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Overrated/Underrated Characters?


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Underrated: Rarity


She just doesn't seem to get as much love from fans as the other ponies. 


Overrated: Lyra


This was tough, but in the end, I think if any pony is overrated, it's Lyra. She's a background pony who doesn't do much in the show but there are so many fan pages of her. I was originally gonna go with Derpy, but she was made by us fans, and she's so cute and happy go lucky so I think her popularity is warranted.

Edited by Yuber
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Overrated: Derpy is overrated, sorry to all you Derpy fans but I don't really she why she is so popular, sure she's looks kinda cute and funny but it's a lot of popularity for a background character

Underrated: Applejack and Rarity, these two are in the Mane 6, the six major characters in the story and it feels like they've been ignored compared to the other four.

  • Brohoof 1


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Underrated: Roseluck, Carrot Top, Applejack + Rarity (not many strong ep apperances lately)


Overrated: Derpy (let's face it there's a lot of fan support and Derpygate (the voice thing) was a bit annoying. As much as I love Octavia and Vinyl Scratch they haven't had many REAL appearances on the show. Same with season 1 Luna fangasms. Spike in season 3 (TWO dedicated eps this season).

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Though I love her , too, I see Rainbow Dash as overpopular/overrated. Mainly because she's used as a mascot for MLP, and a lot of merch is about her. You guys gotta admit the one pony everyone thinks, ESPECIALLY NON-BRONIES or people who don't even watch the show, about when they hear My Little Pony is Rainbow Dash. At least that's what I have realized with my own observations...




Oops! Forgot to say underrated: Definitely Applejack, though she seems to be less underrated now that she got two more episodes about her this season.

Edited by NoirX
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-Fluttershy (yeah, I went there): Don't get me wrong she's my favourite of the mane 6 and I relate most to her, but I do admit she gets a bit too much attention from the fandom. 


-Rarity: I hear a lot of "Rarity is best pony", and she is a great character, but for those of you who find Fluttershy fans annoying, I feel the same way about Rarity fans.


-Applejack: Do you realise that when you complain about how Applejack doesn't get enough attention, you're actually making her more visible and drawing attention to her wonderful qualities? AJ always was an important character, stop pretending she's a background pony.


-Trixie and Gilda: I never understood the whole Trixie fandom, I don't like people who boast and are too full of themselves. I did feel sorry for her when she lost her home and I was very quick to forgive her when she apologised to Twilight. But before her redemption I always saw her as a bitch. And I still feel the same way about Gilda.




-Applejack (yes, she's both overrated and underrated at the same time): There's a serious lack of Applejack fans, those we do have tend to be rather obnoxious about it, she needs to be more mainstream in the fandom.


-Twilight: same as AJ, I don't see many Twilight fans around. She my second favourite of the mane 6, and because she's the most visible character of the franchise, most people have lost their appreciation for her.


-Zecora: Zecora is best pony! Who with me?


Forever alone...

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Rainbow Dash - I love her, but I also don't like how she's basically become the "mascot" of MLP. Every time I go in a store and see MLP merchandise, it's all about Rainbow Dash. There's also a few moments in the show where I just want her to shut up because of her intolerable arrogance. Again, still love her, though.


Luna - I like her, but I just never got the craze surrounding her.


Background characters - Never really cared for them, except for maybe Derpy.


Fluttershy - Although she is my favorite, I will admit a lot of people do overrate her by saying things like she's the best pony strictly because of her cuteness.




Fluttershy - Yes, Fluttershy is both overrated and underrated. She's underrated because a lot of her "fans" seem to only care about her cuteness, and completely disregard her actual character. Also, whenever a "Most overrated Pony" thread pops up, Fluttershy is always one of the first ponies people will flock to for an answer. This thread is evidence of that.


Rarity - To be honest, Rarity is probably the funniest pony in the show for me. I never really got all the hate for her that I came across. I've seen her labeled as the selfish, snobbish one, and yet people love Rainbow Dash, who also shows those kinds of traits from time to time. I never understood that.



I would put Applejack in the underrated section, but nowadays she seems to have a lot of fans, and she's getting more screen time in the show.

Edited by Bardock
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Of course spike is underrated.  Never really has a chance to shine as a sidekick.  Gotta go with Angel too.


As for overrated, the mane six.  YES, all six.  We need more BG character episodes like a day with Lyra or better yet AppleMac.

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Applejack is no longer underrated, but she still has minimal fans.


The thing that I find extremely sad here is that nobody mentioned Spike. This shows just how underrated he is. He's so underrated, nobody remembers that he's underrated. How very disappointing.

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Overrated: FLUTTERSHY!


Underrated: Fiddlesticks (A.K.A. Viola). She's been around longer than Octavia, but nobody noticed her until Apple Family Reunion.


Fiddlesticks is NOT an Octavia recolor, Octavia is a Fiddlesticks recolor.

Of course spike is underrated.  Never really has a chance to shine as a sidekick.  Gotta go with Angel too.


As for overrated, the mane six.  YES, all six.  We need more BG character episodes like a day with Lyra or better yet AppleMac.



Applejack is no longer underrated, but she still has minimal fans.


The thing that I find extremely sad here is that nobody mentioned Spike. This shows just how underrated he is. He's so underrated, nobody remembers that he's underrated. How very disappointing.

Oh the irony. You posted a comment about how nobody mentioned spike RIGHT AFTER SOMEBODY MENTIONED SPIKE!


However, he's definitely underrated

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Derpy- I like Derpy, but there's just too much derpy stuff when I'm trying to look up some fan art of some other pony.


Vinyl- 3 seconds of screen time and has as big a fanbase as some of the Mane 6.


Fluttershy- Love Fluttershy, but there's sooooooo many flutter fans.



Spike- Nuff said. Just Enough said!

Celestia- She barely gets anything positive from the fandom. Molestia is.... awkward, and Trollestia is annoying.


Oh, and didn't I mention Spike? Yes I did. Spike is most underrated character on the show.

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  • 4 months later...







oh and.


Overrated: Vinyl Scratch (I don't see why everyone loves her, she's only seen bopping her head for 5 seconds)

Underrated: Rarity/Trixie

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Derpy - Yeah I said it. Derpy is probably the most overrated pony in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I like Derpy. But the obsessions I never really understood

Fluttershy - Fluttershy is cute and all, but is that really the only reason why people obsess over her? Maybe the only thing that makes me like Fluttershy more than others is when she was mean. Thats it.



Fiddlesticks - I didn't even know the pony's name. All I knew is that she looked like Octavia. I learned her name a few days ago. None of the bronies I know knew who Fiddlesticks was.

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Underrated.  Okay, yeah, I'm going to sound like a total fanboy here, but I say Rarity.  She is, in my eyes the most fascinating character among the mane six, because she is *the* epitome of the idea of "hidden depths"  and the total shattering of genre stereotypes.  Almost any other show would write her in one of two ways:  A Diamond Tiara type bitch,  or a vapid airhead who's obsessed with fashion.  Lauren Faust and the crew here went a third way:  an artist who just happens to work in fashion.,  And yes, she is vain, but is also (usually) giving and kind, though she has her limits.  They've done more with her character in less screen time than any other pony, IMO. 


Overrated:  Believe it or not, I'm not going to say Rainbow Dash here.  Even though she's the most popular pony and she's my least favorite, I can really see the appeal and she does show a depth of character much like Rarity.  It's just a personality thing with me. 


Instead i'll say Fluttershy.  Yes she's very cute, and maybe even "relateable" due to her shyness,  but that's all that really stands out to me about her, and neither of those are enough to make for a particularly interesting character for me. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Vinyl Scratch: While she is cool, I find her to be extremely overrated.


Rainbow Dash: I never really understood why so many people like her. I don't really like her personality too much (Well, in the earlier episodes, but I do like how much she has grown as a character and I like her a bit more. But she is still overrated in my opinion.)




Mayor Mare: She is so underrated. She is one of my favorites and I have literally only seen two people in the fandom who actually have her a favorite; including me. I love her design and she has a great mane design. And her voice is awesome as well.


Silver Spoon: Another very underrated character that I am very fond of. I really want her to find redemption as she is such a cute character with an interesting personality. Also, I have a little headcanon for her. I think that she is only mean so she can stay friends with Diamond Tiara; her only friend. I believe she was bullied (most likely because of her glasses. But I find her glasses adorable) and had little friends, so she decided to act mean to be accepted by Diamond Tiara and act like a personal slave in order to be Diamond Tiara's "friend" (notice how friend is in quotation marks.)


Rarity: She has a beautiful voice, great design, hilarious moments, and a very complex personality. A lot of people simply regard her as a girly fashion character, but in reality; she is very different. While she does appear to enjoy some of the girlier things and fashion, she has proved to be much more complex and different than a lot of stereotypes tend to tell.


Mail Ponies: Poor poor mailponies. Just want to do their job and give out mail, but get abused by mares on an almost daily basis.

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While many characters recieve much more criticism and much less appreciation than they deserve, for the Mane Six, gotta go with Applejack and Rarity. Whether or not you think so, they bring a lot to the show and are wonderful characters in their own right.


Also, Lightning Dust. She was a genuinely interesting antagonist and I loved her role as a foil for Rainbow Dash. I'd love to see her make more appearances, and she was one of my favorite parts of Season 3. The fandom didn't ever really latch onto her as it has with other lesser antagonists, and I'm a bit saddened by that. Ah well, I think she'll come back in Season 4 and maybe she'll get her recognition then :D


I've never really understood the cult following behind the background characters in the show, probably because I seem to believe that canon>fanon much more than most people. While there are some fun memes centered around them, and I have enjoyed some fanfics that explored certain BG ponies a bit, I still don't really understand why the fandom latched onto them so much, especially when there are many other canonical characters that don't receive as much appreciation. Ah well.

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So few have said Twilight being the overrated, but she has to be the most overrated of the all the mane 6 imo. She's the anchor of the show/main character, and thus receives a vast majority of the spotlight compared to the other mane 6 characters. Season 3 is pretty much year of the Twilight, minus a few episodes she even got her own movie. So far, the day can't even be saved without Twilight. Doesn't mean I don't like her, but she is what she is.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are overrated too. Fluttershy because she's the shy/nice girl, and Rainbow Dash because she's the cool kid. I still like them as well.




Underrated: Apple Jack, and most earth ponies in general seem to have lack of proper representation. Probably because they don't have obvious quirks to set them apart from others.

Dragons and other sentient creatures. I'd love to know what happens on the other side of world.

Sombra, he could've been a cool villain if they'd gave him more devlopment and stuff to say other than, "RAWR SLAVES" "RAWR HEART". 

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Overrated Characters:


Derpy Hooves (Or Ditzy Doo) - Personally, I don't see why people absolutely love Derpy. To me she just seems like an other background pony, nothing great about her, nothing bad about her.


Rainbow Dash - I absolutely hate her. To me, she is a bitch. She is absolutely careless with her friends as if they were just her servants. And I also hate how she thinks she's the greatest pony in all of Ponyville. >_>


Celestia/Luna - Yep. Both of these princesses are hugely overrated. Especially Princess Luna, she has a massive fanbase around her, people love her, (including me). And Princess Celestia...well, she's just overrated in my opinion.




Underrated Characters:


Princess Cadence - She has such little fans, Luna and Celestia seem to take all the love from her. I really believe if Princess Cadence had more screentime and more development she would be a fantastic character for the show.


Rarity - Rarity seems to receive a lot of hate, and also seems to be the least favourite main 6 pony in the fandom. Probably due to her believing she's the most fabulous pony in all of Equestria? I'm not sure. But I believe she is a fantastic character.

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Overrated: Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. I LOVE them both, but they tend to be more popular than the rest of the mane 6. It does bother me that most pony merch has Rainbow Dash on it. What if I want a Pinkie Pie shirt and not another Rainbow Dash one??


Underrated: Rarity and Applejack. These two can never seem to catch a break among a lot of fans, for some reason. After season 2 ended, we started getting "Applejack is best background pony" jokes, and after season 3, Rarity picked up a lot of haters. To this day, they remain the least popular of the mane 6. I don't really understand why - both of them are GREAT characters in my opinion.


Princess Cadence. I guess I can see why she's so underrated - we don't know a whole lot about her, unlike the other princesses.


Spike. I don't much about the fandom's views on him, but it certainly seems like the writers leave him inexplicably out of a lot of episodes.


King Sombra. I think he's a really badass villain, personally. I get why most don't care much for him, but I kinda think that his lack of lines and development makes him a cooler character. He isn't a villain who is obsessed with telling people his plans and whatnot; he just gets stuff done.

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Season 3 is pretty much year of the Twilight, minus a few episodes she even got her own movie.

It seems to me like she got very little attention in season 3 overall considering exactly how huge of a change alicorn twilight is, if that didn't happen I wouldn't be complaining as it seems she didn't receive anymore attention than she usually does in a typical season but a change like that requires a great deal of character development which we really didn't get so this isn't just my bias showing. You are right though that the movie does focus heavily on her, I just saw it yesterday so I can in fact confirm that. It does make sense why she would have the most attention of the mane 6 overall though as she is element of magic which is all the other 5 elements put together but there is a risk of Twilight being an alicorn so soon of the show focusing too heavily on her at the expense of the other characters which though as much as I love Twilight I am concerned about.


I used to think Rainbow Dash was overrated until after her incredibly character growth and development in season 3, that season was really kind to her and Applejack. It is that which pushed her up to my 3rd and then 2nd favorite pony. I am with you that Fluttershy is overrated, I like her but the way her character is written is so inconsistent that it brings down what is an otherwise good character and Spike unfortunately has suffered from that same fate in more recent episodes. It seems like Fluttershy learns a lesson in an episode and just forgets it an episode or two later, I understand due to her extreme shy nature that retention can be a bit difficult and backslides are more likely with her but she is hardly developing as a character at all.


And I agree completely that Applejack is seriously underrated. I have said it many times and I will say it again, Applejack is the most underrated character I have seen in any show period in a very very long time. Thanks to her getting her due in season 3 she is slightly less underrated but still has the false impression of being the "boring one" which can be fixed if the writers keep up the trend from season 3.

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Derpy had to be overrated, because she's awesome, funny, cute, nice, adorable and just DERP. And best pony of course. It's okay for best pony to be overrated :D

Mostly inactive.

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I find Applejack and Rarity to be the most underrated main characters...after all, AJ is widely considered the "background pony" of the Mane 6, and Rarity, well, the lack of se03 episodes dedicated to her speaks for itself.


As far as secondary ponies, for the love of Celestia, please give Big Mac more lines than just "Eeyup". It's a cute catchphrase and all, but I honestly don't recall hearing him speak a full sentence since Applebuck Season. I'd really like to hear more from him.


Overrated...well I guess I'm painting a target on my back here, but I'd have to say that just about any popular background pony you can think of can be classified as overrated. I appreciate fanon and how big a part of this fandom it is, but can I honestly spout off something like "Octavia is best pony!" when she never utters a single line of dialogue in the show (as far as I'm aware)? No...no, I can't. If I had to pick out whom I see as the most overrated BG pone, it's definitely Vinyl. Whom I like to call Wubs McGee.


If I had to choose an overrated Mane 6 pony, I guess I'll pick on Fluttershy. I know I've expressed my disdain for this before, but sweet heavens, her extreme shyness is really insufferable. Call it adorable if you will - and I know you will - but I just don't see what's so extremely special about her that has garnered her so very many fans.


...Now that I've probably pissed off every Flutters and Vinyl fan from here to Timbuktu, please don't shoot me!

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I find Applejack and Rarity to be the most underrated main characters...after all, AJ is widely considered the "background pony" of the Mane 6, and Rarity, well, the lack of se03 episodes dedicated to her speaks for itself.


As far as secondary ponies, for the love of Celestia, please give Big Mac more lines than just "Eeyup". It's a cute catchphrase and all, but I honestly don't recall hearing him speak a full sentence since Applebuck Season. I'd really like to hear more from him.


Overrated...well I guess I'm painting a target on my back here, but I'd have to say that just about any popular background pony you can think of can be classified as overrated. I appreciate fanon and how big a part of this fandom it is, but can I honestly spout off something like "Octavia is best pony!" when she never utters a single line of dialogue in the show (as far as I'm aware)? No...no, I can't. If I had to pick out whom I see as the most overrated BG pone, it's definitely Vinyl. Whom I like to call Wubs McGee.


If I had to choose an overrated Mane 6 pony, I guess I'll pick on Fluttershy. I know I've expressed my disdain for this before, but sweet heavens, her extreme shyness is really insufferable. Call it adorable if you will - and I know you will - but I just don't see what's so extremely special about her that has garnered her so very many fans.


...Now that I've probably pissed off every Flutters and Vinyl fan from here to Timbuktu, please don't shoot me!


I agree with you on everything you said in your first three paragraphs. I'm sick of the background pony jokes because there's no merit to them whatsoever. Applejack has had just as many episodes of focus as anyone not named Twilight. If any of the Mane Six come close to being a background pony at any point, it'd be Fluttershy. She has the least total amount of screen time of the six, and the least amount of lines spoken. There are many episodes that involve the whole gang where she's there just for the sake of being there. And I'm not picking on Fluttershy, I'm just saying, she fits the bill for a background pony more often than Applejack ever has, so it puzzles me why it's always Applejack with the label. Either way, it's asinine to call anyone a background character unless, you know, they're a background character.


I like Big Mac, and I agree he should have more lines. Hearts and Hooves Day as well as Ponyville Confidential were steps in the right direction though.


And I'll never understand the background pony obsession for the same reasons you said. I know that characters don't have to speak to portray personality, but how much can you really get out of a character who is constantly in the background, never speaks, and has little to nothing known about them? It's ironic, because most fans of the show will cite the characters as being their favorite aspect of the show, and yet their favorite character might be some off-the-wall nobody whose purpose is to add scenery. It's just not comprehensible to me, but whatever, to each his own. tongue.png

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Overrated: Derpy. But she's basically the face of the fandom, so I'm OK with that.



Sombra - his true terror can't be seen because ratings. And little girls will be scared, yea. Stupid Hasbro with stupid restrictions... *grumble grumble*


Silver Spoon - an unfortunate filly stuck with the only pony of her social class. I see SS as a middle ground between Diamond Tiara and Rarity. Not rotten to the core and still has admiration to elder ponies. If she will be shown as a jerk with a heart of gold in S4-5-6 I'll... do something exceptional.


PS: I shall use my Notepad++ from now on. It's second time my lengthy post is wiped because of one stupid misclick.

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