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Twilight Sparkle Alicorn/Princess Speculation [SPOILERS]



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  1. 1. Would you approve of Twilight becoming an alicorn?

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    • Maybe...
    • NO.

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We won't be seeing this for a long time. Twilight Sparkle is one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria.  Yes, because she is the bearer of The Elements of Harmony, she will eventually transform when the time comes. 

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Guys guys guys GUYS! 



Think about this. 

If you're getting down with the subject of Twilight becoming an Alicorn - all that means is she grows wings, right? 

So why was there no gigantic uproar during "Sonic Rainboom" when Rarity was given wings for that episode? 


Technically, she was an Alicorn for the episode - she had wings and a horn, and they where both fully functional. 

Sorry if this has already been said, but i'm not reading 33 pages...I read 3, that will do. 


Yes, but Rarity was only temporarily an Alicorn. They state the spell is temporary even before it's used, so we as a viewer knew Rarity would be back to normal by the end. The problem most people are having is that the writer's are implying that the change is more than physical, and Twilight will have "new challenges that come with being a princess".



We won't be seeing this for a long time. Twilight Sparkle is one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria.  Yes, because she is the bearer of The Elements of Harmony, she will eventually transform when the time comes.


This is scheduled to happen in the episode that airs two weeks from now.

  • Brohoof 1

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I both like and dislike the idea of Twilight becoming a princess/alicorn.


I like it because I have my own little theory of unicorn elitism in Equestria, and it supports that. The only rulers who are shown to actually do any ruling have all been alicorns (Celestia, Luna and Cadence), and according to the summary the way to become an alicorn is to devise your own type of magic, which only unicorns can do. So if you're an earth pony or a pegasus? Tough luck.


On the other hand, I really hate that Twilight will become a princess. It just feels like such a let down after how great the series has been to suddenly turn around and go back to the 'all girls want to be a princess, that will make them happy' idea. I don't know what it is about season three and this, they seem to have thrown their hands in the air and gone "slightly more complex morals for our audience where things are a little more grey? Nah!" The season 3 Discord episode suffered with this, too.

  • Brohoof 1
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This basically sums up my perspective on the subject:




I mean, honestly, have a little faith in the writers!  Whether or not Hasbro takes over, it's not like an exacutive is going to literally write an episode on their own and force it through!

  • Brohoof 1
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I both like and dislike the idea of Twilight becoming a princess/alicorn.


I like it because I have my own little theory of unicorn elitism in Equestria, and it supports that. The only rulers who are shown to actually do any ruling have all been alicorns (Celestia, Luna and Cadence), and according to the summary the way to become an alicorn is to devise your own type of magic, which only unicorns can do. So if you're an earth pony or a pegasus? Tough luck.


On the other hand, I really hate that Twilight will become a princess. It just feels like such a let down after how great the series has been to suddenly turn around and go back to the 'all girls want to be a princess, that will make them happy' idea. I don't know what it is about season three and this, they seem to have thrown their hands in the air and gone "slightly more complex morals for our audience where things are a little more grey? Nah!" The season 3 Discord episode suffered with this, too.


My head canon is that only ponies connected to the Elements of Harmony can ascend into Alicornhood, and the only way is to be in perfect harmony with their respective element. Twilight writing her own magic sort-of supports this theory.


Maybe we'll see the rest of the Mane 6 ascend in Season 4? Maybe that's what they're setting up for...


Just an idea..

  • Brohoof 1

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

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Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

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My head canon is that only ponies connected to the Elements of Harmony can ascend into Alicornhood, and the only way is to be in perfect harmony with their respective element. Twilight writing her own magic sort-of supports this theory.


Maybe we'll see the rest of the Mane 6 ascend in Season 4? Maybe that's what they're setting up for...


Just an idea..

As far as I can remember, Cadance has had no link to the elements, and yet she has 'ascended'. I reckon originally Alicorns were just another type of pony (like earth or unicorn) but Hasbro wanted to sell Twilight alicorn toys.

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If toy sales (Put wings on it! little girls love princesses!) by Hasbro is driving this change, someone over there is going to get the idea that they'd get even more sales if they do a complete cast change. Corporations are run by committee, and committees have a tendency to be schizophrenic as each individual tries to complete their vision, leading to very short-sighted decisions designed to get the biggest bang *right now*. It's the biggest danger when a corporation is interfering with a creative work that they are sponsoring.


With the short season 3 they have enough FiM for syndication, and with the main character 'achieving her destiny', this has a lot of hallmarks for a series wrap-up. Add to that a big enough gap before Season 4, and they have time to do a serious shift in focus and retool, effectively starting a new series under the same brand.


If the franchise can survive a shift like that, then as far as Hasbro is concerned they are no longer so tightly bound to the one animation studio and handful of writers and VAs that are currently driving the property. That allows Hasbro to be more flexible from a corporation standpoint, and re-establishes their ownership of the franchise.


This isn't necessarily a bad thing, even for us. But it will be a significant change for the show.


Mind you, with all the creative-types in the fandom, we're demonstrating that we're awfully close to being able to continue FiM *without* Hasbro. Another reason that Hasbro is going to want to get back into control now, before it's too late.

Edited by Fhaolan


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As far as I can remember, Cadance has had no link to the elements, and yet she has 'ascended'. I reckon originally Alicorns were just another type of pony (like earth or unicorn) but Hasbro wanted to sell Twilight alicorn toys.


Well, if you wanna get super techincal, Cadance was also not ment to be an Alicorn in the first place. Her initial design was unicorn, and Hasbro meddled with that too. Still, my theory only fits if Twilight magically becomes an Alicorn (as I believe alicornhood =/= princess), because if she's granted Alicornhood through Celestia, then my idea goes right out the window.


Still, this thought could have some weight if you overlook Cadance. Celestia and Luna are alicorns, but how did they become alicorns? If they were born that way it would stand to reason there have been more than 3 born in a couple thousand years. It also seems to tie in with what Meghan McCarthy said about how "every little girl wants to be a princess, but not everyone can", perhaps she was hinting at the possibility that this will happen again in the future? (maybe I'm just over analyzing)


It would make for some interesting stories though. We've seen the Mane 6 representing their elements, but just how extreme do they need to go to ascend, and why would they need to? Also, why does Celestia need Discords' magic? It seems something dark is coming, and Celestia is trying to get every advantage possible..

Edited by Twinhead B

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

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Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

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I don't blame Hasbro for wanting to protect their IP. But they need to understand tat they can't meddle to much Leave the story to the writers. The writers who led this show to be a big success in the first place. But I honestly think the writers had this planned from the start. None of us will know what will happen until 2/16. Which isn't that long. I am guessing S4E1 will be a follow up to the season 3 finale. I am just hoping this alicorn thing is done right. Because I don't want Twilight to be OP as hell. Each pony has their own unique traits and it would suck to see those traits be outdone by Twilight by her alicorn status. I hope the elements of harmony are still relevant because the elements of harmony are the foundation of the show and the characters. My prediction is that Twilight will be an alicorn princess and she will learn that it is not her thing and she will return to ponyville with her friends, but still be an alicorn. I tink all alicorns aren't immortal. I think Celestia and Luna are because they are deities. If an alicorn can be made, then obviously Celestia and Luna need to make one themselves. Maybe Cadence wasn't born an alicorn. So my main concern is Twilight's possible immortality which I hope doesn't come to fruition.

Edited by TheMarkz0ne
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I think I got my feelings sorted out on this. I'm going to share this "revelation" I had and hope that someone corrects me.


I'm cool with the idea of Twilight Princess/Alicorn. It feels like a progression for her and she deserves it. My problem are the reasons for this and the way it seems this is going to happen.


The synopsis for the episode says she'll botch a spell and will have to write spell to fix it. For some reason Celestia then decides that she is now ready for "the next level". Another thing are the interview given by Meghan McCarthy saying that in Equestria the title of princess is given to ponies that excel in sharing their gifts with others.


Ok... Them I suppose that Starswirl the Bearded became an alicorn too and that Blueblood is, very deep inside, a good pony. Right... Maybe only females can be rulers... I'd be alright with this if it was only Luna and Celestia, but if ponies can become rulers of Equestria, but the males cannot, I think I understand now why Blueblood is such a jerk.


I hope I got this wrong because this will break two important things in the show for me.


1- Celestia and Luna must have been normal ponies too, unless they come up with a different story for them. And it's going to be bad, because the episode is only 22 minutes and they have enough trouble as it is... Luna and Celestia not being special somehow is huge letdown for me Because they are just useless: anyone can rule and since unicorns can move the sun and moon around... Why do ponies need them both?! It ruins the Nightmare Moon theme too. If only Luna and Celestia could do it. You guys understand what I mean? It feels like the show began to break down in season 2 with the Hearth Warming Eve episode. I just didn't see it then. Or maybe I did.


2- Luna and Celestia, not being special, it can be expected that their immortality comes from being alicorn. And since they too must have been "normal", then Twilight is going to live more than a thousand years, like Cadance will. So, her friendship with the other girls was just a tool for her ascension. Now she is going to sacrifice it all, to be one of Equestria's rulers, watching her friends die slowly. Don't tell me she not going to change...


I hope I'm wrong and I understand if this is important only to me, but but this will break the show for me.
  • Brohoof 1


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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But the thing is, Alicorns ARE better then the other pony races by far. No one pony could ever hope to match Celestia or Luna. Hell, even Cadance is more powerful than the average pony. So turning Twilight into one would completely negate the rest of the main characters as she would become better than them in every way.

This is an assumption everyone seems to make, one that doesn't ring true when held to scrutiny of the content of the show. Can you name a single instance of an alicorn saving the world or ending a conflict by herself in the show? It simply hasn't happened. Celestia an alicorn who is over one thousand years old with more experience and expertise in magic than anypony could ever dream of has herself been stopped on no less than 3 separate occasions. Nightmare Moon seemed to completely negate her powers and kidnap her. She was pretty helpless against discord relying on the elements of harmony to stop him. She was defeated by queen Chrysalis. What would make Twilight all of the sudden so much better than the rest of the ponies? Wing? I highly doubt she is going to gain 1000 years of experience and knowledge in magic from one transformation. Not to mention that without one of the elements of harmony they are all useless, if that were the only use forthe other five ponies then then would still be vitally important. However as we have seen each of the ponie's personalities and abilities are very useful and magic cant solve everything.
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I think I got my feelings sorted out on this. I'm going to share this "revelation" I had and hope that someone corrects me.
I'm cool with the idea of Twilight Princess/Alicorn. It feels like a progression for her and she deserves it. My problem are the reasons for this and the way it seems this is going to happen.
The synopsis for the episode says she'll botch a spell and will have to write spell to fix it. For some reason Celestia then decides that she is now ready for "the next level". Another thing are the interview given by Meghan McCarthy saying that in Equestria the title of princess is given to ponies that excel in sharing their gifts with others.
Ok... Them I suppose that Starswirl the Bearded became an alicorn too and that Blueblood is, very deep inside, a good pony. Right... Maybe only females can be rulers... I'd be alright with this if it was only Luna and Celestia, but if ponies can become rulers of Equestria, but the males cannot, I think I understand now why Blueblood is such a jerk.
I hope I got this wrong because this will break two important things in the show for me.
1- Celestia and Luna must have been normal ponies too, unless they come up with a different story for them. And it's going to be bad, because the episode is only 22 minutes and they have enough trouble as it is... Luna and Celestia not being special somehow is huge letdown for me Because they are just useless: anyone can rule and since unicorns can move the sun and moon around... Why do ponies need them both?! It ruins the Nightmare Moon theme too. If only Luna and Celestia could do it. You guys understand what I mean? It feels like the show began to break down in season 2 with the Hearth Warming Eve episode. I just didn't see it then. Or maybe I did.
2- Luna and Celestia, not being special, it can be expected that their immortality comes from being alicorn. And since they too must have been "normal", then Twilight is going to live more than a thousand years, like Cadance will. So, her friendship with the other girls was just a tool for her ascension. Now she is going to sacrifice it all, to be one of Equestria's rulers, watching her friends die slowly. Don't tell me she not going to change...
I hope I'm wrong and I understand if this is important only to me, but but this will break the show for me.

If they have an episode in the show where her friends die I will be shocked. Shocked that they covered the subject of death in a cartoon intended for little girls. If so what if Twilight doesn't like the future and she goes back in time to prevent herself from being an alicorn and goes against Celestia's wishes. That would be interesting and deep for a kids show. It will also make it feel like a true saturday morning cartoon.

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This will be a long one;


So, from the recent news i can take my conclusions from it and assume that she will infact stay that way as far as season 3 is concerned. Nobody has any way of knowing what happens in the fourth season yet. You cant really cram her making a mistake, correcting it and becoming a princess only to renounce it in a timeframe of a mere 22 minute episode.


Having read most of the pages here and whatever opinions i'm hearing on youtube, the freakout is conversation subject number one and while it may be overreacting or out of place, i can absolutely share their concerns. It is a decision that upsets the dynamic and perhaps the message of the show.


*Every princess so far has a duty of some sort. Celestia/Luna control their respective parts of the day and raise the sun and the moon, Cadence governs the Crystal Empire together with Shining Armor. Putting those facts next to eachother can only lead you to think that in one way or the other, Twilights' duties have to become heavier and her responsibilities greater. I can either see her taking advanced lessons or maybe ruling a section of Equestria (Ponyville included, you heard it madam mayor) since i take it that's a part of fulfilling such a role. Cadence has the element of love, Twilight has the element of Magic, she wouldn't be in control of a celestial body. Where her princessdom leads her to remains to be seen.


*The equality and balance of the show is possibly at stake. While Twilight will absolutely try most in her power to keep her friends around as they remain the 6 elements, she ultimately is a princess, and her relationships will be put to the test especially if her duties demand her to stay in Canterlot, while the others also have their lives to take care of. They and Twilight will try to treat eachother like they always have, but there are things that come into play that nobody can avoid.


*Her newly found powers and possible immortality/great increase of her lifespan. We have yet to see the ritual/spell that changes a unicorn into an alicorn and if that automatically means if one granted this role will also have these side-effects. If it does, Twilight has taken that role at a great cost. She will outlive them all, and it remains to be seen if she can bear the thought, if that point is eventually raised in the show itself that is, which doesnt deal with death, almost never. That and her powers will likely increase, which were already impressive. Easily able to mimic any spell shown to her, the ability to change the laws of gravity, self levitation, the list goes on. While alicorns arent all-powerful, her abilities in comparison to the rest of her friends are greatly increased.


*No more 2 unicorns, 2 earth ponies and 2 pegasi. For what its worth. I cant also let go of the thought that Twilight was already special the way she was. And while that it may have been her destiny to become a princess all along, she was already perfectly capable of meeting every challenge head on, moreso than Celestia herself in my honest opinion. One of her capabilities, intelligence and smarts wouldnt necessarily have to be a princess. She could have been an advisor, a mage/seer or a second Starswirl. I can only hope they wont betray Twilights' character for the sake of catering to the classic, outdated and overdone image of every little girl wanting to be a princess and Hasbro's corporatism. I cant imagine this was Laurens' vision either. How many princesses does Equestria need anyway? … I know there's an apparent destiny, but cant she achieve greatness the way she already is?


*What will Twilight have left to learn in the current spirit of the show? Where does it stop at some point? Hopefully, her ascension to princessdom will mean that she will still have to depend on the rest of the bearers of the harmony elements to defeat the next challenges. If she doesnt, that defeats the point of all seasons that went before it and makes her overpowered and leaves her friends as filler.


Finally, i still seem to recall both Tara Strong (end november mid december) and The Hub on Twitter confirming that Twilight wasn't going to become an alicorn. Did the sudden decision from above come afterwards? (Even though i am perfectly aware that editing an entire episode requires conciderable time) Or was it mere damage control to avoid more months of fandom anger?






Anyhow. We can all wait till february 16th to reserve our final conclusion and see how the writers have handled it. But it does raise obvious questions. Twilight is the cornerstone of the show. Any permanent change to her affects it entirely, it's message and the dynamics/interactions of the characters. Freaking out wont help, but i can understand where these people are coming from... I can only hope that yes, Hasbro gave the order for this Alicorn thing to happen, but that doesnt mean that the writers cant find a way around it. Knowing the character, i can only imagine that all these things will eat away at her enough for her to take a different role of leadership, something else than that of a "princess". If not, then its something we just have to accept. I'm really mixed about it, i can only hope this isn't what people call a "jumping the shark" moment. However, there is potential, still.

Edited by JavaJive
  • Brohoof 3

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1- Celestia and Luna must have been normal ponies too, unless they come up with a different story for them. And it's going to be bad, because the episode is only 22 minutes and they have enough trouble as it is... Luna and Celestia not being special somehow is huge letdown for me Because they are just useless: anyone can rule and since unicorns can move the sun and moon around... Why do ponies need them both?! It ruins the Nightmare Moon theme too. If only Luna and Celestia could do it. You guys understand what I mean? It feels like the show began to break down in season 2 with the Hearth Warming Eve episode. I just didn't see it then. Or maybe I did.

It's possible Celestia & Luna were two of the unicorns that came to discover Equestria, and they're special talents weren't originally to raise the sun and moon. It used to take teams of unicorns to lift the sun and moon, so perhaps they realised their true potential and ascended after the events of Hearth's Warming Eve?

2- Luna and Celestia, not being special, it can be expected that their immortality comes from being alicorn. And since they too must have been "normal", then Twilight is going to live more than a thousand years, like Cadance will. So, her friendship with the other girls was just a tool for her ascension. Now she is going to sacrifice it all, to be one of Equestria's rulers, watching her friends die slowly. Don't tell me she not going to change...

I hope I'm wrong and I understand if this is important only to me, but but this will break the show for me

Ah, but that's the ultimate test of friendship! To love someone (in this case six someones) so much, that you'd give up unending youth and power beyond that which most can even fathom. Perhaps that is where they are going with Season 4. Perhaps Season 4 isn't about her challenges as a princess, but about her struggle to give up her friendship and sever her mortal ties.



I'm really mixed about it, i can only hope this isn't what people call a "jumping the shark" moment.


Nope, but this is!!



Edited by Twinhead B

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

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Well, we all need to remain calm and not freak out...





Ah, but that's the ultimate test of friendship! To love someone (in this case six someones) so much, that you'd give up unending youth and power beyond that which most can even fathom. Perhaps that is where they are going with Season 4. Perhaps Season 4 isn't about her challenges as a princess, but about her struggle to give up her friendship and sever her mortal ties.


I can definitely agree with this. This is the kind of thing that I can see Twilight dealing with. She has her friends, but she would be torn having to leave them for a life of royalty. Or at least not being able to see them and spend time with them that often. If she remains an alicorn, I can see her staying in Ponyville with her friends. Still studying magic and learning more about friendship. I for one am open to the season finale, and will not judge until I see the episode myself. I had an open enough mind to give the show a try, we all did, so why can't we have that same open mind when it comes to alicorn Twilight?


We mustn't pass judgment until the episode airs. Remain optimistic, keep calm and brony on.

Edited by Mr. Dash

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As much as I'm okay with this, I'm still kinda "merrr" about it.  I mean, Hasbro really wants to push different types of toys, but with the introduction of Cadance and now Twi... I feel like



  • Brohoof 1


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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If they have an episode in the show where her friends die I will be shocked. Shocked that they covered the subject of death in a cartoon intended for little girls. If so what if Twilight doesn't like the future and she goes back in time to prevent herself from being an alicorn and goes against Celestia's wishes. That would be interesting and deep for a kids show. It will also make it feel like a true saturday morning cartoon.


I doubt that they'd do that. Specially because it's beyond the scope of the show.

And that's part of the problem. They are acting like they can get away with everything they throw at the audience... Because this is just a kid's show... Kids are stupid. The shown doesn't need quality. It just needs to show off stuff we wanna sell.

and I doubt they'd do the time travel bit: they want to sell toys.


Honestly, I feel bad for the crew making the show. The blame for this is all on Hasbro. And as much as i want to "believe in the writers" I personally don't like the way this is going.


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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I think it's time the banner is replaced with one that says, "TWILIGHT IS GONNA TURN INTO AN ALICORN IN THE SEASON FINALE. NOW, SHUT UP!!!"




Sorry, I'm just tired of people complaining about Twilicorn, and I know people are tired of people being tired of people complaining about Twilicorn, but I think something needs to be said. Some people don't know she's becoming an alicorn at all... Some think she will, but not for a while... It's all very confusing. xD

  • Brohoof 2


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Well, we all need to remain calm and not freak out...






I can definitely agree with this. This is the kind of thing that I can see Twilight dealing with. She has her friends, but she would be torn having to leave them for a life of royalty. Or at least not being able to see them and spend time with them that often. If she remains an alicorn, I can see her staying in Ponyville with her friends. Still studying magic and learning more about friendship. I for one am open to the season finale, and will not judge until I see the episode myself. I had an open enough mind to give the show a try, we all did, so why can't we have that same open mind when it comes to alicorn Twilight?


We mustn't pass judgment until the episode airs. Remain optimistic, keep calm and brony on.

That sounds strikingly like Applejack's decision to leave Manehattan and return to the farm. She was being honest to herself and who she really was. I wonder if something like this will happen to Twilight...that she will recognize that she might not be cut out for princess (or that she can't bear the thought of leaving her friends behind and watching them die if she is indeed immortal), and will return to her old life, where she truly belongs.


In fact, if turning her into a princess makes her the sole wielder of the EoH, it might make an interesting story of her returning to Ponyville/Unicornhood, and that during that journey she retraced the steps (trots) of her friends and demonstrates all the elements herself.


In fact, forsaking Alicornhood would, in a way, demonstrate all 6 of the elements in one single unifying act. Something that might have to be saved for Season 4, but a very powerful message. Not to mention we'd get the old Mane 6 back, and it would turn the old "pretty pretty princess" stereotype right on it's flank.


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It's possible Celestia & Luna were two of the unicorns that came to discover Equestria, and they're special talents weren't originally to raise the sun and moon. It used to take teams of unicorns to lift the sun and moon, so perhaps they realised their true potential and ascended after the events of Hearth's Warming Eve?




Ah, but that's the ultimate test of friendship! To love someone (in this case six someones) so much, that you'd give up unending youth and power beyond that which most can even fathom. Perhaps that is where they are going with Season 4. Perhaps Season 4 isn't about her challenges as a princess, but about her struggle to give up her friendship and sever her mortal ties.




Nope, but this is!!



True about this being the ultimate test of friendship. The problem is that it turns their friendship into a tool for Twilight's ascension.

And I just hate the "new alicorn lore".

I understand if people are ok with this, but I don't like it.


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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Alright, so it turns out that Twilicorn will more than likely be permanent- excuse me while I eat my words from earlier and go sit in a corner... :blush:

Well anyway, I'm still okay with it. It will be very interesting to see what they do in season 4 with this, as well as seeing how it will come to be in the upcoming episodes. I'm sure her friends will also be involved heavily somehow, how that will be though I don't know but it'd be foolish for them not to, they just gotta be you know?

  • Brohoof 2


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True about this being the ultimate test of friendship. The problem is that it turns their friendship into a tool for Twilight's ascension.

And I just hate the "new alicorn lore".

I understand if people are ok with this, but I don't like it.


It's not really that they've changed alicorn lore, this is just the first time we're actually getting some canon alicorn lore. Ever since Season 1 they've pretty much been "the bigger ponies with wings and horns who happen to be princesses".


Also, this gif sums up the Anti-Twilicorn and Pro-Twilicorn bronies in a nutshell:



  • Brohoof 1

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/viny1-scratch

DeviantART: http://twinhead-b.deviantart.com/


Xbox 360 Gamertag: Viny1 Scratch

PSN: Booossh

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This is an assumption everyone seems to make, one that doesn't ring true when held to scrutiny of the content of the show. Can you name a single instance of an alicorn saving the world or ending a conflict by herself in the show? It simply hasn't happened. Celestia an alicorn who is over one thousand years old with more experience and expertise in magic than anypony could ever dream of has herself been stopped on no less than 3 separate occasions. Nightmare Moon seemed to completely negate her powers and kidnap her. She was pretty helpless against discord relying on the elements of harmony to stop him. She was defeated by queen Chrysalis. What would make Twilight all of the sudden so much better than the rest of the ponies? Wing? I highly doubt she is going to gain 1000 years of experience and knowledge in magic from one transformation. Not to mention that without one of the elements of harmony they are all useless, if that were the only use forthe other five ponies then then would still be vitally important. However as we have seen each of the ponie's personalities and abilities are very useful and magic cant solve everything.


1: Celestia is FAR more powerful than any single pony in the show. She negated Twilight's magic, who is quite arguably the most powerful Unicorn in the show, more than once with minimal effort. Luna should be equal if not right behind her in terms of power. Plus, can you name any other ponies that can move the sun and moon by themselves? Nope, only Celestia and Luna can do it, because their power far outclasses every other pony in the show. 


2: Nightmare Moon was Luna + dark powers. So her defeating Celestia makes makes sense. 


3: Chrysalis had a massive power boost when she beat Celestia. and even then, she had to strain to win, her look of surprise when she won says it all. Chrysalis is also the most powerful member of her race, so she's not exactly a push over. She was able to capture Candace after all. 


4: Discord is the most powerful being in the show, so losing to him does not mean you're weak. He's literally a cartoon version of Q from Star Trek, they even have the same actor. 


5: Also, who was the only pony that was able to hold Sombra off long enough for Twilight to get the crystal hart? Candace...who is an Alicorn.


So yes, Alicorns ARE far better than the other pony races. Twilight becoming one is going to put her so far above her friends that it's not even funny. The other five are about to become "those guys" because Twilight is about to become a pony version of Goku, which is the exact reason I'm apprehensive about this whole thing. 

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It's not really that they've changed alicorn lore, this is just the first time we're actually getting some canon alicorn lore. Ever since Season 1 they've pretty much been "the bigger ponies with wings and horns who happen to be princesses".


Also, this gif sums up the Anti-Twilicorn and Pro-Twilicorn bronies in a nutshell:




True. But I mean that I don't like the "new", as in "just created" lore. It's true that "Celestia is a goddess" was never "canon", but it was implied that she was different.

And... Alicorns ARE more powerful than regular ponies.

Love the gif though.


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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I definitely agree that emotions are running far too high for the amount of information we have.  I could make some predictions that would make a lot of sense as far as making Twilight an alicorn while retaining balance on the show, but I think it's better to just wait it out.


Even if some of your worst fears come true and Twi does become a perma-alicorn (sounds like an Italian salad) it would actually be just another great opportunity to show how friendships can be strained and mended with effort, communication, and empathy.  Her enhanced position would obviously create a gulf between Twilight and her friends, but not an insurmountable one.  The show's target demographic runs into this problem all the time, I'd imagine.  One girl in a group of friends makes the cheerleading squad, none of the others do?  One gets a scholarship?  Excellence and an elevation in status doesn't have to spell the end for such groups and their lime-lit friends.


Stepping back and looking at what we know of Equestria as a whole, and many have agreed on this point, if there is one pony who *should* be considered for platinum upgrade status it's Twilight.  Trixie's traveling show is, I think, evidence that impressive magic is much more rare than most of us realize, given how common it is in Ponyville...thanks to Twilight.  If Trixie's relatively tame parlor tricks were enough to impress the ponies of most towns (before her downfall at least) it doesn't say much about the local magical talent in any of those towns, does it?

Edited by VelvetDivan
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