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What is the latest pony related merchandise you bought?

Apple      Bloom

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I never get to go to the mall without some of my family, so until 2 days ago, I had never gotten any MLP stuff from Hot Topic or Spencer's. But my whole grade just went on a 2 day trip to Kansas City, and we went to 3 malls, 2 of them had Hot Topic. The first mall didn't have Hot Topic, the 2nd mall had Hot Topic, and the 3rd one did too. I got a Lyra Heartstrings vinyl collectible! (So happy!) tongue.png

Got me a new blanket, and wow is it fluffy and comfy! I want to get another one.. its so small it doesn't cover down to my feet!

But its SOOOOOOO fluffy it drives me nuts on how soft it is!




Heh found that same Beanie baby at a cracker barrel store!

had to grab it.. its such decent quality for being so small (and cheap!)... It really amazed me, usually the smaller "official" things are garbage, or just poor quality.

Did you get the blanket at Hot Topic? They have those throws there. :3

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And another order from WeLoveFine!



Now all teh pictures!!!!


The T-shirt:




The hoodie:




The book bag:




The ridiculously large con bag!




The extra bits of cosplay material




Lanyard :3




And a button!




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 Analyst - Writer - Musician - Voice Actor

"A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities..."  ~J.R.R. Tolkien

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Did you get the blanket at Hot Topic? They have those throws there. :3


yes, yes I did :)

And I went back and got a second one to wrap up in. They're just soooo fluffy... and ponies!

TBH I want to take one and make some pillow cases out of it!

If only I had a sewing machine...

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I happened to go into Claire's to get some stockings and ended up finding that they had a MLP section

I got a 3D necklace of Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash ( each on their own necklace)

MLP hair clips (with colored hair)

pinkie pie earrings

alicorn twilight earrings

a pinkie pie bracelet/necklace set

a charm bracelet and a heart beaded bracelet


Edited by Lady Leopardess
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I finally found the Nightmare Moon from the Nightmare in Canterlot Pony Collection. I care about Princess Celestia, too, but I mainly wanted Nightmare Moon to go along with the Princess Luna pony from the combo Luna/Rarity set.e9FkmL5.png 

Edited by FlitterHeart
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You know, I haven't commented in this topic for a while because I felt like I wasn't really sharing anything with you guys. I was more of an admirer than a guy who took pictures to show off my merchandise.


But today... well, I'm packing up to move into a new apartment, and I bought a few bins to pack things into. And well...


Okay, I realize there are probably a lotta of Bronies out there with bigger My Little Pony collections than myself, but my mind exploded at the amount of pony stuff I actually have. I usually kept it in the closet in a corner inside of some bags, so I never really got a full perspective on how much I owned.


But my sweet sweet Luna, I didn't know I owned this much. I can barely fit it in one of my thirty gallon bins. This time I took pictures... I guess I'll show off all/most of what I own on here now. Jeez, this took a while...


Images of the bin in which I packed all the stuff in; I'm showing this first to put things into perspective.







Images of all of the shirts packed into it. Note, that these are not all of my pony shirts, just the ones I decided to put inside the bin. I haven't worn the group shot one in a while so it got all wrinkled because I stuff it into a bag.







The Vinyl Pony Armada, with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash on top. Ya know, because they're best ponies. Now if only they would come out with an Applejack Vinyl Figure so that the Holy Trinity can be completed...







What's this? Lyra Heartstrings by herself? Darn it, Lyra, I told you not to wander off looking for humans to abduct talk to again!







This is the binder that I keep my MLP cards in. Note that my whole collection is not pictured, I sadly awesomely have way more cards than that.







An awesome assortment of Rainbow Dash merchandise because she is by far the best pony of all freaking time and you all should love her because she is just simply bad-flank as buck.







Vinyl Scratch and Rainbow Dash Headphones, a Vinyl Scratch Beanie, and of course, Pinkie Pie, because she just couldn't help but sneak into the picture.







Lotsa tins and boxes! They have a few things in each of them, but no way am I going through all those to take pictures.







Another card binder that has a special collection in it. The pictures are a little blurry in this set. Also, a single unopened trading card pack, because I just really wanted one unopened pack for novelty reasons... actually, I just forgot to open it. But now I think I'll just leave it unopened for now because it has Applejack on it.







Assorted arm bands and a Derpy Keychain. I also have a Rainbow Dash keychain, but that's attached to my keyring so it's not in any of these pictures.







The Cloudsdale Playset and a random blind bag pony. I really dislike him, because he has glitter on him and that crap gets everywhere.







And last but not least, comics! The first picture features the MLP Mini series Volume One booklet, which is awesome. The stories are legit. Rarity's was probably my favorite because I was laughing non-stop throughout the whole thing. Beside it are issues eleven and twelfth of the main series, although I haven't opened nor read the twelve issue yet. The second picture features issues six through ten of the main series, with six on top because it frankly has my favorite cover just yet, because it features both best pony and best Crusader.







And that's the whole set of my merchandise. Well, almost. As I said, there are a few things not pictured because I was too lazy to. I also have a crap ton of MLP buttons, but I didn't picture those because I didn't feel like digging them out of all those tins.


So, I hope you all enjoyed my trip into madness with my collection of pony merchandise. Here's to doubling it in size! *Raises mug of cider*

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Why can't I brohoof this a million times? WHY? I mean, hot damn, guy, you've got just about everything I have and way, WAY more. I think the only department I've got the upper hoof in is the blind bag figure sets, and even then I'm sure you're soon to catch up…not to mention surpass me, since my only real interest is in the sets and not the actual individually bagged ponies.


I did get a bit of pony swag for my birthday, though, so HA - one (microscopic) step closer to matchin' ya! Now that I mention it, I really ought to post some pics of that stuff later on.

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Why can't I brohoof this a million times? WHY? I mean, hot damn, guy, you've got just about everything I have and way, WAY more. I think the only department I've got the upper hoof in is the blind bag figure sets, and even then I'm sure you're soon to catch up…not to mention surpass me, since my only real interest is in the sets and not the actual individually bagged ponies.


I did get a bit of pony swag for my birthday, though, so HA - one (microscopic) step closer to matchin' ya! Now that I mention it, I really ought to post some pics of that stuff later on.


Ha ha, seeing the words Endless Swag and then that Rainbow Dash GIF put together is probably the funniest thing I've seen today. It makes me think that she's being hypnotized by the swag!


Only a million times? Come on, don't be stingy! I know you can do a billion. But for real, thanks for the compliments. I didn't think my collection was this freaking big. I was honestly surprised when I looked down at the tub and realized that it was filled to the brim with purely pony merchandise. And yeah, you definitely have more blind bag figures than me, as that wasn't my main focus, but I definitely want to pick up more of those. I really want the Spitfire Vinyl and Sweetie Drops/Bon Bon Figures to have a full nine figures. As for the Doctor... well, he's cool and everything, but he's the one figure that I don't really want so far.


Aw yeah, bring on the pictures! I wanna see your new pony swag. Even so, I don't think that microscopic step is going to be enough... especially when that My Little Pony Card Game drops. Man, I'm going to buy the crap outta that. It's gonna be my new addiction I can tell.


Cool! img-2005098-1-e9FkmL5.png


Awwww yeah!



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One ecstatic pony right here!!!


After searching high and low, I finally found the brand new Target exclusive My Little Pony Crystal Princess Ponies Collection, featuring Celestia, Luna, and Cadance. e9FkmL5.png





This combined with the Nightmare Moon I found from the Midnight in Canterlot Collection has made my night!


This was the Nightmare Moon:


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I am just pure scum on this earth... I am trying to save money I have a wedding come up for ponysake! Yet here I was, starting at this thread and saw this link for WeLoveFine, never been there before, I go and what do I see? This SHIRT!!! That I JUST HAD TO BUY AND DID SO AHHHHHHHH




Ending result...since I was naughty buying an MLP item...now my fiance gets to spend just as much on his Yugioh trading cards! KUbAnTY.pngblink.png  im a bad pony...sad.png

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I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Just ordered Pinkie Pie from Build A Bear (she's BAAACK! smile.png   bet those people buying them for $100+ feel stupid now... heh)

Can't wait to get'er in...


Oh, and paper copies of the first 2 seasons of the comic, and the RD coffee cup..


I can't help but think the RD coffee cup is a joke in itself...

Not as good as a Pinkie Pie one (heh.. coffee + Hyper crazy pony.... yeeeah) But still funny.

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Last week, my dad ordered a Fluttershy vinyl figure for me... It's here...




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                                                  Signature made by Sparkle Speed

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the last pony merch i got was 2 blind bag ponies and some cards with my girlfriend, that was almost 1 month ago.

i got Lotus blossom, and Flower wishes, and a pretty cool tattoo c:

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Thanks weirdokitterz c:

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I got paid for a big clean-up job(hauling off misc construction debris from a remodel at the tune of $125) so I went ahead and grabbed three more tags. Not a bad haul of stuff.  



  • Brohoof 5



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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My little pony games I found earlier today. I know there not forth generation, none the less here they are





  • Brohoof 2

Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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My little pony games I found earlier today. I know there not forth generation, none the less here they are








Nice, I think I have one around here I grabbed at Goodwill just for the novelty value.

The Dollar Store had some from a older set, and when I cheated and read the bag numbers one of them turned out to be the mis-labeled Soarin', so I went a head and grabbed it:





"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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The Dollar Store had some from a older set, and when I cheated and read the bag numbers one of them turned out to be the mis-labeled Soarin', so I went a head and grabbed it:




Its a shame that things like that don't hold the collectors value they had before the internet boom.

I recall when typo/mislabels on items were worth a TON more than a corrected card :/

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Its a shame that things like that don't hold the collectors value they had before the internet boom.

I recall when typo/mislabels on items were worth a TON more than a corrected card :/


Yeah, before the internet misprints were such a mysterious and rare thing that people wanted just for the novelty of it, it's not really that way anymore now that every single known misprint is well documented and easy to read about. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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It was quite a bit ago, but recently i have bought some rainbow dash knee socks with little wings on them. i have an excuse to where them more now that winter is just around the corner

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neve bought one... my gf wanted a pinkie pie and me RD, we were in a mall when we saw a crawl machine filled with huge ponies... me and her starred at it for a looongs time (very akward XD people were looking at us like someone who wants to rape a machine)... since i'm an half-engineer i know the little secret on those celestia damned machines... so with 2 euros we got RD and pinkie and walked all the day at the mall caring them like two idiots XD never had so much fun.. then a little girl started to stare at us.. and i heard her saying... ".... rainbow dash..." i was like.. "oh damn..." my girlfriend trown at me a stare like " if you give her my pinkie i will tear you in half" so i gived her my RD... what a huge smile... she was so happy :) and i was very happy too :) so still only my gf has pinkie.. maybe some day i will buy an Octavia if i find one...

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Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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Equestria Girls on iTunes

and This shirt:



That's all I've gotten period. I may eventually get a plushie and a few more shirts, but I don't plan on buying much else.

Edited by Heatwave
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