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How do Applejack and Rarity fans feel?


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It doesn't bother me when AJ is not that high on the popularity chart. However, it does bother me when people start bashing her. The characters don't deserve hate.

  • Brohoof 1


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Applejack is my fav pony, my brony friends call her a background pony, do I care? NO I <3 Applejack she is the one who does the most good out of all the mane 6 and I love her (As a fan) so so may she be least loved pony I do not give a buck! And okay rarity is not my fav pony put she does not deserve people being mean 2 her. OH MY CELISTIA LOVE AND TOLERATE PEOPLE WHO BEING MEAN TO ARE FAV PONIES!

Edited by Melodys Bliss
  • Brohoof 1



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Well, I'm a bit of a closet AJ fan, I respect and admire her because she's strong and I'm not because she's actually very nice, understanding and honest. (Most of the time.)


My opinion on the dislike or unpopularity? Well, I understand it. She hasn't exactly gotten a lot of chances to shine and she doesn't always live up to her element the greatest. (Then again, what sort of person has never lied in their life.) I tolerate it easily. I think she just needs people to recognize her positive traits a little more.


Closet AJ fan? Why would someone feel the need to be a closet fan of the show's characters while on this forum? Let alone one of the Mane 6. Why would you even use that phrase?


Rarity is one of my favorite female fictional characters, period. And the other ponies don't really rank there.


(the other ones are Luxa and Twitchtip from The Underland Chronicles, Midna from Zelda Twilight Princess, Kei from the movie AKIRA, Hermione Granger... that's all I can think of. Rarity is right up there with Luxa.)

Edited by GuillermoGage
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Well Rarity is my second favorite (behind Rainbow Dash). One thing that kinda pissed me off was how in Adventure Ponies she was basically just a different colored Twilight -.- Rarity deserves more respect. As for Applejack well I was never a fan of her's.

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Or do you not really mind, because as long as you love the pony, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks?


Please tell me your opinion.


Exactly that first sentence right up there.


I don't need to post my reasons in a long paragraph form.This image explains it all for me.




(Found the image in the forums too.)


  • Brohoof 9


"Look upon me, Equestria, for I am Rarity!"

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I have to say, Rarity is hilarious. she genuinely makes me laugh (and laughing means allot to me). Many people don't see Rarity's true awesome and just filter it with the idea that she is a 'G3 stereotype pony'. It makes me sad :(


AJ is amazing! everything about her is so....real. And what really grasps me is her relationship with Apple Bloom. I have a sister (she's 7 and I'm 17)


Though Pinkie is my favorite pony (I don't normally pic favorites...But I can't say no to my alternative universe twin :) ) I love every pony! all for different reasons. I think people need to concentrate more on Rarity and AJ's amazing qualities rather than 'flaws'.

  • Brohoof 3


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I have to say, Rarity is hilarious. she genuinely makes me laugh (and laughing means allot to me). Many people don't see Rarity's true awesome and just filter it with the idea that she is a 'G3 stereotype pony'. It makes me sad

I know right? IMO Rarity is the funniest character of the show, but not because she wants to be funny, leave that for Pinkie Pie, it's because her friends and all the scenarios she gets always put her on unconfortable situations in where she acts in certain way that it looks funny to us! I love Rarity to no end, sorry I had to say that :D


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Rarity in my opinion is rather hilarious. Hilariously over dramatic yet elegant all at the same time. She's tough too, which is a awesome combination of personalities.


Applejack is also such a cool character! Family oriented, stubborn, the only one who seems the most mentally sane as well.....needs more attention in my opinion.



Even though Fluttershy is my favorite character (Она моя жена ) I still enjoy all the characters just as much!!






Oh and just to rustle some jimmies (learned that recently :P ) here is a picture that I wouldn't click on if I were you.



Posted Image




Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I know right? IMO Rarity is the funniest character of the show, but not because she wants to be funny, leave that for Pinkie Pie, it's because her friends and all the scenarios she gets always put her on unconfortable situations in where she acts in certain way that it looks funny to us! I love Rarity to no end, sorry I had to say that :D


Don't be sorry! People need to see this! :D Rarity's character is...well rarity. and not many people realize that. Rarity solutes you. Posted Image
  • Brohoof 2


My Role-play character /OC http://mlpforums.com.../_/melody-r1579

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Oh and just to rustle some jimmies (learned that recently ) here is a picture that I wouldn't click on if I were you.

you achieve it, you made it...


my jimmies are very rustled at the moment, I like both Rarity and Big Mac, but this is a huge no-no!


keep them separate please u_u

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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While neither character tops my list of favorite characters it is downright silly how underrated they are. I mean, we have people in other threads talking about replacing Applejack with Trixie for crying out loud! How did it come to this? Rarity is the second funniest character on the show for Pete's sake.

Being a Rainbow Dash fan, I realize that I'm unable to truly understand your predicament, but if y'all feel anything like I do when someone calls Dash an overrated arrogant jackass then I salute you for putting up with it and staying AJ and Rarity fans.

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you achieve it, you made it...


my jimmies are very rustled at the moment, I like both Rarity and Big Mac, but this is a huge no-no!


keep them separate please u_u


Just you wait, I'll make you hate him. I'll make this my life goal. I MAKETH THIS MY GOAL FOR THOU!!






You think I enjoyed seeing this....it made Dimitri rather rustled.....worse than that in my opinion.

  • Brohoof 2



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Or do you not really mind, because as long as you love the pony, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks?


Exactly that first sentence right up there.


I don't need to post my reasons in a long paragraph form.This image explains it all for me.




(Found the image in the forums too.)


^That. A Dog and Pony Show has to be one of my favorite episodes because of Rarity. I like Dashie as well, but because of that episode Rarity just inches ahead in my books. They're all great though, can't say I have anypony that I hate. Vinyl and Trixie are probably in my second place spot (if I have Rarity and Dashie tied for first) and everyone else is in 3rd, but honestly there is so little space between rankings for how much I like certain ponies more than others that they may as well all be tied.

Edited by Puddlejumper
  • Brohoof 1


WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar.

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  • 5 months later...

I found this thread after doing a google search of "Applejack fans", interesting what you will find sometimes. Yes it can bother me a little bit sometimes that Applejack is not appreciated as much as I think she deserves but I see no point in making a fit over it people have their opinions and I have mine. The only thing that really gets under my skin is when people seriously suggest that Applejack should be replaced which also bothers me when people suggest this for Rarity even though she is not my favorite. I will admit that I didn't really like Rarity all that much at first but even then I realized that she is an important part of the show and she is slowly growing on me a bit more and I think she has a great deal of potential as a character.

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Besides Pinkie, I don't have a list of any ponies in particular order from favorite to least. I love Applejack and Rarity and wish everyone didn't hate on them. What I absolutely can't stand is when people diss on Rarity for being "girly." What is so bad about being girly? She may be snotty sometimes, but nopony is perfect, just like how RD has a big ego. And how everyone thinks Applejack is a dull character. Why can't we just love everypony instead of picking on their flaws? sad.png Also one of the things I adore about Rarity is instead of being those stereotypical fashion ponies, she is a hard worker and is involved with the business side of it.

Edited by PinkiePie Forever
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The fact that AJ is most likely the least popular of the Mane Six doesn't bug me, because no matter how many awesome characters are in a story, there is also going to be a least favorite. It's just the natural order of things. It's impossible for every character to be equally loved. I've always been one to root for the underdogs anyway, not because they are underdogs, but because I coincidentally have a track record of liking characters who aren't as popular. I see them in a light that the majority just doesn't. And that's perfectly fine.


And no offense to any fan of MLP, but a lot of the fanbase consists of younger to mid teenage fans, and they tend to like more easily understood characters like Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie. In my opinion, Applejack and Rarity are a bit more complex, so I think that's part of why they're on the bottom of the barrel in popularity. Not to mention, a lot of fans take a liking to background characters, for whatever reason I just can't understand, even citing such characters as their "favorite" despite them having no known personality or anything. So I tend to take the general consensus of every character with a grain of salt. In other words, I don't feel as if the popularity of the characters accurately reflects the quality of the characters.


But, I'm human, and I admit that I resent that fact that Princess Luna, who really has no reason to even appear in the story anymore and exists solely for fan service and her insane popularity, edged out Applejack, a main character who has been built up over the span of three seasons, in that ridiculous herd census. No I don't hate Luna, I don't even dislike her, but she's the epitome of overrated, and it just goes to show how terribly terribly underrated Applejack is. I state this as an opinion of mine, but again, I don't really mind that AJ is less popular than the other Mane Six characters, because somepony has to be the least favorite. Besides, what her fanbase might lack in size, they more than make up for in dedication. The same applies for Rarity, who is also an amazing character.

Edited by Sugar Cube
  • Brohoof 3
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I can fully understand why Rarity isn't very appreciated, but I don't understand why the same applies to Applejack at all.


Being an Applejack fan, yes, I do get quite annoyed whenever Applejack is referred to as a background pony. I've actually seen a lot of love for Rarity, which I don't really understand either.

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Well, both of them aren't one of my favs, but I guess I can wedge an opinion here...

Well, first of all, I feel that Rarity isn't a snob, but she DOES have the potential to come out as one. I'm not saying she is full moon snob, but she can show her colors here and there.
Now AJ, I do not think she is a background character...otherwise she wouldn't have had a couple episodes starring herself. Background characters are characters who happen to make up the setting, or in which play tiny roles.
I feel if maybe we had more AJ episodes, people wouldn't consider her a background pony...

That is my opinion xD

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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I don't feel personally offended when other bronies look past Rarity or AJ. And I don't make a bunch of posts fixating on it. I just try to understand why people have those opinions. Applejack is easy to take for granted and Rarity is something of a diva, no question about it. A lot of bronies don't see past those things, so they don't appreciate the characters like we do. But more of us are coming around every day and that makes me happy.


Really, it's gotten to the point where Applejack is one of the most talked-about ponies on the board and even Rarity is getting more credit. If that was the goal of all the pro-AJ/Rarity activism--to make them more appreciated--then we can rest easy. I think the goal has been accomplished.



  • Brohoof 2

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I don't really mind that much that their the least rated, I DO mind when people insult their character, like King Sombra, he's my second favorite pony of all next to Vinyl Scratch, and he's the most made fun of character simply because he didn't get enough screen time, I find that extremely annoying.


Some random guy on FIMFiction wants me to give a full detailed explanation about why I personally like him because I disagreed with his senseless hatred towards him.

Edited by Dr. Love

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Before you go and roll your eyes at another one of my complaints about AJ being unpopular or whatever, read please. This thread isn't about any of that.


All I wonder is how AJ and Rarity fans feel about their favorite pony being the least favorite in the majority of the fandom.


Do you get angry when best pony results always have them in last place? Do you get annoyed when people call AJ a background pony or Rarity a total snob? Or do you not really mind, because as long as you love the pony, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks?


Please tell me your opinion.


Again, all I wonder is how other fans feel. I have no complaint in this post, nor am I getting angry or being biased, so please do not say that I am.

I'm going with the third option. I'm a Rarity fan (shocker), and I'm happy as long as she appears on the screen for a brief time. Actually, I'm slightly glad she isn't mainstream, so at Roleplays where we can play the Mane6, nopony thinks of getting her first, it's either RD or Fluttershy that's one :D


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I have no problem with there not being very many Rarity fans out there. They just have yet to realize the truth: RARITY IS THE BEST PONY, NO EXCEPTIONS (I kid of course, please don't kill me). 


Sometimes I feel like I see different things in Rarity than other people do, and sometimes I feel like I like Rarity for the wrong reasons. I know people always complain about how she never shows generosity (or rarely, get it?), and about how she acts super selfish and is high maintenance, but I love her for just these reasons. I can't explain it, but I just can't get enough of her overreactions and swooning episodes. To tell the truth, I'm not sure I would enjoy the company of someone who had Rarity's qualities in real life, but in mlp I absolutely love her.


Regardless, her mane is my favorite color so there's no way she couldn't be my favorite pony.


Rarity is best pony.

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