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When Gen 5 comes out, will they bring BronyCon back?


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This is its last year but when Gen 5 comes, and assuming it's really good, will they bring it back, or do you think this is the end for these kinds of cons even if it's really good?

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Considering FiM is in its last season, I feel like they just would’ve kept going instead of bring it back for G5. The reason BronyCon is ending is because activity/attendance has been declining the last few years and they want to be able to go out with a bang, so I don’t think anything G5 does will bring it back.

Edited by PinkiePie97
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G5 would have to be amazing. It is sad to see the con end. I wonder if they could combine it with other stuff, like CartoonCon. Wait, maybe I have something here.... :mlp_wat:

It already exists.

Edited by Brony_2A
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I doubt it. G5 would have to eclipse G4 in popularity for that to happen in order for enough heads to turn and respark the fandom. 

And even then there's already a bit of over saturation in the MLP con scene. The U.S. holds more MLP conventions then cons are dedicated to entire genres of TV, let alone the TV shows themselves. So the current con-scene can probably cater to the demand regionally, rather than having the fandom gather in Baltimare every year. 

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If there's a demand for it. Considering so many went out of business based on low attendance and declining interest (just look around here, for starters), they probably do not want to risk an embarrassing end. However, if G5 boosts Brony popularity again...they will for sure. I would. 

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As long as there is a demand for it AND the con wants to be sustainable. BronyCon's problem was that they were losing funds while losing attendance while not downsizing to meet that trend. However, with other cons out there to fill that void I don't see it returning; personally.

Anthing's possible tho!

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Like previously mentioned, generation five of MLP would have to be just as successful as generation four in order to produce a convention like or that is BronyCon. If generation five accomplished this, you can color me very impressed. 

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It's possible, just not probable. I have a good feeling that G5 will be good, but I have no clue how fans will react to it. Fans are notorious for being very fickle and even if the new show is met with glowing praise at the time of its release, positive reception of a show and fan engagement of a franchise are not the same thing. What matters would be how many fans it convinces to go out to meet at a convention, and there also exist plenty of aspiring fans who simply don't have the resources to do so. My advice, stay optimistic, just reasonably optimistic. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Addendum. I kinda hope they don't. 

I've made my peace with BronyCon's ending. It was a fantastic four days to cap off a sensational seven years. 

Let another convention assume the mantel. By the sound of things, Everfree Northwest will be the new hub of the herd. 

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  • 7 months later...

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