade or 7th, but my science teacher was really bad at discipline. Whenever the kids did something bad, he would just talk to them, attempting to change them. He did give out a few citations, and by that i mean a LOT. The kids were just so bad, we would go through craziness everyday. People literally threw desks before class started and during class they wouldnt stop talking and some would even play music out loud. He would give out at least one citation a day, but that didnt change them. I heard someone say that they got 7 citations from him. I actually didnt get any citations because I’mma good kid. He wound up being fired. Im actually suprised I still kept my A B record despite him. My 7th grade English teacher... I didnt like her a lot. She was just scary. If someone broke a major rule, or kept breaking rules, the punishmesnt would be pretty harsh (in my opinion at least). The good thing was that it didnt happen often. The worst I can remember from this is when someone kept talking during class. She made him go up to the board and fill in whatever words had been left out with no help. It took him nearly all class period because he didnt want to do it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricebug 555 July 22, 2018 Share July 22, 2018 I remember in eighth grade I had a teacher that would spend the entire class period talking about herself or her family. She would never talk about anything else. There wasn't a single thing I learnt in that class. Literally only one assignment was handed out during my final year with her and, of course, I didn't do it. Therefore I almost failed the class over one assignment; until I brought my principals attention to this and he forced her to teach us. I eventually got my grade up and she was upset that one of her students made her to do her job. I was mostly happy about the fact that I didn't have to listen to the same stories over and over. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DixonTheAdversary 1,632 July 22, 2018 Share July 22, 2018 10/11 of my Elementary school teachers were just terrible. To start, in Kindergarten, 3 days in the original teacher quit, so we were stuck with an older woman with absolutely no tolerance to mischief. Then halfway through the year we got another teacher that obviously didn't want to be there. First and Second grade I would get in trouble for no reason whatsoever. I liked my third grade teacher, but then the school decided to hire another teacher and split our class up halfway through the year, but it was only for certain subjects. Fourth grade teacher hated my guts. In 5th grade the school switched to a more middle school and high school way of doing things. You had to go to different classes for different subjects, but the subjects were only split up between the teachers of that grade. All that I remember about 5th grade about the teachers was that one had no tolerance for any mistakes and the other didn't go in depth enough with lessons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RDDash 19,204 July 22, 2018 Share July 22, 2018 I guess for me th worst teacher would be Mr Lecture. It's like those people live in their own world and they just zoned out in the lecture mode, and you just feel lost for trying to keep up with them by trying to self study the material they're trying to teach Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,197 July 22, 2018 Share July 22, 2018 I had many qualms with band directors in the past, especially in high school. However, I hate even mentioning that here implying that they could ever be the "worst teacher ever", because I've long since grown up and realized that most of my qualms with them were on me. I just wasn't as competent of a musician as I thought I was. I did not fully understand this back then, because I was high on the "If you work hard, you will be rewarded" mindset, not realizing that there are some things you can work hard at but never be actually good at. I wish I had sought help mentally instead of moping around and causing a big scene about it. In the end, I don't have any "Worst teacher ever" to contribute here. Except for maybe me one time I was tasked to teach an oboe lesson to a middle schooler. D: Lol. Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BritishBrony2012 823 August 5, 2018 Share August 5, 2018 Got many, main ones is an Art teacher she diffcult, she tell someone for little thing. I got told off for rubbing too much and day dreaming and something I not sure about. When she retired it's she got too many compliants. An Seicnce teacher, he can be okay but there something that annoyed, he give girls mark for earily, I was earliy as well, (He give a student ''+'' for good and ''-'' for bad on the board, if 3 ''+'' get reward and if 3 ''-'' get detention. He give girls + for being earliy and when bunch of guys show up late, they get them - and then I given one, I didn't say anything but never forget that one and he also give me - for not putting in a title of what we working on and a date on my note book, find that teacher trouble. He can be okay but there things that i hate him And Design and Technology teacher, most annoying and he even got alot of negetive from rate my teacher site. many say he's lazy, he pick someone who don't put their hand up and tell off people who don't deserve getting told off. I got alot stick from him cos i was far behind, most classes i got support teacher with me. What annoy me, is when he show what other student was doing, that made really annoyed me. I'm not only one who hate him. He should be sack, don't know why. He never in parents' evening. Also Music teacher, she told me off on little little, she got really mad. I put paper sheet on other sheet of pepers it was little un tidy then teacher got really mad. Other time when I got back from my famly holiday, she start saying next time i tidy up the keyboard piano cables and kids start laughing. That I was annoyed. Also a teacher at Primary School, she shouts alot and get angry, that cos class was worst. reason I mention her cos I got told off for things that other students got me told off. A guy did some something me and i was shaking about and had in my hand then teacher got it off me and shout in my face cos she think I going to put in his eyes that moment I was shock. There many things that other student put me in trouble. She okay but that moment annoyed me. I do respect teachers, but but there be some you can't help but dislike. Fellow students at school cna be not only ones that worst things at school Proud British Brony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CandyCorn 428 August 5, 2018 Share August 5, 2018 My second grade teacher. Because of my ADHD at the time, he stuck me into the back of the classroom facing the wall. He yelled at me if I turned around and tried to participate. Happy Halloween | Banner by @Kyoshi <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kion 7,407 August 5, 2018 Share August 5, 2018 My Spanish teacher Cause she was so mean and rude. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maslovitz 122 August 5, 2018 Share August 5, 2018 (edited) That dumb biology teacher from my middle school. She was like 5 feet tall, had a really high pitched voice and seemed rather harmless, she turned out to be the devil himself though. One time a dude from my class got an F, cause, as she said, he was distracting everybody and yelling at her. The dude was literally just fixing his hair and was talking as politely as never before. The headmaster approved of it, because "everyone knows that dude is an idiot", that's exactly what she said, not even joking there Edited August 5, 2018 by Buttaflight Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TBD 17,256 August 5, 2018 Share August 5, 2018 (edited) This one analytical chemistry professor..what a douchebag. Edited August 5, 2018 by TBD ♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thuja 3,659 August 6, 2018 Share August 6, 2018 This one teacher in high school, she was a German teacher. She wouldn't accept that there were other dialects for German and my mom lived in Germany for a short time so she would sometimes look over my work and help me with pronunciation. When I came to class sometimes, the teacher would throw a passive aggressive fit when I pronounced things "incorrectly"... I hated learning German for a while after that. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Piranha 29,440 August 6, 2018 Share August 6, 2018 got two from my mid teens. Why they suck? 1-Incompetent, at least the woman, the man (who's her son by the way), at least gave the impression of knowing his shit 2-Took over the school..... literally, because of students' popularity. Which leads to.... 3-Being actually a good student was toss aside, and they praised the mediocre, bad, and even the bullies. It wouldn't be so bad if they were actually making them improve, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, they gave them away freebie scores, impunity for their bullying, and even attempted to fire another teacher because he didn't followed their bullshit 4-Since I wasn't one of these "oppressed" and "marginalized" youth, as I've always been for real, got subtlety belittled, not to mention I couldn't do shit against the insane bullying, WHICH I'VE ALREADY MENTIONED THEY WERE PROTECTING. Is of any wonder why I've borrowed a phone later on to play a very strong "reason you suck speech"? Yeah, I wrote a strong and humiliating text that put her to tears. Yeah, I was THAT pissed. But hey, three years of such bullshit tend to lead us to do things we would otherwise consider unthinkable Sig by Discords Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prospekt 11,021 August 6, 2018 Share August 6, 2018 My 10th grade Engineering I teacher turned me off the subject completely. She knew the content, but she didn't seem to have the slightest idea of how to coherently teach it. She was the kind of teacher who would respond to almost every question with "Well, what do you think?" in a condescending tone. 1 Signature by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeekySonic 1,150 August 6, 2018 Share August 6, 2018 My 4th grade teacher absolutely despised me. I was a freaking teacher's pet kinda child, so I usually never got in trouble. 4th grade was the only grade I've ever received detention in. My crimes included: Sharpening my pencil while she was talking Licking my lips (actually though) Not answering a question I didn't know the answer to Being in the vicinity of students running in the hall (Only time she ever enforced her bullcrap guilty by association rule) Whistling a song during recess Running (again, outside during recess) Spelling her name wrong Writing with a pen instead of pencil Drawing Reading during class (after my work was finished) And finally, flipping her off. I might have deserved the last one, but I had had enough of her giving me crap for no reason. 2 Check out my voice-acting demo reels on Casting Call Club, if you'd like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
They call me Loyalty 1,948 August 6, 2018 Share August 6, 2018 Most teachers didn't see me favorably due to my lack of interest or involvement, but they were not bad at their profession. Some of the issues that surfaced in school were result of my nature when it comes to bring out the human qualities in people. There were some altercations with some of them, but having a closer look at their identity, psychology and emotional state, it was possible to figure out the source of the issue wasn't necessarily my behaviour, but rather a conflict inherent to their personal lives. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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