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Twilight Sparkle Alicorn/Princess Speculation [SPOILERS]



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  1. 1. Would you approve of Twilight becoming an alicorn?

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This episode looks to be the absolute BEST! Southern Pinkie Pie! Vinyl Scratch! A musical! Oh boy, Saturday can't come quick enough!


Also, anyone find it a might bit strange that Applejack still had her accent?


Why wouldn't she still have her accent? They've changed cutie marks, not personalities/bodies. That's the entire point. The very reason they're all running around, failing to fulfill each others' destinies is because cutie marks and destinies are born from your personality, because your personality births your destiny. They still have their own personalities and such, which is why they're unable to properly fulfill the cutie marks of each other. For example, take Futtershy: She's shy; she -can't- be a partier like Pinkie no matter how hard she tries x3 Can't ask an introvert to suddenly be an extrovert.


Unless this somehow turns out to be a two-parter in disguise that Hasbro has somehow hidden until now, I can't help but wonder how rushed this episode is going to feel. With only twenty minutes, the cutie mark fiasco is going to eat up a crap ton of that time. Seems like Twi is only going to become an alicorn at the end and then they're all going to have an impromptu celebration, then the end.


If that happens, I am not looking forward to the endless apocalyptic predictions for S4 following a cliffhanger like that xD If we all thought this Alicorn drama was bad now...


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Is it me or the producers don't seem to understand their own show?

I mean... C'mon... Cutie marks and destiny? I thought that the cutie marks where a representation of their talents. Why the hay does this mess make them think they must change?!


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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Why wouldn't she still have her accent? They've changed cutie marks, not personalities/bodies. That's the entire point. The very reason they're all running around, failing to fulfill each others' destinies is because cutie marks and destinies are born from your personality, because your personality births your destiny. They still have their own personalities and such, which is why they're unable to properly fulfill the cutie marks of each other. For example, take Futtershy: She's shy; she -can't- be a partier like Pinkie no matter how hard she tries x3 Can't ask an introvert to suddenly be an extrovert.


Well, Rainbow Dash was living in Fluttershy's cottage, Pinkie Pie had a southern drawl despite not having one normally, and Applejack was at Carosel Boutique (which has been shown to be Rarity's home and workplace), so it's safe to assume that Twilight's spell switched more than their personalities. Also, accents are developed based on your environment, so considering Pinkie Pie had a southern twang, I'd wager their childhoods were altered as well, as Pinkie Pie grew up on a rock farm, while Applejack originally wanted to be a sophisticated Manehattan pony.


Either way, the reason why AJ still has her accent could probably just be Ashleigh couldn't do a Mid-Atlantic English accent while still having the voice be recognizable as Applejack. Pinkie Pie's sudden accents could also be because Andrea recorded her lines before Ashleigh, and so the lines weren't re-recorded when the idea was scraped (Though, if I recall correctly the VAs record the lines for each episode all together (with the exception of Tara).


Perhaps I'm just over analyzing the show...again. :huh:


At any rate, one thing is for certain. Rarity's magic is MUCH stronger than we thought. Manipulating the weather of all of Ponyville...by herself? Even Rainbow Dash needed a team to do it!

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

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Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

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Well, Rainbow Dash was living in Fluttershy's cottage, Pinkie Pie had a southern drawl despite not having one normally, and Applejack was at Carosel Boutique (which has been shown to be Rarity's home and workplace), so it's safe to assume that Twilight's spell switched more than their personalities. Also, accents are developed based on your environment, so considering Pinkie Pie had a southern twang, I'd wager their childhoods were altered as well, as Pinkie Pie grew up on a rock farm, while Applejack originally wanted to be a sophisticated Manehattan pony.


Either way, the reason why AJ still has her accent could probably just be Ashleigh couldn't do a Mid-Atlantic English accent while still having the voice be recognizable as Applejack. Pinkie Pie's sudden accents could also be because Andrea recorded her lines before Ashleigh, and so the lines weren't re-recorded when the idea was scraped (Though, if I recall correctly the VAs record the lines for each episode all together (with the exception of Tara).


Perhaps I'm just over analyzing the show...again. :huh:


At any rate, one thing is for certain. Rarity's magic is MUCH stronger than we thought. Manipulating the weather of all of Ponyville...by herself? Even Rainbow Dash needed a team to do it!


It'd call that over-analyzing just a bit, yes. They've clearly got the same personalities. The show has them living in each others' places to put a bold face on the fact their cutie marks have switched. Besides, Dash -needs- to live at Fluttershy's, that's where the animals and all their stuff is. AJ -needs- to be at the Boutique, that's where all the dresses, sewing machine, materials, etc. are.


And, that's really comparing magic to non-magic xP I dunno if Rarity is necessarily a lot more powerful, she's just got magic and Dash and other pegasi don't.


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It'd call that over-analyzing just a bit, yes. They've clearly got the same personalities. The show has them living in each others' places to put a bold face on the fact their cutie marks have switched. Besides, Dash -needs- to live at Fluttershy's, that's where the animals and all their stuff is. AJ -needs- to be at the Boutique, that's where all the dresses, sewing machine, materials, etc. are.


And, that's really comparing magic to non-magic xP I dunno if Rarity is necessarily a lot more powerful, she's just got magic and Dash and other pegasi don't.


I meant destinies instead of personalities, guess I forgot to proofread my post thoroughly enough. Anyway, those details really don't matter, I just kinda wished we'd see Applejack without an accent. Also, about Rarity's magic, I was really comparing her to Twilight moreso than Rainbow Dash. Alot of people dismiss Rarity as being limited with her magic, but if this episode is any indication, it would seem she's not as outclassed by Twilight as we thought..


I'm really just happy this episode is turning out to be better than we all thought it was originally going to be. I'm a little curious that they're showing us everything but the Princess Coronation part, considering how much they are hyping Twilight's princess status..


What are they up to...

Edited by Twinhead B

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

Steam: twinheadb

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I'm just happy this episode is turning out to be better than we all thought it was originally going to be.


This is pretty much the life story of the fandom, honestly xD Everyone freaks the hell out and then the show writers demonstrate why they're so awesome, and why we're all anxiety cases :3


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This is pretty much the life story of the fandom, honestly xD Everyone freaks the hell out and then the show writers demonstrate why they're so awesome, and why we're all anxiety cases :3


Even still, why haven't they showed any footage of alicorn Twilight? We've gotten plenty of stills, and it was even annouced before most of the episode's plot, so why hype it like it's an important part of the episode, and then leave us in the dark?


Makes me wonder if the episode will have a twist ending or not...

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

Steam: twinheadb

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That video is pretty awesome. It's a little funny to see the ponies do eachother's talents without actually having the "talent." But I always thought Rainbow Dash's talent had to do with the Sonic Rainboom. I find that Rarity having the ability to affect the weather because of rainbow's cutie mark pretty confusing.

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I guess now we know that those pictures of desolate Sweet Apple Acres and messed up Carousel Boutique are real...


I wonder what other surprises we'll get... :)


Deviantart: MatrixChicken | Youtube: ThunderFilmStudios Twitter: @JohnAlBerge

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Even still, why haven't they showed any footage of alicorn Twilight? We've gotten plenty of stills, and it was even annouced before most of the episode's plot, so why hype it like it's an important part of the episode, and then leave us in the dark?


Makes me wonder if the episode will have a twist ending or not...

That's what I've been wondering. It all seems like a mess. It could either be a beautiful mess or a horrid mess, it's too early to tell, but this is so chaotic right now.


And again, am I the only one concerned that Luna isn't on the cover of the DVD case? She's the ruler of the night, she has a book that seems to play a role in Twilight's destiny, yet in all these events she seems to be left out for the most part. Is Hasbro trying to phase her out because she is too "dark" or something?


No wonder she became Nightmare Moon, being ignored like this. Sheesh.

  • Brohoof 1


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Not long ago, there was a forum posted by someone who wrote a letter to Hasbro claiming why turning Twilight into an alicorn is a bad idea. The thread has been closed since everyone made their point that they don't feel the same way, but that letter brought up a couple of anti-Twilicorn points that, quite frankly, I'm sick of hearing.


I've already made my point in the original thread that Hasbro is, in fact, not responsible for Twilight's transformation into an alicorn, nor did they force the showrunners. Here's my proof.


I'm here to make different points. Again, odds are they were made earlier in the thread, but I still wish to voice my thoughts:


By turning into a princess, she'll have to leave her friends and live out her life as a princess, and never return.


A baseless fear.


First, Princess Cadance was Twilight's babysitter. A princess and a babysitter. This means princesses can do mundane stuff; ergo, we can infer Twilight can still do mundane stuff.


Second, we have no reason to believe that Twilight is going to leave Ponyville and her friends, or for that matter, stop having to learn about the magic of friendship just because she gets a promotion/powerup. She will probably have some more responsibilities and more powers, but there's no way that any of this is going to change up the formula of the show so radically.



Even if you say she'll still be with her friends and remain her old, academic self, you've also stripped her of her normalcy--the same normalcy that the other five main ponies get to have the privilege of--and turned her into an overpowered god who would leave her friends in the dust in-terms of power.


Ha. No, seriously. Ha.


Twilight has never been on the same level as her friends, in terms of status or power. She is already portrayed as one of the most powerful, talented unicorns in the show. Her friends are already in the dust. And you know what? Her friends don't care. In fact, they're all the prouder to have her as a friend for that. ("Boast Busters") Alicorn's being gods is a fanon theory, and even if she does get an unfathomable powerup, I seriously doubt her friends will care about that.


Furthermore, she is already Princess Celestia's student and direct representative in Ponyville; she's always had some sort of authority over them. Whenever Celestia sends them to do something, Twilight's the one to relay her instructions and lead everyone. ("Dragonshy", "The Return of Harmony", "A Canterlot Wedding") And even when Celestia's not involved, Twilight is still the one to take charge and organize things. ("Winter Wrap Up", "It's About Time")


Despite all this, Twilight has always treated her friends as if they were equals. We've no reason her becoming a princess will change any of that. And if it does, it'll just become another challenge for her to overcome, one I'm sure many of us are eager to see.


I have already voiced my utter disgust in that letter that is made up of these points and more, and here's why: it was childish. It just shows how selfish some people who make such arguments in such a serious manner can be. Now, I've said it once and I'll say it again: it's okay to be upset or mad at the change, but please, do it for the right reasons.

Edited by immblueversion
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That's what I've been wondering. It all seems like a mess. It could either be a beautiful mess or a horrid mess, it's too early to tell, but this is so chaotic right now.


And again, am I the only one concerned that Luna isn't on the cover of the DVD case? She's the ruler of the night, she has a book that seems to play a role in Twilight's destiny, yet in all these events she seems to be left out for the most part. Is Hasbro trying to phase her out because she is too "dark" or something?


No wonder she became Nightmare Moon, being ignored like this. Sheesh.


Luna's always been left out. Unlike Celestia, Cadance, and Twilight she's the only Alicorn to not have her own "talking-princess" toy (Celestia actually has two!). The only toys we have of her are those inaccurate brushable ones, and ONE toy of Nightmare Moon. Seems to me like she's the black sheep (or pony in this case) of the show.


It's a shame too, because she's so much less of an imposing figure than Celestia, you'd think she'd have more screentime and toys. As ironic as it sounds, she's more "human" than Celestia (or even Cadance) because she's been ostracized by most ponies. Little girls (and bronies) can relate to that a whole lot more than a beloved, benevolent, demi-godlike princess whose only fault is that she enjoys cake a little more than most. It's probably why Luna is generally more popular than Celestia, too.


Hasbro really dropped the ball with her.

Edited by Twinhead B

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

Steam: twinheadb

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Luna's always been left out. Unlike Celestia, Cadance, and Twilight she's the only Alicorn to not have her own "talking-princess" toy (Celestia actually has two!). The only toys we have of her are those inaccurate brushable ones, and ONE toy of Nightmare Moon. Seems to me like she's the black sheep (or pony in this case) of the show.


It's a shame too, because she's so much less of an imposing figure than Celestia, you'd think she'd have more screentime and toys. As ironic as it sounds, she's more "human" than Celestia (or even Cadance) because she's been ostracized by most ponies. Little girls (and bronies) can relate to that a whole lot more than a beloved, benevolent, demi-godlike princess whose only fault is that she enjoys cake a little more than most. It's probably why Luna is generally more popular than Celestia, too.


Hasbro really dropped the ball with her.

Which is what troubles me. If she is such a relatable character, WHY is she being tossed to the wayside so much? There's a lot of potential in her, but it's never realized.


This is why I'm worried about the path they are taking with Twilicorn. Sure, I'm always going to prefer that Twiley stay a unicorn (and I hope she still might in the end), but I'll tolerate if she's an Alicorn. There's a lot of potential either way, and if she's a princess they have the opportunity to present the image of her as a strong, noble "warrior" princess (which is kinda the vibe I got from Luna). But given what I've seen so far with the marginalization of Luna, and everything seemingly being slathered in sparkly hot pink and bright colors, I'm beginning to fear Hasbro isn't taking this route and is just going to devolve Twilicorn into the old "pretty pink princess" stereotype.


I know what McCarthy said, but talk is cheap.


There's a lot of opportunities to blaze trails here, but it seems like Hasbro is opting for old stereotypes, and that's just sad.

Edited by AtomicBassCannon
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New article from EW about the finale (contains a new video with one of the 7 -- yes, you heard right, 7 -- songs)




This is looking to turn out very nice. Some don't like the idea of it being a musical, but I kinda like it, TBH. :3


Deviantart: MatrixChicken | Youtube: ThunderFilmStudios Twitter: @JohnAlBerge

Twitch.tv: ThunderFilms Soundcloud: ScootriX


Scootaloo vector by robzombiefan2121

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New article from EW about the finale (contains a new video with one of the 7 -- yes, you heard right, 7 -- songs)




This is looking to turn out very nice. Some don't like the idea of it being a musical, but I kinda like it, TBH. :3


My optimism in the S3 finale is somewhat renewed with the premise of a musical number.  However, this still doesn't make the bitter pill of Twilight being bastardized and mutated into a pretty, pretty princess to sell toys any more palatable.  Still hoping that this transformation gets retconned in S4 with it turning out her destined was tweaked in some way by a malevolent force that the little adorkable pony needs to stop.

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Seven musical numbers? Wow, that's an academy record! :P


Joking aside, I imagine my "Studio B has plans for Alicorn Twilight" theory has bit of plausibility to it if we take Tara Strong's words at face value:




“All the things they love about the show are still going to be there, only bigger and better. It’s a birth of a new era for Twilight, but not the end of what makes the show so wonderful.” So stop your whinnying, neigh-sayers, and saddle up — this one’s gonna be good."


I'm inclined to believe that Season 4 will have much more continuity than Seasons 1-3. Perhaps those theories of Twilight giving up her wings to save her friends aren't as far-fetch'd as we originally thought.
EDIT: This image is some good clarification:
It would seem that our fears of Twilight leaving her friends are all in vain, she's staying in Ponyville! Though, I still don't see why she needs wings just to fly, she was already able to levitate, manipulate gravity, and teleport. Oh well..


Here's a source in case anyone wants to read the full interview/questions whether or not this is legit:



Edited by Twinhead B
  • Brohoof 3

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

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But what about her lifespan? Will that be effected? Is she going to be immortal or close to it like Celestia and Luna? (I have no idea about Cadence so I'm leaving her the hell out of it) If so, do you guys think they will eventually touch on the reality of her outliving her friends in the show?

And I'm still curious what exactly she is going to be the princess OF. A place? An idea? Is this just some kind of glorified knighting? Because that's what this kinda sounds like. Like instead of being given the title "Sir" or "Dame," they are given something physical. In which case, I wonder, does this mean pegasi can receive a horn, or an Earth pony can receive both?

If that's the case, there might be something to the tiered-Alicorn theory.


I have two theories:


1) She's made the "Princess" of Magic (basically knighted), and continues with more advanced studies in Ponyville with her friends. Even though she's technically a princess, her ultimate destiny is something like Starswirl the Bearded.


2) She becomes the Princess of Friendship. Someone somewhere made an interesing point about the image leak of Twilight in the glow right after she ascends in the middle of Ponyville at night. Her friends are no longer wearing their necklaces. Unless Twilight's Alicorn-ness is a Super-Saiyan sort of thing, and this is just another instance of her ascending after her friends took off their elements, it could be that she absorbed them and is now the sole holder of the EoH. On the other hoof, it could be an animation error, but all five were missing them, so...I don't know *shrugs*.

I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but my curiosity is piqued.

Edited by AtomicBassCannon


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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Is it me or the producers don't seem to understand their own show?

I mean... C'mon... Cutie marks and destiny? I thought that the cutie marks where a representation of their talents. Why the hay does this mess make them think they must change?!


Might be spoilery don't read if you haven't seen the clips









From the looks of the episode the characters don't actual remember having their original cutie marks. As in the clip we saw they said Rainbow Dash's cottage. That explains the destiny part. Though they may explain it in a different fashion.


I just really can't take what Meghan says at face value.  Her comments just have that air of disbelief like you would get out of some automated machine.  There is nothing wrong with character progression and change mind you.  It is 100% truth that characters need to evolve to keep a show fresh, I have to admit that and accept it.  However, Twilight's change isn't something normal.  Her change is a drastic overhaul of the character as she "attains her destiny and emerges as a princess."


The so-called "coping" mechanism concerns me as well since it isn't something a normal person/pony would do, and has a royal/regal mannerism to it.  In all honesty, and quite sadly, I foresee Twilight becoming a more "regal princess" type to sell the products.  Once Hasbro dries up that pretty, pretty princess well, they pitch the adorkable pony into the garbage like some used up waterbottle as they move onto the next character to mess with. 


If her transformation was temporary, or she was granted the title of "Princess" with wings bestowed on her Celestia that lasted for the ceremony, I would have been more accepting.  Instead, I just can't view this as anything more than a great character being butched for the sake of the product.  Probably wrong in my assumption/opinion, but its just what I keep feeling from this.  For me, it's that sense of someone close to you betraying your trust in order to make a quick buck. 

Again if that's the attitude taken when seeing production staff comments, then I guess we can just throw everything they say out the window. After all nothing they say can be taken at face value, maybe they are lying. Maybe big bad Hasbro is planting all their words carefully planing everything out to the very last word. Essentially that stance can be taken with anything any one of them says. After all why listen to them anyway we already know they are lying. This kind of stance only really works in relation to NDA material. This doesnt apply here because this is the official announcement. 



Have you had to deal with extreme panic on a regular day today basis? I have, as I have panic attacks/ anxiety disorder on a very constant basis. It may seem strange but coping mechanisms like that are common. Sitting down putting your hands together and closing your eyes might also look strange but that's what it looks like when I do it. It does work however just because I have a coping mechanism doesnt mean I dont flip out. It doesn't completely negate my tendency to panic. As such I find it unlikely we wont see desperate panic Twilight again. I do doubt we will Lesson Zero Twilight again, as she has already learned not to go that far.  

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But what about her lifespan? Will that be effected? Is she going to be immortal or close to it like Celestia and Luna? (I have no idea about Cadence so I'm leaving her the hell out of it) If so, do you guys think they will eventually touch on the reality of her outliving her friends in the show?


And I'm still curious what exactly she is going to be the princess OF. A place? An idea? Is this just some kind of glorified knighting? Because that's what this kinda sounds like. Like instead of being given the title "Sir" or "Dame," they are given something physical. In which case, I wonder, does this mean pegasi can receive a horn, or an Earth pony can receive both?


If that's the case, there might be something to the tiered-Alicorn theory.


I have two theories:


1) She's made the "Princess" of Magic (basically knighted), and continues with more advanced studies in Ponyville with her friends. Even though she's technically a princess, her ultimate destiny is something like Starswirl the Bearded.


2) She becomes the Princess of Friendship. Someone somewhere made an interesing point about the image leak of Twilight in the glow right after she ascends in the middle of Ponyville at night. Her friends are no longer wearing their necklaces. Unless Twilight's Alicorn-ness is a Super-Saiyan sort of thing, and this is just another instance of her ascending after her friends took off their elements, it could be that she absorbed them and is now the sole holder of the EoH. On the other hoof, it could be an animation error, but all five were missing them, so...I don't know *shrugs*.


I know I'm getting ahead of myself, but my curiosity is piqued.


Her princesshood is most likely just a title, and while she may have a few royal duties (spreading friendship around the world, most likely), she will still be regular old Twilight. Whether or not her Alicorn transformation is permanent remains to be seen..

Edited by Twinhead B

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

Steam: twinheadb

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That was weird... But I'm not going to question how magic works in Equestria. I kind of like it. It's just that's the first time we see a "spoken" spell. Unless Celestia is actively trying to make Twilight awake... Well... Sure, Twilight is strong, but Celestia herself couldn't complete the spell? Seriously?! What does she do in Equestria?!


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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