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ooc A Rift in Time (EQG)

Emerald Heart

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The world is a fragile place, always teetering between good and bad. There's a risk in every choice you make throughout the day, even the smallest of choices can lead to horrible consequences, even if your intentions were nothing but pure. But what happens when the world does go bad? Are we supposed to stand by and let it happen, or stand up and protect it? How are we... lowly humans supposed to fight for what's right? Especially when evil has just entered our world. 

A being from another world has invaded our land, calling himself "Gray King." He has no color, he brings no mercy. His vassals pray to him like he is a god, and they do as he pleases. The four of them also have no color, they are just black and white. They call themselves the Ashen Tribe. They are determined to rid the world of color, and retrieve something known as the Oracle Gem that is supposedly hidden somewhere in our world, though where it is is unknown. They show no mercy, they have no color, same as their leader. 

Day by day they plot their next attack on the humans, but what happens when they finally arrive, but we fight back? They are overconfident fools, and we are protective of the people we care for. We show no mercy ourselves, but the difference between us and them is that we fight for love and justice. We fight until the bitter end, we fight for the lives of our people. The Ashen Tribe and their Leader shall not prevail, and we will make sure of it.

We are also determined to find our missing princess, Princess Melody, from a word we have no memory of, but are told that exists. Only she can put an end to this madness 

We are the protectors of the past, present, and future. We can fix your fate by fighting off enemies, we are... the Time Guardians. 

And we are here to send these enemies to the ground.

We are here to find our Princess. 


Hi! Okay, so this is my first RP in a while and I thought this would be fun. I'm trying to give it a Sailor Moon Vibe, but not exactly the same. I do want there to be a "mysterious savior" that needs to be male, aka the love interest to the leader of the group (my OC, if ya don't mind). This will be set in the human world, but we'll look more like actual humans with actual skin tones and stuff. Our hair can still be the same color as our pony OCs. Oh! And instead of pens and broach as transformation items, our items will be jewelry. 

I'd also like our names to be related to be different types of day, which I have listed below. If anyone wants to take over as the villain and the Ashen Tribe, be my guest. I'll list those slots below as long as some info about them. 

Another thing, we will all be half animals. I uh... I hope that's fine with you. Anyway, please fill out the character sheet below and select a different time of day! We're gonna discover the new members of the team one by one, fyi. So it starts off as us not knowing or whatever. The object that triggers your transformation isn't the jewelry itself, but the birthstone, so please make sure to include that.

Oh! And all the girls and the love interest will be in high school. 


Slots Taken:


Character Sheets


@Emerald Heart

Name: Emerald Heart

Age: 17

Looks: Long, light pink hair with cyan stripes tied into a  ponytail that drapes over her chest. Her skin color is white, and she had emerald green eyes. She tends to wear semi-stylish clothing like a T-shirt and jeans, with a hoodie. She also wears contacts. 

Personality: Silly, sarcastic, fun, and very protective. She is very social and doesn't take any crap from anyone. She can be scary sometimes, but is usually pretty nice. Though she does have a very short fuse. She's also very childish and gets excited over the smallest things. She can be brutally honest, also. She is a very imaginative person and tends to lose her focus in class a lot, but still has pretty good grades. She likes to think outside the box, too and hates crying. 

Infused Animal: Bumblebee Bat

Name: Dusk

Looks: Hairstyle is the same, except the ponytail holder is now black. She has two bat ears sticking out of her head, and her green eyes have turned dark purple. She now wears a dark purple dress with frayed edges, and long sleeves with an elastic band that wraps around the middle finger. The dress lands just a bit past her bottom. On her right hand is a bronze ring with a moonstone embedded in it. A set of long, black wings are on her back that drag behind her when she walks. She wears knee-high white boots. 

Special Power: Attacks with her "Echo Shock Attack" where she snaps her fingers and emits an echoing noise that can both make the enemy’s ears fail & push them hard against a nearby surface.

Other Powers: Flying & Echolocation.

Birthstone: Moonstone

Transformation Item: Ring

Other: She is a major fangirl, and loves drinking tea and eating food. She is a very musical girl, and comes from a very musical family (Mom used to play the base, Dad plays electric guitar). Not to mention her relatives, which are all very musical. She likes singing, drawing, and is very protective of her headphones and sketchbook, which she keeps on her person at all times. She is extremley clumsy and has bumped into door handles, desks, bookshelves, you name it. She trips over air, basically. She is very talented at singing, writing, English, and drawing. She hates math, and is failing it at the moment.


Name: Deuce Shuffle

Age: 18

Looks: Medium height, thin build, short & neat bright red hair w/black highlights, soft blue eyes, THICK glasses, scruff of a goatee, long-sleeved white hoodie, grey jeans, bright red velcro (!)sneakers, headphones almost always in ears

Personality: Deuce is, quite frankly, a dork.  He's mopey, timid, and always seems to have the proverbial 'little black raincloud' following him around, as he tends to seem like he's brooding over something.  In actuality, he really had it hard as a kid, so he finds himself a social outcast much of the time.  Most of the other kids see him as a perennial loser, and he tends to be the butt of jokes and the target of bullies.  He has a tendency to either snark back at people, or he just tries to ignore them.  If someone actually makes the effort to befriend him, however, he may actually become a loyal and thoughtful friend.


Name: Ace Of Hearts

Looks: Tall and wiry, long black ponytail with bright red highlights, bright ice blue eyes, black cowboy hat, bright red bandit mask, red jeans with black chaps, silver spurs, twin six guns (one black, one red), long black leather trenchcoat with a bright red heart on the left lapel & a big one across the back, jet black collar shirt with red trim

Special Power: Perfect shot (almost never misses)

Other Powers: Throw Voice, Gunplay (spinning, tricks, quick draw), Supernatural Hearing, Card Tricks ('magic' tricks, target throwing), Mysterious Aura

Transformation Item: His (seemingly normal) deck of playing cards

@Renegade the Unicorn

Name: Rebel Rouser

Age: 17

Looks: A bit on the short side for her age (about 5 feet), Skinny and slightly muscular with long black hair with red streaks through it, dresses like a greaser from the 1950s - leather jacket, blue jeans, the works. Her hair is styled like a pompadour.

Personality: Rebel is a go-getter and a tomboy stuck permanently in the mid-twentieth century (figuratively, not literally. :P ). She's a delinquent and proud of it, and doesn't like being told what to do. However, this hostility and happiness hides a deep insecurity - she desperately wants to fit in with others, but just doesn't know how to. She's very much into rockabilly and punk music, having an almost religious devotion to Buddy Holly. She also loves B-movies, particularly those made by Roger Corman and Ed Wood.

Infused Animal: Wolf

Name: (magical girl) Midnight

Looks: (magical girl) Befitting her civilian garb, Midnight resembles Elvira, Mistress of the Dark - her hair is no longer in a pomp, her outfit now a low-cut leather jumpsuit with spikes and small chains. She now wears a skull and bones collar around her neck, with her birthstone in the center.

Special Powers: (Most a powerful attack): Rock Around the Clock - Midnight has the ability to launch multiple explosive/incendiary rounds at her enemies.

Other Powers: (The more minor ones) Agility and camouflage

Birthstone: Garnet

Transformation Item: (Piece of Jewelry) A spiked collar with her birthstone.

Other: Not that it comes up much, but Rebel is bisexual and polyamorous.


Name: Cosmic Stone

Age: 17

Looks: Blue hair with thick darker blue highlights that reaches about a quarter of the way down her back. Hair is always styled cutely and she has bangs. Her clothing style is a mix of stuff that’d be considered trendy in the 90s and typical sporty outfits. She’s shorter than average, quite fit, and wears contacts because she absolutely hates her glasses. 

Personality: Cosmic is very loud and very protective of her friends. She has a very sarcastic sense of humour and likes to be the center of attention. She zones out a lot when she isn’t occupied with something and she’s a big daydreamer. She’s not very gifted academically, but she’s super street smart surprisingly well versed with the stars. She’s got a short temper but tries her best to keep it under control. 

Infused Animal: Arctic Fox

Name: Twilight

Looks: Hair becomes much darker in colour and much longer. It’s swept up into a high ponytail and is puffy in a way that’s similar to cotton candy. Two white ears stand atop her head and sprouts a puffy white tail on her lower back. Her outfit consists of a dark blue dress spotted with stars. Has a white center and a short, puffy skirt. Back of dress has a large white bow with the tails of the bow (curled) reaching down to her knees. Sleeves of the dress are puffy and short. Shoes of choice are white heels with straps that wrap up her legs, ending right below her knees. She wears white gloves that reach her elbows. 

Special Powers: Attacks with her “Fox-Fire” which is her ability to manipulate and create fire.

Other Powers: Very enhanced speed, ability to create illusions, and can jump very high.

Birthstone: Diamond (April)

Transformation Item: White choker with a light blue gem at the center. 

Other: She finds it quite ironic that her personality is pretty much opposite to her magical girl name. She loves to stargaze in her freetime and she’s been a dancer for most of her life. Her favourite animal is cat, and her favourite colour is purple. She doesn’t pay attention in class and talks way too much, which leads to her getting in trouble with teachers a lot.



  1. Read these rules
  2. Please remember that the villains will either die or be banished at some point. The order being Heather, Somber, Slate, then Stone. The Gray King will be defeated at the very end.
  3. Please be respectful to your fellow users, we won't all be able to reply as fast as lightning. Plus, time zones are a thing.
  4. No God Modding. 
  5. You can play up to two characters. 
  6. Contact me about any problems you have with the story, or if you have questions about a character.
  7. Please don't feel pressured to reply. We all move at our own pace, and sometimes thinking of a response can be hard. 
  8. Swearing is prohibited. You may substitute said exclamation with words like "Fudge!" or "Fork!" 
  9. I will be playing any backround/extra characters that might be needed, but to not recur. An example of this being an extra character shouting "look, what's that over there?"
  10. Please either tag or quote someone if you are interacting with their character, even if you all following the story. It makes it easier for that user to respond. 
  11. Do not, under any circumstances, take control of a character that is not your own.
  12. When a villain has been KO'd, I shall cross a line through it.
  13. You MUST complete the fill-out sheet to apply
  14. You cannot use your magical girl name in your regular name. For example, your Magical Girl name could be "Noon."  So your regular human name could not be "Noon Sparks"
  15. Have fun! 


RP Link:




Edited by Emerald Heart
  • Brohoof 2




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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*looks over new post*


Believe it or not, I actually have some SM knowledge & viewing experience (got to watch the unedited Japanese later seasons!), and the role of Mysterious Savior sounds interesting... very Tuxedo Mask; I think I could pull it off, sure!

Might you be willing to allow me an opportunity to give it a try?  If yes, I'll make a bio sheet as soon as I can.  :grin:

=====  ( 0=====


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3 minutes ago, Randimaxis said:

*looks over new post*


Believe it or not, I actually have some SM knowledge & viewing experience (got to watch the unedited Japanese later seasons!), and the role of Mysterious Savior sounds interesting... very Tuxedo Mask; I think I could pull it off, sure!

Might you be willing to allow me an opportunity to give it a try?  If yes, I'll make a bio sheet as soon as I can.  :grin:

Of course! Just post a character sheet whenever you can.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Love Interest/Mysterious Savior

Name: Deuce Shuffle

Age: 18

Looks: Medium height, thin build, short & neat bright red hair w/black highlights, soft blue eyes, THICK glasses, scruff of a goatee, long-sleeved white hoodie, grey jeans, bright red velcro (!)sneakers, headphones almost always in ears

Personality: Deuce is, quite frankly, a dork.  He's mopey, timid, and always seems to have the proverbial 'little black raincloud' following him around, as he tends to seem like he's brooding over something.  In actuality, he really had it hard as a kid, so he finds himself a social outcast much of the time.  Most of the other kids see him as a perennial loser, and he tends to be the butt of jokes and the target of bullies.  He has a tendency to either snark back at people, or he just tries to ignore them.  If someone actually makes the effort to befriend him, however, he may actually become a loyal and thoughtful friend.


Name: Ace Of Hearts

Looks: Tall and wiry, long black ponytail with bright red highlights, bright ice blue eyes, black cowboy hat, bright red bandit mask, red jeans with black chaps, silver spurs, twin six guns (one black, one red), long black leather trenchcoat with a bright red heart on the left lapel & a big one across the back, jet black collar shirt with red trim

Special Power: Perfect shot (almost never misses)

Other Powers: Throw Voice, Gunplay (spinning, tricks, quick draw), Supernatural Hearing, Card Tricks ('magic' tricks, target throwing), Mysterious Aura

Transformation Item: His (seemingly normal) deck of playing cards

Other: Leaves a calling card of the Ace of Hearts


What do you think?  Any good?

=====  ( 0=====


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3 minutes ago, Randimaxis said:

Love Interest/Mysterious Savior

Name: Deuce Shuffle

Age: 18

Looks: Medium height, thin build, short & neat bright red hair w/black highlights, soft blue eyes, THICK glasses, scruff of a goatee, long-sleeved white hoodie, grey jeans, bright red velcro (!)sneakers, headphones almost always in ears

Personality: Deuce is, quite frankly, a dork.  He's mopey, timid, and always seems to have the proverbial 'little black raincloud' following him around, as he tends to seem like he's brooding over something.  In actuality, he really had it hard as a kid, so he finds himself a social outcast much of the time.  Most of the other kids see him as a perennial loser, and he tends to be the butt of jokes and the target of bullies.  He has a tendency to either snark back at people, or he just tries to ignore them.  If someone actually makes the effort to befriend him, however, he may actually become a loyal and thoughtful friend.


Name: Ace Of Hearts

Looks: Tall and wiry, long black ponytail with bright red highlights, bright ice blue eyes, black cowboy hat, bright red bandit mask, red jeans with black chaps, silver spurs, twin six guns (one black, one red), long black leather trenchcoat with a bright red heart on the left lapel & a big one across the back, jet black collar shirt with red trim

Special Power: Perfect shot (almost never misses)

Other Powers: Throw Voice, Gunplay (spinning, tricks, quick draw), Supernatural Hearing, Card Tricks ('magic' tricks, target throwing), Mysterious Aura

Transformation Item: His (seemingly normal) deck of playing cards

Other: Leaves a calling card of the Ace of Hearts


What do you think?  Any good?

Yes! I love it, thanks!

What do you think your other-world name would be?

Because Emerald is the reincarnation of Princess Melody.

Who do you wanna be?

Edited by Emerald Heart




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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1 minute ago, Emerald Heart said:

Yes! I love it, thanks!


Not bad for on-the-spot, eh?  Thank you kindly.  *bows*


2 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

What do you think your other-world name would be?

Because Emerald is the reincarnation of Princess Melody.

Who do you wanna be?

To match Melody?  Hmmmmm... how about Prince Symphony?

=====  ( 0=====


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Just now, Samurai Equine said:

Interesting! Since the spot I was the most interested in has been taken, I might be willing to be Stone or King Grey. Do I need to do something to apply?

No, you do not. But if you have any more questions about him, feel free to PM me. 

I'll go ahead and add you to the list!




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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3 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

No, you do not. But if you have any more questions about him, feel free to PM me. 

I'll go ahead and add you to the list!


If more people apply, or if anyone wants it, I am willing to give the role of Gray King to someone else. Mostly, I just want to be Stone, but if it looks like the number of people applying is going to be low, I don't mind doing both roles. :)

Edited by Samurai Equine
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3 minutes ago, Samurai Equine said:


If more people apply, or if anyone wants it, I am willing to give the role of Gray King to someone else. Mostly, I just want to be Stone, but if it looks like the number of people applying is going to be low, I don't mind doing both roles. :)

Alright, no problem. I'll keep that in mind. I'm trying to get the word out as best as I can. Would you like to be signed up for both roles now @Samurai Equine?

Edited by Emerald Heart
  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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I would like to play Slate. Is there anything that I'll need to do before the role is secured?

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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2 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

Nope! And if you have any questions about his character, please message me. 

Do you mind sending a PM with the description of the character? Just so I can have something to reference to.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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1 minute ago, Emerald Heart said:

Like what they look like?

I meant more so his personality, but that would work as well.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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Alright, I hope we get more magical girl characters, because the villains seem awfully popular.

@Treeglow Flicker @Splashee @applesjck @ExplosionMare @Lucky Bolt @Windy Breeze @reader8363 

Any of you want to join?

We need 2 more villains and 5 more heroins. 

Edited by Emerald Heart
  • Brohoof 2




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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