SagasaPony 122 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 I would disagree, it seems like the "id" and "super ego" is left alone while the "ego" is the one changed. I do not fully understand these terms as I have never read any Freud before, but I do know that he got these ideas from Plato's logisticon, thumos, and epithumos (super-ego, ego, and id respectively). One’s passionate self (thumos) and basic animal desires (epithumos) are left the same while ones rational self (logisticon) is radically altered such that they are reversed in some ironic way. An example I will use here is Rarity, she still desires diamonds (albeit in a slightly more radical fashion), no mention to base animal desires are mentioned, yet she is unable to recognize (an action of the logisticon) the rock for what it actually is. As to what mine would be, I think that I would scorn education to some ridiculous degree. I would also be an outgoing and fun person who did not care at all for the university and its ways. That's... that actually makes more sense when you put it like that. Although, I'd still like to point out that Big Mac did act like a dog when he was discorded. Maybe being discorded isn't bound by set rules and just twists a character in a random, negative way? I wouldn't put it past the personification of Chaos to be utterly chaotic even with regards to himself... 1 "The wisest people are always smiling. This is because they've realized that life is one big joke, and they've figured out the punchline." "When you've decided to do something, either do it with style, or don't do it at all." "Every atom in our bodies was forged within the fiery heart of a dying star. We are all connected to each other and the universe." "Before I was born, I was dead for billions of years and it hasn't inconvenienced me one bit." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Well heres the thing that really confuses me though. I don't understand Discords Discorded thing, like does it reverse every trait you have? Or does it only reverse like good ones? or main ones? Or turns them into chaotic ones? If I where to be reversed personalitys.. I'd be a rude, heartless, cruel but outgoing, and brave person? That would be something along the lines of my opposite.(i'm not to sure on my normal personality's but still .) I still find that if discord reverses your personalitys then wouldn't it have positive effects aswell? And that doesn't seem to fit someone whos basically the spirit of chaos.(Discord.) Just some thoughts, kinda off topic though, so sorry :/. Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forsooth 18 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Maybe being discorded isn't bound by set rules and just twists a character in a random, negative way? I wouldn't put it past the personification of Chaos to be utterly chaotic even with regards to himself... You here made a VERY good and needed elucidation. Trying to find reason and order to Discord? What was I thinking? It seems like I forgot from the very beginning the nature of the beast. Good point my friend. “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” -St. Thomas Aquinas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 (edited) I find it kind of difficult to see myself discorded as i act with a mixture of good and bad qualities . I guess id be somewhere along the lines of Flutterbitch since i took the personality test and i was most like her.(Fluttershy...not actually Flutterbitch in turn it'd be my opposite personality in theroy ) Edited December 8, 2012 by ~Chaotic Harmony~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sky Warden 2,243 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 I know who I am. If I'm discorded, I would be...LOL, the rules don't let me say anything to express it. Rude, aye. Too proud of myself, of course. Cunning trickster. Like insulting people, why not? Always looking for a fight, yes, I'm a traditional martial artist and always looking for a chance to test my skill, I'm glad I have a good self-control, haha. Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yuna Crescent 142 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 hm...if i was discorded? well for one i'd be loud, outspoken, and swear every chance i had, i would also hate small children and animals...and would want to hurt them....(dear sweet Celestia no... ) and i would think Twilight was worse pony... Yuna Crescent: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Batbrony 16,056 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 I'd probably be stupid, lazy, and completely uncivil and discourteous to everypony I meet. That, and I'd suddenly begin to loathe muffins and crave cupcakes at all hours of the day. THE HORROR!!!!!!!! "You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!" -The Muffin Mare Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 I would be loud, aggressive, violent and unable to stay out of other people's business. Probably a womanizer too. Everything I'm not and have no desire to be. ^^ "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Night Shine 769 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Intriguing question. I really do love the topic of being "Discorded" because it shows an underlying deep analysis of a pony's character through contrast. For I'd probably say that my best quality is my ability to remain faithful/loyal to a cause and my friends and to try and cheer everypony up when they're feeling down. I guess that means that Discorded, I would become super-depressed and lose faith in everything in life, to the point of overt nihilism. Oh wait, I did that before when I fell asleep before I could watch ponies on a Friday night a couple weeks ago. Well, nevermind. i guess that the harshness of the world can do what Discord does sometimes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fridge 382 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 If I were discorded? Hmmm.... I think I'd end up being a selfish sadist that goes out of his way to make sure others suffer for his pleasure. I'm trying to think of a bright side and I honestly can't think of one other than being more confident with women... which would quickly lead me into trouble as I would be disloyal. Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cocodrillo 1,565 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 (edited) I'd be uncreative, studious, polite, extroverted, easy-going, self-confident, warm, friendly, modest, sympathetic, unloyal, incurious social beast... I'd hate books, animals, computers, sweets, chemistry, art, music, rainbows and colours. I'd love parties, crowded rooms, people, making friends, booze. I'd be great in sports and maths. I'd date anyone& I'd be always in a relationship, but with guys only. Geez, that would be twisted as fuck. Edited December 8, 2012 by Suntouched Coco Try to try again To see yourself again from time to time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nouth 496 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Let's see... I'd be an extremely extroverted person, believing that everything can be solved with fire, sword and aggression. I'd be arguing with and fighting people over any tiny thingy I would consider wrong, and after the fight is over, I'd feel like the most awesome person in the world and walk away without thinking about how does the other person feel now. I would be intolernat as fuck, this fact multypling the ammount of fights and disabling bronyism. I'd be self confident, and would not get upset by anything wrong people say about me - after all, it would be ME, not them who is omniknowing and god-like in everything. I would love being the cool person in the middle of crowd admiring me. I would only believe in scientific proofs and would consider all religious people complete nuts worth being tortuned to death. I would be either totally straight or totally gay, and could not stand people of different orientation I would consider reading a total loss of time and the list goes on o.O Now, this is a bit creepy. Does anypony here know where could I get an anti-dischord amulet so I could protect myself from this horribility ? xD Splendid siggy by Chaotic Dischord, awesome avatar by Suntouched Coco!Ask me anything you want ! You'll make me happy and (most likely) get an answer !Omnia vincit Amor. When the world around you turns gray, stop, and think about rainbows.-->(> How would you describe me ? <(<-- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clarity 3,094 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 I'll be nicer, less selfish, less lazy, always on time, studious, kind, and happy. Who wouldn't want that? Not me. I don't want to be any of the above if I had to betray Applejack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SmileForever^.^ 128 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 *Gasp* Why haven't I thought of this?! The discorded me would probably be a legend when it came to sarcasm, graceful and have at least some form of table mannerism. - Sounds awesome! Discord, here I come! *Realization edit* But then, I would also be selfish, I wouldn't take into consideration of anyone's feelings, I would hate life, hate nature, hate everything, i'd be a big snob. I would have literally no sense of humor, I'd be a bully. Worst of all, I wouldn't smile...ever! *insert DUN DUN DUN* By looking at what characteristics i'd have if they where parallel, it makes me proud to be who I am, and you all should be too. We are all great people with many talents and passions, don't be afraid to show thee world who you are. AND THAT'S HOW EQUESTRIA WAS MADE!!! My Role-play character /OC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YesIAmTori 285 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 I'd be very cold to everypony and then I'd laugh when people annoy me, I'd be easily trusting and hate baking. It would be THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING! "Never give up" ~Noodles, The Offspring Photo made by Gone ϟ Airbourne Peppermint Cream (Me), Lucky Charm (My mum) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mycarhasaMoustache 449 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Considering Iget up at 5am everyday and drive 20 miles to do my job witch I hate then drive home sit on the internet for 6 hours go to bed and repeat I feel like Iv already been discorded. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Chaotic Fireball~ 499 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 (edited) I would go out of my way to annoy and anger people, andI would ignore everything they say. That's me on my worst days. I guess that's it Edited December 8, 2012 by Fireball Rush "Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings ~Drawing Requests~ Ask Me Anything ~ OC's ~ Art Gallery ~ Soarin' is best pony Join the navel revolution! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nicolae Carpathia 140 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 I would be worse then i am now. instead of being a little evil and some what insane, i would be completely evil and very but much so insane. but those are the up sides but the con would be this i would just be a sack of rocks. From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YesIAmTori 285 December 8, 2012 Share December 8, 2012 Considering Iget up at 5am everyday and drive 20 miles to do my job witch I hate then drive home sit on the internet for 6 hours go to bed and repeat I feel like Iv already been discorded. I know that feeling man, it's quite similar for me except my routine is get up at 6, get bus to school, go through 5 mindless lessons that will never come into being a baker (except for maths, that could be useful) and see that guy (you know who I mean), get bus home, have an argument with someone then draw something to try and make me feel better. 1 "Never give up" ~Noodles, The Offspring Photo made by Gone ϟ Airbourne Peppermint Cream (Me), Lucky Charm (My mum) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wubsie 1,123 December 9, 2012 Share December 9, 2012 (edited) My OC would pretty much be a huge threat to everyone since he would go corrupt with power and use his machines against the forces of good. Honestly that would be pretty cool IMO. FANFIC IDEA MY IDEA I CALLED IT Edited December 9, 2012 by Chalk The Chao 1 I Steam I PhotoBucket I Youtube I Ask Me Anything! I Quote Feld0 spelled backwards is illuminati Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discorded Bluenote 126 December 9, 2012 Share December 9, 2012 Me? HAHA! Discorded, I'd be hell. In fact, I'd probably be worse than Discorded Fluttershy! >:3 That basically what happens on my bad days. Youtube~Twitch~Ask.Fm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 December 9, 2012 Share December 9, 2012 If I was discorded I would be a lot less perverted, wouldn't have as much of a potty mouth and would probably be more trusting and accommodating to authority as I currently am quite blunt and am very distrusting of the authority especially government authority. Of course it wouldn't all be good I would also be extremely lazy, selfish, stupid, arrogant stuffy, apathetic and kind of boring. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brook 663 December 9, 2012 Share December 9, 2012 (edited) Hm, this seems like quite the propaganda for me, allow me to make a list of possible options, or just one big person filled with everything but the kitchen sink: >Sweetie Belle's worst enemy, AKA Diamond Tiara >A Female >An anarchist who's more narcissistic than the freaking flower >An overly attached pretty boy looking for a mate >A Bassist >That one guy who shot the sheriff >Mean and rude AKA Gilda in disguise >A socially inapt blood sucking monkey >NOT Human >Perverted and creepy >I'd like Rarity for a change I basically have no idea, I'm too damn complex, but some of those are probable. Edited December 9, 2012 by Brook Ask me anything! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Throwaway19573639385 764 December 9, 2012 Share December 9, 2012 I'd stop caring about everything and everyone, I would become a work-a-holic for everything I like to do. Being a bit of a pacifist I would become extremely violent and do things on impulse without doing any thinking. I would lose all intention to try and change things for the better but I would try to make things worse and worse because schadenfreude. I don't think anyone would be a very good target to be discorded because all we'd do is destroy Discord's fun. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homura Akemi 974 December 9, 2012 Author Share December 9, 2012 (edited) Hm, this seems like quite the propaganda for me, allow me to make a list of possible options, or just one big person filled with everything but the kitchen sink: >Sweetie Belle's worst enemy, AKA Diamond Tiara >A Female >An anarchist who's more narcissistic than the freaking flower >An overly attached pretty boy looking for a mate >A Bassist >That one guy who shot the sheriff >Mean and rude AKA Gilda in disguise >A socially inapt blood sucking monkey >NOT Human >Perverted and creepy >I'd like Rarity for a change I basically have no idea, I'm too damn complex, but some of those are probable. It would just be personality. Sex or occupation wouldn't be affected, seeing that Flutterbitch was still caring for animals and Liarjack still lived on a farm, but I understand a lot of your points. Edited December 9, 2012 by Dίscorded Dίsmajo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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