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S09:E13 - Between Dark and Dawn

Will Guide

Episode Poll  

81 users have voted

  1. 1. What did you think of the episode?

    • This episode is so boring, it makes a trip to the Museum look exciting (hate it)
    • This episode hurts like horrible sunburn (dislike it)
    • Like my vacation plans, I can't make my mind about this episode (meh)
    • Ah, finally an episode I can relax to as I rest (like it)
    • *While Ziplining* YAHOO! BEST EPISODE EVER! (LOVE IT!)

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I agree with everyone on how the sideline story with the mane 6 was a bit lousy, but really liked the episode as a whole. The story about the sisters had a lot of fuuny joke moments which clicked with me, and the overall plot about the sisters was interesting. Not much else to say, was a solid episode overall :LunaMCM:

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While the underlaying story with the mane 6 was lacking, the story with Celestia and Luna more than made up for it. Such an entertaining episode, definitely one of the best of the season thus far.

"Never give up, because you can't succeed if you don't even try." - Personal Motto

"Anything worth doing has risks. Believe me, this is worth doing." Hortense-Guardians of Ga'Hoole book 2


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Great episode overall!  Really good way to lead us into the mid-season with a quick reminder of Equestria's future.  Oh I remember my early stressful weeks as a supervisor, then learning I have delegating powers... It.  Was.  Glorious.... I was a little worried their vacation was going to be ruined by their status as Princesses, but was pleasantly surprised how they mixed their popularity in the background without derailing their adventures.  Their dynamics as being polar opposites on their wish lists was refreshing, Celestia being the thrill seeker and Luna being the more artistic of the two.  Luna's pure almost childish wonderment of the post office was just priceless.  Really wish they would have given Derpy a line, but her reaction was ultimately enough.  Some of Celestia's activities though made me have to scratch my head a little.  She get's a thrill out of sky diving and her new favorite activity is zip lining, but she can fly.  Shouldn't these be normalish activities for a pony that flies?  Maybe I missed the point, but it still made me pause a minute.

Negative point to the episode though, is the abrupt end of the Mane 6 side story.  It was nice to see all six of them one screen again though, and speaking, as it felt like forever ago that they've been together.  

Quick question to those that might have watched this with subtitles, but did Princess Celestia list Shampooing Anteaters that made Fluttershy blush?  I watched the screen several times at higher and higher volume but could never make it out. 

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Ummm . . . ok . . . so either the writer has no idea of character or history for this show or they decided Celestia and Luna are in the middle of a midlife crisis. That would explain a lot about their recent actions come to think of it. Of course it doesn't explain Twilight believing the princesses do everything themselves when the "heads of the swanifying commitee' are introducing themselves and Celestia has constantly delegated jobs to her and her friends.

Some cute moments in this episode (Fluttershy's blush at Spike saying she's the only one to wash Armadillos), some worrying ones (horns can get sunburnt?) and some that are just plain odd (Luna and Celestia not wanting to raise/lower the sun/moon or Mt Fillymanejaro).

All in all its a sweet episode but I just can't bring myself to like it on first viewing (there'll be at least one more when I'm doing the timeline for season 9) as so many characters are out of character not just for themselves but in context of the show itself.

Though its interesting that Celestia and Luna seem to have a certain degree of Omnicogniscence as they're apparently aware of every little problem in Ponyville and are able to respond nearly instantly from Canterlot, during the day.

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I am happy to see that we got another Celestia and Luna episode in the show, as this is something we don't get to see too often.  I was pretty happy when we got one in A Royal Problem back in season 7 which I definitely enjoyed and thought was a pretty good episode.  So when I first read the synopsis for this one, I was definitely looking forward to seeing it.

With all of that said, I thought Between Dark and Dawn was a great episode.  Definitely one of the highlights of the season.

This was a really funny episode with a lot of great lines.  Some of my favorites were " All the times we've actually needed their help, and they show up for this?", and "Or maybe this week's just a one-time thing that'll never happen again."

We got a new song, which I always appreciate, and we got some more character development and fun interactions between Celestia and Luna.

I really liked this episode a lot.


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On 6/19/2019 at 10:08 PM, Will Guide said:

Ponies swooning at the the sight of the sisters, especially this one pegasus who fell out of the sky in awe!

My favorite was the pony in the museum taking the selfie with Celestia. That goofy smile. :laugh:

On 6/22/2019 at 10:47 AM, Rushing cash said:

It was such a nice song! :yay: also...1703822484_medium(2).png.27daedf57725b67442c914a8f96d8895.png

The Capper cameo was an unexpected treat. I wonder if they just grabbed a shot of him from the film, though, since he didn't move at all during the montage? Alas, I feel like the hope of having Capper actually interact with the Mane 6 (even in a silent way to avoid the cost of hiring his VA) post-movie is fading since a production still was all we could get from this episode.

On 6/22/2019 at 11:21 AM, bigbertha said:

It was surprising to see her enjoy the Gala in The Best Night Ever because we haven't seen that side of her before. But by now, nothing Celestia does is surprising. All that's left is an underlying feeling that this behavior doesn't fit this character.

I do agree that much of the regality of Celestia in the early seasons is pretty much gone now. It pretty much started with "At the Gala" when she admitted she hates all the rigid protocol and was overjoyed when the event went haywire. And I also agree there's a danger she's become Flanderized by this point since pretty much every episode that revolves around her in some way has her acting zany in some fashion.

But I would also say because the show has been building her up as actually the "wild one" and Luna as the stoic sister, so her behavior in recent episodes is still within the realm of plausibility. Also, I feel like the VA's have been asked how they want their characters portrayed this final season, and I do recall in an interview a few years ago that Nicole Oliver really enjoyed when Celestia was allowed to be be less refined and more fun.

On 6/22/2019 at 11:55 AM, Twilight Luna said:

Was this supposed to be an E.T. reference or does Celestia just love plushies?

That backdrop is from the episode that featured a toy store with a bunch of plushie animals from a few seasons back, so if anything it's a callback to that with a nod to ET at the same time. I remember all the comments on how cute the giraffe was. I can't seem to find what episode it was from now, however.

On 6/22/2019 at 2:22 PM, VG_Addict said:

Why do we need a mid-season hiatus if production for the show has wrapped up? Can't they just air the rest of the season now?

It's DFC that decides the hiatus. They don't want to have a bunch of episodes air during the Summer when most kids are outside having fun. Even if this is the last season, DFC want to bring in viewers for  their advertisers.

23 hours ago, Ganondorf8 said:

Fancy Pants, a surprise appearance given it's been years. Sure, he came off as rude, but then he was within his means to do so. He knew what needed to be done so you can forgive him for not appreciating Twilight's refusal for asking for help.

I guess since the Mane 6 missed out on all the shenanigans that happened during "Princess Spike," I suppose they (especially Rarity) didn't know he had a less-than-positive experience with Twilight the last time he dealt with her and her dragon. Perhaps he thought the same thing was happening again, only this time he knew it really was Twilight telling him "no" since she said it to his face. (And then proceeded to levitate him and his group right out of the room ,lol.)

20 hours ago, ImpctR said:

Was Luna's interest in the delivery firm again for gags or she really liked letter deliveries?

It seems logical that Luna would be excited by basic logistical designs since she's in charge of the castle guards and general defenses of the land. She'd probably be interested in how Flim and Flam's SSCS6K and other steampunk-style devices work, too.

19 hours ago, Will Guide said:

Plus, their motivations for wanting to have thrills or to relax make sense.

One of the problems with "A Royal Issue" (an episode that I like, too) is we're dropped right into the conflict, so their fighting comes off as a bit petty. Here, the conflict grows naturally out of the amount of time they force themselves to spend with one another, even though they have very different ideas of fun. So you're right that the catalyst for their eventual arguing by the end of the episode sense.

18 hours ago, Dark Qiviut said:

HYSTERICAL! XD The timing was perfect. You knew she had the desire for thrill, but wasn't expecting this to come. Her sheer excitement while zipping down — she enjoyed it! :laugh:

The one thing I have to question is why flight-capable alicorns would find zip lines exciting, or why one of them would be afraid since her wings or even teleportation could save her from an unexpected crash landing. But I suspect the idea here was it adds to the overall level of absurdity the episode was trying to portray, and it indeed is really funny.

11 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

Quick question to those that might have watched this with subtitles, but did Princess Celestia list Shampooing Anteaters that made Fluttershy blush? 


35 minutes ago, cmarston1 said:

This was a really funny episode with a lot of great lines.  Some of my favorites were " All the times we've actually needed their help, and they show up for this?", and "Or maybe this week's just a one-time thing that'll never happen again."

Spike channeling his own version of fourth-wall breaking powers like he did in "The Break-Up, Break-Down." :mustache:

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I actually really liked the episode.:catface: It actually gave development to the princesses for one. Beyond Celestia sometimes goofing around what seemed like only twice before, and A Royal Problem the princesses haven't had much development. So it was really nice to see them go out and to what they thought was fun and had always wanted to do. One of my favorite parts of the episode was Luna being so excited to go to the post office. How for the last thousands of years she had been going around ponies dreams and seeing the most imaginative things ever, how the one thing she's always wanted to do was send something through the mail.:ph3ar: And even though the plot is kind of very much predictable, I still liked it and and lesson it taught in the end.:squee:

Oh, and the Mane 6 side plot should have been expanded into it's own episode of them learning how to delegate tasks. It was the most boring part of the episode. I still enjoyed it, but liked the Princess story much more.

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11 minutes ago, Roughshod said:

Last three minutes were the highlight of the episode. Everything else was hit or miss. But those facial animations though... Egh.

The entirety was the highlight.

  • Brohoof 1



"Work Hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent."
- Pete Docter 

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This episode really feels like a follow up to the one with Starlight. I really think it’s funny how they’re both over a thousand years old but Celestia and Luna still don’t get along.

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Overall, this is probably a bit of a "meh" episode for me. The plot with Celestia and Luna was okay; there were good moments, but there might have been a bit too much of the zaniness and wacky faces for me, and I didn't find the conflict - in which the two of them continue to insist on making each other do things that the other doesn't want to do - to be all that engaging. And I didn't like the subplot with the Mane Seven; I don't see any good reason for Twilight to believe or insist that the Mane Seven need to do everything for the Royal Swanifying Ceremony themselves, and their incompetence when put in charge again leads me to question the direction that this season is taking them.


First, regarding the conflict between Celestia and Luna, wouldn't an obvious solution to their diverging interests be to schedule time to do some things together that they can agree on, but also to schedule time to do different things separately? I don't know why they would continue to insist on doing everything together, even as they end up repeatedly dragging each other into doing things that the other doesn't want to do. Also, wouldn't Celestia and Luna have more-or-less opposite sleep schedules, as depicted in "A Royal Problem"? If Luna normally isn't awake during the day, then Celestia's expecting Luna to do thrilling and physically exhaustive activities during the day is a lot to ask, and it wouldn't be surprising that Luna would want to take breaks and not exert herself so much.


Next, I'll talk about how I see no good reason for Twilight to believe that the Mane Six need to put on the Royal Swanifying Ceremony by themselves. It starts right after Celestia and Luna depart, and Twilight tells the Mane Seven "This is our chance to show Celestia and Luna we'll do whatever the job requires. If they can take care of all this themselves, then I know we can. Together". But nobody said anything about Celestia and Luna "taking care of all this themselves", and I don't see why Twilight would assume that. Of course, Twilight says this before even getting the full picture of what all is expected for the Royal Swanifying Ceremony.

And I see no good reason for Twilight to refuse the assistance of the Royal Swanifying Committee. Twilight's supposed "reasoning" is that "If we ask for help, it's just like admitting we're not as good at the job as Luna and Celestia are". But, again, Celestia and Luna do not do the job by themselves, and there's no reason to think that they do. The fact that the heads of the Royal Swanifying Committee came to the throne room expecting to talk to Celestia and Luna is evidence that the princesses do not take care of all this themselves. Why would there be a Royal Swanifying Committee to offer assistance if Celestia and Luna put on the Royal Swanifying Ceremony with no help? And by the end of this subplot, what was learned? Delegation is good? Even as far back as "Winter Wrap Up" in Season 1, just to give an example, Twilight was saving Winter Wrap Up by organizing and delegating tasks to the residents of Ponyville.

In fact, after this subplot, I can't help questioning what direction this season is going with the Mane Six/Seven. If this season is preparing for the Mane Six/Seven to take over leading Equestria by season's end, then what are we intended to take away from seeing Twilight and the Mane Six/Seven making really stupid decisions when they're put in charge? Is it that the Mane Six/Seven are almost ready to lead Equestria, but they need to learn just a few more things before doing so? Is it that the Mane Six/Seven will be good leaders because they (supposedly) learn from their mistakes? Is it that Twilight is trying too hard to prove herself, and that she and the Mane Six/Seven are actually ready to lead so long as they don't psyche themselves out? But it seems to me that having the Mane Six/Seven learn these lessons now, and in the manner depicted so far in this season, makes them look less competent and capable now than they were in earlier seasons. And that, in turn, reinforces - to me, at least - the idea that the Mane Six/Seven are NOT ready to lead Equestria. It's going to seem incongruous to me if the Mane Six/Seven continue to mess up and make bad decisions on this level when left in charge, and yet they're still put in charge at the end of the season anyway.


Now here are a few larger points, followed by the rest of my miscellaneous observations.

At the beginning of the episode, Applejack asks "why there's a giant turtle eatin' my family's entire summer crop!" and Fluttershy says "Oh, dear. Mr. Tortoise-Snap said he was hungry. But he promised me he would only take a few small bites". A few small bites of what, the Apple family's apple trees? Is Fluttershy authorized to allow animals to eat the Apple family's crops without the Apple family's knowledge or express permission? This scenario reminds me of the episode "Bats!", in which (as I wrote in this post back then) Fluttershy's solution to the problem of fruit bats eating the Apple family's crops is for the Apple family to just give away part of the orchard to the fruit bats with no compensation; but don't worry, they'll definitely only eat the apples in the designated "sanctuary" part of the orchard, right?

Twilight's telling Celestia and Luna that "we know you have way more important ruler-y things to do" could also be framed in terms of the principle of comparative advantage. Is Celestia's and Luna's time and effort best spent on relatively menial tasks like replacing bridges, clearing paths through the forest, baking cupcakes, carrying old ladies across the street, etc.? Or would everyone be better off if they used their time and effort on diplomacy, dream watching, leading Equestria, etc., in which they have relatively high expertise and ability?

Fancy Pants tells Twilight "you must do something about the garbage piling up outside" because "the street sweepers are on strike". But is that really Celestia's and Luna's job, and by extension, Twilight's job to handle in their absence? Garbage collection and street sweeping seem like distinctly local services, so I would wonder why Celestia and Luna would be in charge of them. For example, the President of the United States is a different position than mayor of Washington, D.C., and state governors are different positions than the mayors of the capital cities of those states. So does Canterlot not have a mayor or local governing body that should be taking care of these things?

Why did Pinkie's tongue get stuck in the mixer? When Mrs. Cake opened the door, Pinkie may have been surprised, but we don't see her crank the mixer or anything.

If Celestia and Luna are concerned with "experiencing life" and "making a difference outside the throne room", then why is it that every example in the first part of the episode of Celestia's and Luna's doing that involved the Mane Six or was in view of the Mane Six? Were Celestia and Luna also doing other things that the Mane Six didn't see? Or were Celestia and Luna specifically stalking the Mane Six in order to find things with which they could "help"?

Why can't Luna throw a throne down on the beach? I don't see why a throne like that depicted in the episode would sink through the sand completely. Do parts of the beach there consist of quicksand?

Is the roller coaster that Celestia and Luna ride in the song montage supposed to be the Wild Blue Yonder, as seen in "Grannies Gone Wild"? It certainly looks to have the same aesthetic. But in "Grannies Gone Wild", it was supposed to close forever after that week. So did the hotel owners change their minds about closing it? Is this a new roller coaster that replaced the Wild Blue Yonder?

Celestia's exasperation while at the theater with Luna is also puzzling. Didn't "Horse Play" tell us that Celestia loves theater, and always wanted to experience being a part of a production? Does Celestia only specifically like plays, and the pony version of "Wicked" is a musical, so that doesn't count? Has Celestia seen this particular musical too many times, and it's lost the magic for her? Is this not a very good production? Is it that Celestia is already able to go to the theater in the course of her normal job, and she wants to do something else that she can't normally do?

Is Luna's fascination with the post office a vestige of her getting used to life in Equestria after having been banished to the moon for a thousand years? Did Equestria presumably not have postal service a thousand years ago, and so this is a novel thing for Luna to observe?

If Celestia didn't want to be done up in goth style, then why is that happening? Did Luna dictate what hair style, makeup, etc. Celestia had to get?

Where exactly was Mr. Tortoise-Snap teleported to by Celestia and Luna at the beginning of the episode if Pinkie was able to get him in such a short time to eat the garbage piled up in the streets in Canterlot?

Also, what did happen to the street sweepers on strike? Did they get whatever they were striking in order to get? Or are they still on strike, and Celestia and Luna now have to handle whatever their dispute is?

So the amulet is infused with a small part of Celestia's and Luna's power, and they told Twilight to activate it with her magic, but it's a mechanical device that would be fixed by turning the screw on the back?

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I think it was an OK episode, but Twilight learning common sense makes her look dumb. She is a smart pony. That's what defines her character. I think her intelligence is degrading lately.

Second part is, the show acknowledging that the princesses doesn't help in dangerous incidents. Stating the problem doesn't make them smart or witty, it didn't fix the issue, it just made themselves to look even dumber. There could have been a better solution, which is that the princesses has always been protecting Equestria, only when they failed the Mane Six was aware of the very existence of the crisis. Or, just live with the fact which they made themselves that the princesses isn't helpful for national defense. And also the Princesses didn't had to bother other ponies and actually not helping by helping in an obvious way in the episode. It makes them indiscreet, which they should have known better as royalties, which they have beed doing since 1000 years ago. They should have made the princesses competent instead of making them suck at what they do. Being emotional and a little bit childish when they are together alone makes sense, but they went to far at going down to earth for being 'Relatable'. They covered that area a bit too much already in previous episodes. Where is the grace and dignity? (except for when the plot requires them not to be that way, but only as a minimum basic characteristics.) Even when the audience want them to be like average fellows, the fact is that they are royalties.

And similar topics were done better with Rarity and Sweetie Belle. (and Luna was wise enough to advise one of them) Celestia and Luna could have had a more unique perspective about sisterhood than just plainly fighting over differences and making up like anybody else could have had. It's good to see a normal sister episode in MLP, but they were using special ponies that requires special conflicts and special perspectives and special stories. It's possible for princesses to do normal sister things, but a wasted potential. 'Princesses can be just like normal sisters' doesn't prove anything or provokes anything meaningful and unique.

It was a good sisters episode, but an under average Celestia and Luna episode. I'm not saying that they should have shooting laser beams to each other, or deal with the end of Equestria, but they should have had a different perspective even when they are fighting over casual things. The ending felt rushed too, even when there weren't much to cover plot wise.

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Probably the best episode title in the entire series.  Too bad the episode sucked big, fat, chunky monkey balls.


What's poning, ponles?

I didn't expect I would like this episode, since I've hated this Twilight-ruling-Equestria thing from the get-go.  I hated the way they went about it: there was never any consent from Twilight.  The Sisters never asked if she would be willing to do the job.  They just told.  Last I checked, Twilight wasn't under any obligation to obey orders.  But the other day, I realized that what upsets me the most about this whole deal is the fact that, in my opinion, it makes Twilight's whole arc as the Princess of Friendship rather meaningless.  In S4, she was frustrated at not knowing what her role was.  Celestia encouraged her to be patient and keep searching.  Twilight discovered that her role should be the Princess of Friendship, and the school was the culmination of her role and journey.  It's a perfect fit for her, but now that she's just just going to be Celestia 2.0, she won't have time for any of that stuff anymore.  Call her whatever you want, but she won't really be the Princess of Friendship anymore.  She won't have any time for the school.  She's just gonna pass that off to Starlight, and as much as I love Glimmy Glam and her arc, I don't think being headmare is a good fit for her at all. At least not yet. WAY too soon.  It just feels to me like Twilight is retiring from Princess of Frienship in order to be Tia 2.0, and I don't like it.  I said this before at the start of the season, but I really think that the logical choice for Tia's successor is the little monster, Flurry Heart, once she comes of age.  I mean, much as it irks me, she is the first natural born alicorn since Equestria's founding, and probably the most powerful pony in the world once she's old enough for them to remove that magic damper that they installed at the end of The Crystaling.

And that's not to mention the other five.  It seems that they'll be ruling as a sexarchy.  (Jokes aside, I guess that would be the correct term?)  I don't see how any of them will have any time for their personal jobs, which I would have preferred to see more of, quite frankly.  It feels like we can kiss Rarity's fashion empire and the Wonderbolts goodbye.

But moving on to this actual episode... it was crap.  In my opinion, okay? No offense if you liked it.  That's fine.  But I thought it was one of the all-time lows.  A perfectly fine premise (given that I already spoke my peace about the Twilight ruling thing), but the worst possible execution.  The Sisters acted like absolute idiots.  My biggest pet peeve is immaturity, irl, or on tv (unless the character is suppose to be immature for a meaningful, narrative reason).  I can forgive almost anything else, but I f*cking hate immaturity.  Making mistakes, even big ones, is totally different from acting immature.  The Sisters acted like five year-olds.  I generally love when we get a little genuine emotion from them and see that they're real ponies, like in Horse Play, but this episode was ridiculous.  It was one of the cringiest, most embarrassing episodes to watch, right behind Hard to Say Anything.  I had to hide my face behind my hand while I watched it.  I don't mind mistakes, I don't mind some down-to-earth sibling arguments, but this episode was just asinine.  The frigging CMC have outgrown this kind of stupid behavior.  I realize they were trying to show the Sisters' genuine side, rather than their royal side, but give them some frigging dignity for Celestia's sake.  And Luna's.  :laugh:  See what I did there?  :P

I always wanted another Sisters spotlight, since I wasn't too terribly thrilled with A Royal Problem. Be careful what you wish for, huh? *Sigh*. And a really dopey song to top it off! Holy sh*t, dude.

You know what I actually think would have been awesome?  I was hoping that Nightmare Moon would show up while they were fighting.  In all seriousness, a season-long arc where Luna goes cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs again would be really neat.  I'd love something dark like that.  But, sadly, it's too late for that.

On 6/23/2019 at 1:33 PM, Truffles said:

The Capper cameo was an unexpected treat.

Oh, wow.  Well, I definitely missed that!

On 6/23/2019 at 1:33 PM, Truffles said:

Alas, I feel like the hope of having Capper actually interact with the Mane 6 (even in a silent way to avoid the cost of hiring his VA) post-movie is fading since a production still was all we could get from this episode.

One can only hope.  :P  If I ever see that sack of crap again, it'll be too soon.  The only good Capper is a dead Capper.  Lol--I'm only being so cruel and dramatic because I'm sure you remember how much I hated the movie.  I'm just having a bit of fun.  But seriously, I f*cking hate that cat.  :baconmane:

Seems like most of the fandom, including some of the more critical reviewers I'm familiar with, really loved this episode, claiming that it brilliantly developed the Sisters' characters and bond.  Huh.  I guess I just don't get it.  Maybe I'm just a sourpuss.  I mean, I don't hate the whole show now or anything.  There have definitely been some episodes I've really loved this season.  (Common Ground, Sparkle's Seven, Student Counsel, Frenemies)  But I've really hated most of the big arc episodes so far (Beginning of the End, Uprooted, Dark & Dawn)  I dunno.  The more I think about it, the more I figure it must be me.  I guess I know how everyone who hated Game of Thrones S8 feels.  Cuz, y'know, I actually liked that.  I always seem to be the weird one, the fringe minority opinion.  Every Star Trek fan hated Voyager.  I loved it.  Every Final Fantasy fan hated 13.  I loved it.  Every Big Bang Theory fan probably loved the ending to that.  Idk--I stopped watched in S9 because I hated where they were going with it so much.  See?  Fringe minority.  Just gotta get used to that I suppose.  Probably best if everyone in the fandom just ignores me from now on.  I should just change my user name to Captain Buzzkill.

So, I know how they could have made this episode a grand slam. Since they went ahead and assassinated the Sisters' characters and stripped them of all dignity anyway, then what they should have done is this: right after Pinkie suggests that they do all of the things together that they've always wanted to but couldn't, then the Sisters would put a hoof to their chins, starting thinking and go, “Hmm...”, and then they would just cut to the following video, which would be the rest of the entire episode:




Edited by Justin_Case001
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With Gail Simone penning "Between Dark and Dawn" for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, for the first time. Some fans had somewhat mixed reactions, (mostly good), they question is asked, "Is it a good idea to bring in an outside write to pen a script for something they've never part of?"

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40 minutes ago, VG_Addict said:

Have you noticed Celestia and Luna are childish, despite being thousands of years old?

I think they were protayed that way, because they had all that built up inside for thousands of years. And They're finally letting it all out.

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8 hours ago, bwrosas said:

I think they were protayed that way, because they had all that built up inside for thousands of years. And They're finally letting it all out.

They took it too far though this isn't how they've acted in private before as I've said it just feels like they aren't the princesses we've seen who are capable of having fun without acting like kids. Especially with things like Celestia dragging Luna away from something she's had an entire episode dedicated to her enjoying.

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On 6/25/2019 at 6:29 PM, Music Chart Fan said:

Celestia's exasperation while at the theater with Luna is also puzzling. Didn't "Horse Play" tell us that Celestia loves theater, and always wanted to experience being a part of a production? Does Celestia only specifically like plays, and the pony version of "Wicked" is a musical, so that doesn't count?

Good catch. I completely forgot about Celestia's love of theater, even with this episode hearkening back to it indirectly with Celestia again wanting to do something else besides rule over a kingdom. And I can't explain it since the plays Luna took her to see should be enjoyable. So I suppose we can just chalk this up as a continuity error, perhaps the writer wasn't aware of the details of "Horse Play" when she penned the original script?

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12 hours ago, Truffles said:

Good catch. I completely forgot about Celestia's love of theater, even with this episode hearkening back to it indirectly with Celestia again wanting to do something else besides rule over a kingdom. And I can't explain it since the plays Luna took her to see should be enjoyable. So I suppose we can just chalk this up as a continuity error, perhaps the writer wasn't aware of the details of "Horse Play" when she penned the original script?

What they're doing in this episode is what they miss because of their job. Luna mentions, specifically, the wild dreams that ponies have. So, I'd assume that Celestia goes on events that would include theater pieces, but since she was on vacation, she wanted to do something different too.


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

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On 6/22/2019 at 2:22 PM, The Nth Doctor said:

I'd take the word of someone who knows what he's doing over someone who doesn't

What if the geese didn't like Rarity's choices?

True, if he knows better he needs to correct Rarity, but he could have mentioned the geese would not like it without using the snooty tone. He doesn't use snootiness in other episodes so it felt off. When he corrects Twilight he doesn't use that tone as far as I could hear when I rewatched the episode today,  so why use it with Rarity? 

My short independent films about physical disability!





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Also how are the Mane 5 on board running a kingdom while they have their lives and the school. Rainbow Dash would end up outranking Spitfire.

Edited by Singe
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On 6/26/2019 at 4:17 PM, VG_Addict said:

Have you noticed Celestia and Luna are childish, despite being thousands of years old?

I don’t think they’re childish, I think they’re just human. Er, equine. I find them relatable, I mean.

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On 6/26/2019 at 2:05 AM, Justin_Case001 said:

I didn't expect I would like this episode, since I've hated this Twilight-ruling-Equestria thing from the get-go.  I hated the way they went about it: there was never any consent from Twilight.  The Sisters never asked if she would be willing to do the job.  They just told.  Last I checked, Twilight wasn't under any obligation to obey orders. 

I hate Twilight becoming Celestia’s successor as well, but I don’t get too upset about that because I feel it’s no different from when she became a princess, which I was never satisfied with. Twilight has never seemed like she wants to be a princess. I’m trying to roll with it now, but I’ll probably get mad when it comes to fruition in the finale. 

(I still like this episode though)

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