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private The Clouded Path (1x1 with C. Thunder Dash)


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@C. Thunder Dash

Some place on the border of Equestria, amongst the fluffy white clouds flew Ambrosia at a high rate of speed. She started to fly around some of them, turning them into green-ish tornadoes that slowly faded away as she flew away, She dived and soared in the sky, spreading her alicorn wings in the sunlight. Sometimes letting go and letting herself fall for a while. After a little while of resting, she had flown really high into the sky before diving down at an angle and creating a sonic greenboom, a less intense version of the sonic rainboom that was green. 

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Thundy was flying high in the sky. That is...until he noticed what appeared to be a different colored sonic boom ahead of him. He sped up to try and catch the creature who created the different colored sonic boom. It must've been a powerful pegasus or even some unknown alicorn. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Ambrosia had been so alone for a long time she didn't even look to the left, where Thundy was flying. She automatically assumed that he was a figment of her mind. "How can I be another alicorn, if I am the only one? Hah, as if there would be any others." she said with a hearty laugh as she sped up, her wings changing their flight pattern to allow her to go faster. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Now she realized who was talking wasn't a figment of her imagination. She turned to him, a little bit of a green glow forming across her eyes as she locked eyes with him. She then veered off to the right as if to get away from him. She didn't really like interacting with mortals unless she was fooling with them.

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Thundy followed the alicorn. "So you're just gonna brush me off just like that. Look, nopony is an island to themselves. You can't just fly off without even acknowledging whoever is talking to you. That's rude and disrespectful." Thundy said following the alicorn. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Ambrosia shot a glare at him. 
"Heh heh heh...so you wanna talk to me in that manner hmm? It has been a very long time since I interacted with...mortal life..." she said an extremely sly and slick way, her words rolling off her tongue in a weird accent. He could see her cutie mark. A black thunder cloud shooting down a green lightening bolt.

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@C. Thunder Dash

Ambrosia huffed. "Your no fun! Bye!" she said and took a hard right to zoom away into the clouds. Flying towards a few storm clouds up ahead. She usually would leave mortals on their own and not interact with them too much. This one proved persistent. Something she wasn't used to.

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Thundy gathered some electricity and disappeared with a poof. She reappeared with a poof. "I don't care if you think I'm no fun. We could do this the easy way, or we could do this the hard way..." Thundy said as sparks crackled about his body. "All you need to do is be respectful, and quit trying to fly off, or I'll make you stay in one place." Thundy warned. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Ambrosia huffs and looks to him boldly. 
"I admire your resolve and your bravery..." she said almost astonished there. "Tell you what, how about we do this the...easy way..." she mocked his voice. "By doing a race, from here, over to that by." she said, pointing over in the direction of a bay way off in the distance almost by the horizon. She was very sure she would win, she believed she would easy, no contest.

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@C. Thunder Dash

Ambrosia shoved him away and she hovered in the air next to him. Then all of a sudden she shouts, "Go!" and zooms off in the direction of the bay itself. Since she herself was an excellent flyer, she was no push over however her over-estimation of her own ability would haunt her later on.

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Thundy sensed the energy and was left with no other choice. He gathered a load of energy and and unleashed the mighty sonic thunderboom. A loud crack of thunder was heard. A yellow trail could be seen behind Thundy, plus a halo of pure yellow. He zoomed past Ambrosia in the blink of an eye. 

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