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Was anyone bullied/harassed for being a brony?


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I've actually gotten more flak for liking DBZ than for being a brony. In fact, other than the ever-so-popular "bronies are gay" comments, I've never really been personally insulted for being a brony.


Guess I'm just lucky.



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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I sometimes get bullied at school for being a Brony. Just recently I wrote "Rarity is the best pony" on my pencil case (That was probably a bad Idea on my part) and a kid noticed it and said something about how gay I was. But the funny thing is I don't find their comments upsetting or anything I just laugh because I know they have nothing better to do than bully people all day. You shouldn't get upset just by what stupid idiots think of you :)

Edited by Toa of Ponies


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It's a real shame to read some of these stories here. I hope you guys will never take those situations completely to heart. Fuck them for not being able to accept you watching something that they don't like themselves.


A word of advice to people who want to handle stick: I often say this line to make people drop their case, "It's not like dressing them up and brushing their hair and stuff, it's actually a really cool cartoon. It's like Spongebob." Most people I've said this to (including my own father) seemed to be a lot cooler with it afterwards.

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I've never actually been bullied about it, but that's because I've never told anyone and I've never bought any merch. I'm only 3 weeks in though. 


I know for a fact that a large amount of people would think it's weird, and would actively make fun of me, etc.


However, I also know for a fact that there's a large amount of people that would be understanding, and might even try it for themselves.


I've told 1 friend, but that was only after getting him to watch the first episode so that "we" could see what this whole 'Brony' thing is about. When he actually liked it I confessed to being almost done season 1 at the time.


I'm a little torn between coming out or not, because like I said, I know that it will go well and horribly at the same time. I'll probably lose some friends and make some new ones. Now, before you say "Any friends that you would lose aren't your friends anyways."... I know. I only have 1 real friend anyways, along with a few cool acquaintances who I'm sure would be understanding. After that... I'm sure my other friends would leave me.


I say that you just keep your head up, and you'll be fine. Good luck!

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  • 4 months later...

I haven't been bullyed much, but my parents and brother treat me like a freak when I whatch mlp on Netflix. they don't let me buy mlp merch they treat me differently then they did before I was a brony, and It makes me feel like they don't love or support me as much anymore.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh yes, I'm still being bullied in fact! laugh.png My family pull jokes on me and such, and they all get upset and embarrassed whenever i buy some mlp related merchandise. And the worst is that my boyfriend is very much the same, he gets upset and emo whenever i mention anything ponyrelated :) But what can you do? wink.png

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A little yes and a little no.


Yes - I'm black. Your supposed to be obnoxious loud and smoke weed br0. And your watching some gay ass pony shit. Whatr you gonna do sit in the library and watch ponies all free period? Probably yes and do my homework while listening to Vinyl Scratch faggot :3! In the end I don't care. Not telling my parents because they are strict as fuck. My sister is a big mouth too.


No - People saw me crush the hand of the biggest kid in my high school. And I punched a kid in the back of the head for trying to stab me with a mechanical pencial during math class. So most kids know not to fuck around too much with me unless they want to be in a grave.

Edited by Starsthepegasus
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Well I wasn't harassed but I was -almost- about to be: I think the guy backed off due to the seriousness/blunt nature of my tone but..anyways.


Was on Xbox Live playing Halo 4 and turns out one of my friends had a party open and he invited me but it was at that 'special time' when suddenly -everybody- wants to play with you so it quickly got super crowded. We decided to try some Custom Games and here comes this one guy who I'm going to assume is a teenager or young adult like myself, and while going through people's info I guess he saw my bio on XBL which says "Rainbow Dash is best pony" and I heard him go "Yo why dis nigga be liking My Little Pony? *scoff*".


There was an awkward pause because NOBODY said anything and knew it was me: the only person in his XBL bio that says anything about MLP (the quote) and I said "...yeah?..............and?"


"Yo I'm not judgin' haha, I just...*pause*.."

Me: "Well -clearly- there IS some judging going on here coming from you if you're confronting me like that and I don't even know you."


He didn't reply back but I'm glad I didn't have to randomly insert my story how I became a fan in the middle of a Custom Game match.



Edit: I should reiterate this is only a recent occurrence, but overall yes I've been harassed. Never bullied though.

Edited by MrHaru




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When school was still in in art class two people next to me were having a conversation, and I couldn't help but over-hear one of them say "I'm not a brony". I got excited and turned to him and said "BRONIES?!?!?!?!". He then looked at me like I was crazy, so I then got quiet. Two days later in art class again I wore my shirt that said "brony" (because why not?). The two boys then said "you're a brony?", I shook my head yes, smiled and blushed (I was excited xD). Then they both looked at each other and chuckled, they then said "okay". I wasn't thinking straight at the time so I ignored it. then next week in art class again I wore a different MLP related T-shirt. So I sat down and in the middle of class I guess I weirded them out (I'm a weird person c:) and then one said "You perverted pony humping faggot". On the outside I acted like it was a playful insult and laughed it off, but inside I was crying.


Has anyone had similar experiences? If so, share them!


I have not been bullied as  brony... heck no one would DARE bully me Mwa ha ha ha! Cuz they know they can't out match me.


But anyways, don't get mad... get even! Non bronies HATE it when Bronies play little pranks on them. Such as... Way cool this is art class! Draw a really cutsie picture of Pinkie Pie and sign their names to it. make sure it's displayed somewhere really prominent! Or have it published in the newsletter with a photo manip of their signature on it. Even better, photo manip their head on somepony's body whose wearing a really cool brony t shirt.


I'm all for sticky notes... I have a whole collection of sayings that you can put on a sticky note and leave in random spots, like on people's lockers, backpacks, back of their jacket, books etc.


of course all this can antagonize a bully so you need to be very sure of yourself that you can take the back lash. it helps to team up with a fellow Brony or two if you can find them.


so failing all that... just know that no matter what they say.... none of it's true! you are who you are and nothing anyone else can say will change that so stand up strong, put on your armor, have your imaginary sword ready so that when they do say something it bounces off and you LAUGH in their faces.


My rebut to their above comment....


"You pony humping faggot" would have been something like...


Faggot? but the ponies are all females! Get your facts right dudes.

  • Brohoof 2
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Faggot? but the ponies are all females! Get your facts right dudes.



this is the logic that even I did not see at first. Bravo to you for that.


I myself have just been teased, not bullied. Probably because im tall, but my friend who introduced me to the show was teased up until everyone learned he was a black belt. He drew clop in class and believe or not turned it in to our art teacher and got As. My art teacher was a brony i swear.

Edited by Matus
  • Brohoof 2


GameGrumps is a Match made in heaven :D Youtube www.youtube.com/swordmaster1337

I do fifa, and lets plays

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I suppose if the clop was of Big Mac, Braeburn or Shining armor, they might have a case for you being gay..... In which case you could respond with "Flattery will get you everywhere" and bat your eye lashes at them." That might scare them off if they are homophobes.


Or when they make a comment you can just sing 


"My little brony, Don't you know you are my very best friend" Every time you see them till they get so annoyed they run when ever you enter the room.

  • Brohoof 1
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The Only Comment I've gotten for being a Brony Was "Kill Yourself"
So I would have to say yes, But I don't exactly care, They Probably have something inside of them they're hiding, and they'll come out with it at out point, and they'll get the same reaction, and they'll know how it feels, So I would have to say I have, But It's Only by a few individuals and I don't care.


✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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yes i was all during my Elementary school years. it was everday both online and in person,everyday i would get beaten, i would go home and cry for hours to the point i attempted to take my life two times but then i meet some great people who helped me overcome it and stop me trying to kill myself. i hope my post gives strenth to people who are being bullied so that they do not have to go through what i went through.

Edited by Melly
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I personally wasn't bullied because I generally don't tell anyone I'm a brony unless I know they're one as well. (However, I do plan on wearing a pony shirt someday.)


Anyway, I do know a friend who gets bullied alot in his school for being a brony, but he doesn't seem to care. I'm pretty happy he's taking it so well.

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Not really no. Hell, I decided to be daring one day and wore my Brony shirt to Driver's Ed (which is obviously filled with teenagers). I can safely say that no one gave a crap, I didn't even get any funny looks! Did that at the mall a couple of times on Saturdays, no funny looks then either.

Of course, not that I want any offensive behavior directed towards me, I was just expecting a different reaction is all.


My mom and dad sometimes mess with me though. My dad usually jokes by saying stuff like "that's gay/stupid" while my mom says stuff like "that's childish". My mom is surprisingly more serious than my dad seeing as how my dad is obviously kidding with his expression. Still, it isn't really something they bring up a lot and usually say nothing if they find me doing something brony related.

  • Brohoof 1
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One of those kids at school who's like 1 foot taller than me called screamed: My Little P3n15 at me, I wasn't in my best mood, do I stood up to the taller older boy (I regret nothing) and I threw my fist at him. He couldn't fight, even though he is taller and older I still beat his ass like crazy. We got pulled apart before someone died sadly

  • Brohoof 1

Click on the links!: Here! & Here!

Check out my drawings! ^^^

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  • 3 months later...

I have been Bullied recently. Last summer holidays i became a brony. My mum supported and she said that i can grow up in a community where everything is about friendship. So i did.... First month has passed of school and I had to choose ICT '' International Computer Technoligy'' Course. I had to make a sound track Layout and background using coding. 2 of my best friends we also doing the same course. I sat next one of them.

i got so bored that i checked online for one of my favorite backgrounds from ''AlicornUK'' and One of the people saw me look it up on google.

I was so happy but my 2 friends were nither bronies nor haters so they had a completly different point of view.

1 kid that sat behind me was watching me and said are ''you a hobo?'' i laughed and said '' no im a brony!'' he kept on asking me what are they so i said to him....

''People as a comunnity that watch my little pony from ages 13 up'' he laughed.

The next day i thought something strange happened he stoped talking to me about the brony thing and i was surprised, it all started untill he shouted out '' You like to do rainbow dash'' I quickly turned really upset. Next 3 weeks he kept on saying that in every single ICT lesson.

1 day i was looking up Bronies of Colchester (I didnt know that colchester was a canadian council) And i wanted to organise a meetup on facebook.

My friend said "you gay" and 7 of friends liked it. i got really annoyed and after people came in starting to comment me.

A brony stood up for me on facebook cause i was crying inside and if i write something i knew it will get worse.

Now its my last day of half term holyday and im wishing to all those bronies that are Buliied and getting beaten up by haters for a stupid cause to be careful and good luck trying to fight them back.

Ps do you have any advise for me and what should i do at school. Please tell me.


Edited by RainBow Scout


                Thank you Jewel of rarity for this amazing Signature


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Well I haven't really been harrassed as only close friends and family know I'm a brony. Though when ever a family member mentions it, I do get a bit embarrased even though I know I shouldn't.


A few weeks ago, my Mum was browsing for goods to buy online and she came across the My Little Pony Royal Wedding playset. When she saw it she called me and said "Awww [insert real name] It's a pony playset for you. Would you like it for your birthday?" Then she started singing the mlp G3 theme song.It was all in good fun and the funniest part was I knew what the pack was and it was the best looking one.



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Surprisingly, not at all. It seems that the people are way more accepting differences where I live than anywhere else in the world.

In Quebec, our culture is a mix of different things, we are all different. So well, we don't think everyone should be the same, which is a good thing.


It's sad to see that there are so many closed-mind people everywhere else...


Edit: and phoenix. :P

Edited by GhostPony750
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I've not been bullied for being a brony. I don't hide it, so it's not like people don't know... I'd assume that I don't get picked on for being a brony because I'm 6'3'' and pretty in-shape. Being physically intimidating is a plus, even if you're really harmless and fuzzy inside.

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I actually used to talk crap... But that is what got me into the fandom after a while. Those who torment you may become a member of the herd and on that day you may smile and welcome them in. 

It is rude when someone hates directly on you though and I have little experience in such an event.

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  • 5 months later...

One day in the middle of a collaboration project last year I was flipping through my binder when the nerdy kid next to me saw my drawing of Cadence and said "Is that a My Little Pony?" I shook my head and said yes. He then facepalmed and began asking questions like "Do you brohoof your friends?" I first dismissed these questions as friendly. But, he told my old two-faced friend that I watched My Little Pony and guess what he did. Not only did every single person in the school know I was a Brony, but they sure as hell made fun of me for it. I wanted to punch that fat-fuck so hard in the face. I have seriously never had that much hatred for one person in my entire life. I literally wanted to shove a knife in his chest and rip out his heart.

Same thing with me. I told ONE kid now everyone knows....just....kill me

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Once, there was these three asshats. This trio of troubling asshats hated me very much. One day I wore a derpy shirt to school. The 'asshat trio' proceeded to attack me.


I was suspended for 3 weeks for causing near lethal injuries to all of them. Rule number 1. Dont fuck with meh ponies.

  • Brohoof 1
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I've been called a ponyf*ag and "horsef*cker scum" a few times over the internet...

But never in face. I'm a very intimidating man. x)


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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never been bullied for being a brony I have though been avoided and called madeye for my lazy. Apparently people thought I was crazy and was afraid of me.

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