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Mane 6 favorites in order

Twi Rubix

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1) Fluttershy

2) Rainbow Dash

3) Pinkie Pie

4) Twilight

5) Rarity

6) Apple Jack

Now, I'll say this now, I DO NOT hate any of the mane 6, it's just, Apple Jack, to me she's a little to 'cliche southern girl stereotype' for me. *hides behind couch*

Edited by soullessduck

Daffodil Penna (fav OC) Flavis Penna (Her Twin Bro) Kites Breeze (Her BPFF)

Bubbles Soar (Another one of Daf's close friends) Tinky-Too Gum(Another one of Daf's close friends)
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1. Trix--- Pinkie Pie

2. Rarity

3. Twilight Sparkle

4. Flutters

5. AJ

6. Rainbow.


I actually /really/ like all the characters, except for Rainbow. She strikes me as more like most of the antagonists instead of the protagonists, and while I like the antagonists more a lot of the time, she's a bit of a jerk to all the other ponies. And in a world of love and kindness, doesn't hold up too well with her being an element of harmony.


who doesn't love Rainbow?

Me... now I feel very singled out. :(

  • Brohoof 1



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Here we go again:


1. Rainbow Dash


2. Pinkie Pie


3. Rarity


4. Twilight


5. Applejack


6. Fluttershy


Note: might change as show continues.

  • Brohoof 3
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OK, first of all, I love all of the ponies so much. Just saying.


1:Fluttershy ( Her "yay" makes me smile every timr.)

2:Rainbow Dash (She's just so cool!)

3:Twilight (She's a lot like me when it comes to schoolwork, but I'm more like Fluttershy around people I don't know)

4:Pinkie Pie (silly and always happy. What's not to love)

5:Applejack (very hardworking and a friend I'd like to have)

6:Rarity (a bit melodramatic, but her sense of style is something I wish I had)


  • Brohoof 3


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My first alternates between Rainbow Dash and Rarity constantly, but Rarity is more of a #1 for me.
Those aside:



5)Twilight Sparkle

6)Pinkie Pie


S2 was almost entirely ruined for me because of my unhealthy obsession with Rainbow Dash, if I took a second look at it today, I'd probably appreciate it a lot more.

Edited by Ursnampls
  • Brohoof 1

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1. Rarity

2. Rainbow Dash

3. Fluttershy

4. Twilight Sparkle

5. Applejack

6. Pinkie Pie


I was kinda thinking maybe Fluttershy should switch places with Twilight but meh, we'll see.

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For me it would probably look something like the list below, but I don't really dislike any of the mane six. I like all of them, just I suppose it varies in degree?


1. Rainbow Dash (Because awesome pony is awesome)

2. Twilight Sparkle

3. Rarity

4. Fluttershy

5. Pinkie Pie

6. Applejack

  • Brohoof 1
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Rainbow Dash   :wub:  

Pinkie Pie     :)

- Twilight Sparkle   :wacko:

Applejack  :huh:

Fluttershy   ;)

Rarity   :D (Yeah, I did in fact just write that in white because I was bored :]  )


P.S. ain't this colorin' work jus' crafty? (+1 point to Applejack for accent)

Edited by PinkiePai
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Unjustly does everyone rank Applejack least. Neighsayers, I shall not tolerate this.


1. All of my Applejack

2. Applejack

3. Applejack

4. Applejack

5. Applejack

6. Applejack


...100. Rarity (she's actually my second favorite, but that's by a loooong shot. Of Applejacks.)

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Well... As much as I hate ordering my fave mane six

I might as well


1. Rarity

2. Rainbow

3. Flutershy

4. Twilight

5. Applejack

6. Pinky pie


Don't get me wrong on pinky... I absolutely love her! It's just that I like the others better

  • Brohoof 2



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1. Rarity (How could it be otherwise?)

2. Applejack

3. Pinkie Pie

4. Twilight Sparkle

5. Rainbow Dash

6. Fluttershy


I don't really know why both Pegasii are at the bottom, when I would really like to be a pegasus myself, but RD can be too self-centered and overproud (plus the electric guitar lief motif is getting a bit old now), and Fluttershy is too shy and quiet, except when she was being a colossal jerk to everyone in "Putting your Hoof Down".

Edited by Full Spectrum
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Well, let's see if I can get this properly...


1. Twilight Sparkle

2. Rarity

3. Applejack

4. Pinkie Pie

5. Flutershy 

6. RainbowDash


To me really, that was hard to do because I like all the ponies in all of Equestria. 

Including in Saddle Arabia...


Buckle up sugarcubes, this gon' be a bumpy ride~


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1) Rarity, I find myself to be most like her (We're both artists) and her accent is so attractive

2) Twlight, I like purple and I like books

3) Pinkie, a little random but I like how she tries to make other ponies smile

4) Rainbow Dash, I sometimes feel she is too competitive and shes a little stubborn

5) Apple Jack, too boring as a character, not enough personality 

6) Fluttershy, I find her annoying and she seriously needs to stand up for herself and stop acting like a child...

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1. Fluttershy

2. Applejack

3. Pinkie Pie

4. Rarity (she used to be my least fav. in season one but I'm halfway through the second season and I'm starting to like her, maybe she'll be somewhere at the top of the list once I'm done watching the whole season, but won't replace Fluttershy for sure!)

5. Twilight Sparkle

6. Rainbow Dash

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1. Rarity

2. Twilight Sparkle

3. Applejack

4. Rainbow Dash

5. Fluttershy

6. Pinkie Pie


Season 3 has killed Pinkie Pie for me, and Rarity and Applejack have just recently moved up in the rankings, they're the real stars of Season 3.

  • Brohoof 1

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1) Pinkie Pie (who'd have guessed right?)


2) Rarity


3) Fluttershy


4) Twilight Sparkle


5) Applejack


6) Rainbow Dash


I just dont understand why everyone is so obsessed with Rainbow Dash, she's so overrated.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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1. Twilight Sparkle: Because I relate to her more than any of the others.


2. Pinkie Pie: Because she's so random! Well, that, and the fact that I have a not-so-secret love for her grimdark fanon persona.


3. Rainbow Dash: Because Rainbow Dash always dresses in style~


4. Fluttershy: She's such a pretty sweet thing, but so timid, and I know that I shouldn't but I interpret that as weakness.



5. Rarity: Ugh, though she is a very kind, generous soul...I can't get over her compulsive vanity and massive ego.


6. Applejack: ...they made her out to be a hick, and I'm sorry, I love her, and she really is a great character, but they laid the southern on her a little too thick. And I'm from the south, man.



Sparkle supremacy, yo~

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My list (with reasoning) is:

1.Fluttershy. She is just too cute, and Dragonshy was my first episode.

2.Applejack.She is way too underappreciated, so i basically started lovng her more.

3.Pinkie Pie.Her smiles and positive outlook on life gave her this spot.Shes like Howard from season 4 and 5 of TBBT, who is also my favorite.(come at me sheldon fans.)

4.Twilight. I dont dislike her, but I dont like her toomuch either. Dont have a very good reason for her.

5.Rarity.She is always inconsiderate of others(Sonic Rainboom, Sisterhooves social, Secret of my excess)Yes, I know she corrected herself, but I just hate how she has to always be pulled back to earth.

6.Rainbow dash. She was higher before, but she really acts jerky this season. Sleepless in ponyville did help her, but the way she always boasts is too much.

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My turn! Let's see:


1. Applejack: To tell you the truth, I have no idea why she is my fave pony; something about her seemed so adorable, right from the start, but I can't quite put my finger (or hoof XD) on it; can it be the fact that her element is honesty? or that she takes great care in making sure her friends are happy? or that Applebuck Season, on of my faves, was so early in the show? or that she has the same eye color as me? I dunno, maybe it's all of these reasons, she's still my fave pony from the show, no doubt about it XD


2 Rarity: They really outdone themselves when they created her, she is an unbelievably complex character; I remember reading somewhere a short review on her and it simply turned my perspective around, for the better. Don't get me wrong, I liked her before, but it was then when I realized just how perfect her character was and that we always find out new stuff about her with every episode she's in


3 Pinkie Pie: well...she's Pinkie Pie, need I say more? XD


4 Twilight: she's in many ways the protagonist of the show and many times, we see the situations through her eyes; also, in the first episodes, she's seen more or less as "the new pony" by Ponyville's residents; it was really fansinating to see how she was able to make so many new friends in such a short period of time, quickly getting over her "friendship isn't my thing" approach


5 Fluttershy: please don't think that I don't like her or anything, I like all the mane 6 chars, no question about it; Fluttershy is a really great pony with lots of wonderful qualities about her, not least of which that she cares about all living creatures so much; the only downside is that I don't think many ponies are aware of her qualities due to her being too shy to show them


6 Rainbow Dash: again, please don't think that I dislike her or that I have something about pegasi (if I'd be able to choose what I wanted to be, I'd be a pegasus, since I'd love to fly, but that's besides the point XD) she's a really great friend to have, especially since loyalty is her thing; yup, as the fellow pony above me stated, she does boast too much sometimes, but you know what? that's what makes her all the more likeable XD again, don't consider number 6 to be the pony I like the least; truth be told, numbers 4 to 6 are pretty much on the same level XD

Edited by Delzepp
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