baba_booey 4,303 April 19, 2014 Share April 19, 2014 S02E14: The Last Roundup Rides a damn whatever you call that thing all the way back to Ponyville with an extremely repetitive Pinkie Pie due to Rainbow Dash's negligence. Anyway, mine's changed 1. Rarity 2. Applejack 3. Fluttershy 4. Twilight Sparkle 5. Pinkie Pie 6. Rainbow Dash Anyway, yup. RD fell down a spot I still like all of them, though About the thing she rode, based on what I know about trains, It's a handcar. (or in Ponyville's case, a hoofcar. ) Also, if you switch Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie's places in the Mane 6, it's my order of favorites also :3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AppleCrackers 36 April 19, 2014 Share April 19, 2014 I've changed a little since last time Rarity Twilight Sparkle Pinkie Pie AppleJack Rainbow Dash Fluttershy But I really do love them all <3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fishy Stick 7,828 April 19, 2014 Share April 19, 2014 (edited) 1. Fluttershy (obviously) 2. Pinkie Pie 3. Twilight Sparkle 4. Rarity 5. Applejack 6. Rainbow Dash Edited April 28, 2014 by The Snapp Number 1 proprietor of Fishy Sticks since February 17th 2014 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maud Pie Rocker 81 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 (edited) Name your favorite to least favorite Mane 6. 1. Rainbow Dash she is so sporty and tomboyish 2. Apple Jack very hard worker and also kinda tomboyish she is awesome 3. Pinkie Pie you know it she is quite the party gal 4. Twilight Sparkle smart and nerdy love it 5. Fluttershy always trying to steal the spotlight 6. Rarity Too fancy and way too girly. Please don't get angry, these are just opinions so don't get mad. Edited May 14, 2014 by Maud Pie Rocker 2 Do the Daft Collision! . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 @Maud Pie Rocker, hiya . Just letting you know that I've merged your thread with an older one that we had for sharing what order we like the mane six in. After season 4, I think mine goes: 1: Rainbow Dash 2: Applejack 3: Pinkie Pie 4: Rarity 5: Spike Twilight Sparkle 6: Fluttershy Still got a lot of love for all of them, and even more than I did before Season 4 . 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
killshot4077 4 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 1. Rainbow Dash 2. Applejack 3. Pinkie Pie 4. Rarity 5. Twilight Sparkle 6. Fluttershy Ummm. yep. Thats my list 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hovershy 3,814 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 1. Fluttershy 2. Rarity 3. Twilight 4. Applejack 5. Pinkie 6. Rainbow Fluttershy Fan Club sig by Blue Snowfire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 (edited) I was going to start a "How I relate to the Mane 6 in order from least to most" blog, but this is just the topic to answer! In terms of favorites, I enjoy them all, but I'll rank them by relatibility. From most relatable to least relatable (Serious, "relatable" and "relatibility" should seriously become new real words, but I digress): 1.Twilight Sparkle From the moment I saw her, I wanted to know her story. When she started in the show, she had almost no friends (save for her BBBFF (Shining Armor) and dragon assistant Spike) and I had little to no friends myself. When we got to episodes like Winter Wrap-up and Lesson Zero, I saw myself in her wanting to help and worrying about a deadline (minus the insane "make a problem if can't find a problem" half), respectively. The one main thing where I'm not like her is our studying habits are not the same. More on that later. 2. Fluttershy I took the MBTI test via this topic: and the links within pointed out my MBTi type matches Fluttershy. I can see why. Especially when Twilight first met her and she meekly spoke to her. I'm of course, extremely kind, quick to apologize, and try to avoid conflicts if I can. 3. Pinkie Pie In Pinkie's introduction scene in the Pilot, her motor mouth moment was like my motor mouth when anyone asks me "Do you like Disney?" Instead of simply saying "Yes", I would run my mouth gushing all my favorite things about it. Also, I'm a fun-loving person who gets distracted easily by---oh, is that a new trailer of Disney's Maleficent? That was very intriguing! Huh? Oh sorry, lost focus there! But you see my point! Those above are the half of the Mane 6 that I feel I relate to more than the other half. One's an Earth Pony; another's a Pegasus; and the third is an Unicorn...well, technically an Alicorn, now. Anyways, here's the other half: 4. Applejack To be honest(pun intended), I'm not as hard-working as her. But if I feel like it, I can passionately get into doing something. Like on most of the topics on this forum where I leave a long post. I can be stubborn as well. This is why she ranks lower than the first three. The last two rank even lower because of their hobbies/jobs. You'll see. 5. Rarity Main reason she's down here: She's fashion-focused and I don't care what I wear as long as it keeps me warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and carry my keys, wallet, smart phone, Nintendo 3DS, and iPod. That's not to say I'm not generous, 'cause I am from time to time. She also ranks lower than Applejack, because I'm not afraid of getting dirty and personal hygiene is not as good as I'm sure someone like Rarity's would be. Consider how originally Rarity was going to represent the Element of Inspiration before the makers settled on Generosity, If that had happened, Rarity would have rank higher on this list. 6. Rainbow Dash Biggest reason she's the least relatable on this list: She's athletic and I'm not! Honestly, sports bore me, unless they were built by Phineas and Ferb or worked like the Mario spin-offs. However, I do relate to Dashie because we're both Brilliant, but Lazy. I mean, she usually like taking naps in the afternoon, but can clear the sky of clouds in 10 seconds flat! Remember how I said my study habits are not the same as Twilight's. Well that Season 4 episode, "Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3!" shows just how similar I am to Dashie. Actually, looking at the order here...why, it's the same order of how we see the HuMane 6 in Equestria Girls! Starting with Twilight when she first arrived, then the order she meets the Native reminders of her friends. Defending Fluttershy, Signing up to run for Fall Formal Princess by Pinkie Pie; Meeting Applejack bringing in the Apple cider, Rarity grabbing and attempting to disguise Twilight after the "Instant Humiliation: Just Add YouTube" moment and before even introducing herself. Heck, that soccer match between Dashie and Twilight is exactly how it would have happen if I was in Twilight's shoes: I wouldn't have gotten a single goal, but I still would kept going! Edited June 20, 2014 by WiiGuy2014 A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DubWolf 17,370 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 I guess I know the characters well enough to set my list: 1.) Pinkie Pie 2.) Apple Jack 3.) Fluttershy/Twilight 4.) Rainbow Dash 5.) Rarity Nah I don't hate Rarity, but I just don't value her traits as much as the rest of the characters. I might put her in a tie with Rainbow Dash actually. I'm not too sure. Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anilewe 2,178 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 Huh... And people seriously still believe that AJ is "the worst pony" or "background pony" O_O' So many people have her on first or second place, it fills my heart up with sunshine Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! ORANGESEXY IS THE BEST PONY! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DND 2,355 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 1. - So dynamic in character, I love every moment of her on screen. Her episodes are such a joy~ <3 (Even her bad times) 2. - Rarity is easily the second best in character as well. I love her episodes, her well thought out, very much flawed character attributes and her relate-ability. 3. - Pinkie Pie is totally a cartoony character, but a cartoony character in pony form done right. I think she has easily the most unpredictable character in all the show. 4. - Twilicorn is so adorkable and is what I love in a main character. Her and her bittersweet adventures with friends and Celestia mentorship is one of the main reasons I watch the show. Her friendship element concept and how it pertains to relate-ability to the audience though could use a little work... 5. - Applejack is funny and nice, refreshing country entertainment! I would thoroughly enjoy her if they did more work on her- honestly! 6. - Sorry Flutter-fans, but Fluttershy is last. I think she needs work, and despite me relating to her on many levels, I find her to be a bit of a sue. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Foxx 258 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 1: Rainbow Dash ; she's 20% cooler! Ba dum tss. 2: Applejack 3: Fluttershy 4: Twilight Sparkle 5: Pinkie Pie :okiedokielokie: 6: Rarity 3 Aim high kid, but don't aim for the impossible - Rainbow Dash ^Amazing Signature by the great and powerful Lunia!^ >My Request Shop< MLP Forum's self-proclaimed evil enchantress. > My Deviantart< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joecal97 340 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 Rainbow dash Twilight Applejack Fluttershy Pinkie / rarity 1 If you actually took the time to read my forum post, I thank Love you Dashie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ziggy + Angel + Rain 11,303 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 1. Rainbow Dash 2. Fluttershy 3. Apple Jack (could be considered a tie for #2) 4. Pinkie Pie 5. Rarity (could've been at #4; I go back and forth on Pinkie and Rarity) 6. Twilight Sparkle (is always at the bottom - no offense, Twi) ... 7. Octavia :3 (really I'd probably rank her higher, but she's not a Mane 7 6 member) 3 "It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magnum Flare 553 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 Current rank: 1. Fluttershy 2. Rarity 3. Twilight Sparkle 4. Pinkie Pie :okiedokielokie: 5. Rainbow Dash. 6. AJ Funny, I've never actually consider Rarity to be on the second on the chart, but I like her personality overall, and her crying in IM, whining in ADAPS, her rage against Blueblood, regret in SS and others are pretty much what I remember when I'm remembering MLP, so... Alicorn Sunset Shimmer! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tetrakemy 221 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 1. Pinkie 2. Twilight 3. Rarity 4. Rainbow Dash 5. Apple Jack 6. Fluttershy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HeroSparks 232 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 1. Applejack2. Rainbow Dash3. Twilight4. Fluttershy5. Rarity6. Pinkie PieApplejack is without a doubt my favorite of the six. Rainbow Dash comes in second because, well...she's Rainbow Dash. Twilight and Fluttershy come in very close together at 3 and 4. I'm pretty neutral on Rarity but the only reason she comes in lower is because I can identify with Twilight and Fluttershy. Pinkie at this point in the show is last. Before this season she probably would have been higher and I still wanted to like her but I just found her so annoying and troublesome. I feel a bit bad about not liking her as much now as I used to 3 When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree next to the river of truth, and tell the whole world"No, you move." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
multifacetedbrony 88 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 I'm not sure if I've replied to this or not (oops!) but the order may well have changed by now anyway, so ... 1. Rarity 2. Twilight 3. Applejack 4. Pinkie Pie 5. Rainbow Dash 6. Fluttershy Rarity didn't really become my best pony till season 4. I liked her, sure, but something about her this season captured my heart! Twilight would have been lower down the list simply due to lack of screentime, but the finale reminded me of everything I love about her. Applejack and Pinkie it's kind of hard to choose between, so really they're more like tied for third place. I love Pinkie, but some of her writing this season has been awful. But on the other hoof, I've always liked Applejack ever since the premier and if I'd answered this earlier in the season she might have got 2nd place. I do like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy but nowhere near as much as, say, Rarity or Twilight. Rainbow is funny and she made me laugh a lot this season, but if I was picking an episode to watch it probably wouldn't be a Rainbow-centric one, though I liked her better in this season than in any of the others. Fluttershy was sweet and adorable and I enjoyed some of her story arcs this season, but somepony has to come last! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
QuirkyUsername 1,576 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 (edited) 1. Rarity: Fabulous, very amusing character with great dialogue and the queen of first world problems. I've you need and have a fainting couch for your problem, chances are it ain't a real one. 2. AppleJack: Started out meh but honesty, hard work and just being a generally likable character have paid off greatly in my eyes having some very funny and very touching moments3. Twilight: Adorkable and generally nothing really that I dislike about her but more that at the same time there are no traits I overly like aside from the fact she is a huge nerd and has some cute moments.4. Dashie: Kinda generic "Cool kid" character but that's not really a bad thing in this case. She is well developed and breaks her cliche from time to time but doesn't stand out enough to be higher up in my eyes.5. Pinkie: Nothing I dislike about Pinkie but sometimes comic relief characters just annoy me (Like Olaf from Frozen for example :|) 6. Fluttershy: Really good character development......that is often forgotten by the next episode. Yeah I get it with the name FlutterSHY there really isn't much you can do with her but WOW the shyness is so overplayed it is far more annoying than endearing. I am aware my order on my profile is different but browser has been a tad spazzy of late. I'll fix my list on the profile when I get around to it. Edited May 14, 2014 by QuirkyUsername 1 This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika Hey so Johari Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StarburstMLP 32 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 my fav ponies in order are 1-flutters 2-dash 3-twilight 4-applejack 5-rarity 6-pinkie My Deviantart : My Youtube Channel : Starburst: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Graveyard Duck 150 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 Ok, I'll do mine. 1. Twilight. She started off as my favorite pony and is still solidly my favorite Mane 6. I relate to her very well, and I find her consistently well-written. 2. Rainbow Dash. I used to not like her much - she seemed like a rather flat character at first - but I really appreciate the personal growth she's gone through over the seasons. They put a lot of care into writing her. 3. Applejack. I appreciate all the down-to-earth (no pun intended) issues that she faces. And I love how much she values her family. You just don't see that much in media anymore. 4. Rarity. Again, I used to not like her much and she seemed kinda flat to me. But her more recent episodes show a good deal of her growth, so I like her more now. 5. Pinkie. I like her energy but she still seems kinda flat. I did enjoy her writing in Maud Pie, though, and I'd like to see more of that side of her. 6. Fluttershy. (Gasp! Gotta go bar the door to defend myself from Fluttershy lovers...) I don't hate her by any stretch but she seems a bit like a broken record. They need to come up with a better conflict for her than "facing her fears" because that's pretty tired by now. I'll say again I don't hate her, not even a little - I just think her roles in episodes don't do her justice enough. 2 (Not mine, just wanted to share it C:) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kawaii Besu 28,011 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 1. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie 2. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie 3. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie 4. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie 5. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie 6. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie (amidoinitrite? ) 2 Count to numbers with 7 digits! CtaM FM: You can always "count" on us when a new pony episode comes out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Accord 6,660 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 1. Rarity - The number of frustratingly prevalent themes her character kicks in the teeth is breathtaking! (Ambition always being negative, femininity equating impotence, etc.) And let's just say her design is great and leave it at that. 2. Pinkie - I think she has a worldview worth adopting. She seeks to increase happiness in the world and treats it like her sacred mission. I also think she is one of those characters that acts like a ditz but actually has a surprising amount of wisdom. 3. Fluttershy - Similar to the above, I think Fluttershy's views and goals are noble and her approach is refreshing. Fluttershy is at her core a caretaker and healer, she loves life in all of it's forms and I think that is a beautiful thing. She is also one of those rare things for me as a "pacifist done right." 4. Applejack - Her family centered morals and honesty make her a character I personally identify with. I think integrity is something we can all strive to have and AJ exemplifies it. In addition, I like how she is usually the centered and stable one when compared to the others eccentricities. 5. Twilight - As one who's never been rigidly studious and not really of a scientific mindset, I don't identify as strongly with Twilight. That being said, I do love to follow her development as a character and her arc throughout the series has been a great journey to follow. 6. Rainbow - I . . . really don't know. Maybe it's just because I've never been that into sports or athleticism. Maybe it's just that Dash typically is brash and unrefined so I don't think she and I would personally get along very well. That being said, I still love her for her drive and like Rarity, subverting the expectation that one should abandon higher achievement in life all together. I also like how, because of her rough exterior, that makes it all the more enjoyable when she eventually does the right thing. Now, no matter where they are on the list, I love all of these ponies. 1 My ponysona: My AMA thread: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest90210 3,568 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 (edited) 1. Fluttershy - The most likeable character in the show. 2. Pinkie Pie - Funny, energetic, and just a joy to watch. Her antics make me laugh. 3. Applejack - Not much to say about Applejack other than there's nothing to really dislike here 4. Twilight - I like her character although I haven't been in invested in her personality and such as much as others for some reason 5. Rainbow Dash - Sometimes I like her, sometimes she's downright unbearable to watch. Her "I'm awesome" shtick gets old but she's had some great moments scattered through the seasons. 6. Rarity - A generally uninteresting and boring character to me. Never really liked her design or character. Never been one to care for fashionista types in TV shows. Although I will say she's had some of the funniest lines in the show i.e, ...and some of her episodes are really good (Sisterhooves Social is one of my favorites). That's not to say I hate any of the ponies. Hate is reserved for only the most downright insufferable of characters. Edited May 14, 2014 by Rivendare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zekromic 1,054 May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 1-Flutty: I just adore her, I see myself in many ways with her, and she's very sweet, but fragile 2-Twily: Nerdy, smart, great leader, and she has natural beauty, and her awkwardness is funny 3-Dashie: I like her tomboyish-funny personality 4-AJ: I like her accent, she's a down to business mare, and out of the Mane6, I find her the hotness 5-Pinkie: She's so funny with her eccentricy and randomness, her voice is also funny 6-Rarity: She defied my first image of an stereotypical girly mare I had when I first saw her, she can hold her own and she's quite smart. Her overdramatic acts are amusing and I like her voice 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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