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Which Episode First Made You Love the Show/Become a Brony?


How many episodes did it take you to like the show?  

239 users have voted

  1. 1. The amount of episodes you watched before becoming a brony.

    • 1
    • 2 - 3
    • 4 - 6
    • 7 - 10
    • It took me a whole season for me to like it.
    • 0
    • After finishing episode 1 and 2

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I had 2 one that made me a fan (being able to watch the show and not be lost), and then one that made me a brony (active in the fandom, watching all the episodes, writing fanfics, etc.). The one that made me a fan was the S2 finale and the one that made me a brony was winter wrap up (which i watched on youtube long after it aired)

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I pretty much got hooked on the first episode, but I didn't consider myself a brony then.


After I'd finished watching season 1, I felt that I had seen enough to be able to claim that status.


So my "that episode" is sort of season 1 episode 1, but deciding to call myself a full-fledged fan of the show was not a choice I wanted to make rashly.

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The first episode, where Twilight first met Fluttershy. She ended up in a ball, squeeking. Then she sees Spike, finds out he can talk and flaps up into the air, with her front legs tucked under and her eyes closed. That was it for me, she was and is so cute.


That's the episode i revisit.

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Ticket Master, I was still kinda hesitant about the whole thing but I knew after that point I wanted to see how the season panned out, this pretty much did it for me:


  • Brohoof 1
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Huh, believe it or not, cliched or stereotypical, mines was the 2 part pilots.

It's THIS pilot parters that made me a fan of the show and all who like it.

That, and cause after the episodes, I watched the entire first seasons because of it.

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Um, I'm not sure actually. But I know I got hooked on the show almost imdediately after watching not too much. Which was about almost 2 years ago (wow... already that long ago). I don't think I knew much if at all about the fandom at the time, so that's why I don't know which episode I would of specifically became a brony on.

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Well, the first episode was the beginning of the ''Seal the Deal for the Best in the World'' meaning it almost made me become a brony. But when, I saw Sleepless in Ponyville it set me for life to be a brony for life.

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Winter Wrap Up.


I had watched the other episodes and some others (Boast Busters was the first one I ever watched) and I liked the show and kept watching it. But I didn't classify myself until after I saw this episode and heard the song. It was stuck in my head for weeks and I couldn't stop listening to it.

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I didn't get into MLP until the middle of the 3rd season but it was because I was seeing it everywhere on the net and stuff about Bronies (most of it not good but I realized it was from people that didn't even give it a chance which bugged me) and I found season 1 and 2 on netflix, so I decided to give it a chance and watched it (and then caught up on season 3 on youtube) and after the first episode since it was 2 parts I had to see the 2nd one, and after Friendship is Magic: Pt. 2 I was hooked and knew already it was official. I then became utterly obsessed.img-1403331-1-wub.png

Edited by wickedjr89
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The second part of the first episode. Or you could just say the first episode. It set up the show and the characters perfectly.

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I knew I was hooked by the end of the second episode.  I was thinking about how I could incorporate the Elements of Harmony into my real life philosophy, and I was very curious to find out what the sixth element was.  It was like: "Uh oh, I am really into this."

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My case is kind of like Evilshy's, really. I don't really think there was a particular episode. I watched the first two, didn't watch after a while as they were just as much of quality as any other cartoon (with a stereotypical lackluster plot), but was compelled to watch a bit more to see why the hell people keep nattering on about this pony thing. It wasn't really a particular episode that caused me to declare myself a fan though.


Through Applebuck Season to the latest episode at the time (I think Winter Wrapup or something), I found for some reason, I could not stop watching this show. I wanted to because I was skeptical about this fad, found its fans annoyingly vocal and in your face about it (on my old forums), and just didn't want to be a part of it. It was this, rather than any particular episode, that caused it. After watching all the episodes in one night, I was in denial until the next day. I woke up, and decided: "Okay fine. It's time to face up to facts. I like this show and I am a fan of it."


It was a gradual process and this weird inability to stop watching all the episodes that got me. But I'll admit I was VERY impressed as early as Applebuck Season with a reference to continuity. When Twilight asks Applejack where the rest of her family were because they were in town for the reunion in the first episode. I was like: "Goddamn. I didn't even think they'd think of this." So that began the process a bit. 

  • Brohoof 4
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For a while back in 2011, I saw the commercials for Friendship is Magic and I thought that TA just another MLP dad like when I watched G3 MLP when I was 6, of it was so annoying! So after Xmas, I got an iPod touch (next year I had an iPhone) and I decided to watch the first two episodes of Season 1, I was really awed by this and in the middle if rainbow Dash talking to the Shadowbolts, my iPod touch ran out of battery and I was desperate to charge it while watching the show. After that, I found out there were two seasons that I had to watch then from that day on I was a diehard pegasister :)

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It was the episode. "Winter Wrap Up". Idk what else to say.. .Sorry... But i need to make 100 characters per post.


I don't still know what sense is to be brony, if i cannot do and/or bought anything brony things...

  • Brohoof 1
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I watched a few episodes before realy calling myself a brony. I watched the first half of season one, lost interest, then watched some episode more than a year after. When I restarted, I watched the whole first season in a few days. It was around the same time that I discovered EQ. In the same day, I found Strive like AJ, the remix of Discord by Tombstone and alos Daddy Discord. I love the fanbase as much as the show and I'm not sure I would still be watching FIM if the fanbase wasn't that big.

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  The first episode of MLP I watched got me hooked.  I actually started with the season 2 finale, so the first part got me interested and by the end of the second part, I realized I may have found my new addiction smile.png .  I researched the show a bit before though, so I knew what was going on for the most part.  I just wanted to see the episode with Shining Armor and the BBBFF song. 


 However, I didn't consider my self a brony right away.  A few months later, when I realized I had seen every episode, I came to the realization that I could possibly be a brony wink.png .  

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Griffon the Brush-Off. I love mythology, and especially mythological creatures. I thought they were just going to do ponies and that's it- but no, they decided to add in mythological creatures. The second I saw the griffon, I knew this show was bada$$.


I still hadn't decided if Celestia or Pinkie Pie was best pony back then, then I saw Luna Eclipsed.

Edited by Jolteon
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It was definitley Fall Weather Friends. Before that, it was simply morbid curiousity that kept me watching. Like, I just wanted to know why people were obsessed. But that made me a full fledged fan.

  • Brohoof 1
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I watched the pilot episode with my brother after finding out my friend was a brony and deciding to try the show, and I thought it was pretty good, and I was like a semi-brony I guess you could call it (but I still pretended I hated it and/or told NOPONY EVER). Then I watched Too Many Pinkie Pies awhile later and caught myself laughing hysterically, and I finally admitted to myself, "oh God, I'm officially a brony now." I've been on the forum since just a bit before watching Too Many Pinkie Pies, and sadly, until recently, I watched very few episodes since then (*le gasps) BUT WAIT; I've lately been watching at least one or two episodes every night this past weekend and am now officially making it a tradition. My dad hates bronies so I may still kinda be a "closet brony" though except to some of my friends and my mom who found out on her own....

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  • 1 month later...

I can't really remember which episode made me into a Brony, but, I just like the show. But, I would say one if the season 2 episodes.

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I'm sure I became a real big fan recently after "Winter Wrap Up", my second favorite episode. Before that, after I watched episode 15, I decided that I may as well watch the first two then that became "a few more" then "a few after that". After episode 11, I knew that I was watching them all. Starting season 3 today! yay.png

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