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have you ever been injured?

Akemi Homura

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  • Broke my arm by being pushed off of the biggest slide in third grade. Arm nearly snapped in two
  • Broke my pinkie toe by smashing it into the side of a table
  • Sprained my ankle by having some 150+ lb football player and on it
  • Fractured my ankle by having it get smashed by metal spikes from a football cleat, same ankle as before
  • Chipped a tooth on a quad
  • and nearly split my tongue in two by smashing my jaw on a table, sorta like Chigens!



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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dont remind me, injured so many times playing futbol


sprained ankle at least 4 times, achilles tendon once, broke my arm 2 twice, head injury just a few months back, groin strain a couple times

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I broke my arm once because, like the genius I am, I thought it would be a barrel of laughs to crawl underneath a bouncy castle while kids were using it. In hindsight, I deserved it for being such a moron, think I was six. :P

  • Brohoof 2

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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No... I've been to hospital so so many times but there has never been anything wrong with me nor have I been badly injured :/.

Edited by Chill Mists (Chilly)


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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I broke my arm once because, like the genius I am, I thought it would be a barrel of laughs to crawl underneath a bouncy castle while kids were using it. In hindsight, I deserved it for being such a moron, think I was six. :P


i lol'd so hard when i read it xd :P
  • Brohoof 1

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I've burned my index and middle finger. The callouses are still there.


Apparently I can't solder to save my life.

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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when i was younger i was travelling home with the school bus andsat and watched out of the windo, suddently my friend pushed my face hard against the window so i dropped 1 /2 teeth and started to bleed alot from my nose xd

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Squeal and rebut but I'm pretty sure this supposed to be in General Discussion. As I have interpreted it, this thread is about telling if you have gotten injured, and I don't see how any advice for life can be given here. Well.. maybe if you think like this: "learn by your misstakes".... I may be wrong, though.


Anyways, since my memory sucks I have forgotten about most of the things that has happened to me. But the thing that comes into my mind at the moment is when I was younger and playing in the snow. There came one kid with one of these snowracers from a hill and hit me in the knee. Something got broken and when I get too much pressure on that spot where I got hit, it can hurt still today.

Edited by Jokuc


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You might as well call me accident prone.....Basically I've been in the sport of ski racing since I was eight. So I definately have had many.... many trips to the hospital xD. But here are my most "memorable" injuries.


The first one happened to me when i was nine and I wasnt even racing. I dont recall what actually happened. Maybe my bindings went all haywire or I lost an edge. I really dont remember. But I ended up breaking my ankle. I ended up having to ski down on ONE leg because the ski patrol woudnt get their lazy asses up the hill to save me. The recovery wasn't horrible. I was on crutches for about 2 months or so. I havent really have had much problems after the cast came off.


The next "bad injury" I remember was around... 6th or 7th grade. It was around 20 minutes before a race and I decided to do some moguls to warm up. I ended up losing an edge and I tore my ACL... on the same leg I broke my ankle xD. For those who have torn their ACL before, its very... very painfull. I had to go through around 3 months on crutches and 6 more months at physical therapy. I still walk to this day on a limp and its a bit harder to do skiing because my leg is sore all the time.


My third and worst injury of all was this year when I was racing. I was making a sharp turn when I completely lost an edge, crashed into the gate, and fell into a ditch. The impact actually left a crack on my lower back. The doctors said it didnt harm the spinal chord or the fluid, so I'm not paralyzed for life xD. But I had to get 2 surgeries on it, I was stuck in the hospital for about a week, I coudnt go to school for about a month, and to this day I'm back in physical therapy xD


So long story short, dont commit yourself to ski racing. xD

  • Brohoof 2
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Oh I remember another thing that happened to me. I've been run over by this a few times.


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These things going down a hill really really fast really kills. The first time one hit me it was in the air, didn't see it as I came up the hill until it suddenly flew over the top of the hill into me.

  • Brohoof 1


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I got a 1 and a half foot dual gash on my back once. Always be aware of your surroundings...

Not an injury, but I also drank about half a litre - 1L of my own blood once (unwillingly).

There were also several times where I've nearly asphyxiated, but as you can see I'm clearly immortal alive still.

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Oh I remember another thing that happened to me. I've been run over by this a few times.



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These things going down a hill really really fast really kills. The first time one hit me it was in the air, didn't see it as I came up the hill until it suddenly flew over the top of the hill into me.


O__O read my post.


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Oh I remember another thing that happened to me. I've been run over by this a few times.


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These things going down a hill really really fast really kills. The first time one hit me it was in the air, didn't see it as I came up the hill until it suddenly flew over the top of the hill into me.


I've had a few "Sled accidents" too during my childhood xD


But for real injuries:

-broke every finger on both hands at least once(except the thumbs)

-crushed my right wrist joint by trying to jump with a friends motocross

-tore lingament twice in the right foot. Once by jumping of a tree, the other time while skiing. Well at least now I am really flexible :P

-destroyed a window and cutted up my right lower arm. I did it kinda accidentaly but I remember a lot of blood and the other kids being shocked. Still have a scar there

-survived a car crash. luckily unharmed


And this winter I will have my leg getting broken. I have an operation because the bone is distorted


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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Well I once had to get stitches on my chin and I fractured my foot once but that's nothing compared to my friend. He can't even count on his fingers how many times he's broken something. I think he's broken each of his legs, each of his arms, and a few of his fingers at least once. He is the reason why I will never play football.

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O__O read my post.


Oh wow...reality, y u so scary?!


I didn't even read that post before I uploaded my 2nd injury post. it literally sent chills down my spine. I know that feel (Though nothing got broken for me)


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I must admit I am one lucky bastard when it comes to injuries.


I never broke any bone, yet my average classmate has at least 1 surgery due fractures and/or concussions, broke at least 3 bones, got 5-10 times their ankles sprained, same amount of wrist and finger injures and quite a few kicks on the crotch.


Fk rugby srsly.



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Ive had a Broken Arm, 3 Broken Fingers, 2 Broken Toes, Hurt my neck so bad i couldn't move it for a week without feeling like i was stabbing myself and Chipped 7 Teeth.

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the most serious injury i've gotten was swaging my arm (dunno if this is the correct term to use here) while going ice-skating in 9th grade, another swaging of my arm several years before that at an amusement park, i've gotten my ring-finger jammed in the door in pre-school, and another injury i thankfully have no re-collections of whatsoever, when i was about 3 years ago and got my... thing, jammed in the door to our apartment. but i've not had anything like broken bones or anything.




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Had my fingers really badly bruised from getting slammed down on by a suitcase when I was little, I still remember how much they hurt and how purple my nails became... :( Also sprained my ankle a couple times, once when I was little at my grandma's house and another time in high school- both times involved stairs! :angry:


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Oh man, I could go on for days on this one. Shattered my elbow in second grade. Broke my leg in third grade. Wrecked my bike when I was 14ish and completely destroyed myself, ripped most of the skin off my right hand with that one.


In the Army, I dropped a 14k pound piece of equipment on my leg just above my knee, twice. Smashed my toes with 95 pound rounds more times than I can count. Smashed my hand in a Humvee door and almost broke it. Smashed my finger in a Humvee window and almost broke it. Had a rocket hit a wall in front of me and took some shrapnel in my hands while protecting my face, which I then pulled out with pliers and a knife to avoid a purple heart.


That's most of the more serious stuff. Haha I have a pretty high pain tolerance so most of this didn't kill me but it still sucked.


Edit: Also, this probably also belongs in General since no advice is really being asked for. Now, if you meant how do we deal with long recovery times or casts, then you're on track for Life Advice. Not trying to be a jerk, just sayin'.

Edited by Shadow Chaser

"The dead don't talk. I don't know why." - Odd Thomas

"You want to take the easy way out because if you try and fail there's only you to blame.  But you know what?  Life is scary.  Get used to it.  There are no magical fixes.  It's all up to you.  So get up, get out there, and go start doing the work."
"Nothing worth having in this life comes easy." - Shadow Chaser
Night Apples - A Luna x Mac romance fic. It's cute. Trust me.
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