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Do you find it strange for guys to cross their legs while sitting?


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Good to know im not the only one who does this. i do it when i sit, play guitar etc.

I often get asked if if "hurts" to sit like that to which i reply: "Its agonizing, now shoo and leave me to inflict more pain on myself".

It gets really hard to say that with a straight face after a while XD


Hahhaa :D This sounds exactly like something I would say to someone, with my really weird sarcastic speaking :D

Made me smile reading it lol.

Seriously though it doesn't hurt me at all, So I suppose with all the other people doing it it must not be like its suppose to hurt.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Ikr >_> Society can be one heck of a crazed judgmental jerk sometimes >_>

Of course if I cared what society thinks of me I'd proably not be watching MLP now would I :P.

I was actually somewhat curious if there was any serious reasoning against it. Like physically I guess.

I suppose if it was somehow so shunned I might think of not doing it, but otherwise society is really stupid sometimes :/


There are two ways of 'crossing' your legs: where your ankle is crossed on the knee of your opposite leg; the other is where your leg crosses tightly across the other. I think its mostly with the latter, with many people seeing it as the male having small testicles (the idea is that if you 'had any', then sitting this way would be physically uncomfortable), so this is then attributed as a female way of sitting.


Which is stupid. Like I said, it's SITTING.

  • Brohoof 1
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Yes I think it's very weird because I think it's uncomfortable and it looks uncomfortable and I can't really understand why guys would sit like that. But if it's not uncomfortable for you then do it, I don't really care how people prefer to sit down lol. Usually I have one leg on top of the other one perpendicular to each other


Eh, I sit in much more other positions people think are uncomfortable, but honestly I find them comfortable for atleast a little while.

I'm sure not everyone is going to find it comfortable though.

And that sounds like the way the guy suggested me to sit.

I honestly have like so many different ways I sit :P. I can't keep track of how many I sit in one day.

I even sit normalish once and a while :P


There are two ways of 'crossing' your legs: where your ankle is crossed on the knee of your opposite leg; the other is where your leg crosses tightly across the other. I think its mostly with the latter, with many people seeing it as the male having small testicles (the idea is that if you 'had any', then sitting this way would be physically uncomfortable), so this is then attributed as a female way of sitting.


Which is stupid. Like I said, it's SITTING.


Yeah, thats the only thought I can think of. I cross mine all the way with one crossed tighly across the other, but honestly i'm pretty sure I don't have iregularly sized parts or anything >_>. And it doesn't cause me pain so... I honestly don't see the reasoning behind the whole thing about the size of your "Guy parts" testicles, whatever you wanna call them having to do with anything. Besides its pretty much proven that they are all basically the same size.

Anyways I don't want to derail anything a whole lot. I agree though its just sitting, like it really matter!?

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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How you sit? Are you kidding me? It's nobody damn business how you sit, I can't believe that's even something people are judging you for now. Absolute bullshit.


People will judge anything and everything.

I got asked if my ear piercing was on the "gay side" yesterday.

Even though there is no such thing.

Nothing and nobody is safe from judgement these days

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Personally, I never sit that way because it crushes my balls :/


Anyway, a lot of girls sit like that, and a lot of guys don't, so yeah, it is a girly way to sit. Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with that, and I'm sure not going to judge anyone for it.

Similar to sitting down to piss is a girly way to do it. Doesn't stop me from sitting down to piss when I'm tired or want to play my DS on the toilet.

  • Brohoof 3

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Personally, I never sit that way because it crushes my balls :/


Anyway, a lot of girls sit like that, and a lot of guys don't, so yeah, it is a girly way to sit. Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with that, and I'm sure not going to judge anyone for it.

Similar to sitting down to piss is a girly way to do it. Doesn't stop me from sitting down to piss when I'm tired or want to play my DS on the toilet.


Yeah, after that day I've noticed alot of girls seem to do that. I don't really get pain from it, but its different for everyone I guess so :P

I sit down on the toilet sometimes just to watch videos on youtube or play games and stuff to :D I also do it when I'm just really bored tired ect. I never do it at public places though, To disgusting to me >_> not unless I have to do I sit then.


Anyways enough of my rant :P.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I sit like that sometimes. Not all the way crossed but I rest my leg on my knee....okay I do sometimes cross my whole leg. It's a habit for me I can't help it.


Besides I'm a manly man, who cares? How does sitting define your sexual orientation? My father sat like that a lot....and he's former KGB.


The KGB is a world renowned gay den, that's what Rob Anders told me.


Also I don't find sitting positions to be of relevance to anything really. Hell, you can even stand if you want, albeit it might be a tad unorthodox to do that in class. Also of relevance, my keyboard is qwerty type and I am eating carrots right now. As you can see, I am not masculine at all based on these factors.

  • Brohoof 1

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I do it all the time, and I don't think I'm that strange...


Now, if you excuse me, I am about to go to a slaughterhouse and stand on a beer keg naked blindfolded while reciting the Constitution.


Hahahhaa :D Your not strange in the slightest! :D That sounds like tons of fun ya know... But can you do it with your hands and legs tied behind your back?


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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@Zygen" Nah. Instead, I think I shall sit on the beer keg with one leg crossing my other. I think that would make a more valid statement of my manliness...

Edited by AegisReflector
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The KGB is a world renowned gay den, that's what Rob Anders told me.


I'm horridly offended by your comment!!




You actually made me shoot Vodka out my nose right now.


I hope you're happy.....it burns terribly.

  • Brohoof 1



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I'm horridly offended by your comment!!




You actually made me shoot Vodka out my nose right now.


I hope you're happy.....it burns terribly.


I do apologize for any physical pain inflicted. Clearly you are more masculine than I am, as I would never attempt drinking vodka through my nose. Well played.


Also that was a pretty fast response, albeit a fast response was what I predicted.

  • Brohoof 3

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@Zygen" Nah. Instead, I think I shall sit on the beer keg with one leg crossing my other. I think that would make a more valid statement of my manliness...


Well whatever floats your beer keg. I think being tied up helplessly sounds pretty manly to me.. But whatever :P

I suggest for added difficulty to balance a apple on your head.


I do apologize for any physical pain inflicted. Clearly you are more masculine than I am, as I would never attempt drinking vodka through my nose. Well played.


Also that was a pretty fast response, albeit a fast response was what I predicted.


Oh you two! :D

I'm laughing just reading this... Possibly more then I should, I'm not sure If I should feel bad that I laughed when I heard about shooting vodka through your nose lol. I actually almost spit milk up my nose(Not nearly the same but still...)

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I've experienced this myself. I've sat with crossed legs since I was a child - i'm nearly 30 now. When I was young I definitely heard many "don't sit like that, it's the way girls sit" related comments. Not many really, but it did seem odd to me. Had some people ask me once If my genitals were missing or somthing, as if it was physically impossible to sit that way for a man somehow. Now that was a weird one.


If it's comfortable for you to sit that way, that's all that matters. For the record, I was sitting with my legs crossed even as I read the topic's title.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't think there's anything wrong with it.


Crossing your legs while sitting is certainly done mostly by girls, but I wouldn't consider it an effeminate gesture.


The only reason I wouldn't personally do it is because it would put awkward pressure on my balls, lol.


Although I do cross my legs occasionally while I stand. But I rarely do it outside though.


People immediately assume I'm gay because of it. :P


So, yeah, cross your legs if you want guys!

  • Brohoof 1



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I don't really see the problem with it. It's understandable really, having your legs in the same position for a while can become rahter uncomfortable after a bit, and I've found it helps to cross your legs periodically. It also helps me read books better!

  • Brohoof 2
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Should have loudly asked him why he was looking at your legs. "See something you like down there? Are my crossed legs obstructing the view?"



As covered in earlier posts, there are two methods generally employed for crossing one's legs: crossing them at the hips, which I find uncomfortable because it puts pressure on the... genitalia; and the "figure four," which involves folding one knee at 90 degrees and resting the ankle atop the other knee.


Using the "figure four" is practical as well as comfortable. I find it quite helpful as I'm doing manly things such as re-assembling a rifle after cleaning it. It's also useful for resting books, magazines, newspapers, and laptops in an easily readable position on your lap.

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Why the hell did you ask this?


Is it weard? How could you say something like that? It's like asking do you think it's weard that girls like dresses?.... Wtf????



Anyways... No I don't think it's weard because I sit on my legs all the time...



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I'm not sure why what someone does should matter because of their sex. If someone who has a penis crosses their legs, why is that somehow different from someone with a vagina crossing their legs, or someone with both sets of genitals, or someone who was somehow born with no genitals, or any other number of things? Perhaps this is just because I'm a strong rejector of the concept of gender roles, but...I fail to understand why this should be a question at all.


My recommendation, Zygen, is not to ask this question, but to look inward and consider why you're asking it to begin with. Why does it even matter?

  • Brohoof 1

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Do you find it strange for guys to cross their legs while sitting?

Hell yeah. I'm being honest here, crossing your legs when you're guy is a very weird thing to do. How can you get comfortable with your junk getting pressed like that? Posted Image


If the real issues here is that you're transgender/whatever, and you're more comfortable like that, why should you care? It's your body, and you damn well have the right to do whatever you want with it.

But you still don't have any right to whine if others says that you're weird :P

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks for my Bon Bon for the awsum sig

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No. I used to do it all the time until some kid told me that only girls do it, so now I avoid it on instinct. I don't think it's strange, though. Kind of like women riding horses sidesaddle, the "men shouldn't cross their legs" thing seems to be going out of style.

  • Brohoof 1

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Sometimes I like to wear a skirt and sit with my legs spread faaar apart so that everyone can see the frilly undergarments I chose for the day. But I also put a small colt .38 special revolver between my legs so that I can assert my manlyness.

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I don't see anything wrong with a guy sitting with legs crossed, if i have been sat at my computer for a while (which is every day i suppose :P) i tend to cross my legs to stretch the muscles a little, i sit in loads of different ways, depending on what im doing :P

  • Brohoof 1

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