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Which Episode First Made You Love the Show/Become a Brony?


How many episodes did it take you to like the show?  

239 users have voted

  1. 1. The amount of episodes you watched before becoming a brony.

    • 1
    • 2 - 3
    • 4 - 6
    • 7 - 10
    • It took me a whole season for me to like it.
    • 0
    • After finishing episode 1 and 2

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It took me until Feeling Pinkie Keen to one-hundred percent love the show. so I'd say roughly half of the first season. Then it just got better from there

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About 3. Episodes 1 and 2 were surprisingly strong for pilots and the humor in the episodes put me solidly on the fence; The Ticket Master pushed me over into bronyism. ^^

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
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It took me about 2-3 episodes to become one.  There was a marathon of it on The Hub in July, and I decided to finally see what all the hype was about.  I sat down, and I couldn't look away after my 2nd episode.

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10 weeks after watching the second half of sonic rainboobs on tv,(didn't enjoy it much, considering I didn't know many characters or backstories) I figured I'd watch the series on my ipod. except I was excited as all hay, knowing that it would be incredible. So, I blasted through season 1 and 2 in a single week, and was the happiest bucking person in the world. After the first 10 seconds of the pilot, I was giddy and happy and i love with the show.

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It took two for me. The first episode I watched was Boast Busters. Me, being a sucker for crushes, noticed that Spike had a crush on Rarity and I got interested. So, I googled it to see what other episodes had this. I then watched Secret of my Excess. After this episode, I discovered I really liked this show and started watching it in order from the beginning.

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Half an episode. Seriously. The first episode, too.
I started watching, and about ten minutes in(and even earlier), I had realised that I had stepped upon something grand. Something beautiful that could very well change my life as I knew it.
It very much so did just that.

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The royal wedding special was my first episode, so I loved it from there and on. The songs were memorable and almost Disneylike, so I already knew I was going to love this show.

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I guess around two. I just caught the show on t.v. and randomly decided to watch it. After finishing those 2 episodes, I decided to watch the rest of them. Sister Hooves Social was the first one I saw and certain piqued my interest enough to watch the show. I don't remember which episode I saw next because I started to marathon them after that.

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My first episode was "party of one". I just read Cupcakes (well, I saw the Gmod version on YouTube) and it said that it was based off "party of one" or something, so I watched it, saw more episodes, and I started to like it. I only properly became a brony when I heard they were making a pony Tumblr, so I made a pony blog, soon quitting Tumblr due to haters hating me, and now I'm here.


I have actually only been a brony for 4 months now. Also, I got to "Cupcakes" from some funny Gmod videos on YouTube.

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I knew I would like the show before I even watched it, when I heard of the community surrounding it. However, I did not know that I would get into the show as heavily as I did, and I am a very new brony so my obsession is still growing daily.

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2 i first watched the cutie mark cronicles i was realy bored i watched it said "ha! GAAAAAAAAAAAAY!" but i had nothing better to do then i watched the best night ever and said "not gay?" now i am addicted to mlp

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It took me three episodes to rely get into the fandom. I am relatively new to the fandom, i came in after i saw MMC and watched a few episodes after that which i fell in love with. The episodes which made me like the show (besides the one i came in on) were Lesson zero, the canterlot wedding episodes (i consider 2 part episodes one episodes), and stare master.

Edited by Cloud_thunderhoof
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It started like this: I was browsing through random videos on Youtube and i bumped into a MLP related video. Can't really remember any details of it except it was around June-July 2011, but i did laugh a little. Then, a few days later (i think) i bumped into another MLP video, this time a YTPMV. It made me quit immediately without even watching the video.



Months later, a former friend of mine that really hated everything with anything mentioning ponies (He still does hate MLP), talked how "bad" it was. I was curious and i watched the first two episodes to see if it was really that bad. It wasn't. I watched three more episodes around the same week. I told that friend i was a brony just to troll him, and it worked!



But then i discovered that i actually liked the show, and i officially became a brony around April 2012.

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Gotta say about 7 to 10 for me!


I remember when I just stopped going online after watching the pilot cause I was thinking it hard.


Then, after coming back, every episode I see, I start seeing what else is behind the brony phenomenon.


Then of course, I saw the whole dam season online. Proud to be a fan of this show! 

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I enjoyed it from the first episode. It took me a while to like all of the characters, though. For quite a while I thought Pinkie Pie was super irritating. Though when she was given a bit more backstory I cracked and liked her a whole lot.

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I liked the first three episodes enough, although I wasn't sure about the programme until "Applebuck Season". And until that point, I also stayed in the mindset, as I often do when trying a new show (from the beginning at least), of, "Shows are almost never at their strongest from the very beginning. They can take a while to pick up."

And I'm glad I kept to that.

I still remember, at some point during my viewing of "Applebuck Season", I thought, "Yes, this is going to be a great show to watch through."

I found the character of Applejack genuinely endearing, and the portrayal of her inner struggle was done very well, being remarkably convincing - not something I would have expected from a programme called "My Little Pony".


So yes, that was the episode which cemented the deal for me. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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For me, it was two solitary episodes that got me into MLP. The first was "The Best Night Ever" and the last was "The Last Roundup" (what a coincidence that it was also the last episode to win me over, as at first I ignored the re-emergence of the show). The G1 show was too girly for me, thankfully I was a wee lad when I watched them (VHS nostalgia! :D) But the new show was something that totally stood apart from it's predecessor. It had the kind of flair that would reel me in, and so it did. Needless to say I like being a brony, as now I'm part of the world's friendliest and most tolerant family in existence, and god damn it feels great smile.png

Edited by Dark Shadow
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Okay who here actually watched the first two episodes first, and then kept going roughly in order? I know I didn't; I kind of burn myself out if I try to watch a show brand new in order.

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Le first one. I remember seeing the one about RD's sonic rainboom (competition, not cutie mark) on tv about 2 months before going ahead and watching the whole series from the start on my Ipod. I wasn't completely impressed. But of course, when I looked up the first two parter on my ipod, 10 seconds in I was giddy and squealy as all hay, and officiallly fell in love.

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Oh, you asked for it. Full-blown story time, right here, sit down and listen up.


Alright, here goes:


I hadn't known My Little Pony was such a big deal on the internet until about late January this year. I can't remember what it was I was looking up, probably something to do with anime (that was what I was all hyped up about from May 2011 to the end of January this year...and actually, I still like it, I just haven't watched it nearly as much since getting into MLP.)


Anyways, anime=animation, and YouTube, with its clever cookies watching our every move, put two and two together, and a link to what I think was Rainbow Dash going "AAAAW YEAH!" appeared in the Recommendations bar. I don't remember exactly, but, from foggy memory and basic knowledge, it was probably a kyrospawn video. And I'm not even sure if it was Rainbow Dash going "AAAAW YEAH!", but I think it was, IT WAS A CLIP OF SOME PONY SAYING SOMETHING OKAY.



So I click it, it's 3-4 seconds, nothing too impressive, but what is surprising...is the number of related videos that spring up in the Recommendations bar. They were all clearly My Little Pony, they were all clearly from the same show, and I'm just like "...WHY are there so many goddamn videos related to My Little Pony?" I go from one video to the next, on a YouTube clicking spree (you know what I mean--where you're just watching whatever with no particular video in mind). 'Twilight Sparkle - HELP, YOU NEED HELP!', 'Applejack - Well, okay then'.


At first I thought it was just little girls, moms or ladies who played with My Little Pony when they were younger who uploaded and watched these videos. I scanned the comments quickly. Pretty enthusiastic for just girls and ladies. I thought, "This might actually have a fandom to it." (It was in late 2010 that I discovered fandoms and fanfiction and became a true member of the Internet.)


I come across a video entitled 'Rainbow Dash: SHUT UP' and that's when I go, "Okay, obviously people who know this show is meant for little girls are watching it and making parodies of it."


Meant for little girls... Heh-heh...


I pull up a tab and search Google with the phrase 'why is my little pony so popular all of a sudden'. And what's one of the the first words I see?




Didn't take me five seconds to figure out what two words that term combined. Needless to say, I was kind of surprised. "My Little Pony? Really? Those clips I'm watching? Come from a show that's considered ENTERTAINING? What?! ...Well, I've seen stranger."


So I soon come across this video:



And...and it's the funniest thing I'd seen in a while. I was seriously cracking up.


It was over the next few days that I started actually seeing My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic-related images and macros coming up in unrelated Google Images searches, and as avatars for forum members. So, on a Friday, when two of my friends came to my house for Xbox gaming and a sleepover, I showed that censor bleeps video and its part 2 sequel to them on the older friend's laptop. It's stupidly funny to us all. I tell them that apparently it's a current internet craze. and that there are guys like us and older who watch the show called 'bronies'.


The older friend gets on his laptop and starts looking for an answer to this madness. As he is doing so, he starts noticing all these pony avatars in the random forums he is perusing: "Oh my God, Robby, there's another one!" I lean over, "What, seriously?" It's funny, but we don't think too much of it. The sleepover lasts well into 4:00 AM before we decide to hit the hay. They leave the next morning, and the weekend is pretty uneventful.


And then, the following school week. One morning, I wake up really early, take a shower, and decide to sit down and watch TV before eating breakfast. As I scroll through the channels, I see it.


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Right there, only on the Hub.


I remember that day, coming home on 10/10/10. Wasn't anything special; in fact, I remember having to go sit down and do homework instantly. I didn't even know that's when the Hub broadcasted. All I knew, was that it was a channel meant for little kids.


I think...I think, after what hype I had seen over the show, I actually wanted to see it for myself. Just so I could know. The episode starts, the characters are quirky, funny, and not overbearing, all is well. Then suddenly the opening sequence starts up:


"My Little Pony, My Little Pony, Ah-ah-ah-ah..."


And I barely had time to think "Oh God what am I about to-" before I was snagged by the clutches of awesome. Maybe awesome isn't the right word, but, well, you remember that feeling? That feeling you got when you realized "I am here, watching My Little Pony, and somehow I am doing it on purpose, and it's not that bad"? Yeah, that feeling.


So, as far as what episode it was?


Lesson Zero. I will NEVER forget sitting there, in the dark, 5:30 AM, rest of the family is sleeping, and I am just sitting on an electronic recliner chair in a pair of shorts and T-shirt, staring as I watch this purple cartoon unicorn named Twilight Sparkle FLIP THE FUCK OUT. I was a little startled but grinning like a madman when it was over.


And I said, "Oh, God...I'm a brony."


And from that point on, you know how the story goes. Watched all the episodes on YouTube, looked at meme and macro over and over, committed the character names to memory, et cetera et cetera.


So, to make a long story short, Lesson Zero is what got me hooked, though to be honest I'm sure I would've wound up watching it regardless of what episode.



Funny you say that, because that was the first pony parody video I ever saw, right after I started becoming a brony. 

After I watched the show and enjoyed it, I was really fighting temptations, kinda like this lol-

Please don't watch anymore. Pleeeassseee don't watch any more!

And then I saw that video. And I was like, screw it, I'm watching more :P

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