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What is your biggest regret?


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What is your greatest regret? Something in your past that you would change or say or do if you could go back in time to some-point in your life.


My biggest regret is not learning more about my great grandmother before she died (oh there is a whole complex emotional story don't get me started) because there are things I don't remember or am now just figuring out about her and I wish I could get to know her better. My other regret is how I always try to conceal my feelings or try not to face them, I wish that at some points in my timeline I had told people how I really felt.


How about you guys. What is YOUR biggest regret?








PS. So sorry if there is a similar/duplicate I never saw one like it.

  • Brohoof 2
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Regrets...don't get me started.


Saying what I know that I shouldn't have said, especially out in anger; if I could go back in time, I would just slap duct tape over my past version's mouth on all the times I'v said things that did damage to myself and others.


And I also regret the opposite...not telling certain special people my feelings, especially when I feel like it's the right time, the perfect time...yeah I tend to conceal my feelings pretty often as well.


It's rough sometimes...:/

  • Brohoof 1
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The biggest regret of mine is that I was not born as a god


Well, I have a lot of mistakes in the past, and the greatest of all is me deciding not to pick a better major in College.


At the time, I was so fascinated by the new biotechnology major and the kind of jobs promised to the graduates. I had quite a hard-on on anything biological back there, so I picked it as my major.


I fucked up, hard


Yeah, I'm very interested in it, but I'm not very good at it. On the fourth semester I was already struggling to keep myself inch away from being dropped out. After a few weeks after they announced that I would never make it past the sixth, I said 'fuck it' and leave it just like that


Oh dear, youngster me need to die in a fire

  • Brohoof 3


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When I was a kid I used to practice diabolo very often and was very interested in juggling and wanted to learn it. We have a circus school here in our town were they teach various circus arts, and even though my sister learned acrobatics there I didn't dare to ask my mom if I could go to that school (note: this is in peoples sparetime, so not THAT kind of a school) and learn how to juggle. I even knew that there was a juggling class there because one of my classmates attended that class on his sparetime. But I didn't dare to ask, because I had a lot of activities as it was on my sparetime and I thought that my mom wouldn't had let me have another one.


Several years later I started juggling in a class there and finally learned how to juggle. But it would had been better if I started as a kid. Now I have to work extra hard to "catch up". The reason for that is I want to become professional with my juggling, and just after 4 years that hard to do. And I feel that my time is running out now when I'm not in school anymore. If I had started when I was younger I would probably be ready to go professional when I graduated.


And what pisses me off even more is that my mom said that if I would have asked she would have let me take a juggling class. I hate myself for not asking her even to this day...


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My biggest regret is taking Spanish class. Es muy triste. waiting a year to finally start taking art classes. Unless I manage to be so mind-blowingly awesome that I can just skip a level in art, I'll graduate by the time I finish Art III, but not AP 2D Design. :<

Edited by moT
  • Brohoof 1
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Honestly, I haven't had an opportunity to screw up a lot in my life yet.


However...I can say my biggest regret so far is...playing Minecraft.

It may seem dumb, but that game legitimately made me so addicted, so depressed, and so empty that I needed MLP in order to be happy.


I somehow stopped playing in July, the same month that I watched my first episode of MLP.

  • Brohoof 1



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My biggest regret is that i sorry forums, I'll keep this one to myself.

uuuhh I don't know..


But one thing I know, don't laugh now, but I played a came called battle for middle earth, I played it for 7 years. One of the people I had on my friendlist had been playing with me for 7 years and we knew eachother quite good. Though there was a rumor the servers would shut down and I didn't believe it. So I didn't bother saying goodbye. Then the servers got shutdown and it was too late, I've been looking for him all over the internet. Searching like a idk what stalker. Nothing. He was a great friend :C


uhhm and all those times I made my mom cry

  • Brohoof 1


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Not taking care of myself when I really needed to, and living my later teenage years with a mindset of "My life couldn't really get significantly worse than this, so I am free to feel depressed about what I'm dealing with and wallow in my 'misery'". It's like life knew my worst nightmares, as they became true after that point (not all of them, I do have to say, but that's kind of irrelevant).


As if it's not a bad enough regret, it pains me to see anybody else acting the same way I did. Thinking that minor and temporary issues like social difficulties are enough to claim their life sucks. I see this all of the time, and I really just want to smack them in the face, because in the real world, those aren't anything to complain about, much less act like your life is terrible.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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My biggest regret is...well, it's kind of a "You were born into this situation, so it changes things" scenario.


I was born and raised outside of town, on a farm, under an slightly overprotective mother. That translates to "Kolth never got to hang out with children his age as he grew up", which is a mixed blessing. On the plus side, I became my own independent character far above the usual stock of teens in my town. On the minus, I had zero social skills and zero knowledge of social constructs. Then I got my first girlfriend in middle school.


Yeah, girlfriends in middle school. In retrospect it was all a bunch of hooey, but at the time I felt like king of the world. Unfortunately, because I didn't lrn2social, I was a mild flirt with other females at the same time I was dating her. So her friends made her dump me. And now, at the end of high school, where she's my best friend and the person I can never get a second chance with, I regret being an ignorant and selfish little kid who didn't have the capability to look ahead and think about long-term consequences.


But on the plus side, I have more time to write and play Skyrim without a girlfriend. See? Everything works out.

  • Brohoof 1

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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I have many.


My biggest one happened like 4 days ago. I got mad and "ditched" my best online friend. I started regretting what I had done because well...he was my very best friend. He wants to still have the friendship but he does not want to be as close. It kills me~

  • Brohoof 1


I like dollies.

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Right now, my biggest regret has to be having feelings for someone I really shouldn't have feelings for. It's not anything really creepy, so don't get the wrong idea, but it's just... it wouldn't work. And it hurts. I know you can't control your feelings but I wish I hadn't gotten to know them so well that it hurts me

  • Brohoof 2


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My biggest regret is freaking huge and depressing you have been warned:


not being in the room when they took my brother off of life support



I know that feeling, dude. While it wasn't my brother I didn't get to see somebody close to me go.


On that note, my biggest regret is me to this day not fulfilling some promise I made to this person.

  • Brohoof 1

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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My biggest regret is freaking huge and depressing you have been warned:


not being in the room when they took my brother off of life support



I... I am so sorry Red. That is very sad. I know it can be hard to lose a loved one. I am here if you ever need to talk to anyone or just want to talk. Okay?
  • Brohoof 1
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I don't have many things I truly regret. Or I just have bad memory and can't remember things worth regretting. Either one.


Although there is one incident I regret causing. Perhaps part of the result was something I wanted (and needed) although I could have done better.


I made the mistake of deciding on a major decision when I was:


1 - under extreme stress and anxiety,

2 - very sick, which amplified every bad emotion and feeling I had, and

3 - exhausted from lack of sleep


Not great circumstances to make decisions!


Before someone asks, I am not referring to when I 'left the forums'. Although I did also make that decision under lack of sleep and stress. o_O


So yeah, if I can make shitty decisions like 'leaving' when I'm not well rested, just imagine the horrible decisions I can make with all 3 of those influences on a more serious matter.


And no, you get no further details on what I regret doing. :3

  • Brohoof 1



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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I... I am so sorry Red. That is very sad. I know it can be hard to lose a loved one. I am here if you ever need to talk to anyone or just want to talk. Okay?


thanks, but I've found a way to carry on

it was almost six years ago, but I'll remember your offer if i ever need it :)

sorry if I depressed anyone

  • Brohoof 2
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My biggest regret is freaking huge and depressing you have been warned:


not being in the room when they took my brother off of life support



:( have a hug


...*internet hug!*


On a sidenote, I think another regret of mine would be not learning how to play a guitar or piano when I was younger...it's so tough learning now!

  • Brohoof 2
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Pushing mah mom into a table back in 6th grade out of rage. I had some real bad anger issues then. She was so shocked after what I did, she literally went unenthusiastic when I appeared. It saddened me, but in a matter of days, I said I was sorry, and things got resolved real quick. Still, the image of mah mom falling down still haunts me to this day :(.

  • Brohoof 2



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I have tons of regrets. I'll say them all later in blog when I feel ready to.


For now though "one" of my regrets is not being there when my wife was murdered. If I was there I could've stopped it. I know I could've stopped it. I regret going to my friend's party so much.



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My biggest regret is not learning more about my great grandmother before she died (oh there is a whole complex emotional story don't get me started) because there are things I don't remember or am now just figuring out about her and I wish I could get to know her better. My other regret is how I always try to conceal my feelings or try not to face them, I wish that at some points in my timeline I had told people how I really felt.


I have all of these regrets and many more, such as not getting closer to any of my family(I'm much much closer to my friends than any of my family members), particularly my sister before she went away. I regret a multitude of things I'd rather not go into that I spent many a time alone for throughout 6th-11th grade.... That basically sums up all my regrets, I had a very interesting and sad jr high/high school. Edited by anythingmasterz
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Falling insanely in love with someone who will never feel the same way about you. Pretty gut wrenching stuff.


Luckily there's plenty of more fish in the sea, eh?

  • Brohoof 1


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One of my biggest regrets is being kinda a jerk in high school. There was this girl who really liked me and I sorta lead her on but never dated her in the long run. She was a sweet girl and I really didn't know what I was doing at the time. Anyway, I feel terrible and it would be hella awkward to bring it up to her on Facebook or whatever to apologise because its been so long. So I regret it because I'm stuck in this awkward limbo of embarrassment and general anxiety every time I think about how I hurt her feelings.

This is my signature. UDig?

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So many things I regret in the past, most of it personal so I wont share that... I do regret taking a year off studying, it gets boring around the house. I regret being a total anti-social jerk at high school, I wasn't a huge conformist, I basically 'hated' everybody. I regret not finding a job sooner, thank god there's hope I finally got a good paying job. I regret falling in love, it's just after I experienced my first heartbreak I've started to become more of an a**hole...


Ok, I'm just going to stop... The nostalgia...


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Edited by indySkye

"The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant."

- The Doctor

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Biggest regret? That's easy! Thinking My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was stupid of course! Especially without even watching it! (Like a majority of the haters.)


Okay really, my biggest regret is likely all the stories and songs I have started but NEVER FINISHED. Honestly it's painful writing or creating something that could be great, then losing motivation.

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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