Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 November 20, 2012 #101 Share November 20, 2012 I curse way, way, way, wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much. I do not really curse in public places though. Many of my friends do it all the time. And I am the one who always has to look back and fourth hoping it didn't offend anyone. Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squid 100 November 20, 2012 #102 Share November 20, 2012 I don't. Ever. In My Little pony: Friendship is magic, nopony ever uses and very unsavory or vulgar vocabulary, and we still all enjoy very much. It's perfectly possible to be very expressive without using any bad words, and it's silly to use them when it does really bother some people no matter the context. Of course, if you're trying to insult somebody, making them feel bad is the point. But you shouldn't insult people or make them feel bad. Love and friendship is so much better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crispy 5,563 November 20, 2012 #103 Share November 20, 2012 I work third shift at a metal fabricating factory. I want you to take a quick guess about what has happened to my vocabulary. GET IN THE PIT On 2012-08-23 at 6:54 AM, Djenty said: ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS Expand Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Driku12 64 November 20, 2012 #104 Share November 20, 2012 If being used in a certain situation and in moderation, then I think it's alright. Heck, sometimes adding in a couple swearwords to a comedy act can make it a bit funnier, BUT it can be easily taken overboard. There have been times when I'm watching my favorite Youtube commentators and they just happen to take it WAY overboard in a single episode. I have been trying to cut out my cussing lately, but it's still there and I still use it occasionally. I just taught myself not to replace the word 'and' with 'f*ck'. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sleepyhead. 174 November 20, 2012 #105 Share November 20, 2012 All I have to say is if you are impartial to swear words and generic foul language you are most definitely NOT going to like having me around. C: 1 I like dollies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sorte95 46 November 20, 2012 #106 Share November 20, 2012 As long as people don't swear just to swear because it makes them feel cool or something, then it doesn't bother me too much. I used to work on a store that sold tractors and tractor parts during summer, and I'm not lying when I say that the rest of the people working there never said a sentence without swearing. They only spoke to each other without swearing when there were no customers around. When I asked one of them why they were swearing so much, he just answered "I dunno, I just like swearing". So yes, as long as it's not overused or used in bad situations, I'm fine with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zerrodo 104 November 20, 2012 #107 Share November 20, 2012 On 2012-11-19 at 6:10 AM, 'FireGazer' said: "People who swear, are the only ones who really need a dictionary, as when they swear they are showing a total lack of a vocabulary and should have their heads examined" And I agree with her! I believe this is only partially true. For example, if you're flaming mad, and are about ready to scream at somebody, what would you say? "Go to Hell, you damned son of a b***h!" or "Go to Hell, you appalling nitwit!" Not sure that got my point across well, but what I'm trying to say is, fancy words aren't very good at expressing what you're trying to say in a lot of circumstances. And let's face it, foul words have much more of an impact on people, even though they most of the time mean exactly the opposite of what we think they do. If you think someone is rotten, and you want to tell them this, you'd do no damage if you used some fancy word you learned in English class as opposed to if you used a swear word - which would actually anger/hurt them. And going by what your wife said, and how you agree with her, I think that maybe you two judge people a little too harshly. A lot of kids grow up hearing their parents swear loads, so where do you think they learned it from? It's not their fault their legal guardians were a bad example. And I know plenty of people who swear on a regular basis and are also very knowledgeable and smart. Having said this, I don't really condone an excessive use of swears, but I don't think using them sometimes is bad at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sky 746 November 20, 2012 #108 Share November 20, 2012 I swear for comedy effect and well I have no problem with swearing seeing as curses are just words. I don't see why they even have there own category. "Even If I were free, would anyone love me?" Vulpes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marceline 187 November 20, 2012 #109 Share November 20, 2012 (edited) There's really nothing wrong with it. Quite honestly, saying that everyone who uses "foul language" is less-than-intelligent is a hypocritical statement itself. Using "foul language" does not make you a terrible person, just as not using such language does not make you a saint. Edited November 20, 2012 by Marceline Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mephala 2,633 November 20, 2012 #110 Share November 20, 2012 I do tend to swear, not going to say I'm a saint since I do it on here sometimes as well. While an argument can be made that they're "just words", it's not the word, it's the intention and meaning behind them. I don't think it's that funny, either, to be honest. Sometimes it is, but films and other media do it so poorly. For example, a friend of mine dragged me to 21 Jump Street with her, and it was awful. They used some form of a cuss every other second and it wasn't even remotely amusing :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PonyHag1 591 November 20, 2012 #111 Share November 20, 2012 I don't deny it, I swear sometimes, but I dislike watching entertainment shows and other programs where people don't seem to be able to communicate any other way. Listening to *beep* *beep* *beep* from so-called celebrities gets old fast. "Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FoxyCryptid 4,330 November 21, 2012 #112 Share November 21, 2012 On 2012-11-20 at 10:12 PM, 'YeahManWAZZAP' said: For example, if you're flaming mad, and are about ready to scream at somebody, what would you say? "Go to Hell, you damned son of a b***h!" or "Go to Hell, you appalling nitwit!" Is it bad I found that second amusing enough I almost want to find a way to use it in normal conversation? Of course I can list a whole pile of unorthodox curse-words. 1 "You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that." -Duncan McLeod. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LightRaider 148 November 21, 2012 #113 Share November 21, 2012 Lol, i swear too much in real life. I'm pretty notorious for that, but this is how i see it: Its part of the english language, so why not use it? Just expanding your vocabulary, right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thundershock 310 November 21, 2012 #114 Share November 21, 2012 i really hate it when people swear. i hear kids at school say swear words alot, even if theyre not allowed to. i wouldnt use bad words, even if i wanted to. Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iLegovideo 152 November 21, 2012 #115 Share November 21, 2012 I am concerned when people around me, especially my friends, swear, but I have nothing against it.I don't always approve of it, but I can tolerate it, because it's just the way they talk, and the only person who changes that is them. so I guess that I'm okay with people swearing, as long as it isn't in my face. Latest Drawing: Latest pony I made: <img style="-webkit-user-select: none" src=""> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brave Hooves 113 November 21, 2012 #116 Share November 21, 2012 I don't mind swearing at all, Because sometimes words like fuck or shit can put more emphasis on a statement that other words don't do as good a job on. I don't mind it when anyone swears when talking to me either unless they cuss every other word because they think they sound cool. I know where and when not to do so, and when it's too much that it makes you sound like a moron like this guy on youtube: -fuckin mariothefuckinplumber in his fuckin videos where he fuckin says fuck every fuckin other fuckin word and he fuckin sounds like a fuckin moron, fuck- My dad is pretty anal when any of us swear but he swears like a sailor whenever he talks to his old friends...hypocritical much lol? It's just words. If you judge someone based on them swearing a few times then that's a personal bias problem of yours. swearing isn't as big deal as most people make it out to be. Swearing is fucking wonderful! Carry on you crazy cunts Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
)O( Scarlet )O( 1,259 November 21, 2012 #117 Share November 21, 2012 On 2012-11-21 at 5:23 AM, 'Prince Solaris' said: I don't mind swearing at all, Because sometimes words like fuck or shit can put more emphasis on a statement that other words don't do as good a job on. I don't mind it when anyone swears when talking to me either unless they cuss every other word because they think they sound cool. I know where and when not to do so, and when it's too much that it makes you sound like a moron like this guy on youtube: -fuckin mariothefuckinplumber in his fuckin videos where he fuckin says fuck every fuckin other fuckin word and he fuckin sounds like a fuckin moron, fuck- My dad is pretty anal when any of us swear but he swears like a sailor whenever he talks to his old friends...hypocritical much lol? It's just words. If you judge someone based on them swearing a few times then that's a personal bias problem of yours. swearing isn't as big deal as most people make it out to be. Swearing is fucking wonderful! Carry on you crazy cunts Umm, maybe before you go posting so much of it, you should have read the site rules where it says to keep the swearing down and to a bare minimum.. I feel that what you've done is a total disregard for that rule.... (Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hawk 100 November 21, 2012 #118 Share November 21, 2012 Swear words are fine in my oppinion as long as it is not excessive. Use of them does not make one unsophisticated or dumb and especially does not mean that they lack vocabulary. If anything, it is a valuable tool when used in the right places and the right situaitons in order to prove a point. And anyone who looks down upon others for cursing, in my oppinion, is a hypocrite because everyone has cursed at one point in their lives be it in public or private. In one of my favorite plays, Inherit the Wind, a character by the name of Drummond said this about cursing: “I don't swear just for the hell of it. Language is a poor enough means of communication. I think we should use all the words we've got. Besides, there are damn few words that everybody understands." So yeah, if the stiuation calls for the use of a swear word then by all means go right ahead. Just not... every other word like so many people I see at my college have the tendency to do. THAT is the only situation where a "Lack of Vocabulary" ever applies. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Bells 78 November 21, 2012 #119 Share November 21, 2012 i don't really care if people swear i'm not them anyway and besides i swear all the time i do believe i could cut down a little on my cursing though.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Z Star 189 November 21, 2012 #120 Share November 21, 2012 I feel like it is very conditional. I feel like it helps to get anger out when you are upset, but I also believe that it does make one sound foolish. Curse words should be taken with caution. I don't think it's respectful at all, but like I said, it gets anger out. To each their own! I love love love Pinkie Pie! But every pony rules! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lando 80 November 22, 2012 #121 Share November 22, 2012 I tend to swear a lot, but only when it's around my friends I usually never swear in front of anyone that's my elder...I put usually as I once slipped up and yelled "Oh fuck!" right in front of my English teacher. Check me out! No, seriously, check me out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lightning Fluttershy 1,844 November 22, 2012 #122 Share November 22, 2012 (edited) To be honest I have no problem with swearing or anything. The biggest question I've ever had surrounding swearing is, why are they even considered swears? Why are they worse than any other word in the language? Doesn't make sense that we have words we can't say... I swear often but I try to keep a cap on it. I don't swear like every three words. The amount of which I swear is pretty dependant on circumstance too. In a normal conversation for me I swear, but not to any extreme. If I'm ticked off and want to make sure my point is proven to whoever ticked me off, the swears are often abundant. If I hurt myself like hit my finger with a hammer or stubbed my toe, well I'd likely give the nearest elderly person a heart attack with my words. Edited November 22, 2012 by Death the Kid Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshmallow 1,137 November 22, 2012 #123 Share November 22, 2012 I'm french Canadian, so English is actually my second language. We often use english swear words in french, but they are much weaker than they are in English. For example,you can hear the word "fucké" (meaning f-ed up) all the time on tv, even on children tv shows! For that reason, I've been somewhat desensitized to english swear words. I swear all the time in English, just because the words don't seem so bad to me. I am however much more reluctant to use french swear words (or rather quebecois swear words, since many of our swear words are different than those used in France). I still use them from time to time, but much less frequently than in English. Also, I find it really stupid when people say for example "It's f*****g stupid" instead of "It's fucking stupid". I mean, just say the word, everybody knows what you're trying to say anyway! It's not going to hurt anyone just to look at the letters! That's also why beeping curse words on tv is pointless. You can guess the word from the context anyway, so what's the point of beeping it? If you didn't want the audience to hear that word, the you shouldn't have said it in the first place. Censorship is dumb. "There was me, that is Pinkie, and my three droogs, that is Rarity, Rainbow, and Fluttershy, and we sat in the Ponyville Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening." A Clockwork Pony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SonOfTheNorthe 412 November 22, 2012 #124 Share November 22, 2012 I make the occasional swear, ie. "What the fuck?" But not terribly often. By the way, I do have a larger than average vocabulary, and blanket statements such as that one your wife said are ignorant. It's like saying that a girl with short hair is lesbian, or that men who watch ponies are gay. Besides, "Fuck" is a lot easier to say than "Donkeyspittle." 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starswirl the Trixie 975 November 22, 2012 #125 Share November 22, 2012 (edited) Firstly, I feel that we must point out once more that swear words are just words. The words are not sensitive callbacks to historical trauma (with the possible exception of the n-word, which I never use for that very reason). "Crap" is more socially accepted than "shit", but that's just random chance. I looked up both words in an etymology dictionary. "Crap" is a descendant of an old English word for wheat chaff. "Shit" is a descendant of an old English verb meaning "to purge". The latter is in no way inherently worse than the former; the strangeness of history just made it turn out that one was accepted and one was not. I use swear words for one simple reason: They express ideas that cannot be adequately expressed with other words. "Crap" and "shit" may be synonyms, but they have slightly different connotations. This is even more true for other expletives. It's the same reason why I "steal" words from other languages quite frequently. I take words that have no English equivalent, words that can express an idea that the normal English language cannot. For is that not what language is? The attempt to coherently express an idea? And if so, why ought we to ban words that for some reason society decided were "bad"? Edited November 22, 2012 by Starswirl the Trixied #SOCKS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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