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Do you find it strange for guys to cross their legs while sitting?


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Eh, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I'll sit with my legs crossed occasionally, sometimes even in class, either with my leg on my knee or completely crossed. Sometimes I do it cause it's comfortable, other times because I need to rest or support something on my lap. Either way, I don't think it's weird for us guys to sit with our legs crossed.

  • Brohoof 1
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Kind of like women riding horses sidesaddle, the "men shouldn't cross their legs" thing seems to be going out of style.

Look at pictures and clips from movies from the 20s through... pretty much every generation preceding ours and you'll see plenty of men sitting that way. I can recall many dapper men, some wearing fedoras and very serious facial expressions, sitting that way as they read a newspaper or just relaxing. Check out these dudes:


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It wasn't an issue until this generation came along, a generation that seems more concerned with the appearance of manliness than any preceding it and also more clueless as to what actually makes a man. They just love to hate things.


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  • Brohoof 4
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Maybe this has been said, but I didn't feel like reading through all of the comments. My grandpa and a couple of his brothers recently had a nice little reunion not to long ago. And while they were sitting down in the kitchen talking to each other, they all had their legs crossed. It was normal for men to sit like that at one point, but somewhere in time it became more of a feminine thing to do.


I like to sit with my legs crossed sometimes because it stretches my thigh muscle and it is comfortable. I don't think I have ever been given shit because of it, but I know some idiot in the world thinks men sitting like that must be "gay" http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

  • Brohoof 3
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No, I don't find it strange for guys to have their legs crossed while they're sitting, and I can't really see why some people choose to spend their time called people weirdos and gay for the way they're sitting.

Personally, I sit with my right leg on my left knee sometimes when I don't have anything special to do because I find it relaxing to have one leg on the other knee. If someone tell me that it is gay to sit like that and all that shit, I just tell them to go away.

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I'm not sure why what someone does should matter because of their sex. If someone who has a penis crosses their legs, why is that somehow different from someone with a vagina crossing their legs, or someone with both sets of genitals, or someone who was somehow born with no genitals, or any other number of things? Perhaps this is just because I'm a strong rejector of the concept of gender roles, but...I fail to understand why this should be a question at all.


My recommendation, Zygen, is not to ask this question, but to look inward and consider why you're asking it to begin with. Why does it even matter?


I don't really know to be honest the reason why i asked this question in the first place now that I see this. I guess I was feeling self conscious, or just wondering if it was going to hurt me somehow. I don't really know.

I am also hate gender roles honestly I think they're stupid. I don't understand exactly why I ask alot of questions to myself. I mean in the end I really don't care.


So to sum it up I don't really know anymore.. I think I just had a self conscious moment about it or something. I don't normally consider myself to be concerned about others thoughts so who knows. And like I said I don't obey or like gender roles at all.


Hell yeah. I'm being honest here, crossing your legs when you're guy is a very weird thing to do. How can you get comfortable with your junk getting pressed like that? Posted Image


If the real issues here is that you're transgender/whatever, and you're more comfortable like that, why should you care? It's your body, and you damn well have the right to do whatever you want with it.

But you still don't have any right to whine if others says that you're weird :P


Well I've found ways to do it where it doesn't really bother me, And its comfortable to me so idk. I don't really know if it would make me transgender, but honestly thats highly up for debate because honestly who knows.

I didn't really mean to sound like I'm whining about it so sorry :/. i don't really know exactly what the reason was in my mind about this when I made it.


I don't understand alot of my thoughts that go on in my head :P

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I'm doing a serious TLDR here, but just because I want to shunt my opinion in here.

I cross my legs for everything. I cross my legs at the ankle when I'm sitting and eating, at the thigh when I'm sitting at a school desk, and my right ankle crosses my left thigh when I'm working on schoolwork (so I can hold the paper up on my lap.) And, when I'm standing, I cross my ankles in anxiety, and I scratch the back of my shins all the time because I get incredibly itchy there. Heck, I my legs are crossed right now. Sometimes, I even sit with both of my legs crossed upwards, in the yoga Lotus position!

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Well, i dont know. Gay guys do it and it seems pretty normal, but most other guys dont. Also, I heard it hurts a man to do that :huh: idk, im not a guy, i've heard my guy friends tell me that before


I've never had it hurt me, after doing it for a while I've got it to the point where I can do it and not have any pain. I guess you just have to be doing it right? Who knows lol.

Not everyone sits the same though. I sit in quite the set of ways, I also know other people who sit in different ways. Guess everyone has different ways they find comfortable.


I'm doing a serious TLDR here, but just because I want to shunt my opinion in here.

I cross my legs for everything. I cross my legs at the ankle when I'm sitting and eating, at the thigh when I'm sitting at a school desk, and my right ankle crosses my left thigh when I'm working on schoolwork (so I can hold the paper up on my lap.) And, when I'm standing, I cross my ankles in anxiety, and I scratch the back of my shins all the time because I get incredibly itchy there. Heck, I my legs are crossed right now. Sometimes, I even sit with both of my legs crossed upwards, in the yoga Lotus position!


Yeah I expecially cross my legs when reading or doing something where I need to hold up papers or put something like a notebook on my lap, which happens pretty often in school. Its pretty convenient
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I don't find it strange, because I do it all the time. Shouldn't we not like label things for girls and guys, because we are on a my little pony forum...

  • Brohoof 1
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Should have loudly asked him why he was looking at your legs. "See something you like down there? Are my crossed legs obstructing the view?"



As covered in earlier posts, there are two methods generally employed for crossing one's legs: crossing them at the hips, which I find uncomfortable because it puts pressure on the... genitalia; and the "figure four," which involves folding one knee at 90 degrees and resting the ankle atop the other knee.


Using the "figure four" is practical as well as comfortable. I find it quite helpful as I'm doing manly things such as re-assembling a rifle after cleaning it. It's also useful for resting books, magazines, newspapers, and laptops in an easily readable position on your lap.


hahaha I totally should've had that idea when he told me lol, I don't really know how he'd react though. Might not turn out any better. Plus I might just end up in trouble :P But it made me grin atleast :).
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Well, i dont know. Gay guys do it and it seems pretty normal, but most other guys dont. Also, I heard it hurts a man to do that :huh: idk, im not a guy, i've heard my guy friends tell me that before


Whaaaaaaa? As far as I'm aware, not gay, and refer to my above post. Of course, I'm not mad at you or anything, but I feel quite personal about this whole sexual-preference shenanigan. Here's to another cause of HOCD!
  • Brohoof 1
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I don't find it strange, because I do it all the time. Shouldn't we not like label things for girls and guys, because we are on a my little pony forum...


Haha, thats true. I don't know why I expected that there would be any people like the one who told me this on an MLP forum. I guess I was just asking because I'm comfortable asking here. Or maybe because I thought it was some kinda exception to the people here who knows what the thoughts are in my head sometimes.. >_>
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  • 1 month later...

I'm guy and I cross my lags all the time both at the hip and "figure four" I have always done it, I find both ways comfy. I have never had anyone tell me its "for girls". The only thing I have ever herd bad about crossing your lags is that it can be hard on your back and may be bad for temper control of the gentles.

Edited by Lux Brush
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I find if more confortable to cross my legs rather than put one leg over the other. However, I feel like there are 2 types of leg crossing: when your legs are back, and when your legs are out. I do the latter.

Edited by Betez
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It is seen as a female way of sitting because of skirts, though if tv shows and stuff can be believed than guys use to do it too way back in the day and nothing was seen as being "girly" about it. Of course most of the outfits guys use to wear at that time would probably get you labeled as "gay" or "girly" now too.


I've never sat this way as I just don't see how it could be comfy, and poor circulation in my legs. Only crossing of my legs I do is if I am leaning back in a chair with my legs stretched out, then I cross them at the ankle.


Sit how you want. Society as a whole anymore is completely stupid and very judgmental. Maybe one day we'll all be able to get along and sit how you want without being labeled, until then just keep doing what makes you happy so long as it doesn't physically impose on another.

Edited by Puddlejumper
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It's pretty stupid how it's labeled as feminine to cross their legs all the way. I personally don't do it, mostly because I find it uncomfortable (because of my balls) but there shouldn't be anything wrong with it. When I cross my legs, I usually rest my other leg on my knee rather than on my thigh, and that seems to be more socially accepted for some reason.


But really, it's all mostly stereotypes that don't mean shit.

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