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Dangerous Brony Haters


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Those types pf haters who do that are just simply insane. Who in their right mind would do that?


Even if someone actually likes a song I don't like, sure I might be a bit annoyed, but I would never hurt them or do anything to harm them.Plus, I think Bronycon has enough security over there. If not, then they should. At ANY convention there will be haters, and if one of them is stupid enough to start a whole shoot out, then we'll have some problems. But I highly doubt that. However, in case try to take extreme caution. Hopefully bronycon will settle in for more security, and to make matters worse, I heard the Star Wars convention is going on as well. But I'm sure they'll be fine. Just take extreme caution, and hopefully there won't be any snipers.


But, a hater going that far? Most likely not. And I hope it stays that way.

  • Brohoof 3
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Kill people?Just because they watch a show?that has gotta be stupid.But still,Haters act like jerks on the internet,but in real life.They end up being weak,and helpless.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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i know a recent brony who got attacked at high school, children, this is the reason that if i was ever to wear something brony out in public that was clearly labeled brony, im bringing something that isnt so brony related.

in the form of a Beretta M9


There are a couple things fishy/wrong with this post. First, you seem to imply that he was attacked because he was a Brony...as opposed to some guy being attacked, and he happens to be a Brony. Either way, it was a vague example that you then used to...


...advocate taking a gun with you when you wear a certain t-shirt?(!)


That's just idiotic.

  • Brohoof 1



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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To be honest, I highly doubt anybody is that sick and twisted. Anyway of course it's common for people, especially in high school, to go out of there way to harass someone because they like something the hater doesn't understand, i guess thats life, and if the hater really wants to spend their life harassing others, then thats their sad problem :mellow:


Here's my message to the haters :lol:


  • Brohoof 1


  "Sometimes I wish I could imagine myself 10 years from now, out of college, living life without boundaries.

             But, at the end of the day, it's just a step closer to the future. The future tends to unfold as it should... well, at least I think it does." - Kitty0706


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Even if someone actually likes a song I don't like, sure I might be a bit annoyed, but I would never hurt them or do anything to harm them.Plus, I think Bronycon has enough security over there. If not, then they should. At ANY convention there will be haters, and if one of them is stupid enough to start a whole shoot out, then we'll have some problems.


I've had a similar conversation with some friends when the Batman Shootings happened. A similar incident at Bronycon or another similar convention is very unlikely simply because its a lot harder to get weapons (Guns specifically) into a convention than it is to get them into a movie theatre.

Art // Ion

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To be honest.


If someone was going to actually take such extreme and preplanned action against any subculture it would most likely be from a psychotic person whom...rather frankly would be easy to spot if their symptoms are that acute since a positive psychotic has some rather clear external signs to their madness-illusions, clear change in logical thinking, almost religious set of delusion based on a single idea. Sometimes disorganized speech (Uh...I can't give a solid example but..let just throw out something that might travel along those lines "It them bronies, they stir the world into the black pictures"-they might also use words that don't fit if they are schizoid in any form and haven't been medicated and...as stated...are in acute phases without care. They might blink constantly or stare for very long periods without blinking at all.They'll also be abnormally agitated and irritated alot which also a very clear sign.If they are autistic in some form they make certain hand gestures, laughing at totally uncalled scenarios at times and without reason is also a sign of positive psychotics.


A psychopath(not the same as a psychotic)...well..they make 1% of the worlds total population I last read but that was a good while ago. I think its safe to say though that you shouldn't really worry about meeting a psychopath who has agenda against you.


Schizoid, once again. Would be really easy to spot. I'm not saying crazy people kill.No, its a well known fact that mentally ill people in bad cases actually harm themselves or are victims more than actual offenders or aggressors but we have to keep in mind...for someone to gather equipment, become dedicated and sure to kill a large sum of people for a TV show...they would HAVE to be crazy...and a type of crazy that is extremely acute as well as aggressive and not treated or at least treatment that been neglected by the person or the people who are suppose to be treating her/him.


They would need to have an idea...a psychotic delusion actually...which fits the bill like "The cartoon show...don't you see...it really a vessel for mind control...its a memetic effect..that why they got some many men...might makes right!" or maybe they would think that all bronies are actually spies, reading his mind and they use the show as cover up to gather and share information on him and his family.


For actual...I don't know if this is the right term..."healthy" people...to take such extreme action. They would likely be apart of a group...now...say that back to yourself...a terrorist group...based on MLP hatred.... It sound really dumb, doesn't it. If terrorist groups are that easy to form, we would have anti-sponge killers..anti-devil may cry killers...mass effect 3 ending retribution brigade fighters.


Yes, humans do kill and torture and ectr..ectr..horrible things we are and all that general misanthropy.


But humans are sentient animals, we work on logic. I know people like to think because humans still do things based on impulse or emotions that we aren't logical creatures but the fact is we are. Our very evolution is based on logical thinking, subtle and REQUIRED logical thinking. Even crazy people, Insane lots who have totally lost touch with reality still function on a realm of logical thinking, granted it is mutated logical thinking but they still have it in a unrecognized form. Humans are sentient/self aware. They can act out against their emotions, beneficial or harmful to them it may be, if they are planning something they'll have to think about the reason they are doing this, the kind of rage to keep someone blind so long would probably make them sloppy anyway and need to be so intense it rivals having their family gutted.


You see a road, a human actively and quickly thinks about going down that road or simply turning right and crossing the field to his location and thus cutting half of the distance.We are sentient, we have the ability to choose against our emotions, unlike animals. That means we can predict outcomes, thinking of the consequences and logically...the attacker would gain very little from the mass murder, especially if there are brony who went to prison-could happen-or are the prison guards-even more could happen- the best outcome is emotional satisfaction from hate...MOST people would stand up..look at themselves and go..."this isn't worth it" and most who are that hateful are probably so easy to irritate from over excess of food producing an unhealthy state mentally-meaning they are most likely fat or simply too unfit...they are also easy to enrage and gain attention from..they'll most likely rage at something else shortly after ponies and thus not stay focused on it long, or try anything-for someone to ignore all the possible risk, they most likely aren't that bright and thus have a lower chance of getting past security or carrying out any of the required tasks.


Could someone amass enough hate to still logically pursue a target without displaying severe or intense psychological problems...no..I don't think so. We could perhaps get a joker-esque type of killer who shoots up a brony con with lucid behavior but his motivation would not be based on hatred and emotion. He would most likely shoot up a brony con because its popular and by raiding such a live community he would be talk of the town and remembered/immortalized by his infamy or because he simply has become psychotic and wants to cause chaos...because he believes chaos is the natural order of things or something.


Then we include natural concept humanity has to not really kill each other without some sort of incentive or stress inducing motivation...morality-how many of us would really...REALLY kill someone..for any reason...even if angry..most..even those who say they would..wouldn't. The view of those who love them after they done something terrible-technically love-empathy "I hate them but do they deserve to die..."-


So..security, natural human defectors against killing. Introduced concepts(karma, religion. Morality. Justice- Punishment of the guilty against killing)by the very human race itself and then finally sheer lack of skill, incompetence to kill people-via skill or health or sheer ability to dedicate yourself to a subject-I think Its very, very safe to say.


That no...we bronies don't have a lot to fear about mass murderers or hell..even stand alone murderers-if that person was out to kill someone..the ponies just gave him an excuse to say he lost his cool-you got more a chance of an Earthquake or a lightning storm or something killing you.


As we can see. We need a specific killer. He would need to be


1: Mentally unwell


2: Abnormally aggressive for a mentally unwell person.


3: Able to remain out of suspicion long enough to retrieve items needed.


4: Need to somehow get past security and general people at the convention who would get wary of his presence


5: Either a tiny fraction of an already microscopic fraction of the world population and some reason deem it fit to attack the con..while also not getting caught.


6: Have enough intelligence and lucidity to pull it all off.


7: Oh and have the ability to use guns or mix chemicals for bombs/gas.


8: If is not mentally unwell or even if he is, can not let his extreme anger degrade his thinking to the point that he can't be obvious to spot or mess up his operations.


Your safe.


Here have a hug *hugs you*



or not. I don't really think about this stuff. Maybe everything I said is a big load.

Edited by MiStErUnMeRry

A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds.

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There was one particular Brony hater on Tumblr who professed an interest in calling in fake bomb-threats at MLP Cons. Luckily, several bronies and several non-bronies admonished his behavior and threatened to call the police on him if he did such illegal behavior.


That was only one case, however. Luckily, I've never seen any other "dangerous" anti-bronies. I have seen some rather unsavory bronies, however...

Always off-topic and always derailing.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't really think any such thing is going to happen, I fear more that ponies become mainstream.

Of course, people can go insane over something they really hate. But ! Are Bronies the only hated

group of people ? Nope. Take music genres for example - you have people who hate metal music right ?

And yet, are there people coming with machineguns to kill metalists ? Not that I know about.


We shall see. I don't think the hate towards us will rise that lot to make such thing likely.


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I try not to think about it. Even though I know that it is fairly unlikely, it's in the back of my mind all the time. Hopefully, we won't have a Hitler-like hater of the show. We do not need another genocide.

Latest Drawing: http://mlpforums.com/topic/44024-happy-new-year-everypony-heres-my-gift-to-the-forum/


Latest pony I made: http://mlpforums.com/topic/60337-happy-mothers-day-everypony/

<img style="-webkit-user-select: none" src="http://i1330.photobucket.com/albums/w563/KyoshiLonehearted/HelpingTwilightwinthecrown-FullscreenHD-EquestriaGirls_zps5e6d428c.gif">
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You never do know when a nutjob is lurking somewhere and something like that happening is possible but we shouldn't let fear of what might or might not happen run our lives, if you want to go to a pony/brony convention than by all means do it life is too short to let a thug who might or might not crash the party ruin it for you. And this is one of the many reasons why we have the 2nd amendment, think about it if you are a mass murderer who are you more likely to target armed victims or unarmed victims? You never hear about anything like this happening at gun shows.

  • Brohoof 1
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Living in Australia i probably don't have to worry about that kind of thing as much as other countries would, and even then i think it's very unlikely. But you never know similar things have happened over petty issues in the past.

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I honestly don't think that's going to happen. We're just a small demographic of people who watch a show; so what? I'm Jewish, so I regularly visit a Jewish school, Holocaust Memorials, and synagogues. Not once has there even been a lockdown that wasn't a drill. Believe me, if there was anyone a man armed with a machine gun wanted, it would be us, not the bronies.

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I'm surprised some people actually think this may happen. While there are those out there who hate us, its not the kind of hate that drives people to murder other ethnic groups in large numbers. If a group of bronies were gunned down by someone it would more likely be a coincidence that they were simply in the path of someone who has lost it and decided to go on a rampage (Much like the Batman shootings).If anything the kind of person who would do something like that probably doesn't even know that much about bronies or MLP.

Art // Ion

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First of all big conventions like that have lots of security so no one would be getting in with a machine gun or a gun of any kind. So no that's not going to happen. Attacks on bronies already happen from assholes who say we're gay and jerk off to pony porn. So mass murders no, small attacks and bullying yes.


Signature By  Gone ϟ Airbourne





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  • 4 months later...

As with a majority of the others, I find this particular event to be highly unlikely.

However, OP does bring up a very good point. Sometimes, people just flip their lid. Maybe the to-be psycho was harassed by a certain brony extremist. Maybe they had a strange, mentally scarring, horse-related incident as a child. A great number of things can easily shift into place to produce such a person - A sort of Butterfly Effect.

It's just like the many tales of the white-supremists and anti-gay extremists who turned out to have been assaulted by people of other ethnicities and homosexual offenders.


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Many mass murders were carried out for senseless reasons as well as genocides of groups of people. So us Humans are quite literally capable of any sort of evil imaginable to any group (even Bronies) or person.

Yeaahhhh I doubt that will ever happen. Usually mass murders are carried out on groups of people (usually religious groups). Out of all the people I doubt anyone would sacrifise their OWN LIFE to kill some people that watch a TV show (because it's 100% likely that the shooter will be caught and have a life of jail).


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It's a scary thought but something that could happen. Something that worries me a bit more is that some brony who's having their own mental issues and depression could try to find a public way out at one of those events. I don't think there's that many trolls that are over-committed to spread violence on us, but a suicidal fan who is in deep in brony culture but feels emotionally detached from the herd is a bit more a scary possibility.


I was trying to get a dj gig/artist performance at the local denver brony convention that they are hopefully still working on organizing and safety and secuirty are two big things they were very focused on. I'm sure it's the same way at the bigger cons.   

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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Yeah um, I doubt that'll happen, and if it does there is really nothing we can do about it.


It'd be pretty disgraceful to die at a pony convention though. Can you imagine the questions? "He died, uhm, shot at a pony convention. yeah."




I literally laughed out loud at this. I never do that over something I read on the internet. Thank you for making my day. xD


And as for the OP question, I honestly don't think that's an issue. Most brony-haters are just acting that way because bronies are easy targets.

  • Brohoof 2
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Long-term conventions usually do have appropriate levels of security. While a bunch of the 'security' people will be volunteers, there is usually a core of actual professionals.


Now, this isn't always true. New conventions tend to forget about this aspect and rely completely on their volunteer force, or misunderstand that a heavy fighter in the SCA isn't necessarily a security professional.


Also, conventions are held at either hotels and convention centers. These facilities will have a small security presence of their own, but more importantly they will have fast contact methods for the police. Hotels usually keep the police and other emergency services informed when they are hosting a convention. Especially sci-fi and fantasy conventions due to the relatively high percentage of... problem individuals that tend to show up. Pretty much every convention I've ever been to has had police involved at least once during the weekend, ambulances at least twice, and a good chance for a fire engine occurring. 


For example, last weekend was Norwescon. I spotted two police officers leading a fellow away (not in cuffs) on Friday. Saturday I was aware of one stroke, and two epilepsy attacks that brought the ambulances. No fire engine this year though.


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trying to predict whether or not some nutcase is going to go berserk with a machine gun is pretty much impossible, you'll just drive yourself paranoid


and frankly someone psychotic enough to attack someone for wearing a pony shirt is psychotic enough to attack someone for just about any reason

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