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A way to have a Derpy episode without upsetting anyone.


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I think there is a way to have an episode about Derpy that is not only inoffensive, but actually very positive. The plot would be focused on Derpy and how her eyes handicap her and cause her to be made fun of. The climax of the show would be Derpy solving a problem in Ponyville despite her handicap. The morals of the story would be that people with physical handicaps should be treated with sympathy and kindness, and that with determination, perseverance, and the help of one's friends, one can overcome physical shortcomings and achieve one's dreams. Not only is Derpy not offensive in this concept, she's a very positive role model. She wouldn't have to be a Mary Sue either; she could still act silly, love muffins, and be a real character. The morals of the story could also be quite deep and nuanced depending on the direction the writers went with it. Quite frankly, I see no reason why this concept would offend anyone; in fact, I think that an episode like this could potentially bring quite a bit of critical acclaim to the writers.

  • Brohoof 24
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That honestly has to be one of the more coherent ideas I've heard regarding a Derpy centered episode. However it's all up to Hasbro to make it happen, will they take the safe road and ignore her completely? Only time will tell.

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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The biggest problem people had with Derpy was the name "Derpy". They don't care about how she acts and all that. They said "Derpy is a negative term so change it." I find nothing wrong with Derpy, and I found her to be, if anything, a very positive role model. There should be more Derpy, she should be called Derpy, and everyone should shut up and like it.

"Hater's hate did create, that which they all feared. It is they we have to thank, for it is us they engineered."~ Me
"Eventually!"~ Also Me

"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being 'grown up', to admire the 'grown up' because it is 'grown up', to blush at the suspicion of being childish; These are the marks of childhood and adolescence. When I became a man, I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be 'Very Grown Up'."~ C.S. Lewis

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I find it funny how they can show a pony submerged in a tub of jelly with a creepy smile AND a pony barking in a straightjacket, and the only thing that is offensive to autistics is a walleyed pony because she's clumsy. Okay then, haters, lets see you try to be 100% graceful in everything you do while crossing your eyes.

  • Brohoof 1
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Make it a VERY SPECIAL episode. That's the story writer's secret weapon for getting any plot they want for an episode. Seriously, that's how they got Captain Planet to have episodes about AIDS and gang violence. And that's how they made I don't know HOW many episodes of All In The Family, back in the day when that stuff was MAJORLY taboo.


In a sense, it's what you brought up here. But this can make it work.

  • Brohoof 1

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The soccer moms will only watch the first tens minutes of the episode, listing all the offensive things, and started to raise a petition to Hasbro, which will deal a blow so fatal that our fandom will never recover


If we still insist that the wall-eyed pegasus must be named as 'derpy', there is no way out

  • Brohoof 1


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I like your episode idea Vega.


Hasbro made a bad decision by altering Derpy's voice and edited her name out, that left a bad taste in our mouths. After the changes, I can't trust Hasbro in making that decision, afraid that somepony would once again be offended by her antics by sending complaints to the company.


Hasbro needs to accept Derpy for how she is portrayed and ignore the offended morons.




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This is a great idea!

Although I don't think it was the 'moms' that found Derpy offensive.

How many moms do you know actually knows what 'derp' means?

In the brony community there was a Derpy vs. Ditzy Doo war,

and as usual there were heated and passionate people from both side.

When hasbro sided with Derpy, I think the Dizty Doo people got butthurt and posed as concerned parents.


  • Brohoof 4

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There should be a fan made 22 minute episode made with best most similar voice actors around. That way we get our Derpy episode and Hasbro doesn't get it's hands dirty.


That's not the easiest thing, but I volunteer as Spike!

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No it should just be Derpy living her daily life and screwing up, I don't think anyone would make fun of her I mean most Ponies in Ponyville are quite nice. Yes the ponies would get mad and like you said at the end of the episode she solve some problem. Derpy is not offensive in any way, If she was someone would have said something long before The Last Roundup episode. Oh and Dr. Whooves would have to appear with a British accent and say something about time.



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The soccer moms will only watch the first tens minutes of the episode, listing all the offensive things, and started to raise a petition to Hasbro, which will deal a blow so fatal that our fandom will never recover


If we still insist that the wall-eyed pegasus must be named as 'derpy', there is no way out


Not if it's advertised as a Very Special episode. Nobody has EVER gotten one of those pulled.

Edited by SBaby

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A Muffin In The Mail (Special Episode)



Yes. Please Hasbro make it happen. Surely an episode where a handicapped character accomplishes something wouldn't go down too badly with the spoilsports critics.

  • Brohoof 1

top lel

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I find it odd really, a show centered around how you should love everyone for who they are and not want them to change but parents then want a character to be changed beacuse she is found offensive? If you find her offensive then YOU'RE being prejudice. Why not use it as a lesson to teach your kids about how people like "derpy" are fine?


Anyway I love the episode idea and I really hope they do something with derpy in the show. This is definetly the best episode idea I've seen for her :)

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That would be a good idea, yet as you guys complain about Hasbro tainting Derpy, they've been making merchandise off her (Shirts and a belt at hot topic, the Comic con exclusive toy of Derpy, etc) Yet Hasbro remains untrustworthy with Derpy, they just overwatch production of the show, they barely have direct involvement in it, and with the soccer moms, that just makes me laugh how stupid people are today, back 30 or more years ago, it wouldn't be much of a big problem to name her Derpy.
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I find it odd really, a show centered around how you should love everyone for who they are and not want them to change but parents then want a character to be changed beacuse she is found offensive? If you find her offensive then YOU'RE being prejudice. Why not use it as a lesson to teach your kids about how people like "derpy" are fine?


Anyway I love the episode idea and I really hope they do something with derpy in the show. This is definetly the best episode idea I've seen for her :)


That's the beauty of the concept. If you make it a Very Special Episode, the 'SOCCER MOMS' would get the flak if they complained about it instead, because the mainstream media would jump on them like flies on $#@!. And most 'soccer moms' know this, and they know that complaining about this kind of episode is a really bad idea.


And the thing is, they do these kinds of episodes all the time. Captain Planet had a BUNCH of them. Even He-Man had one or two of them back in the 80s (one where He-Man thought he KILLED a guy and relinquished his powers). Power Team had one about a deaf kid who could read lips and body language (she gets made fun of by bullies, but ends up coming to the rescue of said bullies later on; sound familiar?). And if memory serves me correctly, didn't a show called Mutant League do one about the addiction of gambling (with bizarrely hilarious results for being a Very Special Episode)?


It works every time, I swear. As long as you market it as 'Very Special'.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 1

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The soccer moms will only watch the first tens minutes of the episode, listing all the offensive things, and started to raise a petition to Hasbro, which will deal a blow so fatal that our fandom will never recover


If we still insist that the wall-eyed pegasus must be named as 'derpy', there is no way out


I hate to say it, but your right. i still would be nice if they could figure out how to get derpy a big role in the show, though...


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Thing is, people chose to get offended at that scene. People will find a way to be offended at absolutely anything. Do the children really know what is wrong with that? The censoring of that scene kinda gave the message that 'being handicapped is wrong'. However, Hasbro were caught in the middle, and didn't really have much of a choice.


This idea seems dangerously close to a fanfic I've been wanting to write. Which is why I love it so much!

  • Brohoof 1
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Is it really necessary to have a Derpy episode?


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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Sounds like a good idea, but somehow, I feel like some people will still raise a fit. People who like to complain aren't rational - they just like to complain.


As a plot, though, generally, the plots focus on either the mane 6 or the CMC. I think that a Derpy-centered episode wouldn't fit in very well with their usual format. Though, this may change in season 3, I'm kind of doubting it will. However, I think it could be possible to have an episode positively reflecting Derpy while still having the basic background you described.

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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