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Lord Theoretical

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oh and their drummer is over rated as hell


ok I honestly have to agree with that.  


*cough* Neil Peart is best drummer *cough*



honestly though i think you're just saying this stuff to piss me off -___-



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- You could probably call me a conspiracy theorist. Let's just say, I don't think the mainstream media gives us the full story or ask enough questions on a lot of things. Things of which I'm not going to name. I don't know if I trust the United States government on much of anything.

  • Brohoof 1
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- You could probably call me a conspiracy theorist. Let's just say, I don't think the mainstream media gives us the full story or ask enough questions on a lot of things. Things of which I'm not going to name. I don't know if I trust the United States government on much of anything.

You aren't a conspiracy theorist. You just aren't gullible like the rest of the United States. Now days, not being gullible is considered paranoia.

  • Brohoof 1
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You aren't a conspiracy theorist. You just aren't gullible like the rest of the United States. Now days, not being gullible is considered paranoia.

Thanks, I'm glad someone agrees. I've never liked the term "conspiracy theorist" because people use it as a term of degradation to people who actually care about the country and don't like what's going on. It's not fair to be demonized for asking legitimate questions.

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Double Rainboom was better than Snowdrops.


Really almost depresses me how I'm actually posting this in this topic, just for shits and giggles. I swear, people get overly critical about everything these days tongue.png Taking things at face value and just enjoying yourself with the package overall seems to be a super power, nowadays.

  • Brohoof 1


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-I hate people who think of Hitler as 'that one guy who did the holocaust' and nothing more.
-I hate people who call themselves activists or supporters of really any cause when in reality they sit on their ass and stick that cause up on the shelf and think nothing of it.
-Call of Duty is a decent shooter and I enjoy playing it. I won't shell out $60 every year for it, but the major problem with it in my opinion is the community.
-I dislike Twilight (popular, I know), but I also dislike those who claim to dislike Twilight when really their only argument for it being bad is that the vampires sparkle. Pull your head out of your ass and take a closer look at the movie, sparkly vampires is far from the worst part of it.

Edited by Artemis

"Feld0 spelled backwards is 'illuminati'"

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-I like season 3 more than season 1

-I don't like My Little Dashie

-I The Mysterious Mare Do Well > Boast Busters

-I don't like the Octavia X Vinyl Scratch shipping. (I just don't like the idea that two people belong together just because they're both musicians.)

-I hate the song "Antropology" (I haven't read the fanfic)

-I hate the Rowdy Ruff Boys (from Powerpuff Girls)

  • Brohoof 1



And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia!

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- I dislike Twilight (popular, I know), but I also dislike those who claim to dislike Twilight when really their only argument for it being bad is that the vampires sparkle. Pull your head out of your ass and take a closer look at the movie, sparkly vampires is far from the worst part of it.


If you ask me the worst part about the series is the fact of how a human is dating a vampire, which is a walking dead corpse, therefore Twilight is necrophilia. I don't really care about the whole sparkling vampire part of it, even though it's incredibly stupid, there's just over 1000 other flaws that the whole series has. 

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I have never seen "Game of Thrones" and to be rather honest, I think it looks stupid.


Rise of the Guardians was a horrible movie.


Reddit is dumb.


4chan is cancerous, they complain about cancer yet they are cancer.


Anyone who uses Autism as an insult is showing how intelligent they are, in other words, you are very unintelligent using Autism as an insult.


This idea of Alicorn Twilight and blaming Hasbro and MA Larson is just beating a dead horse now, honestly, give it a rest for fucks sake.


TV caters to the lowest common denominator nowadays, all these dumb shows will be the death of TV.

  • Brohoof 1
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Post my unpopular opinion, huh? For the sake of keeping the list short, i'll just give a few of the ideas I have that are unpopular, most of my ideas/theories/opinions/whatnot being tripe according to some. img-1325502-1-happy.png


- Twilight Princess/Princess Twilight shoudn't have happened.  I'll just straight up say I hate this idea, and even though my hate has diminished to proper "dislike" of the concept right now, the notion of her transforming into an alicorn disgusts me, not to mention the downright abuse of the alicorn concept.


- Twilight should lose her Alicorn status/Princessdom in S4 and return to being a regular unicorn. 


*I'll leave it at those two remarks as far as Alicorn Twilight goes since this topic isn't about her, and it is beating a dead horse.*


- Narcissistic Hypocrites I absolutely loath at times because they are so self-absorbed, and have the firm belief they could ever commit any wrong doing, even if it is proven time and time again.  


- Capital Punishment is probably the most unpopular opinion I believe in.  There are people out there who need help in being reformed and can be returned to society as "changed" individuals, however, there are some individuals that are beyond hope or their actions are so heinous they don't deserve that second chance. 

Edited by Genepool
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I dislike homosexuality. Honestly I don't hate you. What I hate is the fucking whenever someone says "You know I don't support homosexual rights" or "I don't like homosexuality" it turns into a freaking hate crime. Look at the guy who owns the chick-fil-a he didn't support it and guess what? On the chick-fil-a day LGBTs were making out front of his stores, in front of families, FAMILIES. I am not saying all LGBTs are like that (I have friends that are LGBT, shocker right?) but my point is all the bad publicity he got for having a fucking opinion was just horrible. Even though I have friends like that and I don't treat them different. I just don't agree with their lifestyle but I am a person who lets people make there own choices.
Next up, I am a Republican. Oh yes, Corporations are people blah blah blah. Well not entirely but lets put it like this. I support the growth and development of business through Capitalism. I believe taxes should be low for everyone, government should be minimal but just enough to keep the country in balance. I also strongly believe in a powerful well-funded military. Problem? I don't know about you but I am proud to be a citizen of such a diverse, strong nation. So lets keep it strong... (I am open for debate)
I am christian. Well aren't you about to think "well he used the f word, must be bullshitting me." No I am not. I just more "contemporary" if you want to put it like that. Anyways I don't really like church though but I do believe in a personal relationship with God. Oh snap I openly did this, come at me internet. BTW honestly I will state again I will let you believe what you want believe but honestly Darwin thought his theory was crap when he studied the eye ball and saw its complexity. If he even knew about the complexity of the cell, he would shit on his theory and through it out the window. Either way though we still believe in something eternal. Eternal Matter vs Eternal God. You can't get something from nothing, 0 + 0 ≠ 1 or whatever bullshit hawking comes up with...


Oh ya and did I mention, come at me internet. Let the truth be revealed.

Edited by Warith
  • Brohoof 2

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OC: Twilight Sky

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Wii is a terrible console

I hate DC and Marvel

I think Sonic Unleashed suck TERRIBLY

Superman is overrated

I hate Twilight

And finnally GTA 4 SUCKS

  • Brohoof 2

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spike is beest pon3

carrotes r gud

gumping owt off a plain is rely danegeris 4 u're helth

gud speling is overrate ed

n so is april fuls


Great sig thanks to Ms Earl Grey!

ἡ ἀλήθεια ἐλευθερώσει ὑμᾶς

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Why so much hate on LGBT?!?!? :(

I'm not gay its just I support LGBT hell one of my realtives is gay, my best friend is gay.

I'm not ogoing to join this argument cause you'know "Love and Tolerate" so yay /)


Let's Put this aside and go back to unpoppular opinions


I think you can be friends with your ex

I am a grammer nazi :| (Even thou I am terrible haha)

I like Pokehidden :P

I like grimdark fics

Edited by Lunar Red

EPRBoM Official Threads




P.S Want an avatar like mine, send me a pic of anypony in a PM and I will make an awesome avatar for you!

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G3.5 Rainbow Dash is much much much MUCH better than G4 Dash. 


X-Men: The Last Stand wasn't that bad.


Pinkie Pie was not as cute in G4 as she was in G3.


Oh, and



April Fool! 

Actually, the middle one's kinda true....


Edited by hawkflame


Sig by Thunderstorm

Check out my Rarity fansite!

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A few of mine would probably start a few fights... at least it has here around my home area!


9/11 was a crock...    getting into the explanation is extensive but look at the #'s, measurements/math & science.

I dislike Chevy and Dodge, a LOT... though the classics are ok.

Disney sequels, as said above, are in most part ok... some are terrible but not all.

Some "students" should be re-tested for their license every now and then due to the many accidents or near accidents they cause.

I am "pro-choice" (complexity to why/the extensiveness of my reasons/thoughts)


Obama isn't as bad as everyone says... he came into a mess which one can't fix easily... and the government has been corrupt for a LONG time.

I honestly don't care for religion... many wars have been fought in the name of religion.

I love Bevis and Butthead   (Long live the Great Cornholio!)

  • Brohoof 1


Old Name was Dekanogi'a

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- The Buick Roadmaster is a cooler car than the Toytoa Corolla

- The Toyota Camry is a nice car, but I don't like it because everyone has one and they are everywhere

- Rarity needed more attention in Season 3

- Snips and Snails are my least favorite characters in the show

- Basketball is the greatest sport

- I hate the idea of the car that drives itself, where's the fun in that?

- I don't hate Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon

  • Brohoof 2


Signature credit to Gone Airbourne
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Steam - Sir_Trollestia

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Rarity is most beautiful pony. Period. End of conversation. You have to be completely insane to think otherwise, just look at her mane.


Also, Shining Armor is best stallion. His coolness is unmatched by any other.



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Rarity is most beautiful pony. Period. End of conversation. You have to be completely insane to think otherwise, just look at her mane.


Also, Shining Armor is best stallion. His coolness is unmatched by any other.

Except Fancy Pants, of course. wink.png


I get rather offended when people get accused of being "grammar nazis". A little harsh for someone who is attempting to teach others about correct grammar and spelling, to be compared to a nazi, don't you think? I prefer the term "pedant" personally. I don't call people who use incorrect grammar and spelling "grammar anarchists" or "grammar heretics", now do I?


Speaking of which, it's "I should have..." not "I should of..". The sentence "I have done this." is correct, the sentence "I of done this." is not. You may call me a pedant now.

Edited by Full Spectrum
  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

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- Books > Video games.


- I think making others look stupid because they don't recognize a joke is not very nice.


- Humanity is not "falling apart".


- This year's April Fools joke was kind of lame.


- Cheese is absolutely repulsive!

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I don't like Reservoir Dogs. I never thought it was a good movie, and I think it may be the most over-hyped film in existence. Furthermore I think so many people say they love it just because everyone else says they love it. I don't think I'll ever see what the draw of that movie is.

  • Brohoof 1

Original Fiction: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69008-hawkmoths-fiction/


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אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ.

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- I disliked the "-licious" memes and am glad that the fans aren't haven't done it in a while(though I'll admit, I liked the Rainbow Dash one"

- Even though Rainbow Dash is my favorite pony, I actually dislike calling her "Dashie", to me it doesn't feel right unless Pinkie Pie says it

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