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What is wrong with you?

Coolius rpi

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What is considered "wrong" is quite obscure and can be interpreted in so many ways by some many peoples from so many cultural backgrounds. What makes you "wrong" can make another just "right". It really all depends on how you look at yourself. One man's trash is another man's treasure. There is always a positive in a person's deviations. One just needs to look a little closer.

  • Brohoof 22
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i think that my addiction to fanfics is wrong but it has a positive effect! very contradicting but i dont really try to look for my bad aspects.

  • Brohoof 1

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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I got DSPD (delayed sleep phase disorder) and I'm a complete asshole...

Do those count? If not, I got NOTHING wrong with me. I'm perfect!

  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I have a terrible case of showing a two difference faces based on a situation. I tend to be incredibly foul-mouthed (but the swear is never direct to someone) when it comes to playing game or talking to people who are close to me, but people who I barely know always tell me that I am the most respectful person they've ever met.

  • Brohoof 3
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I'm socially awkward, I'm somewhat OCD about a few things, all I do is sit my ass in front of my computer all day, I procrastinate, sometimes I can be a dick and not realize it, and sometimes I feel like I have multiple personalities (depending on who I'm around).


Fucks given: 0

  • Brohoof 11



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I'm reluctant to try new things, I feel unmotivated most of the time, I find it difficult to make friends, and my foot is in a therapeutic boot because I dropped a package on it and got a stress fracture on my toes.


Oh, and I'm also an Aspie, but that really doesn't count because there are plenty of good things about that.

  • Brohoof 1

Hablo español--Je parle français--日本語を話す--我说中文--...and sarcasm (yeah right!)

I compose music.  Six Pony Rags

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What's wrong with me? Nothing. but I am quite random and can be a little clumsy.. >.<

But I think everyone is special and the term "What is Wrong with You?" kinda irks me. Nothing is wrong with anypony, so I hope nopony takes it harshly. It is pretty hard to word even though it urks me..

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I'm socially awkward, I'm somewhat OCD about a few things, all I do is sit my ass in front of my computer all day, I procrastinate, sometimes I can be a dick and not realize it, and sometimes I feel like I have multiple personalities (depending on who I'm around).


Fucks given: 0


It is alright to feel as if you have different faces, that's just a consequence of being a social animal/creature/being(whichever you want to name). If people acts monotonously to just about everything, building and sustaining a society becomes an impossibility..

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Well, some people may know where I'm coming from here: I get certain types of migraines known as "aura migraines" from time to time. It basically starts with a little blind spot at the center of my vision. This distorts my vision and causes things to constantly disappear and reappear. The next thing that happens is the blind spot slowly turns into a bigger blind spot, that's a little blurrier, then eventually it will get so bad that my vision goes almost completely black with an unpleasant warm feeling behind one or both of my eyes, usually accompanied by pressure. I also am not able to eat during this time, or I'll get really bad nausea This lasts about an hour to two hours. About half way through a two day headache starts and my vision is still a little fuzzy for the time that I have the headache. I'd really like to know if anyone else here gets this as well.

Edited by Inngy
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I am socially awkward aswell. I can be really blunt and sarcastic (I mean VERY sarcastic), and also quite mean (a good example is Flutterbitch. That's how I get sometimes, like when I'm stressed). I can't talk to people all that easily, don't like large crowds, and can be emotionally unstable at times (especially if I'm stressed, even a little). I take almost everything personally, I don't mean to, but I do. I completely and utterly suck at organization (I have 5 vitaminwater bottles laying on this desk right now, haphazard CD's, etc), and am also obscenely clumsy (like, I'm the type of person that could in theory trip on a ladybug). I can be really hard on myself sometimes. Not emo hard on myself, but I mean just like "bluuurg I suck" hard on myself. I'm also a lousy typer, even though in school I'm a grammar Nazi. I also don't like to do things I'm not interested in, which is why I'm a huge procrastinator on everything but History or Geography. Also, I was born 3 months premature, have braces (my mouth is a mess, not cavity wise but the angles of some of my teeth... O_O), am a little small for my age, have had pneumonia twice (almost died when i was a month old since I got a severe case of pneumonia), frequently get ingrown toenails (not fun AT ALL), am very VERY forgetful, have to be told what to do multiple times in most cases, and have to wear glasses (if it wasn't for laser (why isn't laser spelled lazer?!) eye surgery I'd be blind). I also have some pretty damn irrational fears, like of wild mushrooms. Those things just creep me out...

Edited by Super_Nova


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I have multiple personality disorder and a serious inability to have selfcontrol when I am nervous.It's kinda hard to keep a strong self perpuse with all this sh**.

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I have minor OCD, i suffer major depression (i've taken a medical test, "Severe Depression" was my result), i'm caffeine dependent (so heavily addicted that without caffeine i get serious withdrawal). I'm a very poor judge of character, often falling for someone or being friends with people who will suddenly out of the blue tell me that they had always hated me and never want to talk to me again.


So yeah... that. :blush:

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




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I am very slightly short-sighted. I can see Ok at distance without glasses, but If I need to read like say, a sign with text that is far away then I will probably need glasses to read it. But I can see things up close no problem, don't need glasses at all.


Another thing that is 'wrong' with me, is that I talk to myself a lot. Or, well, not exactly to myself but rather to an audience of some sort in my head, like as if there's a crowd of people in my head or something. Most of the time I don't even realize I'm doing it. I've been trying to stop doing this, and instead try and direct my attention to my tulpa. (Look in the 'Pony Tulpa' thread in the Sugercube Corner board if you don't know what a tulpa is.)


I also don't go out often. But I ain't stuck in my room all day everyday; every couple of hours or so I tend to take a break from the computer and walk around the house or step out to the yard for a few minutes before sitting on my ass again for another 2 hours doing nothing productive in front of this monitor.


It's not like I'm afraid to go outside or anything. In fact just a few days ago my father, my brother and I went fishing for like 7 hours by a lake. The people that passed us and other fishermen that fished near us were friendly. We joked around, shared bait and equipment and things like that. I'm not really that afraid of talking to people as I used be.


I've also thought about going back to college as well, so I have a feeling that I won't be stuck in this house as much in about a few months time from now. ^_^


This next one isn't really 'wrong' or anything, but I'm gonna put it here anyway because why not?


I feel that I cannot be attracted to girls purely by looks or appearance. I've seen so many girls that LOOK amazing, but are complete bitches when you talk to them. Because of this, I feel I will only be attracted to girls that are caring and are friendly and supportive, rather than because they have 5 tons of eye shadow on their faces.


I'm only 16, I don't need to get a girlfriend at such a young age, I know around here it's all 'cool' and everything to have girl/boyfriends at young ages, but I'm just not like that. I mean, of course I would like a girlfriend, but that's just it; I would like a girl that is like, an actual friend. I feel that a lot of people forget about the FRIEND part in girl/boyfriend, especially at such a young age.


I suppose that's why people are attracted to the Mane 6 so much. They might be ponies, but it's what's on the inside that counts. ;)


Hell, I even feel I'm attracted to a certain purple unicorn more than any other girl I've ever seen in my life, both on the internet and IRL.


If there is anything wrong with me, It's gotta be that. :blush:

  • Brohoof 3

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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ive never been to a doctor so im not sure on what they would say is wrong with me... but im avoident. i like to be alone i like when people are hurt and suffering? lol seeing them in like agony and all that hahah makes me laugh and happier? i guess i prefer solitude and such im hurt eaisly im paranoid easily people are out to get me, i dont trust and i keep everything bottled up next time i have money lol ill go get diagnose


Here let me fix this for ya its not what is wrong with me but what isnt wrong with me sounds a lot more better and able to understand im a complex person who doesnt even understand himself... why who knows i wish did... :blush:

Edited by Charming Knight




Amelia Monicle

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I don't really like to think that any of these are "wrong"s. All of the things listed here are apart of our individual personalities. Diseases and disorders and disabilities help make one a stronger and better person. While they are major obstacles, they help build a person and their personality. They make them the person who they are, and the person who people respect, and while it's unfortunate people face such obstacles, it makes one stronger and a better person. I look up to people with such obstacles. To be honest, they are heroes.


As for non disabilities/diseases/disorders, and things you are criticizing about yourself, I don't think you should. Everyone has flaws, and those also help make a person what they are. Someone may love you for that, and you could find your future husband or wife because of what you say is a "flaw". You may find a best friend because of it. I don't think we should be looking down on ourselves like this, because I don't think there is anything "wrong" with anyone. While people may make wrong mistakes, I comment on the actions, not the person.

  • Brohoof 2


Credits to Cloud Chaser for the signature and avatar.
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I had OCD at one point, and I drove myself insane trying to fix everything. I think I got over it at this point. I'm also pretty clueless at times. Whenever someone tells me something, I need to hear it a ton of times in order to understand it. Speaking of that, I also have a hard time listening and playing attention in general. I also want to be sure people hear me and my opinions since I sometimes think I'm ignored, but I end up repeating my stuff too much, and I get on their nerves. They don't even care anyway often... I'm kinda anti-social at school and other places because I like being alone when i don't want to see anyone else. I'm trying to fix that, though because I really don't like being by myself all the time. For a long time, I've had a Stuttering problem, and because I do that, I get nervous when I need to give a speech, or anything that involves talking. I hate it when I can't get a sentence out, and it takes me like 10 seconds to spit it out. Lots of people at my school laugh at me because of it, so I try to not talk too much. I also like playing things safe, and I'm just kind of a wuss when I go somewhere I don't like. Like a haunted house or something. I'm trying to go places and do thing that I'd not normally like. I got anger issues. Not in social terms, but in terms of video games. If I do terrible enough at a game, I really just lose it, and I'm bound to break something... I really don't like that I have that.

Edited by Twi Rubix

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Well I was diagnosed with A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Disorder) with some traits of Asberger's awhile back I am not on any medication of any kind. Don't feel sorry for me I hate sympathy of any kind (no disliking sympathy has nothing to do with my A.D.D. or Asberger's). I am well aware of people who have much worse medical conditions than me.

Edited by Dasher
  • Brohoof 3
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Ok, would you like a list? Lol, just kidding, but I do have a lot of things wrong with the working of my brain.


First off, I have aspergus. I know, everyone is saying that they have it, but I'm being serious. I take two kinds of medication to hide anxiety and mood swings. It really has effected my life as, although I am brighter than some kids in my grade, I suck at being social. That is why I am here, on the forums, while multitasking to hack my brothers computer. Fun. I always saw aspergus like this:


Everyone has certain traits, correct? Better at some things but worse at others. I always see a video game. Like, in the loading screen you set up your skills, say:


Smart: 00

Brave: 00

Banter: 00

Insert random traits here.


So, where as I have 20 smart, I only have 5 banter. I can not detect body language, talk without being socially awkward, or even notice that I am seriously pissing some one off.


The next thing I have is schitzaphrenia (I think that's how you spell it...). This has only been diagnosed recently. there are two types of schitzaphrenia, positive and, of course, negative. Where positive schitzaphrenia can be treated, negative often can't. I have negative. Oh well, I guess the voices are here to stay!


Along with this, I also have paranoia. I fear someone is stalking me or following me, or the tv tells me to do things. It drives me bonkers, really. See, just then, I got up to look around and check the cupboard, and every time I open the door, I get that feeling like a bear has just walked in with an assassin, followed by a swarm of bees and an angry alien. It's a sort of dropping feeling, like your heart has sunk to your stomach but beats twice as fast.


That's just to name a few... I'll round off with the fact I also have depression, but sugar cures everything. Nuff said.

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I have adrenal hyperplasia, PCOS, carpal tunnel, scoliosis, Raynaud's disease, anxiety and an phobia of any and all bugs. I'm incredibly stubborn. I think I have an issue with anger. I'm lazy. I can't eat fat. I have an intolerance to shellfish. I get sick all the time. That's all I can think of for now.

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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I am SHORT, it isn't that much of a problem really. Although on a serious note i think i'm a tad bipolar at night. Ohh and i cannot sleep at all. I wait until i crash out. Well that was a bad structured post, oh well Byeeeee.


I am the son of Chilly mists. At Christmas he got me a cucumber slip 'n' slide.

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I fear that i may have depression.

I think i may have a "short fuse."

I play video games to escape real life problems (i think.)

Being and artist may not be my special talent, and if so idk what to do with my life.

I don't like that my friends are jealous of me.

I fear if there is proof of no god i will fall into a deep mental sickness/depression.

Nothing much else, i guess since i'm under 20 but over 15 i really have almost no problems.

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A.D.D, Aspergers, Red-Green color blindness, chronic short term memory issues, type 1 diabetes. Everyone's got at least a thing or two not quite right, I'm luckier than some.


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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