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mega thread Your Favorite Episode?

AppleShy Sparkle

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I would have to say my favorite episode is Lesson Zero. It was that episode that I truly liked Twilight as a character, and the moments with Twilight, the mane 6 and the want it need it spell were amazing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

5th season 1+2 episodes! They were both very adventurous and entertaining! I hope to see Starlight Glimmer again!

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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"Maud Pie" from season 4 by far. I really enjoyed seeing Pinky getting to interact with her family in this episode.

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Pinkie pride probably.


It was a superb episode to display all sorts of emotions Pinkie goes through. Weird Al took a near perfect guest roll for a well handled guest pony. The songs were great, the dynamic was good, it had Pinkie's cutest gags in there, the resolution was amazing and the climax was near grand finale levels great. It was both really funny and very heartbreaking. 


(second up, not surprising Too many Pinkie Pies)

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There were several episodes that I really liked. Cutie Mark Chronicles is a good one, but I traditionally list Dragonshy as my favorite. Fluttershy was adorable from episode one, but I really liked this episode because it showed off who she was. She doesn't like the spotlight, but she's willing to take it for her friends, as we see early on, when she's trying to warn the town. But based on her personality, she's not able to take the stage effectively, and nobody pays attention to her. I found the whole episode to be great, because she was not only adorable, but also strong.

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Tough choice... there are so many great moments and episodes...

But I think I have to give my absolute favorite to "Magical Mystery Cure" cuz I cried watching it, it's such an amaizing episode :')

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„This is intolerable!“

„Even combat is a partnership... for a little while.“

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I like the episode For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls. Why? Due to the fact it has an amazing storyline and nice voice acting from Claire Corlett. It also shows the sistery bond between Rarity and Sweetie Belle.

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Probably Suited for Success, Return of Harmony, Hearth's Warming Eve...

There are a lot of episodes I really like. ^^' I really enjoy episodes with good character development and minimal cringe worthy moments.

They aren't all fresh in my mind, but maybe if I had a list in front of me it'd be easier.

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My top three would be:


3- Party of one: A classic episode with Pinkie Pie at her best and lots of moments for the posterity.


2- For whom the sweetie belle toils: I don´t know why but I love these episode although I usually don´t enjoy the obligatory Christmas Carol episode in all the series. I specially love when Sweetie discover what her sister did for her at her birthday, all the scene is so cute.


1- Twilight's Kingdom: This episode have really all the ingredients to be one of the bests episodes in all the show; Action, fun, an strong villian, Discord, A great ending...


I would also like to include Pinkie pride, It's about time, make new friends but keep discord, testing testing 1,2,3, over a barrel and more.

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It's possible I've already responded to this topic, but I'mma just go ahead and say it...


All the Rainbow Dash episodes.  All.  Of.  Them.  Yes, including the ones the fandom dislikes.  YES, even "Mysterious Mare Do Well."  What about "Daring Don't," you ask?  I once watched it twice back-to-back; we might go for three someday.  Sure, there are non-Dash-centric episodes I really enjoy.  Some of which still have plenty of Dash.  "Flight to the Finish" and "Hurricane Fluttershy" being prime examples.  But episodes the likes of "Make New Friends but Keep Discord" don't feature near enough of her and will never make my favorites list.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Tough question. I would say I have my favorite episode in every seasons.


Season 1: Party of One - Just look at that face...that face...


Season 2: Lesson Zero - Seeing Twilight's anguished expressions made me laugh more than it should have.


Season 3: Magic Duel - The solution to beat Trixie was so ingenious, I really like fights where not the power decides who wins.(I wanted The Crystal Empire to be my favorite, but Sombra didn't do anything interesting like Discord or Queen Chrysalis so I can't really like the plot here, but the idea of an evil magician who enslave an epire was awesome)


Season 4: Twilight's Kingdom - Woah...S4 was the typical season where I have a lot favorite episodes, but I think the finale was the best. Tirek was the typical "I need power to destroy thing cuz...I like destroy things?" So I understand that Tirek's rampage had a reason but still. His first appearence and his voice made me wow and seeing an actual fight scene was delight for the eyes. Discord was also epic here and I really liked how Twilight decided when she marked Discord as a friend. I wished that this time they will beat the evil in an another way but it was okay a guess.


Also in Season 5 The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone is far my favorite one, it included everything I wanted to be in an episode, good humor, adventure storyline, new area+griffons, a huge, badass monster(I was sooo disappointed that they didn't have a fight here with that creature :( )

Edited by Kerberossz
  • Brohoof 1


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My favourite episode is Sleepless in Ponyville, it's also the episode where Scootaloo became my favourite pony.  I liked it because I could associate with Scootaloo having to face up to her fears, I also really liked how Luna and Rainbow Dash helped her in the episode.

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 4 weeks later...

My favourite episodes by season, and why:


Season 1 - The Cutie Mark Chronicles. Why did I like it? Because of the writing and the storytelling that made it the best episode of that season. Thank you, M.A. Larson for giving us this episode.

Season 2 - A Canterlot Wedding. Why did I like it? Because of the storytelling, and a villain who has one of the more well-known songs in the series so far.

Season 3 - Sleepless in Ponyville Why did I like it? There were a lot of great moments, like Scootaloo's character development, Princess Luna also getting development and screen time was a plus.

Season 4 - Pinkie Pride. Why did I like it? There was a great character dynamic between Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich, and other crazy moments.

Season 5 (so far) - Make New Friends but Keep Discord. Why did I like it? The Smooze returns, and a lot of crazy moments from Discord. The humour has so far been some of the best this season.

Edited by Kelldrick

(coming soon)

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My favorite episode is probably Maud Pie, since it featured all of the Mane Six, introduced a truly awesome pony and the magnificent Boulder, and had that amazing moment about how loving Pinkie Pie can bring ponies closer together! :)

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My favorite episode was "The Crystal Empire". The story struck the right balance between lightheartedness and seriousness, it got its darker moments but it wasn't too dark. I liked to see Twilight and Spike facing and overcoming their fears, which ads a human element, and I found King Sombra to be an interesting villain.

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Pinkie Pride, Lesson Zero, Party of One and Magical Mystery Cure are awesome as well  :wub:

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