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What was your favorite & Least Favorite season finale of FIM?


What was your favorite & Least Favorite season finale of FIM?  

27 users have voted

  1. 1. What was your least favorite season finale?

    • Best Night Ever (S1)
    • A Canterlot Wedding (S2)
    • Magical Mystery Cure (S3)
    • Twilight’s Kingdom (S4)
    • The Cutie Re-Mark (S5)
    • To Where and Back Again (S6)
    • Shadow Play (S7)
    • School Raze (S8)
    • The Ending Of The End (S9)
    • The Last Problem (S9)
  2. 2. What was your favorite Finalie?

    • Best Night Ever (S1)
    • A Canterlot Wedding (S2)
    • Magical Mystery Cure (S3)
    • Twilight’s Kingdom (S4)
    • The Cutie Re-Mark (S5)
    • To Where and Back Again (S6)
    • Shadow Play (S7)
    • Schoo Raze (S8)
    • The Ending Of The End (S9)
    • The Last Problem (S9)

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Favorite - Best Night Ever mainly for it's simplicity. I really wish we had more finales like it instead

Least favorite -  Ending of the End had that god awful Grogar twist that rendered the entire final season moot, but Cutie Re-mark marks the point where the show goes downhill(and goes downhill pretty hard) and becomes really difficult for me to really enjoy, so I gotta give it to that

Edited by Megas
  • Brohoof 4
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Least Favorite Season Finale: School Raze (S8) I totally forget what happens in this finale every time I try to watch it.

Favorite Season Finale: Magical Mystery Cure (S8) My favorite pony becomes a Princess & it was my first BIG fandom moment. #1 favorite episode! 

  • Brohoof 1


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Favourite - A Canterlot Wedding. Honourable mentions to Best Night Ever and Twilight's Kingdom.

Least Favourite- School Raze. I think The Ending of the End is actually worse as a whole, but at least that episode had some interesting moments and a sense of finality.

  • Brohoof 1

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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1: Twilight's Kingdom 

2: Canterlot Wedding

3: Magical Mystery Cure

4: To Where and Back Again

5: Shadow Play

6: Best Night Ever

7: School Raze

8: Ending of the End

9: The Cutie Remark

Edited by Lone Traveler
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Favorite is hard to pick. I'm torn between Twilight's Kingdom, Cutie Re-Mark and To Where and Back Again. I went ahead and picked Cutie Re-Mark though, I really enjoyed getting to see all the different bad timelines and I'm on the side who's really fond of Starlight's reformation. They're all pretty great though.

As for least favorite...I want to pick both Ending of the End and Last Problem so bad, you have no idea. But since I can only pick one...I'll go with Ending of the End, I personally strongly dislike Last Problem and everything about it, but I at least understand some parts of it. The Ending of the End just leaves me baffled, I don't understand how the writers looked at the Grogar twist and everything that came of it and thought it was a good idea for a finale. It tosses anything even remotely likable or sympathetic about Discord under the bus, to the point where the trio end up looking more sympathetic than he does by the end of it. Made even worse by him actually getting to choose the punishment of the people he's been manipulating all season long, while he get's away free after everything and everyone just let's him do it with no problem. Yeah, no, this is morally one of the worst episodes of the show and it's made all the worse by being the end, the final "Normal" episode before the epilogue.

  • Brohoof 1

Twilight is best pony.


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Fav: To Where and Back Again

The conclusion I cam to the last time I rewatched the series so honestly could change again. But yea the whole Starlight Glimmer reformation mixed in with her believing she could be a good pony. No longer haunted by her dark thoughts and evil past is just sooo satisfying. Honestly I think season 6 should've hit this point in more and it would've been a much better season than it already was. Of course, alot of bronies would've been upset over new ponies taking up more spotlight but seriously it's what MLP needed more than anything cuz it went downhill after season 6 even tho season 7 was still great. To Where and Back Again has great humor, awesome character dynamics, interesting world building, and emotional weight to it. 

Least Fav: Canterlot Wedding

I just find the whole thing to be kind of boring. I STILL REALLY LIKE IT THO!!! Chrysalis being tricky, Twilight getting down, This Day Aria is an amazing song, also other good songs, and Changelings are cool, etc. But everything in between is just kinda meh to watch, especially the "fight scene." Boooooooring. The way they win is just kinda like "That's it." Sonic Rainboom is always great to see at the end. 

  • Brohoof 2


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Favorite: Cutie Re-Mark. I liked almost everything about it so much, that I'm willing to overlook Starlight's rushed redemption. 

Least favorite: Shadow Play. Too many characters, too little time for each of them to do anything meaningful. The villain is, in my opinion, the least interesting one in the history of FiM.

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Cause they are all so good, it's really difficult to answer

for my fav there are three candidates: finale of season 2, 4, 5. I'm tending to say finale of season 5, but it's really close

my least fav season finale: either of season 7 or 8. I'm going with season 8 here, but both are still really good. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Favorite: Shadow Play. This has more characters and less run time than the 2017 film, but Haber and Dubuc co-wrote one of the most tightly written, complex stories of the entire series. Several arcs interwove into this epic two-parter.

Least-favorite: To Where. Seriously, what a mess. It plays off Starlight like she really changed, yet her entire arc was confined into only a few episodes, and she barely showed up for the last two-thirds of Season 6. (Season 7 handled her 10,000 times better.) The reformation of the hive is rushed as hell. Chrysalis is at her most incompetent. Also, the changelings conveniently underwent "plot armor" — it took a full army to get the Mane Six to surrender, yet bits of them successfully ambushed and kidnapped the Mane Six and the entire Royal Family? The biggest plot hole of the entire series collapses this trash.

Edited by Dark Qiviut

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In a bit of a total flip from @Oleks here, I would have to say Shadow Play is one of my favorite of the finales. It's hard to rank them, but it's definitely up there.

All the Pillars, having gotten mentioned throughout the season, not only coming together as a group, as well as with Starswirl, but having become the precursors to the Elements oF Harmony and setting off many of the event of the show? Such a Final Fantasy-esque story! And the main villain, or at least the pony who became the villain, is my favorite redeemed antagonist of the show whose story made me feel for him.

  • Brohoof 1
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Least favorite: Shadow Play. While it was wonderful to have ancient heroes back, I feel both them, and the Pony of Shadows had too little of a spotlight 

Favorite: S9’s as a whole (didn’t realize both episodes have separate options :muffins:). Loved how immediate and big threat the Legion of Doom became, and fight worthy for being the final fight. And we immediately got an episode which also made me tear up, just like Magical Mystery Cure :adorkable:. The final season overall was underwhelming, but at least they didn’t mess the finale :mlp_icwudt:

  • Brohoof 1


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Favorite - School Raze | I have a feeling there will be plenty of people that disagree with me on this, but it IS my opinion, so I don't blame you if you do. This is probably because of my bias towards the Young 6, but I like how they're the main focus of the episode and how each had some good moments in the episode where their personality shines a bit. Chancellor Neighsay and Cozy Glow do also make themselves relevant to the the episode, along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, so that's another bonus. Also, this is a little question I had, if the Pillars had different meaning for the elements than the mane 6, then what does the Young 6 represent for each element? Just wanna throw that question out there.

Least favorite - Shadow Play | Honestly, this finale is my least favorite because it felt the most rushed out of all of the finales. I do like that we get to see the pillars and the Pony of Shadows, (who was briefly mentioned by Applejack in Castle-mania, just want to point that out there.) and they do have some good moments. I definitely like how they didn't just go rampant once their in future Equestria (not G5) like in other cartoons. My problem is that a bit of plot holes had to be thrown in just to serve the plot, like how Twilight and Sunburst, two of the smartest ponies in Equestria, didn't think that bringing the pillars might bring the Pony of Shadows (who I also feel is way more underwhelming than Nightmare Moon) along with them.

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1 hour ago, TomDaBombMLP said:

It’s just too painful and I hate how the Princesses force Twilight to leave her friends. :(

They didn't force her to do this! The Mane 6 did scheduled time to hang out once a moon. I hardly call that leaving your friends. It's actually a very important lesson that sometimes responsibilities need to come first but the important thing is staying friends despite those responsibilities!


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


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12 hours ago, TomDaBombMLP said:

To Where (Not enough Mane Six

I'm disappointed that my most favorite two-parter is your least favorite.

Just because they're the mane characters doesn't mean they have to be the heroes in every 2 parters. Besides it's important to show the heroes can come from anywhere. As well as that lesson that a true leader does force her subject to deny who they are and listen when one of them finds a better way.

In fact the changelings finally found a better way to their hunger problem and realize what a... witch Chrysalis really is

  • Brohoof 1


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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3 minutes ago, Will Guide said:

Just because they're the mane characters doesn't mean they have to be the heroes in every 2 parters. Besides it's important to show the heroes can come from anywhere. As well as that lesson that a true leader does enforce her subject to the night who they are and listen when one of them finds a better way.

That doesn’t mean I have to care.

10 minutes ago, Will Guide said:

They didn't force her to do this! The Mane 6 did scheduled time to hang out once a moon. I hardly call that leaving your friends. It's actually a very important lesson that sometimes responsibilities need to come first but the important thing is staying friends despite those responsibilities!

It’s still being shoved away from them and being miles away from each other. It wasn’t fair.

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Moments ago, TomDaBombMLP said:

That doesn’t mean I have to care.

I know but I still make it a point so that people don't miss the lesson. Besides if they were the heroes in everything it could get a little boring so it actually nice to mix it up for once.



A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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2 minutes ago, Will Guide said:

I know but I still make it a point so that people don't miss the lesson. Besides if they were the heroes in everything it could get a little boring so it actually nice to mix it up for once.

I just want them to be the heroes. They’re the Mane Six and they’re the main characters. I don’t have a problem with temporarily giving somepony else a shot but for an entire two-parter? I think that’s overdoing it.

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For my favorite, I was very torn between Twilight's Kingdom and The Cutie Re-Mark. MLP goes Dragon Ball vs. all those beyond cool alternate universes...I had to go with the latter in the end for Starlight. For my least favorite, I was very torn between School Raze and The Ending of the End. I actually do not dislike either or think any finale episode is bad, but the outlandish plot twists in both of them...I eventually had to go with the former because I at least love the action scenes in the latter. 

Edited by CloudMistDragon
Always mistakenly put that "M" in The Cutie Re-Mark in lowercase...
  • Brohoof 1


Comet's still best boi. <3

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8 minutes ago, TomDaBombMLP said:

I just want them to be the heroes. They’re the Mane Six and they’re the main characters. I don’t have a problem with temporarily giving somepony else a shot but for an entire two-parter? I think that’s overdoing it.

Overdoing it? Technically the four "secondary" character that went to rescue the heroes didn't even get together until literally at the very end of part 1 only got to work off each other all throughout part 2.

Besides when you get down to it the two-parter is more from Starlights point-of-view and what she learned about being a leader as practically every single scene has her except for when Discord was temporarily trying to lure the changeling guards away.

And this is the main reason why I enjoy this two-parter. And also The fact the changelings got their "butterfly" forms from sharing love rather than lying and deceiving others


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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8 minutes ago, Will Guide said:

Overdoing it? Technically the four "secondary" character that went to rescue the heroes didn't even get together until literally at the very end of part 1 only got to work off each other all throughout part 2.

Besides when you get down to it the two-parter is more from Starlights point-of-view and what she learned about being a leader as practically every single scene has her except for when Discord was temporarily trying to lure the changeling guards away.

And this is the main reason why I enjoy this two-parter. And also The fact the changelings got their "butterfly" forms from sharing love rather than lying and deceiving others

That’s actually what I meant.

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