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movies/tv What are some unpopular opinions you have related to film?


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I saw that there was already an unpopular opinion thread about video games, so I figured I'd make one about movies. To start off, I have a few...


I don't think Citizen Kane is all that great - I watched this movie during film class when I was a sophomore in high school, and I didn't think it was that great. Am I saying it's bad? No! I just thought it was... okay, and that's about it. I don't really understand why people think this movie is one of, if not THE best movie ever made. It doesn't really seem to have that much of a point to it. I have heard a lot of people say: "This movie's really deep, man!" But honestly, I don't think having a point is about saying something deep or telling a great moral or something like that. Having a point would be being funny, thrilling, or telling a good story. (I know people are gonna argue that Citizen Kane has a good story, but I digress.)

I don't think The Cat in the Hat starring Mike Myers is all that bad - Now before you go lighting your torches and sharpening your pitchforks, hear me out. I definitely can understand WHY this movie is seen as such a big insult to the book by Dr. Seuss, and while I don't think this is a GOOD movie, I'm not really sure if it deserves all the undying hatred it gets. I'll be honest, a few of the jokes in the movie did make me laugh, like when the Cat in the Hat got hit in the groin by a baseball bat, or when he said "That could've gone better" after the kids ran away in terror. I also don't get how Mike Myers in the cat suit is all that scary. Everyone I see on the internet thinks that this is the scariest movie ever made, but I just think they're a bunch of pansies. Seriously? What's so scary about a guy in a cat suit? I've seen scarier things on MLP...

I don't like Forrest Gump - This another movie that's hailed as one of the best of all time, but I don't think it really deserves it. I didn't like how the movie overly stereotyped southerners, considering I've lived almost my entire life in Arkansas, and I don't have a southern accent in the SLIGHTEST, and I haven't met a lot of people who do. I also didn't think the plot was that interesting, and I didn't think the "humorous" parts of it were very funny. While I don't think this is a BAD movie.... I don't think it's all that great.

I don't think Chicken Little is all that bad - Once again, I'm not gonna make a lot of friends with this one... While I don't think that this is a GOOD movie... I don't think it's one of the worst Disney movies or even one of the worst animated movies. A lot of people say that this movie is REALLY mean spirited, but I honestly relate to this movie somewhat because my mom treats me a lot like Buck Cluck does to Chicken Little. Not to mention that it feels like everyone was a serious jerk to me throughout my life... but I'm getting off topic, so let's move on.

I don't think the Emoji Movie is the worst animated movie of all time - Please don't hang me for this... Do I think the Emoji Movie is a good movie? Heck no. But do I think that it's the worst animated movie ever made? Uh... no. The Emoji Movie is bad, but I only think it's on an "average" level of bad, if that makes any sense. I've definitely seen PLENTY of movies that are FAR worse than the Emoji Movie, and I also definitely think it's better than any of the crap Illumination has put out. While I definitely think it's a bad movie, I really don't think it's the worst animated movie ever made.

How about you? What are some unpopular opinions related to film that YOU have? Lemme know! :)

  • Brohoof 1


I HAVE MORPHED 5 EXODIA, SETO KAIBA!! (Thanks to Emerald Heart for the banner!)



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  • I think Forrest Gump and Rain Man both are bad movies, not really because neither of them are great as films, but because they're both at the least slightly offensive.


  • I think that the Avengers movies are legitimately bad cliched messes of movies. They felt like they had no real story to tell, and were just run of the mill superhero movies in a coat of Marvel paint.


  • I think that The Thing is quite a ways overrated, not bad per say just very overrated. The characters acted with no common sense whatsoever, and it simply felt it was a mediocre film carried by its special effects work.


  • I think that Men In Black 2 was a good movie, and more than just a cash grab. It had a solid story and surprisingly solid execution. That isn't to say it's better than the original or the third film, because both of those are better than the black sheep of the three. (Now International... everyone can agree is $#!+).


  • I think that Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith is the best in the series, mainly because I think the rest are shallow. They tell you the Sith is bad and try not to make you think past that shallow facade. George Lucas should have stuck to Indiana Jones. 


  • Frozen is still overrated to this day, partially because the story was weak, but also because half of the characters were just aggravating.


Likely to be continued.

Edited by Spider Demon
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Street Fighter The Movie Wasn't Bad- Yes it was a mash up of 80s action and 90s cheese. Yes some of the character depictions weren't faithful.  Yes some questionable stuff was cut out. But it was still a very fun, very entertaining movie that wasn't dull in the slightest. Nobody was phoning it in. The story was straight forward and made sense. It was jam packed with action and energy. And Raul Julia was fantastic as M. Bison. 

Also in a round about way, even though it says Street Fighter this ended up feeling like the greatest GI Joe movie never made. 


Traditional Animation Is Still Better Than CGI- There's just something a bit off putting about CG movies. They lack the flow, the detail and the aesthetic appeal of 2D films from the 90s and early 00s. They may have great stories and fleshed out characters, but the medium isn't as appealing as the traditional format. Just imagine Frozen, Megamind or How To Train Your Dragon done in the style of Atlantis or Anastasia. Think about it. Would the MLP movie have been as good if it were a 3D looking film?

It's also a bit sad that we never got to see traditional animation progress and show even more of it's potential before being shut down by CGI. You can't help but wonder what could've been?


Darker And Deeper Doesn't Always Equal Better- The trend for films in the 21st century has been to go darker, grittier, more realistic and with more emotional depth. Frankly this has made them less entertaining and endearing. This really only works for select movies, but it's been broadly applied to everything. It's been nearly two decades of natural disasters, zombie apocalypses, tyrannical governments, collapsed governments, alien invasions, the criminal underworld and superheroes destroying everything. The enthusiasm and optimism from the 90s is gone. People complain about campiness and corniness but now we've gone too far the other way. I know it's a reflection of a post 9/11, post Katrina, post rescission world. But do we really go to the movies to be reminded of all that? I'll take 90s cheese over 00s grit any day. 

Maybe we should be getting less movies about how much the world sucks, and more movies about how the world can be better. 

  • Brohoof 2

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33 minutes ago, Spider Demon said:
  • I think that Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith is the best in the series, mainly because I think the rest are shallow. They tell you the Sith is bad and try not to make you think past that shallow facade. George Lucas should have stuck to Indiana Jones.

I really liked Episode III as well! Funnily enough, it's my third favorite Star Wars movie, only behind episodes V and IV. I watched it so many times as a kid... :D

  • Brohoof 1


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On 2019-10-26 at 10:09 AM, AveryGamerDude said:

I don't think Citizen Kane is all that great


On 2019-10-26 at 10:40 AM, Denim&Venom said:

Street Fighter The Movie Wasn't Bad

I agree with both of these. Citizen Kane I thought was a really boring movie, even for its time, obsessed with smelling its own farts(and just to make a point I loved Casablanca, which came out only a year later). In contrast, as dumb and goofy and strange as Street Fighter The Movie can get(like making Balrog a good guy and Deejay a bad guy), it's an incredibly fun film.

Any who, here's some of mine
- Iron Man 3 is one of the best movies in the MCU, and a lot of that is because it lets Tony Stark be a badass without the armor. It shows that his superpower is his intellect, not the iron suit
- Before Detective Pikachu, the only good Pokemon movie was Pokemon 3. Not even Mewtwo Strikes Back was that good, and the scene where Ash turns to stone was stupid
- Napoleon Dynamite is a masterpiece
- I loved The Grinch with Jim Carrey
- Captain America is the best superhero trilogy
- I don't hate the prequel trilogy or The Force Awakens
- At best Black Panther was a lower-mid tier MCU movie I was drinking the anti-SJW Koolaid back then. Rewatched the movie not to long ago and while definitely not on the same level as say Infinity War, Winter Soldier or Ragnarok, it definitely deserved a lot of the praise it got
- Here's one that'll probably be unpopular here. MLP 2017 isn't even the best MLP movie, let alone the best Hasbro movie. For the latter, both the 86 Transformers movie and Bumblebee blow it out of the water, and even then, I don't think holds a candle to Rainbow Rocks, which pretty much saved EQG from being a forgotten one-off, and introduced several characters that'll probably become future mainstays

Edited by Megas
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  • I think the Star Wars movies, even the old ones, are overrated, and can’t make myself care about them one bit.
  • I found The Dark Knight unbearably boring, and couldn’t even finish it. I guess that’s because I can’t take superhero movies seriously.
  • I have no idea why people find The Big Lebowski funny. No idea whatsoever.
  • I actually think Sylvester Stallone is a decent actor, even though I don’t understand half of the things he says.
  • I don’t watch classic movies made before 1970s, they just feel too corny to me.
  • I think making movies entertaining for the sake of it – without a deeper meaning or some sort of message – is a not a bad thing, so I never trust "professional critics" when looking for a movie to watch.
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  • American Beauty was beyond boring, making it a bad movie.
  • I don't get why people hate Pocahontas the way they do. It obviously has its shortcomings and it's innacurate, but it's also an animated movie that came out the year after Hamlet with lions and two years before a movie mixing Greek mythology with Gospel music, the most accurate of all Disney movies.
  • The Hunger Games has a great idea and did nothing interesting with it (don't know about the books, never read them).
  • Tangled is better than Frozen.
  • I get why people like these movie series, but, so far (as I haven't watched everything related to them), I don't find Star Wars and LotR interesting either.


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38 minutes ago, Kiryu-Chan said:

- At best Black Panther was a lower-mid tier MCU movie
- Here's one that'll probably be unpopular here. MLP 2017 isn't even the best MLP movie, let alone the best Hasbro movie. For the latter, both the 86 Transformers movie and Bumblebee blow it out of the water, and even then, I don't think holds a candle to Rainbow Rocks, which pretty much saved EQG from being a forgotten one-off, and introduced several characters that'll probably become future mainstays

Agreed on both. Black Panther got a lot of hype for being 'woke'. But it was basically a re-hash of the Lion King, only with a less meaningful introspective journey and character growth. I thought it put too much focus on Prince T'challa and not on the Black Panther character. It'd be like watching Superman and it was more Clark Kent: The Movie. I also didn't like the plot twist of Kill Monger becoming the main baddie and Ulysses Claw being wasted. Splitting the focus like that hurt both characters. The movie should've been T'challa going after Claw, saving his fall from grace and Killmonger's rise for a sequel. 

i wasn't a fan of the MLP movie either. While it was a gorgeous watch and expanded the world of MLP greatly, it just didn't feel at all like an MLP movie. It feels like they made a fantasy movie by fusing Atlantis, Treasure Planet and The Black Cauldron together, and then threw ponies into the mix. That may have been the intent, to put the ponies out of their comfort zone,  but it was just too jarring and did not gel. Rainbow Rocks was much better by being more straightforward and consistent with it's world, tone and characters. It was an MLP movie and very much felt like it. 

  • Brohoof 1

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2 hours ago, Spider Demon said:

Frozen is still overrated to this day, partially because the story was weak, but also because half of the characters were just aggravating.


Frozen is a soundtrack with filler instead of a movie with filler. 


1 hour ago, Kamii said:

Tangled is better than Frozen.



Edited by Sparklefan1234
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All the Frozen mentions reminded me. Frozen stopped being overrated years ago. Now people are just being obnoxious with how much they dislike it. It's more obnoxious than anything in the actual movie

  • Brohoof 5
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Deadpool is a very unfunny movie. I love the action and dark atmosphere of Deadpool, but the comedy was just plain bad. It’s comparable to Family Guy, but I’d argue that at least that show had legitimate funny jokes and concepts. I found about three jokes funny, but never laughed out loud at them. I do like the movie and sequel, but as a comedy movie, it sucks. :maud:


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31 minutes ago, Kiryu-Chan said:

All the Frozen mentions reminded me. Frozen stopped being overrated years ago. Now people are just being obnoxious with how much they dislike it. It's more obnoxious than anything in the actual movie

Like when everyone thought the film was an 11/10 and saying otherwise made you shunned, made fun of, and everything else? Everyone singing every Frozen song off-key randomly for no reason all the time? It can't be nearly as annoying as that was. Seriously, that was so obnoxious that for at least a solid year and a half it made me actually hate the movie. :unamused: Instead of just think it's mediocre.


Also, Rotten Tomatoes says otherwise. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/frozen_2013/reviews?type=user

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I don't care much for Deadpool as a character, and I don't really want him in the MUC.  Especially when they are other characters I would rather see make it there instead.  Also no, neither Loki, or Thanos are the best MCU villain.  That title still belongs to Killmonger.

Citizen Kane is ok, but not one of my favorite movies.

Tangled is an ok movie, but the series is a vast improvement in like every way.



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None of the John Wick films are any good at all. Awkward action sequences (that are so badly choreographed that I find myself constantly making fun of it), poorly written plot, mostly forgettable characters... Legit these films are only saved from all being atrocities because Keanu Reeves. Even the worst Bond films are likely to be better in every possible way, especially over the recent third installment which was utterly terrible.

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1 hour ago, Spider Demon said:

Like when everyone thought the film was an 11/10 and saying otherwise made you shunned, made fun of, and everything else? Everyone singing every Frozen song off-key randomly for no reason all the time? It can't be nearly as annoying as that was. Seriously, that was so obnoxious that for at least a solid year and a half it made me actually hate the movie. :unamused: Instead of just think it's mediocre.


Also, Rotten Tomatoes says otherwise. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/frozen_2013/reviews?type=user

It’s gone the other way around now, nowadays you can’t even talk about the dang movie without people whining that it fucking exists.

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20 minutes ago, Kiryu-Chan said:

It’s gone the other way around now, nowadays you can’t even talk about the dang movie without people whining that it fucking exists.

I'm with you here, pal. Frozen was popular when it first came out, but everyone seems to bitch about it nowadays. I know that's only my anecdotal evidence, but eh.

  • Brohoof 4


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Horror movies are the lowest form of film making, appealing to simple minds. There, I said it.

I have 0 interest in super hero movies. I think the success of Marvel movies has ruined "nerd" culture, because now anyone can watch a movie and call themselves a comic fan.

  • Brohoof 2

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I don’t like superhero movies. Fights, car chases, big flashing lights and sounds just bore me... I’d rather watch something that’s more story-driven or where I can learn something.

I don’t like CGI animation at all; I’ve avoided watching many of the new Disney/Pixar movies because of it. Hand drawn will always be my favorite! 

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47 minutes ago, Spooky Brony 42 said:

Horror movies are the lowest form of film making, appealing to simple minds. There, I said it.

I have 0 interest in super hero movies. I think the success of Marvel movies has ruined "nerd" culture, because now anyone can watch a movie and call themselves a comic fan.

Don't you think it may be better to word that in a way that doesn't insult fans of horror films? Your post seems a little unkind.

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1 minute ago, Graceful Stiles said:

Don't you think it may be better to word that in a way that doesn't insult fans of horror films? Your post seems a little unkind.

I thought the point was to be unpopular. Sorry.

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-Crimes of Grindelwald isn't a bad movie as everyone said. In fact, I like how it built a slow moving story while sticking to the main point of the plot. Which is revealing the crime of Grindelwald at the end. The story is trying to show the viewers the conflicts these characters are facing with, hence having us understand why they would join sided with Grindelwald.  Gindelwald isn't a bad character nor is Johnny Depp is a bad choice for this character.  His character fits so well with a guy who can be scary, manipulated, and unlike Voldemort, reasonable. Despite of his extreme ideals. And instead of using fear, he used reasons to manipulated his fallowers.  Moreover, this movie bought up a lot of open doors for theories that may be a potential to connect to HP.  

-I think Superman vs Batman is a good movie: The plot is simple and I was worry they might go all out just to make superman go against Batman. But the mastermind of all this is Lex Luthor. Suicide squad isn't that bad of a movie either. Sure the plot is a bit over the place but the characters there made up for it. Man have you guys seen the trailer for Bird of PRay? is crap and I'm 100% sure SS is whole a lot better.

-Jesse makes a good lex, Ben makes a good batman and Leto makes a good joker. "But TBD,  they don't look like their characters" . No one fucking cares alright? Lex is still a rich smarty pants, Bruce is still the richest superhero, and Joker leto is still a psycho clown. I find it annoying how people are so tone to their precious characters from the Batman trilogy to the point they actually forgot that DC universe is..well a fucking multiverse?? What's that mean? It means characters has been  taken in many shape and form by varies writers who have the power and money to do whatever they like with the characters.Leto may not act like the joker like Health lodger did but his view of "psycho" may differ from Health's views on psycho.  And is that wrong? NO. There's no sense of logic of what is it take to be a "psycho". "Psycho" can be any shapes and colors.  Your precious characters you get from the Batman trilogy never have a "pure form" to begin with. 





♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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The Star Wars movies always had some silly moments, even in the first one, so while they're not all that great, I still enjoy putting them on, even the Prequels and the Last Jedi


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Some of the Disney Live Action Remakes are excellent in giving something new for a new generation. Plus, dozens of versions of the original Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan stories are made all the time, so why can't Disney be allowed to remake a few of their animated interpretations?

If you really love the animated version much better, then just go and watch them without criticizing the fans who actually enjoy the live action remakes

  • Brohoof 2


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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4 hours ago, Spooky Brony 42 said:

Horror movies are the lowest form of film making, appealing to simple minds. There, I said it.

I have 0 interest in super hero movies. I think the success of Marvel movies has ruined "nerd" culture, because now anyone can watch a movie and call themselves a comic fan.

I like horror movies but I do agreed (except I think Romance movie (not all) is the lowest to the point it dug its own grave all the way down to the center of the earth's core and burn). Most Horror movies has no meaningful massage. I just like it because I’d expect some scares, dark, killing for entertainment. Which i have no frickin clue why.  Just sitting there on the edge of the sit and hope to get entertained  :laugh:.



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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