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Concerns about G5

Star Petal

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What concerns do you have for MLP G5? I have a few myself. The first is that they might go less musical with the new series which is what, to me, one of the main reasons that made G4 so great! The second was a sentence that stated that the main premise that G5 would focus on Modern Inclusion. The problem is Modern inclusion includes Gender and Gender only, and I don't want G5 to be My Little Pony: Gender is Magic. While I REALLY like how Izzy looks, the Toy Story Art style just doesn't allow for as much creativity and fantastical elements in it, not to mention it is much harder for facial expressions to be easily recognizable and can easily lead to scenes where we cannot tell what they are suppose to be feeling. What concerns do you guys have? 

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At least I hope that is the correct link to my channel lol. 

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1. Real world politics being in the show.

2. The show making the ending of G4 even more sad than it was by making the reason for the problems in G5 be Twilighht's incompetence or having her turn evil (I don't like when bad things happen to my favorite character).

3. The show being less interesting overall, for example, too much focus on large stories than just characters (basically, it being what the season ends of G4 were, but the whole show like that).

4. The art style being something that does not look good to me. I don't like the movie screenshot (or rather, how the pony looks there), though I like the short animation with the blue unicorn waving her leg.

5. Romance being a significant part of the show (I liked the lack of romance in G4 very much).

I hope none of these come true.

Edited by Pentium100
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am concerned that G5 will drop the trends that fans created for the show over the last couple of years. We can't forget that Hasbro made a choice to keep the world of Equestria because it was already an established world. Still, if the world is only used to reuse names, locations, and puns, but remove any connections the fandom has helped to shape, then it feels bad. We got the news about the G5 world not long ago, together with other concerning news that could make decisions for G5 short termed (like changes in toy sells over the last year), while we all hope for a long termed series. It worries me that G5 might not become as big as G4

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My concerns are as follows. I hope none of these come true. I am not going in with high expectations. I will watch every episode though, I hope. Now whether or not I nit-pick it into oblivion is another story...

1. Real world politics, ideas, and themes being found within the show. Most notably activism and diversity. 

2. Forced diversity. Like having diverse casts and character sets for the sole sake of being diverse. I am fine with diversity, just do not make characters and plotlines specifically because of it. 

3. General poor writing (that G4 had a lot of) being worse this time around due to different writers. Could also be a good thing that there are different writers.

4. Less interesting, annoying characters. Pinkie and RD are prime examples of this in my opinion (in most cases).

5. The main characters becoming stale and over-used as the show goes on.

6. Boring and crappy plots. Something akin to the pillars and the pony of shadows being brought back, at least in the manner that they did.

7. Having the mane 6 and other characters from G4 being brought back, and then the potential of good interactions falling flat.

8. Missed opportunities, like introducing good background characters and then not seeing them again.

9. Large ties to G4. G4 was a mess in terms of writing, no need to make it more convoluted. Just have G4 being mentioned in legends and stories, and have it be all new. 

  • Brohoof 2



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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54 minutes ago, Califorum said:

Real world politics, ideas, and themes being found within the show. Most notably activism and diversity. 

This is inevitable, it's no doubt another show about teaching children valuable social lessons, like Friendship is Magic. And not only that, I'd say it's a good thing it's inevitable. Children are the demographic who most need stories like this.

Edited by Adorable Lovestar
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2 minutes ago, Adorable Lovestar said:

This is inevitable, it's no doubt another show about teaching children valuable social lessons, like Friendship is Magic. And not only that, I'd say it's a good thing it's inevitable. Children are the demographic who most need stories like this.

Could be. Can't say I agree or disagree.

  • Brohoof 1



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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6 hours ago, Adorable Lovestar said:

This is inevitable, it's no doubt another show about teaching children valuable social lessons, like Friendship is Magic. And not only that, I'd say it's a good thing it's inevitable. Children are the demographic who most need stories like this.

I think the show should stick to universal valuable lessons instead of picking sides on some of the more controversial ones. There are lots of good leassons that most people would agree with. I think G4 was pretty good with it.

Not only I dislike seeing real-world politics in a fantasy show, but if the show became controversial because of the politics, it may 1) be lower quality and 2) parents from "the opposite" camp would be up in arms against it, calling for it to be canceled.

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This thread is not to be used to discuss whether or not MLP is political. Talk of this has derailed the original talking point. All of those posts have been removed..

This thread is being locked until tensions die down. If this behavior occurs again, this thread will be locked permanently.

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My main worry is it being a soulless product of corporate bullshit. Possibly having a message of "hey let's not judge others for being whatever" isn't the problem, though most seem to be convinced that it is. Pandering to old mega rich stockholders is the problem.

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Not gonna lie, I'm going into this with expectations at the bottom, but all I care about is whether certain people being involved or acknowledging certain events from G4. Like, it could be the most pandering shit ever but if like, Haber isn't involved or things like Twilestia, Frogman Spike and Luster Dawn are told to fuck off, I'm willing to give it a chance

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I dont want the show to be pony focused and then all of a sudden add new creatures in the world under the guise of "oh its a big world and we dont know it all." 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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-Will it be a good movie? 
-Will the characters be interesting? 
-Is there a universe that can appeal to everyone like G4
-How will the legacy of the Mane Six be seen in this world, or of even Celestia and Luna for that matter? 

-Is the work G4 built up be misused and forgotten or not done right? 

That’s what I’m worried about. 

Edited by TransitPony
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I guess for me there's a couple of big issues that I have with G5, the first is similar to what @Sparkly sparks said above concerning their coats and such, though I'm particularly more worried about how.... unappalling their faces are to look at. I don't like their small eyes, and I don't like how small and flat their faces look, they just look too human to me, and that's a bit off-putting. The second is phones in G5, which means other modern tech is sure to be in it as well. I don't really have an issue with the technology existing itself, I have more a problem with how it's probably going to be used to (poorly) try to relate to "the kids" through the use of outdated internet references and slang, which really takes away from the magic and fantasy setting of MLP. There are some other things I don't like either but those two are the big ones for me :sealed:

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1 minute ago, King of Canterlot said:

I guess for me there's a couple of big issues that I have with G5, the first is similar to what @Sparkly sparks said above concerning their coats and such, though I'm particularly more worried about how.... unappalling their faces are to look at. I don't like their small eyes, and I don't like how small and flat their faces look, they just look too human to me, and that's a bit off-putting. The second is phones in G5, which means other modern tech is sure to be in it as well. I don't really have an issue with the technology existing itself, I have more a problem with how it's probably going to be used to (poorly) try to relate to "the kids" through the use of outdated internet references and slang, which really takes away from the magic and fantasy setting of MLP. There are some other things I don't like either but those two are the big ones for me :sealed:

zipps face shape combined with her manestyle is just so weird to look at

it doesnt even look like its a part of her head, like it could fall off any second


for now, lets just hope they dont have cringy memes in the show



...and they have eyebrows now

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15 hours ago, ggg-2 said:

One thing i'm concerned about is the concept makes Twilight sound like a failure as a princess.

Nah, I’m sure a successor did that deed instead of Twi Twi :please:

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so many! i hope there is no political issues, i understand that they are important, but mlp is an escape not a reality (for me). the second is magic (alicorn system) not being really prevalent. my FAVORITE aspect of the show was the magic system so i would hate to see that take more of a back seat. the biggest thing is seeing twilight as a failure to equestria! i really hope that is not the case. 

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On 2021-04-17 at 8:26 PM, luvtor said:

so many! i hope there is no political issues, i understand that they are important, but mlp is an escape not a reality 

I've never understood this point. The G4 series was primarily about teaching lessons (applicable in real life) to young children. And Season 8-9 were about cultural and racial diversity. How did you separate the show from reality when the characters were reciting lessons about friendship? When talking about the need to expand their empathy for other people? When a tyrannical dictator was overthrown to make room for a kinder one that valued individuality?

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15 minutes ago, Adorable Lovestar said:

I've never understood this point. The G4 series was primarily about teaching lessons (applicable in real life) to young children.

Some topics are more controversial than others. If G5 stuck to the non-controversial topics it would be awesome. Controversial topics, however, need a more nuanced approach which may be unsuitable for a show that's for children. 

Also, G4 at least managed to make the whatever message be a somewhat integral part of the story, in a way that you may take some non-controversial message from it instead (if you want examples, PM me, because I think a more detaied discussion would not be allowed here).

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I don't really have any concerns about how G5 is going to be handled. There is still much we don't know and until this information gets revealed, all we can do really is guess. I will admit that I don't like the comparisons being made between this generation and the previous one as I feel that's just not fair. G5 was never meant to be seen as the next big thing given that G4 was one of those once in a blue-moon scenarios that just can't be replicated.

Okay... If I were to have one concern, it would be the voice acting. It needs to be really good if it wishes to win me over.


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