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How easily do you get embarrassed?


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Yep, pretty simple topic. How easy/hard is it for you to get all embarrassed/blushy over something that's happened to you? May as well share some stories here as well.


I personally get embarrassed very easily. My face is always eager to turn red over any kind of mention of my name, or really, just anything. I made a, "How's my posting?" thread on here, and I got some pretty good feedback. Really good feedback, actually. It was. Embarrassing. A lot. I got that weird warm rush throughout my body, you know? I was probably a little pink in the cheeks, but there was no mirror around, so I couldn't tell. I assume that I was.


Also in another thread I made, I posted a short little writing of mine, and I also got nice feedback on that, too. I mean, I know people aren't going to be like, "omg u suk gtfo" but still, reading those posts really just makes my heart flutter a little bit. Posting this topic is actually pretty embarrassing, too. ^_^


Now, though, when it comes to real life situations where people tend to tease me a good bit, I really don't give a buck. :mellow: Or if I get put into an embarrassing situation, nnnope. :mellow: I could have someone scream out the colour undies I'm wearing that day, and I wouldn't really even bat an eye. I'm usually just pretty numb in real life, though. Probably because my heart is truly here, on the computer, and not out there in the real world. #Hermit

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for some reason i get more embarrassed when im talking to people online rather than IRL. in real life i dont get embarrassed easily. i made myself look stupid with Arylett in a forum game lol

Edited by Scootabloom
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Everything embarrasses me. Whenever I open my mouth, or type on this keyboard, I often find a reason to quickly regret what I said. Most of what I say, I feel like it's babbly nonsense that nobody really listens to, or just stares at me like I'm a nutter. I especially get embarrassed whenever people quote me and reply to me. Especially if they refute my points. It makes me feel like an idiot. I'm embarrassed about anything at any given time, really.


Real life is where it increases. My face has a tendency to blush in awkward situations with strangers who try to talk to me. I get embarrassed whenever I talk to a stranger, whenever they're looking at me, whenever they respond back. The entire time, I just feel so awkward and ashamed of myself. I often just want to hide in a hole and have nobody look at me ever because I always feel like a big stupid idiot. ;~;


I am also rather shyly embarrassed by something as simple as my boyfriend looking into my eyes. My face turns into tomatoes around him, and I get flustery whenever he embraces me. I... am simply not used to that sort of human contact.




(Writing this post embarrasses me. :P )

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Not much, I think only an accidental public display of indecency may make me embarrassed xD


To be embarrassed could suggest I think against doing the action, and to not want to do it begs the question "Why am I doing this". I'm proud of what I do, and don't feel the need to be embarrassed about the actions I take.

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Not that much but I get embarased if I am walking from some place and I see my classmate and he starts talking stupid things very loud and people look at me funny...


i have a friend who doesnt care what people think of him in public, and im always careful when walking with him

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i have a friend who doesnt care what people think of him in public, and im always careful when walking with him


My classmate says so much stupid stuff...he also likes the skip 1 word when he is reading a poem and he is laughing so hard I get embarrased in class when I am next to him.

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On a scale from one to "accidentally shitting yourself in front of your sweetheart whenever she smiles" ten, I'm seven


I often found myself in some awkward situation whenever I do anything. Be it talking to others, eating at some public place, or simply walking down the stairs. Can't really describe it but it was all like "fuck I done screwed again, am I?"

But you can't really see me embarrassed, I got a damn good pokerface. Outside I might look calm as an apple, but inside it's entirely different.


Sometimes I hope I could go back in time to redo things. But then again, I could trap myself in an infinite loop by doing so.

Edited by Dreamwalker
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Well, last year, I signed up for my school's talent show.

I danced like this:


While I sang this song:


So, I think I've got some pretty solid nerves. Also, I can wear pony shirts in public without shame.

(Epilouge: The crowd went fucking wild man.)


The cover art for that album is awesome, I'm totally going to check out this band. Also the music is pretty awesome... Edited by ScottishUnicorn
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Embarrassment all comes down to caring what other people think of you. I don't get embarrassed because I don't care what people think about me. Simple. If I do something stupid or clumsy in public, I can laugh at myself and move on. We all make mistakes and we all have flaws, so don't be embarrassed about it. I used to get embarrassed when someone would comment on how short I was. After a while I was just like "Fuck it, it's true! Why am I getting embarrassed over it? That isn't going to make me taller." Now when people comment on me being a shortie I agree with them and just say "And proud of it". Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.

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story of my life. i've been a self-conscious wreck for as long as i can remember i've been that. it's like everything i like to do is blocked from me by a 3 meter tall brick wall with barbed wire on it. it's not cute at all. it's a serious anxiety issue that needs to go away from my life entirely.

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I dont really get embarrassed at all. Because I dont care what others think of me. Which is also why a lot of people hate me.

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if i become the center of attention out of the blue for any reason i'll get embarrassed for a breife moment, but i,ve done stand up so that kinda passed also talking to a guy or girl at a bar is were it happens to be but huray for booze.

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I used to be nervous at the drop of a hat.

Nowadays, I don't know what the fuck happened to me.


I can go onto a stage in front of about 100 people and sing Disney songs on a microphone. I has the balls of steel.

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I.. get .. erm... easily .. erm


Like right now...





In all honestly, I couldn't care less what people around me think of me, which leads to me being embarrassed at a rate of 0 times per lifetime.

Edited by Ashbad
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Everything embarrasses me. Whenever I open my mouth, or type on this keyboard, I often find a reason to quickly regret what I said. Most of what I say, I feel like it's babbly nonsense that nobody really listens to, or just stares at me like I'm a nutter. I especially get embarrassed whenever people quote me and reply to me. Especially if they refute my points. It makes me feel like an idiot. I'm embarrassed about anything at any given time, really.


Real life is where it increases. My face has a tendency to blush in awkward situations with strangers who try to talk to me. I get embarrassed whenever I talk to a stranger, whenever they're looking at me, whenever they respond back. The entire time, I just feel so awkward and ashamed of myself. I often just want to hide in a hole and have nobody look at me ever because I always feel like a big stupid idiot. ;~;


I am also rather shyly embarrassed by something as simple as my boyfriend looking into my eyes. My face turns into tomatoes around him, and I get flustery whenever he embraces me. I... am simply not used to that sort of human contact.




(Writing this post embarrasses me. :P )



I don't even...

Actually, for some reason, I've always thought you were a healthily confident young lady. O_o

I think of you as of great authority and it's not only because of your badge.

From what you said, you have a great bf; many ponies (not only me) are looking up to you.

You've recently thrown a picture of yourself at me.- Well, let's just say it... doesn't really give you the reason to be embarassed either.



Anyway, I used to overthink stuff. Good thing I tend to get sidetracked super easily. For instance, I was going to get on stage with 500 ponies watching to rap song I've written. And I was like... "What If I go there... And my pants will fall off... and a huge dog will appear out of nowhere and RAPE ME?!" And I started laughing and the fear was away xD

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I gotta say I have not been embarrassed by anything I've done since Freshman year in High School, I've just learned to roll with it and laugh at myself.



I also don't care what anyone thinks about me, and my friends just joke with me about stuff I do.




I tripped going up for my diploma at graduation. No big deal.

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Being socially awkward, I get embarrassed when other people start talking to me out of the blue. I know that seems dumb, but I am just terrible at talking to people.

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