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What's your zombie apocalypse plan?

Lightning Fluttershy

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Come on now. We have all thought of a possible zombie apocalypse and what we would do if it happened.


A friend of mine and I have had hour long discussions about it BECAUSE IT'S SERIOUS BUSINESS!


Living in a city I think would be the most dangerous so I would try to get out of Toronto as soon as possible then look for some kind of small town with a grocery store. (Curse Canada for outlawing big guns)


So let's hear all your zombie doomsday escape or survival plans.

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I would grab as much food as I could comfortably carry. I'd bring an axe and a machete as my main weapons, and my .357 magnum as a backup. I'd raid my local sporting goods store to stock up on ammo and other various supplies. I'd also get a pair of jumping stilts, to be able to outrun any zombies if need be. (And once I inevitably became infected, I'd have a distinct advantage over a large portion of the survivors.) I'd find a group of survivors to join up with. I would suggest that we all grab as much food as possible, then climb up Pagosa Peak (the highest mountain in our area). We would camp out there and try to call for help.

how even is otter and how can it be if

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I would get my emergency bag fill it with food,a knife,my bow,some matches and some seeds get out of the city,find a cave,get some sticks/logs and board off the entrance craft some arrows and other tools/weapons out of sticks using the knife and some stones

Try to start a farm go back into civilisation to try to find other survivors and bring them to my cave,have some people be farmers,hunters,guards and scavengers,start building a wall around the perimeter of the cave,start building houses,start a new city,become overlord.

(and if any survivors were scientists/electricians/plumbers/builders try to get electricity/fresh water/buildings for my population)



Or,and this is more the more likely thing to happen die.

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well..I highly doubt our military is as dumb as Hollywood makes them out to be in Zombie movies. So with that said, I would try and get myself on one of the bases in my home town.

If that is not possible, try and meet up with a few of my friends. Load up his truck with our rifles/ammo, then some food. Maybe head out to the desert and mountains in the area.


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Well... Two of the most important things are without a doubt food and guns. So I would firstly go to a market, grab all the food I can, and then to a police department or something to get some weapons. That, of course, if the city is in chaos already. So I can steal everything~


Then I would probably join the biggest group of survivors I can find and stay hidden in a shopping mall or something. But honestly, I haven't stopped to think about my plans for a zombie outbreak yet. I gotta do that soon. :|

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I would grab all long lasting supplies i could carry then run to a very small isolated village on the top of a small mountain a few miles from my house, and hope the infection did not spread there. and if it did (and i was immune of course.) there would not be alot of people there so the chance for survival would be great.

And because it's so isolated no other zombies would get there.

There are 4 fields near the village (enough to sustain like 4 people) and a clean mountain stream a few hundread yards away.

It's a PERFECT place to stay in an apocalyptic event.


Signature by Cloud Chaser

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I live in a small village (between a city 5 miles away and a small town 5 miles away) i live right next to an estuary which means there are alot of boats.


I would gather my supplies (food,water etc...) and a weapon, a hatchet or shuvel and fight or drive depending on whether the main road by my house is busy/blocked by abandoned cars, to the nearest dingy to launch out to get a bigger boat (preferably a ferry which runs from one side to the other of the estuary its fairly big) between the 0.5 mile journey i would raid houses for supplies and collect other survivors determend on the survival rate (which means if they are old they cant come as they would be a liability)


once on the boat i would go around the coast line searching for fellow survivors either on boats or just near a dock where i can stop to get suppplies (wouldnt get in touch with friends as mobile and internet survices would be down and they live five miles away)



This Signature was created by Surprise, Thanks for the great work Ashley keep it up!


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I would surround myself by all of the crazy people who are obsessed with this horrific event and that think their silly plans would work so that I might have a chance of surviving a little longer. Not that it matters.

  • Brohoof 3

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I would go to my brother's place. He would do a lot better than me in that situation. He already has many different kits and whatnot, and he has read multiple books on the subject. So he would know what to do and when to do it I would assume.



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Oh man, me and a friend had like a 3 hour long conversation about this. Our plan would be to first, assemble our group. Then we are driving down to the coast of Virginia to pick up a buddy of ours, and stock up on melee weapons, and food from homes(Because admit it, malls and gun stores would be overrun or empty) Then we take Devin's(The guy in Virginia) boat up to Iceland or some island up there, one that's pretty abandoned, and start our own little colony. So yeah, that's my awesome plan

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Okay...first we'd get our bikes, a supply of food, knives, etc. Then we'd bike as fast as fast as we can up north and catch a boat/plane to Iceland / Greenland / etc. Then we'd start a little farm there and like happily ever after.


But face it. We'd all die.

Edited by Royal Muffinz

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Well me and my cousin had this discussion just the other day we decided that since we live in the middle of nowhere in a desert we would collect as many supplies as possible as quick as possible gather as many survivors up as possible head out into the vast desert set up a camp get the resources sorted and begin creating a new civilization while sometimes sending people out to gather more resources from the cities. If that fails we would all gather a bunch of axes and run into the zombie hoard attempting to kill them all but ending up dead withing a few minutes of chopping zombies to bits and pieces


My OCs: Mellow Genny Techmo

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ok get ready this is kinda long OK first i fill a water sources with water break my stairs while keeping all my supplies up stairs now thats phase one phase two OK so its been 5 to 8 weeks take off on bikes they are much quieter and by now zombie mussels and keep going and living off the land till all supplies are gone and by then i will have bulit shelter were i wait for death or rescue because my garden has all but perished now i am in the hands of god

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Get a sword and just run at them. I know I wouldn't last long, but it'd be a pretty cool way to go out...especially if it was to save someone else, meaning I'd be forever remembered as a big hero.


Screw survival.

  • Brohoof 2
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take off all my clothes, run towards the zombies and kick them


i'd put on my radiation suit, backpack, gasmask and tacvest. The tacvest would be full of all kinds of handy gadget thingeys like, flashlight, knife, etc.


or buy a pikachu costume and do this

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  • Brohoof 1
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Well i'd get all the weapons i have. ( 3 Swords. ) And i always have a supply bag. If something would happen. ( Like someone breaks into our house and stuff. ) And we maybe had to run from home and have no where to stay for a day and we forgot all of our possesions. ( Like credit cards and stuff ). So i would find a cave in a wood or something to stay in. And yes i would do anything to try to bring some matches with me so i could make up fires during the night. Money i unnecessary though as there might not be anyone working in the stores during a zombie apocalypse.

Edited by Rain Dance

This Amazing Signature Made By Miss Cloud Chaser. Judge my English and get Hell all brought over ya!

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Pony logic:

I would gather the Elements of Harmony and cure everypony! :lol:

In all seriousness, I wouldn't dare to kill a zombie, because there is always hope for a cure. Otherwise I will keep praying until something positive happens.

Edited by Cherry Blossom

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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I would call an army of chocolite Helicopters flew by an army of Ace pilot-Coaches with Zoeys as Hell Fire missiles, Ellis as Daisy Cutters and Nicks as the turret gunners. After we've gone and picked up Keith and found out what "sucked the heads" means, we'd take refuge at Kiddie Land and live the rest of our days as farmers who watch Ponies.



"Ad Foedera Cresco"


"I Gain by Treaty"


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Love and tolerate the crap out of them!... Honestly, I would be majorly screwed in this kind of event. Even if I could manage to safely escape my city, I likely wouldn't survive for long.


I suppose if I were to try to survive, I would load up on supplies and hop on my bike for better mobility than my car can provide. The best chance for survival would be to try to bike to northern ontario through the less populated rural areas. I would also try to find people along the way and eventually travel to Saskatchewan and start up / take over a random farm as far away from civilization as possible.


Once again though, I wouldn't survive at all. While this is a decent plan, my main form of action would be to fortify the basement and either swiftly die of thirst or get killed mercilessly by the zombies.

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guns, guns, food, guns ,shelter, fire, guns, more food, water...did I mention guns?

In all seriousness I would make sure I was well stock on food, water and had a good sturdy structure to hide in. I'd probably join up with other survivors then we'd all try to make it to the most secluded place were we could still provide for ourselves.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Deviant Art   000Signature Requests000
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeadphones on, Volume up, Tune out the world
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaDon't use violence. You'll just make a fool of your self.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  arcuswind.tumblr.com

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I would gather survivors so we could revive the human race, we would get out of there. So we know which one is a zombie we would ask "are you a zombie?" A human would say no and a zombie would say BLARGHAH. Find a shelter in a super market and lock it up. But before that, we go to a sports shop and buy some bats. There, entire plan of all the routes of what to do in a zombie apocalypse. I shall survive! Liek a baws.

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Well, it kinda depends on the situation you're put in(How is the infection spread? contact? infected water?)

Given that, I'd still try to stockpile food, but no weapons, seeing as I'd likely be no match against most zombies. Additionally, basic survival tools(jackknife, flashlight, etc.) and a small boiler or something to get myself some clean water. Finally, after gathering what supplies I could, I'd head towards a decently defensible building(at least I live in the middle of nowhere, so I shouldn't have to worry about raging zombie hordes)

~Rhain the Semi-Combustible, AKA turiq or turqulis

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I have two possible plans one is if the zombie virus is only Local.

Since Iceland is a isolated country I would gather supplies, find some one who knows how to use a boat, then leave.

If it is in other parts of the world

Get some strong clothing and weather resistant clothing, some tools such as a crowbar, a drill hammer and other things needed for construction my golf set, some alchahol and food (mostly in cans or other food that doesn't spoil quickly) a car.

then go to a junk yard to modify said car and also make weapon improvements head north where the weather can get really nasty and stay there.

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