Jeric 46,860 July 17, 2014 Share July 17, 2014 What do you dude? I do focus on Greek studies mostly Design and implement software solutions for banks and other companies in the financial services sector. Half my day is spent telling clients that they are crazy and the other half trying turn crazy into something that works. There was a time that I wanted to just study and teach sociology, history, and science, but I fell in love with creating programs and web sites ... changed majors ... and before you know it ... BAM ... career. Yep, Sterling said it pretty good ... Bronies smash puny stereotypes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest July 17, 2014 Share July 17, 2014 (edited) Design and implement software solutions for banks and other companies in the financial services sector. Half my day is spent telling clients that they are crazy and the other half trying turn crazy into something that works. There was a time that I wanted to just study and teach sociology, history, and science, but I fell in love with creating programs and web sites ... changed majors ... and before you know it ... BAM ... career. Yep, Sterling said it pretty good ... Bronies smash puny stereotypes. That sounds very complicated, I'm awful at technical stuff ( I only just learned how to scroll down the page with my touch mouse/cursor pad thing (?) Sounds like it worked out well for you and its good to hear you enjoy it We do indeed, although my degree will keep me in the unemployed stereotype Edited July 17, 2014 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxyCryptid 4,330 July 17, 2014 Share July 17, 2014 I'm working on getting a job but Vocational Rehab is screwing with me, "You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that." -Duncan McLeod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
flutterdango117 154 July 18, 2014 Share July 18, 2014 to basically break the stereotype is basically understand why they think like that and try to understand them. i used to be totally against until i met someone dear to me that said he was a brony. at first i was spectical like the usual mare even got annoyed by him talking about ponies all day for 7 months but i was understanding on why he liked it so much like me at the time liking homestuck so much. over time it kinda grew on me and here i am now anyways, basically by understanding there point, giving them honest ansewers, being just a good friend to them in general regardless of them not liking it at all and minimilizing talking about it hopefully each person against will respect you and in return accept you liking it/ view on the community. who knows they might become bronies/pegasisters before you know it with time, patience, respect and loyalty but thats just me. if they dont accept it well, just stay in touch and be friends anyways unless there being mean to you about it then its time to move onto another pasture.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freewave 1,145 July 18, 2014 Share July 18, 2014 (edited) Brony musician who's in his late thirties, has a professional tech career, has two kids, and been with his wife over 15 years. There you go. It's nice to be different, even if sometimes that makes you feel a bit out of touch with the fandom. Some things can't be helped but you love it the same and hope that you're acceped the same. Edited July 18, 2014 by Freewave I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it.. Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM. Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. Check out the Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 July 19, 2014 Share July 19, 2014 Well, I'm not fat, and I don't have a neckbeard. I have a job and don't live my parents basement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
\/ 651 July 19, 2014 Share July 19, 2014 Well, I'm not gay, I'm not a 37 year old pedophile, I don't practice witchcraft, I don't clop, I don't hoard tiny plastic horse figures, I am a fairly normal person, I'm capable of being manly (but who cares?), I don't have an OC, I don't roleplay, I don't want to go to Equestria and meet the ponies, I hate shipping. Enter the Forest... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miles 2,512 July 19, 2014 Share July 19, 2014 Well now, this has been an intriguing 11 pages of reading. I guess it's my turn, then 1) Gay.Nope! But what the flying feathers should this even be relevant for? TV shows and sexual preference have zero correspondence. It is beyond me as to how being gay has anything to do with anything. Nonetheless, whatever. I'm straight. And I'm a conservative! And I still don't get why being gay has anything to do with this. 2) 30 years old/parents' basement dwellerWell I'm 19. But this part of the stereotype is funny since there are more people in the teens and twenties who are a part of the fandom. However, I'd like to say that there should be nothing wrong with being 30 or older and liking the show. As for living with parents - of course I do, I'm 19. Of course, I live on campus when I'm at college. 3) Neckbeard.Hmmm... Well I'm a 19 year old country boy, so facial hair I do have, but I keep it shaped up. I just have a goatee (chin only, no 'stache), and some well trimmed side burns, stopping at the level of my ear lobes. Funny thing is, I have medium brown hair, but my facial hair has much more of a red hue than my head hair, especially on my chin.4) Overweight/Creepy/Bad Hygiene. I'm 6 foot tall, and 175 pounds. I have quite the farmer's build, if you're at all familiar with what that is (tall, thin but good muscle tone, broad shoulders, not overly large or small, just pretty darn medium). I don't necessarily "lift weights/work out" but I work a laborious job in the summer, outside all day, so I'm pretty fit. I sure hope I ain't creepy, lmao! And I shower daily, thank you. 5) Autistic. You see, this is one of those 'traits' given by anti-bronies that is like, the worst possible fallacy, and the dumbest/offensive one as well. I just don't even. But, no, I am not autistic. I'm actually an honors student at my college.6) Virgin.Again with most irrelevant kinds of traits, anti-bronies (really!?)... But, yes I choose to follow abstinence. I'm wanting to wait until I've been with someone long enough so that it has more than just a sexual meaning, but a spiritual one, too. 7) Anti-social. Welllllll... I'm not, per se, "anti-social" ... But I am an introvert and I do spend alot of time alone in my room (on my computer). But, I'm a computer science major, so what do you expect? But I have several close friends. Those of which I've grown up with since like elementary school. And then a couple I met in college. ---And now for some other related things: I'm also a gearhead - I love cars, trucks, motorcycles, quads, you name it. I have a 2001 Ford F-150 (truck), a 2002 Yamaha V-Star 650 (motorcycle), and a 2005 Yamaha Raptor 350 (quad). Also of worthy mention is how my parents have a classic show car that we (usually my father and I, even though it's technically mom's car [it's under her name, and used to be her daily car back in the early 90's]) take to car shows. It's a 1989 Chevy Camaro RS. I'm a country boy gearhead... who loves ponies... Now that has to be breaking some kind of stereotype ~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UCD 75 July 25, 2014 Share July 25, 2014 What's the stereotype? Is it the one with neckbeards and all that son? I'm a buck fifty soaking wet, I've never masturbated to a pony, I'm straight I guess, I don't cross-dress, I don't spend much time on the internet, I'm a ghetto kid, I practice Satanism (research before commenting) and I am in fact employed. I like horror, rap, and over the top violence. Pretty much everything that MLP isn't. If you met me IRL you would never take me for a brony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felix 1,363 July 25, 2014 Share July 25, 2014 (edited) -I'm not gay -I'm not autistic -I'm not stupid (Passed my first year of Freshman High School with a single B+ and the rest solid A's) -I do not live in a basement (Do I even have one?) -I'm not a clopper -I do not shove the show down other people's throats. (I wear shirts and have wallpapers on my phone but I'm not flashing them at every person. I wear what I wear and have what I have but the only time I speak of the show or fandom is with other bronies or if someone asks me first. Even then if they have something negative to say I may simply tell them not to judge something they haven't seen but otherwise it's their opinion and I won't force them to like it) -I am not fat. (I'm 16 and 6 feet tall and weigh around 140. That's actually a perfect weight for my structure) -I have a life despite the time I spend here and the fact I'm a gamer. (I have school, symphonic band, sports, am learning how to drive and will soon have a job. That's pretty average if you ask me) -Not a neck beard Uhh...I think those are the only ones I break. I am of course a virgin but if I have any sexual interaction it will be after I'm married. I'm not gonna lie in that I do adore hipster clothing and like fedoras. And yeah. There's a couple things I don't break but it's mainly because I'm only 16. Of course I'm going to live with my parents and such. Anyway, it's possible I missed some stuff but I think I got the main ones down. Also, just because I am not some of the things I mentioned doesn't mean I have a problem towards people who are those things or live that way or this way. I support anyone here and am perfectly fine with homosexual people or people that clop and etc. So please do not take my words in the wrong way. I was worried about posting here because I was worried I would offend someone. If I came off bad I did not mean it. Edited July 25, 2014 by Felix Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M'aiq the Liar 5,804 July 25, 2014 Share July 25, 2014 -I have combat experience with the US army -I work as a reservist police officer, and am working on getting hired by federal law enforcement agencies. -I am in great shape, working out everyday -I am currently getting my FFL, and do some minor work as a amateur gunsmith. -I have been in dozens of fights throughout school (not necessarily a positive, but it goes against the pacifist stereotype) -I do not greatly enjoy dubstep, or wubstep, or whatever cruddy 5 minute bass mix they are calling EDM these days -I have been engaged. pleb tier OC . MLP forum's #1 Fleetfoot fan also married to fleetfoot <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
babymoondust 223 July 25, 2014 Share July 25, 2014 I'm female, so pretty much no brony stereotype (I think?). I wish every brony was accepted, regardless of if they do or don't fit a "negative" brony stereotype (with the exception of harming others! Harming others is not cool obviously, lol). - I don't see what's so bad about having a "neckbeard", getting off to clop, being gay, introverted, enjoying being like a big kid (I'm totally like a big kid, and it doesn't automatically mean we must be one-dimensional people who can't get all the grown-up stuff done too!), being a furry, being transexual, being a transvestite, being a geek, not physically strong / muscular... or whatever else you see bronies are assumed to be or not be. I don't care if you're a 30+ year old guy who is obsessed with the show and would love to be a pony, or if you love clop, or whatever.. You should be free to feel at home in the brony community. I love seeing this community as one of acceptance (whether it always is or not all the time I guess is subject to individual experiences!). But yeah that's pretty much my utopia. XD ~ But it's what my cutie mark is telling me... ♬ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadowking58 1,137 July 25, 2014 Share July 25, 2014 I try to not force my interests on others, but sometimes in public one of the songs get stuck in my head and I can't help but sing it. All My OCS Quote “The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Not_active 732 September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 -I don't wear fedoras/trilbies -I'm confident -I go to the gym -I don't listen to dubstep(anymore) -I don't like anime 1 Ask me something: <3 :* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ziggy + Angel + Rain 11,303 September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 I don't lol? Sorry I guess I'm part of the problem. xD "It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
remove p l e a s e ? 800 September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 (edited) I'm only fourteen. I used to be an anti-brony, so I understand the haters a bit. I don't like it when some bronies put irrelevant stuff on a non-pony video, so I have an urge of infighting with another brony if that happens. I see bronies and non-bronies sort of equal, and there is no team. I have no interest in anime, other than BoBoBo. I am actually a smart guy, I get so many As and Bs. Also, I am good with computers, at fourteen years. I don't mind if someone fits the stereotype, only if they aren't an ass. I am in average shape, not fat nor skinny. Ones I do fit: I do wear T-Shirts of MLP and have profile pictures, etc. Does a russian ear hat count as hipster clothing? Edited September 15, 2014 by Kilobyte The Pony out of my swamp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
u53rn4m3 69 September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 well for starters I think fedoras are stupid, I'm not fat, I exercise daily, and I don't talk about the show all the time Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spagem 505 September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 Well, for starters I'm not a fat, smelly, neckbeard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NotoriousSMALL 1,984 September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 I have a social life, I'm not fat, I don't have autism, I'm not a "beta nice guy", I don't have a neckbeard or a trilby, I don't clop, I'm not a furry, I'm not into anime, I don't have a waifu, I'm not rabid, nor do I treat it as a religion, I don't live in a basement, I don't like 80% of brony music or fanwork, however I am a virgin, but I've done some things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vox 870 September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 I guess, i'll reiterate what's been said a thousand times before. Overweight Autistic anti-social generally creepy, Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Leavinh 313 September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 I'm relatively fit, I am physically incapable of growing any type of beard, I'm not anti-social, but I do have social anxiety, I don't wear fedoras, and my entire life does not revolve around ponies. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Suitaloo 743 September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 I'm relatively clean-shaven, I shower often, I'm underweight, I don't wear a trilby often, and I don't collect merch (other than a few shirts). 1 I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuillermoGage 246 September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 1. I actually watch the show with children and know children who like the show. 2. I am not a clopper/ I don't look at sexual/ porn of the ponies. 3. Even tho I do not have the Hub Network television channel at home, I refuse to watch illicit streams of the show/ I do not pirate the show. Instead, I watch the new episodes when they appear on, which is usually the Monday after the Saturday after they air, and simply avoid spoilers for a couple days. I always sign in to my HubNetwork profile when going on to 4. I detest all humanizations and especially My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, simply choosing to pretend it doesn't exist. 5. I am not into background ponies/ annoying fanon. I do not read words-only fanfiction. I might look at humorous fanart comics, but I could care less about unofficial stories people make out of the show's lore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RainbowdashFTW 50 September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 I'm actually a rapper, so i break them???? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Visual Spectrum 1,932 September 15, 2014 Share September 15, 2014 I'm not a huge fan of Rainbow Dash. Rainbow seems to be the pony that bronies like. Also, I wasn't forced to watch the show. I watched it on my own free will. I also like generation 1 and watched it before FiM even existed. I'm actually healthy weight which is a surprise considering I am lazy and love to eat. I don't have a neckbeard, I am not a pedophile. Actually, as a young child, I was a teleiophile. Now I'm an adult attracted to other adults, which is normal. I'm not gay, (I would date men, though. I just don't find them sexually appealing.) and I'm not in college. Applejack Fan Club Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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