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gaming If you could add or change one thing about the Switch, what it be?

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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The Switch is a fairly great system. That much is obvious. It is also a resounding success. Also obvious. The third obvious thing? The system could obviously use improvements in many areas. This is what sucks about Nintendo, they are always so uptight about these kinds of things and will leave stuff out without question or reason.

If you could add or change one about the Switch, what would that be? I think there's a lot of options. 

I've thought about this a lot and while there are many possible choices, something I miss greatly about Nintendo systems is the charming UI they tend to have. The Wii was simple but neat. The Wii U felt like a community with its UI, the DSi was also simple but pleasant and the 3DS had the best one in my opinion with its many themes and relaxing tones. These systems all had relaxing music, moving elements to their interface which made it feel more licvely and all around, they simple had charm. They all also had wonderful music for their respective eShop which made it feel like a true store. 

The Switch does not have this any of this. Nearly 4 years later and the Switch user interface is still as painfully bland as it was on day one. Only two themes, light and dark. The store is lifeless. There's no relaxing tone or animations or...anything. It is just icons and the selecting of such. I understand why Nintendo went this route. They wanted speed and simplicity above all else. This destroyed the personality that Nintendo systems tend to have though. The 3DS wasn't overly clunky or slow and it had the perfect UI in my opinion, so if I could change one thing about the Switchy, it would be this. Having a user interface with personality, life, an identity. There is a particular 3DS track for the eShop that played when I first got the system and hearing it makes me so friggin nostalgic. That's just one example. That's what these kinds of UI's can have. They can hold memories. The Switch is more like a cup holder in terms of style. 

This is one of many fanmade concepts online:


Imagine something like this but with more of a background and music on top of it. Oh it would so nice. Please Daddy Ninty, give us some style. 

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1 minute ago, Kyoshi said:

There is a particular 3DS track for the eShop that played when I first got the system and hearing it makes me so friggin nostalgic.

My personal favorite's always been the Wii Shop Channel track:


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I'd personally love to see the return of the Virtual Console. There are so many classic system games that would be perfect to play on the go. I realize that getting an emulator to play nice on modern system can be a challenge, but surely if they did it for the Wii they can manage it for the Switch? Heck, even the Gameboy/Gameboy Advance titles would be neat.

At least let me play the N64 Mario Golf. :awwthanks:

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The price... why isn't it free? :muffins:

Nah I just feel like I'd have to play all the time to get my money's worth (since you have to buy the console + games) but if it was cheaper I wouldn't feel like I'd have to play so much.

If that doesn't count then I'd change the controllers. They're so small and I feel like I have more control when holding something a bit bigger.

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Virtual Console, was one of the Wii's best features and just got neutered by the 3DS/Wii U. I wouldn't have minded the current Switch approach as a subscription if they didn't drip-feed every couple of months


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Geez, there are so many issues with the Switch it's hard to pick just one thing.

These are the most important:

- Scrap NSO. It is a complete waste of money. Nintendo has no business charging for their crappy online service that still uses Friend Codes.

- Bring back the Virtual Console. The lack of it on the Switch is one of the most pathetic things Nintendo has ever done.

- Stop releasing Wii U ports. There are so many Wii U ports now. If there were this many games worth owning on the Wii U, people should have bought the darn console. I did. Funny thing is that it lacked a lot of the issues that the Switch has.

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On 2021-02-12 at 7:52 PM, Cash_In said:

Virtual Console for sure. GameCube games haven't really been re-released, so to have them on Switch would be amazing.

Me want Paper Mario TTYD :sunny:

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On 2021-02-12 at 7:57 PM, Envy said:

- Scrap NSO. It is a complete waste of money. Nintendo has no business charging for their crappy online service that still uses Friend Codes.

At bare minimum it should be overhauled. It still blows my mind several times over that it is a paid online service with absolutely no way to message anyone, not even on your friends list., in the year 2021. That is a feature that became industry stand over 15 years ago and the Switch doesn't have it. That is less than bare minimum. Didn't the Wii U have more features? That online was totally free too. 

On 2021-02-12 at 7:57 PM, Envy said:

- Bring back the Virtual Console. The lack of it on the Switch is one of the most pathetic things Nintendo has ever done.

This right here was one of the things that enraged me when they announced they were ditching it. Imagine if they could have transferred our purchases from the 3DS and Wii U over to our Switch. That would have increased the game catalogue ten fold, they already had so much to choose from. I would take Virtual Console for whatever they offer in Switch Online any day. They can't even get classic games out on that service at any reasonable rate, it has been a teensy tiny drip feed. We should have the Game Boy to GBA by now and more. Considering just how easy those games are to emulate, it really isn't asking for much.

On 2021-02-12 at 7:57 PM, Envy said:

Stop releasing Wii U ports. There are so many Wii U ports now. If there were this many games worth owning on the Wii U, people should have bought the darn console. I did. Funny thing is that it lacked a lot of the issues that the Switch has.

Since backwards compatibility was gutted for the Switch and the Wii U was a sales failure, I am fine with the concept of Wii U ports. What I am definitely not okay with is all these full priced Wii Ports. Games that are 7+ years old that are from a previous console generation should in no way be full price. It is like when I was in a store once and seen DK Tropical Freeze for $20 on Wii U, but $60 on Switch and all the Switch version introduced was Funky Meme Mode. So baby easy mode is apparently worthy of charging an additional $40 for a game that is over 6 years old. Nintendo is high off its own fumes with this stuff. Mario 3D World? Cool, I would get it, if it wasn't an 8 year old port with some new stuff for $60. Again, $20 on Wii U, $60 on Switch with only some content added. It is maddening to say the least.

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Wii U's 13.5 million vs the Switch's 79.8 million

Every port on the Switch has vastly outsold the original Wii U releases, even fucking Mario Kart 8 which also sold incredibly well for a game on a console with such dismal numbers. Pikmin 3's Switch release made it the best selling game in the franchise

For many people, especially the general public, these Switch ports are entirely new games and the fact that they've all outsold their original releases pretty much justifies Nintendo making them. That said, the pool of viable Wii U ports is pretty anemic now. All that's really left are the HD Zelda games, Xenoblade X and Fatal Frame V, everything else is either incapable(Nintendo Land), redundant(Smash, Splatoon, Mario Maker) or just crap(Devil's Third, Starfox Zero)

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I miss the theme shop you had on the DSI. Having the option to "customize" your device with a Wallpaper + Music from a Game/Show/Brand was just mind-blowing to me. I've spent way to many money on themes tbh lol. The Switch as it is just looks extremely blank, it's just.. I don't know how to describe it, I wouldn't say it is ugly, but it is not really good looking either. Now imagine you had the option to have a wallpaper behind it, or even a border around the games in the Menu. It may look a little bit loaded, but It would look way better imo. Especially Pokemon and Zelda ones. I actually prefer that the Switch doesn't have a Menu (song-) theme, but it would be cool if it had one, or at least a chance to have one

Another thing is how you had "games" to socialize with other People. Mii plaza, PictoChat, that one game where you could write letters to each other, Miiverse, you name it. 

Even though i'm pretty sure I don't need to explain why those application closed, (looking at you, Miiverse) you can't deny that  it was funIt was a good time. Now it's something funny and cringy to look back and laugh at. People still talk about it and remember it for what it was. Nintendo for me is exactly that. Having a good time with people. If its strangers, your family or friends. Taking that away from a whole generation just feels... weird. It sure would be difficult to add something similar to them, when you keep in mind how unpersonal and standard the Switch menu is. One could argue if we need another social app for Kids considering how many kids nowadays already use social media, but still having one from Nintendo for Nintendo systems still hits different. 

The Switch, without all those things, isn't as memorable and fun compared to the Wii and the DS. It is a good console but, it just feels soulless. Even the Xbox One seems to have a somewhat personality compared to the Switch. 

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