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mega thread Your Favorite Episode?

AppleShy Sparkle

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Tough decision to make but overall I think it would have to be Magical Mystery Cure the songs were awesome, we got to see Celestia sing and Twilights character development went over 9000! :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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Wonderbolt Academy. Hot damn, I love Wonderbolt Academy. I love how it's essentially Rainbow Dash locked in battle with herself. Or rather, herself had she not become friends with Twilight and the gang. Lightning Dust is such a great villain because she represents what Rainbow Dash was before she met her friends.


Rainbow Dash earns her element in spades by going with the flow during training, but speaking up and defying authority when it becomes about more than just her pride. It shows that she's really very selfless underneath her tough girl attitude, and that she's willing to completely give up her dreams if they conflict with her morals.


This is the kind of development a character needs.

  • Brohoof 2

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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Shameless self-promotion here (sorry), I recently made a list of my top 10 favorite episodes, saw this thread, and decided to post it here. :)


Also, I apologize for the banner ad on the video, it's not mine.  :okiedokielokie: Since my video contains copyrighted music (from Halo 2), it was added there automatically.




I didn't know how to embed it, sorry :(


On topic: I LOVE The Return of Harmony, such excellent background music in there and some emotional moments, especially with Twilight turning grey. My favorite 2-parter by far.

Edited by Meadow
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Hmm... I do not have a favorite episode. At all. Though there is one that would have been my least favorite did it not contain the first bit of MLP: FiM I have ever seen. That episode is "A Friend in Deed", and I like it solely because of the "Welcome Song". Someone posted this song to welcome me to this forum, and it has had a place in my heart ever since.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest DJ Hydrolicious

Whats your favorite episode? Mine will probably be Wonderbolts academy. And my second favorite episode is probably One Bad Apple. Whats yours? Also btw. I started a new thread because the old one is pretty much dead.

Edited by DJ Hydrolicious
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My favorite episode is "It's About Time" mainly because of Twilight's paranoia. She is trying to prevent something bad from happening in the future, but the reality of the situation is that nothing happens and it was just future Twilight warning past Twilight not to freak out about Tuesday. Which didn't work. So, the endless loop continued.


That episode reminded me so much of TimeSplitters Future Perfect with those moments where future Cortez meets past Cortez. That's one reason I loved that episode. The second reason is just because I love time travel and endless loops. :P

  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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Whats your favorite episode? Mine will probably be Wonderbolts academy. And my second favorite episode is probably One Bad Apple. Whats yours? Also btw. I started a new thread because the old one is pretty much dead.


In the future, please respond to the old thread instead of starting a new one. There is no rule against bumping old threads - in fact it is encouraged if you have something you'd like to add to it. I've merged your topic with the old one seeing as we don't need two of the same thread. :)

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Guest DJ Hydrolicious

In the future, please respond to the old thread instead of starting a new one. There is no rule against bumping old threads - in fact it is encouraged if you have something you'd like to add to it. I've merged your topic with the old one seeing as we don't need two of the same thread. :)

I am sorry, I thought there was rule against bumping old threads and I didn't want to get in trouble for bumping a old, dead thread. But thanks for clearing it up for me.  ^_^

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   Choosing my favourite pony is easy, picking my favourite episode is most difficult, there are some many episodes that I fancy, so I think I can chose episodes from each season as the ones I like the most. Season one: Bridle Gossip episode nine, here's where we meet Zecora for the first time, and the ponies are superstitious of her presence, and in the process they stumble on poison joke plant, and the pranks from that exposure, brings humorous moments like Fluttershy's masculine voice, or Pinkie Pie's swollen tongue, believing they have been afflicted by a curse, even Twilight Sparkle falls for the ruse, yet at the end the misunderstanding is cleared up.

   Season two: Hurricane Fluttershy, in this episode we see more responsibilities from the pegasi, trying to fly fast enough to raise water to Cloudsdale, furthermore, Fluttershy believes she is too pallid to contribute, yet Rainbow Dash has faith in Fluttershy and wants her help, so Fluttershy workout and motivates herself to the task, I like this episode because, we see the unique roll the pegasi have in Equestria, in particular, we see the special relationship between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, as Rainbow's loyalty to her friend was what mattered most than breaking a wind speed record, and to see Fluttershy contribute despite her perceived weakness.

   Season three: Wonderbolt Academy, where Rainbow Dash is recruited by the wonderbolts, led by Spitfire, upon her arrival Rainbow is challenged by the training and drill sergeant Spitfire, but stays motivated and moves on in training, she also befriends Lightning Dust, and equally ambitious pegasus similar to Rainbow, yet Lightning get promoted in spite of her recklessness and careless behaviour, which leads to her and Rainbow to bust clouds with tornado, that puts Rainbow's friends in peril, then confronts Spitfire and quits, only to get promoted and Lightning demoted, I like this episode because, I have been in a position similar to Rainbow Dash, I was in the Navy, there where plenty of moments that made me want to quit, especially where my superiors made us do dangerous things against the rules, but we stayed motivated and did what we had to do, and Rainbow Dash did get rewarded in the end, however is she a wonderbolt or a candidate? We must wait and see.      

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since after watching Voice of Reason's review, I decided to do My Top 16 Best MLP Episodes in the Show. The list is basically all the perfect episodes in the series so far, so enjoy!


1. A Canterlot Wedding*


2. Luna Eclipsed - A Luna episode and Pinkie as a chicken? What's not to love?


3. Lesson Zero - Twilight having character development and a great moral


4. Ponyville Confidential - The most mature episode of the series


5. Sleepless in Ponyville - Scootaloo and Dash bonding. Get your tissues ready, people!


6. Magic Duel - Trixie vs Twilight. Check. Great villain comeback. Check. Trixie being reformed. CHECK!!


7. One Bad Apple - An episode about bullying which didn't disappoint.


8. Putting Your Hoof Down - I know some people hate it, but this episode made Fluttershy best pony


9. Sisterhooves Social - Rarity and Sweetie Belle showing sister rivalries and I won't dare ruin the end for you.


10. Too Many Pinkie Pies - After the humor from this episode, I think Pinkie Pie should team up with Jim Carrey




11. Sweet and Elite - Rarity having her EoG to the test. Awesome!


12. Wonderbolts Academy - Merriwhether Williams made Dash best pony. Now, where's the love for Merri?


13. Party of One - Pinkie going insane. Enough said.


14. Hurricane Fluttershy - Fluttershy showing courage, this made me cry tears of happiness


15. It's About Time - I love this episode, but where the hay is Dr Hooves?!


16. A Friend In Deed - A perfect Pinkie episode with an Eeyore-esque donkey with a perfect song that makes Duck Tales cry itself to sleep.

Edited by Harmony Spark
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Harmony Spark: Fellow Brony and Devoted Student in Animation



Devoted HIM Fangirl. He is my husbando.

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 "Lesson Zero" is my favorite episode. And it is for this very reason, IT WAS THE EPISODE THAT STARTED MY BRONYISM. It was the first episode of My Little Pony I watched open minded and I fell in love with it. My favorite part is when Fluttershy went ham on that bear, I lost it when that part came up. 

  • Brohoof 1
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But there's SO MANY to chose from! Can't I pick them all!? D:


Well, if I had to choose JUST 1, like with a gun held to my head (because they're ALL so amazing! Hardest thing ever to choose!) I'd have to probably go with The Canterlot Wedding, I thought that Episode was pretty awesome, a close second would be Magical Mystery Cure. Oh oh oh! And Look Before You Sleep! :D

  • Brohoof 2
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Apple family reunion. That's what got my attention on my little pony. And my mom and dad didn't know. I'm no closet pegasister, so I said(when the teacher left the classroom,"I'M A PEGASISTER AND I DON'T CARE!!!" And therefore, my pegasister stuff grew and grew. And I started thinking about ponies a lot. A guy liked me for that. The best looking guy in my school. And then, he came to my locker and just kissed me right there. And so forth, I'll never forget that day. EVER.

Edited by Pinkiepie99
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Oh my, best episode? ahh easy!


Lesson Zero.. oh my goodness when Twilight loses' her mind XD gets me every time.


Sister hoof social too, because its about Sweetie Belle(who kicks as much ass as Celestia..) And Rarity!

And I have a older sister and I know how Sweetie Belle feels some times D:

  • Brohoof 1


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Lesson Zero, no question. With the part where Twilight goes, "Clock... Is... TICKING!" that's the best part. And how she gave that creepy wide grin as she popped out the bushes and her becoming a bit twitchy. The best, absolutely,,, best


  • Brohoof 1


OC              "I live for the story."              dA

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I've got a few, Sisterhood Social, Canterlot Wedding Part 1 and 2, Putting you Hoof Down, Lesson Zero, Apple Family Reunion, A Friend in Deed and The Magic Duel.

  • Brohoof 2


A True Friend sees the first tear, catches the second and stops the third

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My favourite episodes are Friendship is Magic pt.1 and 2.


I'll never forget the first time I watched them. I was soooooo excited to see it, so stunned by how awesome the story and animation was... not to mention Nightmare Moon  wub.png



My OC Aisling Ink

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mine are Hearth's Warming Eve, A Canterlot Wedding, and Hearts and Hooves Day. The last two have my two favorite songs from the show, This Day Aria and The Perfect Stallion.


Edited by Noazark
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Signature by the amazing LittleRawr. Avatar by the as equally amazing Breeze.

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My personal favorite episodes from the show include the following: Wonderbolt Academy, Too Many Pinkie Pies, Hearth's Warming Eve, Winter Wrap Up, A Canterlot Wedding, Sweet and Elite, Sisterhooves Social, among MANY others. 

  • Brohoof 2


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Any episode featuring the CMC is an amazing episode imo. More specifically, I really enjoyed Luna Eclipsed, probably because of the new costumes of each pony and how Luna, my favorite pony, was a main character.

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This is now my favorite topic. My favorite episodes include but not limited to: Wonderbolt Academy, A Canterlot Wedding, Too Many Pinkie Pies, Hearth's Warming Eve, Winter Wrap Up, Luna Eclipsed, Sweet and Elite, Sisterhooves Social, Lesson Zero, and other episodes.

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